NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

*expects an update tonight anyway*
07:30 UTC, JANUARY 20, 0008AE


“I’m Chasita Menendez, and this is SNN. In breaking news tonight, 襲来重工業 Corporate Headquarters has just released the official flight recordings of the SIS Fuyutsuki during its combat action in the already infamous Battle of Sol Gate. SNN has been granted exclusive access to the recovered footage and is proud to relay the actions of such brave protectors of peace and security.”

And with that the signal cycled over to the standard 襲来重工業 corporate logo, before the footage started to roll.


The battle could already be seen raging in the distance as indistinct flashes of light. Initial sighting was at quite some distance. Down in one corner of the feed ticked time record stamps and velocity data. The Fuyutsuki had gone in on a high-g burn out of Prime’s orbital facilities and was already decelerating as it neared the battle. For the first thirty seconds the flashes continued to slowly grow larger until finally distinct shapes could be discerned. It wasn’t like an old space opera battle. The lasers were invisible until their raking fire turned steel to slag and explosions erupted silently from the molten gashes, while projectile rounds pitted and gouged holes in armor plate, occasionally the bright tracer round showing their relentless spray. Every so often there was the burst of a tactical nuclear bomb, bright blindingly white to which the sun could not compare.

Above all it was silent; deathly silent. The only sound was battle chatter which could be heard on the comms going back and forth fast and furiously between the various onboard navigation and weapon stations, the Captain, and the forces already on scene.

As the Fuyutsuki braked hard as it neared the combat zone suddenly the scene came rushing into focus. There was a single immense Nekomi vessel, now identified as a Yamato class flanked by half a dozen smaller vessels, mostly Fighters. Their fighter compliment was outnumbered but the opposing force had a vastly superior heavy ship arrangement and the fighters were mostly skirmishing on the flanks of the enemy fleet while defensive fire from the defense grid raked the enemy formation to limited effect. At As the Fuyutsuki entered into combat stations with an audible “Action stations,” from the Captain one of the defense posts lit up like a firework after a pass of Nekomi fighters. It was going to be a tough battle.

Even on the jargon-riddled recording the order was clear to be heard: “All forces rally to the Fuyutsuki and Langley; concentrate all fire on escort vessels before attacking main vessel.”

The Fighters peeled off from their engagements and vectored in between the pair of Destroyers, preparing to follow in the wake of the covering fire of their heavy guns…


The gargantuan Nekomi ship was dead. Its upper turret had spat out one last erratic burst of fire before it had erupted in a yellow-white flash, shearing through the upper decks of the Carrier’s armor. Possibly a weapons malfunction due to damage. The ship listed to one side, losing control and began to tumble, parts of its engine structure breaking away under the tensile pressure before a blinding flash consumed the drifting engine pod and quickly swelled to take a good portion of the ship with it—critical reactor failure.

Several other Nekomi ships were smoldering in the cold depths of space as well, the entire sector was littered with debris. The Langley had been shot up badly in the firefight and also bore a large number of battle scars. What remained of the opposing force was retreating. All except for the fighters, which had no escape and were becoming all the more bold as a result.

They could be seen darting this way and that while raking fire across the decks of the two ships, and in the distance several could be seen willingly driving their reactors to critical while dog-fighting with their counterparts, exploding in a blast of plasma and shrapnel that would take out both parties.

One of the transports retreating for the Sol Gate was suddenly struck by a large bore round, the hull visibly deforming from the round passing clean through it before exploding outwards from sudden decompression and secondary damage, debris flying out in all directions. It was impossible to tell what at these ranges, although presumably Nekomi infantry were among the objects rapidly tumbling off into space…

And then suddenly from the right appeared a Fighter moving in at high velocity. It was only seconds from impact, already missing half of its right stabilizer and on fire. It had to veer off or it would hit. But that’s precisely what it wanted. Guns moved to train on it but it was too late…



“Documentary evidence has also been released regarding the nature of the Nekomi strike force’s composition, relating that it contained at least two transports full of infantry and armored vehicles configured for planetary assault. At least one of these transports was destroyed with all hands on board. In other news, 襲来重工業 Corporate Headquarters has announced its plans to petition the newly formed United Planetary Nations Council of Sol for condemnation of the blatantly hostile aggression of the Nekomi state and for a complete embargo of all Nekomi goods…”
23:17 UTC, NOVEMBER 21, 0007AE


“I don’t think there’s anything left of this thing of note.”

