NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

Lurker's Comment: The Nekomi have TAILS! Calling them humans is just disgraceful. If you ask me, just purge them all from the face of the galaxy! ;)
Why are thou not playing? Also damn you people with drawing skills! Damn you! BananaLee for the deal, I'm too lazy to send you the tech info since it cant all fit in one PM.
TO: Nekomi
CC: Wideband Transmission
FROM: 襲来重工業

It is clear that your hostile intent is universally condemned by all logical societies. We give you this one opportunity to officially apologize for your attack and to pay reparations of 20EP for all damages caused.

Choose wisely before history condemns your people for eternity.

TO: United Planetary Nations Council of Sol
CC: Wideband Transmission
FROM: 襲来重工業

We request that the UPNCS commit to continuous broadcast and relay of all recovered combat footage from the Battle of Sol Gate as evidence of the Nekomi's aggressive movements against 襲来重工業 and so that the truth may be documented to all parties within broadcast range as to what precisely occured. We are, to this end, willing to relate all flight recordings of Nekomi invasion, assault, and retreat which we have recovered, along with documentary evidence of their intention to invade the worlds of Epsilon Eridani with ground forces. Furthermore we wish to put a case before the Interstellar Court in suit against the Nekomi for damages to company property and to impose economic sanction upon them for blatant designs on annexing 襲来重工業 space.
I really need to get these Chinese characters, I'm tired of seeing ?????? wherever I go. Where can one obtain the said characters?
OOC: It's Japanese, and it's called Google. ;)
Chinese, Japanese I always mix them.(alex will have my head) Yarrr many thanks yous. 10 pirate points for you!

EDIT: Ooo they are really nice looking.
Lurker Sez:

...despite the hypocricy of this statement considering my avatar...

I never liked those corporate scum anyways....TO WAR!
(rubs hands in glee) this should be good...
OOC: I'd note that I now possess both the strategic and tactical high ground and any continuation of war will result in Nekomi defeat. In fact, I'm even willing to explain why that's so if somebody wants to call me on it. :)
Now you've got the lurker's attention
OOC: The Nekomi either must withdraw from Sol, or they are again violating its neutrality. In which case they can stay, and be in violation, or invade, and be oppressors. Either way, they must withdraw or commit strike two of hostile action without provocation.

If they occupy Sol (either from space, or directly), then their coalition, which is based on the presumption that I am the attacker, will immediately know that they're liars, and since they are going all the way across intergalatic space to defeat aggressors, when the aggressors are revealed to in fact be the Nekomi, the only logical course is to attack or blockade them for disturbing the peace instead.

Alternately, should the Nekomi redirect forces away from Sol to avoid this possibility (and to hush up what Sol knows), they will greatly extend their supply lines and transit times, making any forces sent relatively isolated and forced to fight either through unknown territory or through a single front, giving me much greater time to prepare all the nasty surprises I have in store.

Even should this occur, the moment forces get one system away from mine, they will be bombarded with evidence of the Nekomi's instigation of hostilities; video and audio. There's no way for the Nekomi to block these transmissions without arousing a whole lot of suspicion, and I also have the UPNCS and Huris as credible witnesses who can intervene or transmit on my behalf as well.

In the last excuse, should it somehow come this far, I can simply directly beam the information to their ships when they come into contact, and simply ignore them in any ongoing combat unless they open fire first while continuing to bombard them first. If they shoot first, I am totally justified in shooting back, and they have just invalidated their entire purpose for travelling through all those gates by becoming conspirators in aggression.

In short, by assembling a coalition to fight me, TerrisH screwed himself, because they can't actually help him out in any real combat without learning the truth and turning on him if they have any sense at all and don't want to look like giant idiotic hypocrites. I am completely in the clear on moral, legal, and logical grounds. The only thing he might've achieved is to keep me from taking his stuff in revenge. And I'm more than justified in demanding compensation for his behavior and damages anyway.

And lets not forget that I blew up the pride of the Nekomi Navy, so they're closer to any intervening parties, and also richer and weaker, making them a much juicier and easier target than me, even should the parties involved (I'm looking at you, Furians) be bloodlusting and plunder-happy.

