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Compatibility Issues with Windows Vista??


Jan 30, 2007
I just installed Civ IV on my brand new Window Vista (Home Premium Edition laptop. The installation went fine; but when I tried to launch the game, I got a Microsoft message that there are "known compatibility issues" between Civ IV and Vista. I can find nothing on the CivIV website about that.

I am currently downloading the 1.61 file, but I'm wondering if there is something else I will need to do in order for the game to run as it should. Anyone have experience with Civ IV on Vista?

Thanks for any advice you can offer.
calm down play it anyway....if its not written by microsoft with a neat little tag line in the front it will say that regardless of the program you play <ie its not 64 bit native but 32 bit native ...get latest video drivers etc ...and you should be good to go> im runnign xp64 pro ..which is what vista is built on i had that same message when i loaded civ on this machine told it to ignore and run anyway in 32 bit mode
Civilization IV runs fine on Vista. There are occasional graphics "flickers," but you have to be watching closely to catch them.
I have been having an issue that I still have not worked out with Vista and Civ IV. I have the latest updates and all, but when trying to play multi-player using direct ip connection, which is how my wife and I always play, I can no longer connect to her computer. This worked fine under XP, but now that we both have Vista it does not work. Any one have any suggestions?
I`ve installed Civ4, but it wont start because it cannot find some directx9 file. Since Vista ships with DX10, i rather not install DX9c. How did you guys come around this problem?
I didn't have that problem at all. I did install the update found on this site before I even tried playing.
I loaded Civ4 on my new computer, and it won't start. I get a message when I try to start it, that there is a known compatability issue and it just stops loading. Poof!

If anyone has any ideas, I sure would appreciate it. I was going to play civ4 and make sure it worked and then try to load warlords, but like I said, I can't play civ4 yet.

Thanks for any help.
eppybiz: You need to download the latest patch for Civ4 before it will work on Vista.
Has anyone answered lvleph's question about vista and multiplyer yet? I am having the same problem, despite opening a million ports. Please let me know if someone has figured this out. Thx
So I installed Civilization 4 and when I try to load it, it gives me this error about not finding D3DX9_26.DLL. I'm curious, do you think I need to install directx 9 for it to work? Does Vista need dx10 for anything or would it be okay to revert? I would much rather figure out a way to make it run under DX10...
So I installed Civilization 4 and when I try to load it, it gives me this error about not finding D3DX9_26.DLL. I'm curious, do you think I need to install directx 9 for it to work? Does Vista need dx10 for anything or would it be okay to revert? I would much rather figure out a way to make it run under DX10...

Same problem here. I downloaded the latest patch for Civ 4, have directx 10 installed and get the error about needing D3DX9_26.dll. Anyone have a fix for this?

I am running Civ IV Warlords 2.08 on Vista Ultimate x64 without a warning and no general problems.
Would just putting that one dll file on your computer allow it to play? Having directx10 and that dll I mean.


edit: I'll answer my own questions since I just tried: Yes, adding this dll file to your C://windows/system32/ folder will allow the game to work. I'm guessing those with Vista who didn't have a problem used an upgrade version which allowed them to use the previously installed dll. Those who couldn't get it to work (like me) have either a brand new system with Vista or installed on a new or formatted drive.

Here's a link for the dll in case anyone needs it: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?d3dx9_26

Hope this helps someone out there.
Well actually when you install the game on Vista DirectX 9 is simply installing the necessary fiels from the Civ IV CD. It's no problem to run a DX9 Setup on Vista for older games which required the files :)
This might be a new one. I am trying to install Civ 4 on my new Vista laptop. When the install program starts it shows the program at the bottom of the toolbar but you can not maximize it or even close it without going through task manager to end the task and it just stalls there. Any ideas???

I thought that DX was suppose to be backward compatiable and thus DX10 should still run anything that needs earlier DX file versions?

Some games require a specific DirectX 9 file that is not present with DX10. It's easy to fix, though - you just go and download the DirectX 9 SDK, and the file you need comes with that.
Also DX10 is not as backwars compatible as DX9 is. DX9 is downwards compatible to DX3 I think that downwarsd compatibility has been omitted with DX10 and you need to install specific DX9 files for older games.
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