“Move it in for a closer look anyway, it’s not like there’s much to lose.”

The camera tilted and panned, zooming in on the consoles—what was left of them anyway. Both Alexi and Cassandra found the exhumation of what was left of the Yamato preferable to the work that had been done earlier on the transports. For one thing, it was much easier to focus on the job, instead of the dead bodies, since there weren’t any in this case. For two, it could be done remotely, although that was because what was left of the thing had been doused in high concentrations of ionizing radiation when its reactor had gone off. Fortunately the bridge was still recognizable, and that was what mattered.

“That one still looks operational.”

“Moving to check it out.”

The camera jittered slightly up and down as the spider-bot made its way over to what was left of the console station. It wasn’t technically a spider-bot, having only six legs, but it was easier to say than the alternatives and “ant” just didn’t quite have the same ring. The static in the reception decreased marginally as they moved away still further from the tear in the hull-plating in which it’d been inserted.

“It might’ve been shielded adequately to have survived.”

Once it got close enough the bot turned on its floodlights and the console panel was illuminated in harsh relief. It seemed intact, at least relative to the outside of the ship. The camera panned around and flashed its light across the other consoles. Most of them were in relatively good shape as well.

“Alright, get the cutter team in here; tell them we’ve found the bridge of the Yamato intact.

“Right. Moving on towards the lower decks.”
17:36 UTC, JUNE 13, 0008AE


“Bogies closing at 5 o’clock, inbound at .026c, 22 degree angle.”

“Compensating aim. Firing.”

Rounds keep coming up short on the target. They’re moving too fast to accurately compensate. Like taking command of a flak battery and trying to shoot a rocket down with it. It’s a good thing turrets have remote stations these days…

“Negative on connection DEFCOM, continue fire.”


What was previously just a blip drifting among the stars is now a streak headed toward the ship at an alarming speed. Have to stop them… display shows rounds going all around the target but just not quite getting there. Can’t spray and pray with current power reserves depleted from the last wave…

“Radioisotope emissions detected—bogies are hot, repeat, bogies are hot, redouble interception efforts, hull integrity is failing.”

Have to concentrate, you can do it if you can just line it up proper… and get lucky…

“Warning, launch of projectiles from bogies detected, projectiles are hot, impact in 3, 2…”

And then there goes that blaze of white right past us. It’s going so fast but you can still see the fighter in clear detail, a dark blue paintjob with neon yellow trim, and I swear to god I can see that bastard pilot waving…


The whole world shakes and shakes and you think it’s going to shake itself to pieces and all you can hear is the chatter get even crazier…

“Warning, multiple hull breaches detected on decks 5 through 16, losing pressure in all of sector alpha. Shields have sustained critical damage and power is offline.”

“We’re dead in space.”

And then all of a sudden everything goes black…


“As some of you are not doubt aware,” said the Lieutenant, under high-speed or high-evasive scenarios current targeting measures are wholly inadequate.”

I can find myself nodding at this, along with the rest of the gunners. Jameson says all of a sudden “But sir, Nekomi haven’t been observed using fusion warheads in the battle—isn’t the scenario unfair to actual combat conditions?”

The Lieutenant smiles just a little “That’s true, Ensign, but it’s what we do, and if they’re smart it’s what they’ll do too.”

He then folds one arm over the other and shrugs a little, saying “I’m not inclined to believe them to be master tacticians, but you prepare for the worst in case you someday find yourself up against it, right?”