In short, I'm waiting for the Nekomi to sign peace and pay up for being greedy bastards, because I hold all the cards unless everyone wants to flip out, be stupid, and kill me for the sake of killing me. Why am I saying all of this? Because it saves everybody a lot of time and headache. Your gambit fails, TerrisH. Pay up.
Only one problem. we have openly admitted the only reason we are attacking you is because we hate your form of government. I have also not assembled ANY coalition Vs. you. everyone is jumping on of their own free will, or simply being mercenary about it and being paid by us.
they already know the truth. my negative trait is truthfulness, remember?
besides, greed has nothing to do with this. this has to do with near religious conviction that corporate states should not come about again.
I have to stay IC for my faction symphony. this will only end in the nekomies death, oy your factions. eather way, it shall be much fun ^_^

To Sol:
we will respect your neutrality for the rest of the war, leaving but a single scout in orbit to serve as a communication relay. as it is unarmed, this will not violate the De-militarized state of the sol system. we shall not send a single Nekomi Military ship again through the Sol System, unless Shuuria sends a military ship to Sol first, and they openly ignore your demilitarized status. we will continue to supply you with aid to promote Earths recovery even during this war.
Only one problem. we have openly admitted the only reason we are attacking you is because we hate your form of government. I have also not assembled ANY coalition Vs. you. everyone is jumping on of their own free will, or simply being mercenary about it and being paid by us.
they already know the truth. my negative trait is truthfulness, remember?
besides, greed has nothing to do with this. this has to do with near religious conviction that corporate states should not come about again.
OOC: That's fine. Hey, everybody! The Nekomi rear is completely undefended while they're attacking us. Why take just a little from them when you can take it all, eh? We'll distract them while you finish them off. :p If that's the case you're officially contracting the dumbest mercenaries in history. But hey, you want more than just a bloody nose, that's your call.
Right, so when do I and the others down here get to hear about the war? All I have is a vague blab from TerrisH, who can be relied upon to give away his plans, not to mention putting "Backstab" in his title. Though this was possibly more of a frontstab.
Also, just what was the "neutrality of Sol" thing? I figured it was "nobody colonizes it" and "nobody parks troops there", but it seems from context to have included "nobody moves troops through there".
OOC: That was what we initially decided, but Sol is now its own entity. It made its announcement right here, in response to the Nekomi's hostile actions. Meaning TerrisH's promise to leave is probably lies (since he's lying about everything else). :)
login? (Use "guest" if necessary)
>[not shown]
>get-new 5
1 nbg Military Leak from Nekomi, useless Capellans, found nausea cause
2 qmr Nice coding, timeline, new volunteer, possible spy, privacy
>read-new 1
From: nbg
To: mcv
Subj: Military Leak from Nekomi, useless Capellans, found nausea cause
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
>mark-read 1
>dig-sig verify | read 1
>dig-sig open | read 1
Hi. I have a juicy leak with time-sensitive information, our "friends" the Nekomi have gone to war against a group called Shurai HI. It's due to be announced by the local Nekomi advisor before the Governancy this week. I don't know how much they'll say there, so see the block at ft://cryptring/32/783bw for a full dossier. It's about three pages. Also, it details the fact that we got Warpgate Resonance from the Nekomi under special conditions. All secret at present, of course. Standard oaths apply and standard penalties.
Second, our "friends" at Capella turned out to not have anything useful. Much of their research violates ethical codes across the board and depends on human resources, literally. While their genetic technology is fairly advanced, our researchers will probably be able to replicate it in short order. Plenty of squicky images if you want them, though. And porn. Did I mention porn? Honestly, the concept of a beauty-based caste system just runs into a pornocracy every time I think of it.
Last, I found out why so many of us have been getting hit with nausea. We're not taking a certain military battle drug. It's too illegal to risk, I believe, so I suggest carrying out the suit modifications mentioned at ft://cryptring/32/nfeu3 instead. If you want to be risky, mix Cynflexole and re-chlo-2-judiapp oyeth-5-ide in a 3:1 proportion, boil away the remainder, dissolve in water, add cyclobrokuiso-3-vexcradux until the color changes from yellow to green, and freeze between 200 and 250. Pour off the liquids, and you should have the battle drug in the remaining capsules.