Jameson nods “Yes, sir.”

The Lieutenant nods his head toward the screen “The reason we’re holding this drill today is not just to brush up on skills; our fine, fine research department…”

He winks at the woman manning the console next to it. She smiles shyly before going back to tapping away input commands, and he continues “has come up with a prototype fire control system designed to eliminate the guesswork and get us back to being able to hit targets when and where it matters.”

He gestured with a hand at her “Miss Camille, if you would?”

She nodded, and pulled up a diagram onto the screen, before standing and walking over beside it, turning to face us. She cleared her throat, and began “Utilizing a computer to aim a weapon towards a moving target is nothing new and is simply utilizing known data and physics to try and compensate for the movement of the craft—it is no different than what animals and humans have been doing since life began.”

She gestured at the diagram “The trick, however, is when targeting things moving at relativistic velocity or undergoing high-g maneuvers reflexes are no longer enough to reliably hit a target, as I’m sure you’re aware.”

Everyone gave her their silent agreement. She tapped on the screen, and it changed to a new diagram, giving a visual demonstration. “What we have done,” she said, “is to work with available AI routines and surviving fly-by-wire systems already installed into our systems to create a prototype targeting system capable of engaging targets even under these high-stress conditions.”

The code scrolled by seemingly-endlessly. She turned off the display and smiled at us “It’s still early in the testing stages but we have petitioned Headquarters for the incorporation of it into your training simulations while the Langley is in dry-dock.”

The Lieutenant turned his gaze from her back to us and smirked “So, wanna see what this thing can do?”

We all give the obligatory “Yes, sir!”

Anything that saves our necks is good in my book.


“Bogies closing at 5 o’clock, inbound at .026c, 22 degree angle.”

“Roger, targets locked, system is compensating. Firing.”

The delta formation of the five fighters suddenly erupts in a circular explosion off-right. The far right fighter peels off to one side missing a wing as two more, center and off-left erupt in gouts of smoldering debris.

“Focusing on inbound unit. Secondary turrets focus on breakaway. Engaging.”

Several rounds crisscross the path of the last fighter as it weaves and jinks before finally one goes straight through its cockpit. The fighter tumbles for a moment before breaking up and exploding in a spray of shrapnel.

“Bogies one through four finished, targeting bogey five.”

“Bogey five is attempting evasive maneuvers.”

“This is Starboard Six, I have a lock.”

“Starboard Nine also verifying lock.”

Bogey five is pierced two ways through a split second apart and goes off in a ball of fire just like the first hit.

“All bogeys terminated. Damage report checks out no damage.”

I like this prototype. Wave at that, you cocky bastards.
16:02 UTC, SEPTEMBER 14, 0008AE


A big show had been made over the recovery of the Yamato. Not only had its death knell been paraded out on SNN’s discussion panels countless times, not only had the footage been provided for free viewing on the networks in glorious high-detail, not only had it been utilized as a major morale-boosting victory in all media sources, but it had one final, dubious distinction. What was left of it had been hauled to the orbital assembly arrays around Prime. The decision was motivated by many different factors: shaming a defeated enemy, recovery of materials, intelligence-gathering, and pure unrefined spite.

It was well known that the Yamato had been the pride of the Nekomi Fleet. The fact there was only one was enough of an indicator, though when vidcaps of its unveiling were smuggled back to Shuurai space that had clenched it. And so an appropriate revenge was formulated while both sides eyed one another.

It was parked not terribly far from where the Fuyutsuki and Langley were undergoing repairs. In occasion shots of it they could be seen in the distance, being repaired in dry-dock. And they had begun to strip it down for parts, for information, for technology, and for propaganda. Piece by piece it was dismantled, torn apart, and scrutinized. Nothing escaped inspection. In some cases raw materials from it were of sufficient state that they could be used as feedstock for the bioreactors growing replacement parts for the two Destroyers. The corpse of the Yamato was quite literally being eaten by its vanquishers—and every moment of it was documented.