>dig-sig verify | read 2
>dig-sig open | read 2
#1 Good job on coding. We cut out 70% of what you did last night, but the remainder is still impressive. I can tell that the new Cyberlands are helping. I've left suppository code in the little red shell on our dear AI-to-be. Check it out at your leisure. Tests on the AI show it surviving for over ten minutes now in the hundred-on-hundred fight. However, we have to expect the engines to be rather different than the ones we've hypothesized.
#2 Estimate was overly optimistic. Ninety-ninety rule, you dig? Expect about two years anyway. The prefab AIs are suckier than we thought. Lots of shelling needed. In one year, we'll have an abstraction that one of us can plug into a wellconfigured engine during an hour. We need failsafes and friendly code which can be blocked in. Remember, military target.
#3 We have a volunteer to help us code. Allegedly from Sezuren, though I don't know why he'd come here. Please relay initiation protocols.
#4 Military raid at a dwelling last night. Track the news yourself, won't risk details. Suspect that we might have a mole near ring 14.
#5 Request increase of digsig block to 64^2. Physical contact will be required. Details to follow once everyone's wired.

login? (Use "guest" if necessary.)
Here's a little something I tried to draw myself - using the plan and elevation views of Dis. It's not really good, but if I was any good I'd have drawn my Hetaera and Brera-classes.

Comments are welcome - but just note that I know I'm no good as an artist.

Featuring now, the Arc-class!

"Holocams ready?"
"Yes, sir."
"Security. Status?"
"All clear, sir. Redundant stunners ready."
"Hold hold hold it, we've got static!"
"Can't be helped. Clear it up quickly."
"Is Chara coming in?"
"Loud and clear."
"Excellent. Go when you like."
Nicholas Churchill stepped up to the podium.
"We go live in five... four, three, two, one - "

"Emergents." Churchill's voice was loud and clear. "It is my very great pleasure to announce the launch of our second colony mission, the PS Aurin. Those of you on Chara, who were on the PS Chroas, understand this perhaps best of all."
Behind Churchill's face, a starmap winked into existence, glowing softly.
"Aurin leaves for Alpha Centauri in a month. Yes, I said Alpha Centauri, next to Sol, ancestral home of mankind. Sol itself is independent and its survivors have established a government of their own. And once Alpha Centauri is reclaimed for humanity, I suspect there will be tourists to Sol and Earth, simply to see the dust there. But that may not be the case at present."
Dramatic pause.
"Our intelligence services report that there is a war going on, between Nekomi and Shuurai. As both are adjacent to Sol, the war has been conducted through the Sol system. And hence the Governancy has resolved to send the pride of our fleet to defend the system. I speak, of course, of the PS Mycat!"
The starmap changed to a view of the Hunter Killer PS Mycat.
"It will be accompanied by the sister ship PS Caturbs, which is currently in the final stages of construction and will make its maiden flight in a week."
Churchill smiled.
"We hope, of course, that hostilities will not spill over to Alpha Centauri, and they may even have ceased by the time we arrive. Which means that there is another concern - the weather. Alpha Centauri's two habitable planets are wet, to put it simply. Wetter than our most torrential rainstorms. The Scourge spared the oldest and least communicative weather satellites in the systems, which were all of the same kind. So Alpha Centauri's habitable planets are haunted by waves which are twenty meters high when quiet and fifty when angry, not to mention the continual - and I mean continual - rain which pours down over every square metre. There isn't a dry spot on either planet. So let me tell you of the plans to remedy this."
Mycat disappeared, and Churchill's face moved to one side of the holoprojections, shrinking slightly as the other side illustrated his words.
"Caturbs and Mycat will simply shoot down whatever weather satellites are still in orbit. Then they will use an often overlooked property of spaceships - namely, being airtight - to dive into the seas and hunt down any systems lying there and continuing to maledict the weather. Meanwhile, the first colonies will begin inside the Aurin where they will be at least moderately dry."
Churchill smiled benevolently, as befitted a president.
"And so I wish to thank everyone who has helped us achieve this. First of all, of course, I thank YOU, fellow Emergents. I also thank the Capellans, who were the first to greet us after the Scourge; our friends the Furians, with whom we are negotiating an alliance; the Norsk Automated Mining cluster who provided us with the orbital facilities where the Caturbs is being produced; and the Nekomi, who provided us with the technology to reach Alpha Centauri."
"Thank you all!"


And wtf?

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