News broadcasts were made regularly about its ongoing deconstruction, mentioned passively amidst the other bits of carefully calculated news. Not simply to the actual citizens of Epsilon Eridani or Kapteyn, no: the feed was always transmitted to Sol, and most especially to Rana as well. It was very carefully worded and calculated just for the Rana especially. It was designed to say: look what you joined, you joined barbarians, barbarians that cannot even win with the element of surprise.

And again, the final moments were relayed along with it, over and over again. But that wasn’t the greatest value the Yamato gave Shuurai’s R&D department, oh no.

Out of the shattered hulk of the blasted ship they had recovered most of its bridge in tact, and with it, most of its gate dialing and navigation protocols. They had been damaged, both by the combat damage and the irradiation of the main drives going critical, but they were still found and dissected in minute and scrutinizing detail. What was found was never made explicitly public, but it was the greatest coup of the battle besides the battle itself: confirmation of warpgate resonance protocol.
The code was patchy at best, scrambled by the high-energy ions and gamma rays produced by the Yamato’s last great bang, but there was enough, perhaps, to reaffirm the independent research of Shuurai into the same matter. The very means of transport which had enabled and emboldened the Nekomi to strike so recklessly and unthinkingly had, by their own devices, fallen into the hands of those they had sought to extinguish. Karma was a funny thing.

The Yamato was picked down to its structural skeleton before its frame was broken up to be incorporated into third tier commercial utility vessels, mostly ore-haulers and refuse transports needed for the construction of the Kaguya at Secundus. The great pride of the Nekomi had not only been beaten and broken, but humiliated and cannibalized for parts. The message sent was very clear: all who followed in its wake would meet similar fates.
OOC: Gahh! I hate you symphony :p I thought the update was up!!! :(
Hey the de novo(whatever that means) nanobits kick ass. And that's not because I am jalf drunk or anything. Damn medium hulls limiting weapon enplacments. Squids are delicious though.
Sorry guys, RL simply got too much in the way today. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and this week was it. Tomorrow is Saturday though, so I can promise the update will be up tomorrow (rather early probably, for those in western TZs anyway ;)).

And doubly sorry to those who thought this was the update... :p
Year 5

In the wake of the year that saw the first hostilities, the year that followed was eerily silent, almost peaceful. The Nekomi aggressors had withdrawn, licking their wounded paws and noses, rebuilding and restructuring. Peace was clearly not on their minds as they hated the Shuurai with a religious fervor, blaming them for everything from sour milk to oppression of people to the scourge itself. This demonic image they tried hard to convey to their percieved allies, hoping to rally the galaxy against the resurgence of megacorporations.

The requests from the UPNCS to be left out of any hostilities were honored by both sides, and the Nekomi even took steps to help Sol maintain its own independence. The corvette and tanks gifted into UPNCS care were gratefully accepted, though the offer to station 500 Nekomi infantry at Sol were graciously declined. Machines can be controlled, but the loyalties of people cannot, at least not to the same extent.

The Shuurai meanwhile certainly did not sit idle. They too rebuilt and extended their defenses, with the development of the new and improved Vantage class destroyers as one of the key accomplishments. But if the battle scene was quiet and empty, there were other things to be heard and seen. At least if you lived at Rana, where the Shuurai flooded the gate from Kapteyn with (very selected) broadcasts of combat footage, along with standard pro-Shuurai propaganda and anti-Nekomi sentiments. The Nekomi, having no means to stop the broadcasts, could do nothing but damage prevention, telling the "truth" to all who would listen, and hoping most would see the broadcast "lies" for what they were.

(-10% stability at Rana, +4% stability at Kapteyn and Epsilon Eridani)

Meanwhile, the rest of the galaxy waits for news and rumors, and factions build up their defenses, vowing not to be taken unawares.

Elsewhere, refugees at both Alnitak and Jiao Xiu saw help arriving from the skies. Particularly appreciated were the medical assistance, allowing their struggle for survival to be more geared towards production once more. The non-too-subtle propaganda served with the medpacks, in particular at Jiao Xiu, was swallowed without much effort.

Random mini-spotlight

Several new colonies were set up all over the galaxy. By far the most dramatic was the Emergent colony at the watery main planet of Alpha Centauri. The malfunctioning terraforming facilities had run rampant for many years since the scourge touched them, creating an environment full of raging storms, torrential rains and near-constant floods. The Emergents did what they could to remedy this, shooting down weather-control satellites and even going into the seas to take out the outdated ocean stabilizers. While this worked to some extent, calming some of the most violent weather reactions, one key point was somehow overlooked - the very reason those systems were set up in the first place. Since the planet's environment was inherently turbulent, although nothing like they were now, the weather systems had been set up to curb the turbulence and create a reasonable environment to live and work in. If the Alpha Centauri system is going to be put to full use again, new control systems are likely to be needed. Still, the Emergents are probably not too worried, since their designs with claiming the system were geared more towards a trading post. Being in the vicinity of Sol, and as such close to the headquarters of both the Nekomi and SHI, estimates on trade yields were enough to have the accountants singing in the AC rain.

(Emergent colony at Alpha Centauri, Emergents-Shuurai and Emergents-Democrats contact)

Story Bonuses:

+ The Shuurai are preparing for war. (+20 fighters)

+ The Concatenation Bible holds hope in dire times. (+2% stability at Benalia)

+ + + + + + + + + + Norsk Automated Mining have a very extensive ship design database. (+12 to Cost-Efficient Design research)

+ The Emergents have first hand information on the war. (+5 fighters)

+ Emergent fighter design is very simple. (+5 fighters)

+ The Cyberlands are becoming more advanced by the day. (+5 to Holographic Simulation research)

+ Sirrah is genocided and colonized. (+2 to Guided Missiles research)

+ The Furians decide to stay out of the war - for now. (+5 fighters)

+ + + The Capellan ship database is slowly growing. (+4 to Cost-Efficient Design research)

+ Emergent hackers are highly competent (+2 to Holographic Simulation research)

+ President Churchill has a plan for those pesky weather systems at AC. (Weather redev penalties somewhat lessened at AC)

+ NAM forces are investigating the warpgate machinery. (+2 to Warpgate Resonance research)

+ Letters from the front come with positive tidings. (+1% stability at Benalia)

+ The Capellan Broadside is a much appreciated read these days. (+5% stability at Capella)

+ Kozmos knows how to motivate scientists. (research of Prosthetics and Interfaces completed despite underspending)

+ Furian Football is very popular among the masses. (+5% stability at Fury and Altara, +2 banked PP)

+ The Church of the White Christ alleviates concern about Nekomi modifications. (+1% stability at Benalia)

+ The Great Ascendancy of Imperial Guangdong has a rich history. (+6 banked PP)

+ + Shuurai have detailed blueprints for their ships. (+5 fighters)

+ Cybran scouts are easy to build. (+1 scout)

+ The Colonials prepare their defenses. (+30 fighters)

+ The Nekomi are to blame for everything. (+2% stability at Epsilon Eridani)

+ + The Yamato bridge holds precious knowledge of the warpgate protocols. (Warpgate Resonance research complete despite underspending)

+ The new smart targeting computers show great promise (+4 to Smart Targeting research)

Special Bonuses:

The Emergents wants mankind to prosper. (Most appreciated action: +10 banked PP)

NAM designers have lots of experience. (First (and most) ship drawings: +10 to Cost-Efficient Design research)

Random events:

The insular people of the Ascendancy are not overly pleased with the government's expansionism. (-5% stability at Niu Yue)

Anti-Nekomi sentiments at Rana sometimes go to the extreme. (-1 redev of Rana)

Emergent scientist bless their luck at finding the derelict Battleship so intact. (+1 extra to a number of techs)

This took a lot longer than I had hoped for, but I don't think it's the last time it will spill into Saturday. I hope y'all have the patience to bear with me anyway. :)

And number of stories this time, heh, don't even know how to count it really... No free bonus this time though, can't keep spoiling you like that. :D

Maps and tech info may be out tonight, or in worst case tomorrow.
OOC: Good job with properly identifying my faction as the "strongest" TerrisH. That's borne out so well by the vast technological superiority all the other factions are rapidly developing. You're a master strategician. :mad:
02:17 UTC, JANUARY 19, 0009AE


The klaxons kept on going, over and over, providing an aural component to the whirling orange-yellow warning lights of the bay. “Warning,” stated the comms in its dreary, prim and proper speech, “main hangar bay preparing to vent to vacuum, all personnel evacuate immediately.”

Various personnel scrambled to wheel away the final diagnostic check equipment and toolkits in an orderly manner. It wasn’t a rush for safety—the airlocks wouldn’t cycle until everyone was out—but it was a rush for efficiency. The neural network knew enough not to cycle through until all personnel were out of harm’s way. Epsilon Eridani’s space dock was being kept busy these days with the cycle of construction and deployment. The Warrior in particular was a favorite product of the upper echelons. Cheap to produce in vast numbers and remarkably efficient for its size, it was in constant upgrade cycles and its production line was designed specifically to accommodate on-the-fly design upgrades and improves. The launching bay which they were now evacuating was the final part of that sequence: it was segmented from the rest of the assembly line; as soon as a unit was completed it could be sealed off inside, decompressed, and launched for final testing and delivery. The line was, at full tilt, capable of producing one Warrior fighter every four days. Production levels weren’t yet high enough to necessitate expanding the facility, or producing another, but the option was there.

As the last of the engineers scrambled out of the bay with their tools and gear the comms changed its tune, stating “All personnel clear of main hangar bay, executing segregation and decompression—standby for autolaunch procedure”

From both sides and the top and bottom of the bay four massive doors with blunted triangular teeth slid out of their moorings, one set behind the other, converging toward the center point of the room before clanking together with a satisfying sound, one set just before the other. “Segregation of main hangar bay complete,” said the comms, “initiating decompression and autolaunch.”

There was an audible hiss for a moment despite the thick protection the doors provided, and then a brief roar as the atmosphere on the other side vented. After a minute the comms sounded again, “Autolaunch complete, sealing main hangar bay and equalizing pressure.”

The technicians waited idly by as the computer performed its regular cycle of repair, milling around over the next Warrior waiting in line and checking its state of completion. In the distance behind it loomed large several dozens of others, in decreasing state of completion the further back one went until they disappeared beyond the gradual curve of the manufacturing line. The whole scene was lit by an eerie, bright, pure-white light which gave off no sensation of heat or warmth whatsoever, and which only compounded the vast, sparking fireworks of plasma-torches working on the hulls of the ships at seeming random. There were more hulks lined up than there were actual orders from Headquarters for Warriors. The logic was simple: when the orders came, they’d be ready to produce more. There was never any reason for the line to stop production, particularly with the threat of the Nekomi looming large. Efficiency was, as always, king.

“Equalization complete, cycling main hangar bay back into operations,” chimed comms.

With that the blast doors rolled back with a faint hiss as air from the two halves intermixed once more, the orange-yellow lights continued to whirl and cast strange shadows throughout the assembly line as the blare of the klaxon resounded throughout the bay. The engineers and technicians picked up their tools and began mobilizing back into the reopened hangar bay. Just as they began to move, so too did the conveyor that carried the massive Warriors, the whole line rumbling into action as it rolled down forward, bringing the next one in line into the hangar bay and filling the slot behind it. The workers scarcely noticed their motion along with the machines, continuing their work as usual. Somewhere, miles down the line, a new hull rolled out onto the floor, ready to begin fitting and construction.

“Main hangar bay operational,” said comms flatly.

No sooner had it spoken than the equipment carts were being wheeled into the bay again to continue fabrication on this Warrior, as yet unchristened—giving one a factory name was always the final touch. And so the steady beat of industry drummed on. Peace might be good for commerce and production, but so was war.
Lurker comment:

This NES is regularly becoming a favorite read. It makes me wish I'd been here when it started. Very impressive.
OCC: Whats that? another bandwagon? well maybe, also the first of 3



This visual shows CII seen from medium orbit above roughly the 120th Parallel east, here the eastern shore of the Labyrinth Sea can be observed and the various climatic variation can be seen. To the north east the Gullinkambi Bulge can be seen and the great wastelands to the south east.

<History: Settlement of the eastern shore. >

Major conurbations are shown outlined in red and an itemised list and summary of major settlements is given below.
<General Summary>
Numerous monitoring stations and experimental agricultural settlements existed since the Corrigan era, but major population movements only occurred after the construction of the transcontinental piste in 4 AS reached the sea at what would become Heptsa. Since then an enormous boom in agriculture and aquaculture, plus large numbers of people wishing to escape the climate and crowding of Shipdown city has caused explosive population growth. With a relatively clement climate, cheap transport, and a reaction to Shipdown city has resulted in truly heroic urban sprawl by the new western cities, and they have earnt reputations as pleasant places to live. Industrial development is low, but many research modules and universities have shifted operations west and financial services are growing.


1. Hamingja, a small northern outpost at the extreme end of the North-west Piste branch. Situated on the clement Kay Peninsula, Hamingja is a noted tourist destination for its great forests and whisky production. Also is the entrepot for the produce of the automated fish farms on the northern arm of the Labyrinth Sea, on of the most <more>
2. New Vardo, second largest of the western cities exists as a long coastal strip at the edge of the Kettering Plains, with a brief surge inland to meet the piste connection. With a population growing by half a million a year is by far the most rapidly expanding city on the planet, good winds and current produce a Mediterranean climate <more>
3. Heptsa, largest, oldest and most developed of the western cities (though New Vardo is catching up fast), Heptsa original purpose as a switching station between the cross desert and the coastal pistes gave it a great economic boost and its great aquaculture industries keep the trains running around the clock <more>
4. Jan, a small settlement on the southern end of the coastal piste route, majorly concerned with biodiversity studies in the heavily forested southern islands and rare element prospecting in the rocky tundra of the south <more>

<Regions of interest>

A. Circle Bay west of Heptsa is the site of a standing current system and 50%+ of the planets phytoplankton reserves, vital for maintenance of the planets oxygen supply. Must be constantly maintained by mineral supplements supplied out of Heptsa via a mechanism of aerial <more>
B. The Kettering plains where the lowlands around the Labyrinth Sea meet the Gullinkambi bulge. The heights of the Rampart Range catch most of the moisture rising of the sea and bestow on the plains their great fertility as hundreds of rivers wind down from the mountains to the coastal settlements <more>
C. The great Transcontinental Piste binds the agrarian west to the industrial centres of Shipdown city, and over a hundred thousand people travel the great maglev route each day. It was situated in the great desert south of the Gullinkambi bulge after residual seismic activity <more>
D. The great Southern Desert, vast sand dunes and rocky wastes and the complete absence of hydration make this one of the worst regions on an unforgiving planet. Corrigan Inc had plans to water this region using fusion plants in the southern icecap, but the cluster stated policy <more>
E. Gallus Mons, the greatest mountain on the planet is situated high on the bulge, many avid rock climbers and researchers wishing to test new mining equipment make pilgrimages to its near airless peak each year <more>
Great update, eagerly awaiting the report. Also damn you dis and your graphically oriented thingamabobs you do.
OOC: I do apologize for my miscalculations niklas :( I was expecting some actual fighting this turn though... :mischief:

*sigh* People write soo many stories :eek:
Well people have been waiting for a well-designed space NES for a looooooong time...

Hail to the Niklas.
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