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NiNES: A Broken Galaxy



The second visual shows the planet 150 degrees around from the first image, here the western projections of the Labyrinth Sea can be observed, the great mass of the Gullinkambi bulge can be appreciated in full and the flat expanses of the supercontinents central regions can be seen. Finally in the south east the greenery of the Constantine Peninsula can be seen, and the urban mass of Shipdown city is apparent in the north.

<History: Settlement of the central regions>

Major conurbations are shown outlined in red and an itemized list and summary of major settlements is given below.
<General Summary>
<Corrigan Era>
In AD 2482 Corrigan Inc, a planetary Terraforming an development company acquired rights to the barely habitable Rigel CII. Large scale industrial work in the Polar Regions freed large stores of volatiles, providing the water for the Labyrinth Sea (named after the colossal and intricate ravine system that was inundated to create it) and thickening the atmosphere to its current comfortable 700 millibars at sea level. Some 15 years later small scale settlement began and large amounts of engineered plants were seeded in the region later known as the Constantine peninsula, and the city of Constantinople was built on the equator and settled by the Irish-Asian-Canadian stock the companies shareholders favoured <more>
<The Scourge and the Flight>
With the arrival of the scourge CII was relatively late to be infected thanks to their isolation, however the some forty million miners exploiting Rigel’s rich asteroid belts from mobile habitats were much worse effected. The Habitats made the great flight across the 2000 AU between the Primary and Rigel C and arrived in orbit in very poor condition as the scourge rapidly assaulted their systems. The Corrigan settlements, out of contact with their parent company refused to permit the refugees to land, and several nervous individuals threatened the habitats with CII asteroid defense network. Panicked, the Cluster refugees commenced a nuclear bombardment of Constantinople and sent space planes to secure the secondary settlements to the west. The vast disembarkation onto the central plains now occurred as over the course of 13 hours as over 7000 individual habitats and ships were deorbited and landed under their last ergs of power <more>
<The Birth of Shipdown City>
The refugees crowded north out the wreckage plains to the shores of the Great Brackish swamps where some of the few remaining power sources were used to crack the salt water for hydrogen and fresh water. The habitats were scrapped and native materials were mined to construct the great city to house the population whilst expeditions were sent all over the planet looking for vital resources to sustain the colony through the lean years. Large slums quickly sprang up despite <more>
<Later Periods>
The rebirth of Shipdown city and the cluster came with two major advancements, the laying down of the Piste routes to the western coasts and to New Constantinople to enable a secure food supply, and the rebirth of commercial spaceflight from its vast spaceports to the east <more>


1. Shipdown City, the greatest urban centre on the planet, sprawling across a thousand kilometers of dusty plain and home to 82% of the Cluster’s 70 millions. Coalescing out the wreckage plains the city is the hub of the transcontinental piste network and home to the great majority of the planetside industrial facilities. Some aquaculture and hydroponics occur in the swamps to the north, but at current the city is reliant on food imports from Constantinople and the western coasts. Most of the population lives in large arcology type <more>
2. New Constantinople, originally named Ravenscourt, was renamed after the destruction of the original Constantinople. The home of the majority of ex-Corrigan personnel and colonists, although immigration from Shipdown city is beginning to change that. Centre for biological and Terraforming research on the planet, and the agricultural zone about it provide a great deal of Shipdown City’s <more>
3. The Southern Settlements, formed by ex-Corrigan personnel fleeing south after the occupation of New Constantinople, seeking to escape Cluster control or wage a guerilla war. However with the acquisition of the NC agricultural lands the NAM Cluster had no further intentions towards Corrigan assets, and a ceasefire was negotiated some years ago, and a need for Shipdown City’s industrial products has gradually integrated them into the global economy. An extension of the piste route south is <more>

<Regions of interest>

A. The ruins of Constantinople and the old Corrigan Terraforming machinery, after orbital bombardment the region was rendered radioactive and uninhabitable. Estimates on when it will be safe to recover and reactivate the technology vary form 5 years to 50 years, though many of the biotechnologists of New Constantinople have been experimenting with a radioactive cleanup bacterium. Low level overflights of the ruins continue to be a popular sell to <more>
B. The Agricultural zones between new and old Constantinople show many of the latest and greatest strains of crop developed before the scourge, the genetic code of the cereals carrying human technological advancement out of reach of the scourge. Engineering works down in the southern projections hint at plans to extend the growing zone further east if Shipdown Cities population continues to grow as the Sharpe report projections <more>
C. The Constantine Peninsula is home to the only jungles and most of the forests on the planet, experimental Corrigan nanotech having pushed the soil through a hundred year development cycle in less than a decade. With the break down of the central control systems the jungle has grown somewhat wild and feral, and there are reports of ship rats and snakes free from their programming growing up to 110 cms in length and adopting predatory habits. Dr S. Irwin is currently doing a long term survey to confirm these reports <more>
D. The vast expanse of the wreckage plains are a region three times the size of the old earth state of Texas covered in bits of habitat metal and ceramics and hundred of ship components. Used as a resource by Shipdown cities industries as the high dry reduces corrosion, some regions are rendered dangerous by reactor failures and feral automation <more>
E. The metals brought to near the planetary surface by the rise of the Gullinkambi bulge some half a billion years ago have proved a great resource to SC’s industries and large regions of the highlands and ravines have been rendered into giant strip mines. As metal extraction moves off planet and back to the rings however, further ecological damage may be prevented <more>
F. The southern tundra is a pretty crappy place to be, you know? <more>
G. The Great Brackish marsh to the north of Shipdown City is a vast but shallow expanse of water ranging from 1-6 meters deep and is home to a rich ecology. There are plans to use modified mining equipment to dig out great trenches in the Marsh and connect with the Black Sea and the Labyrinth Sea in the west, enabling shipping to travel direct to Shipdown city and provoke a more active movement of the hydrosphere to increase rainfall on the central plains. So far the pressure of environmental groups and the lack of funding has hindered this project <more>
H. The Black Sea is called such due to the great amounts of mineral oil that leak up from the bedrock under it, rendering it glistening and quite lifeless at the current time. However the sunset over the iridescent ocean is one of the most spectacular sights on the planet <more>
This NES is regularly becoming a favorite read. It makes me wish I'd been here when it started. Very impressive.

Well people have been waiting for a well-designed space NES for a looooooong time...

Hail to the Niklas.
Thanks, first time I've had my named transformed into a title. ;)
But it's not me who should have the praise. I'm just providing the backdrop for a bunch of great players. Incidentally, this NES is my favorite read as well. :)

OOC: I do apologize for my miscalculations niklas :( I was expecting some actual fighting this turn though... :mischief:
No worries, I can count myself, no way to fool me like that. ;)
And I just realized I forget the scapegoat for this turn, so here goes:

Scapegoats-of-the-turn: Disenfranchised and germanicus12, for missing important trades in their orders.
I return!

OOC: John Hatch appears here courtesy of germanicus12 and the rather military Furians, I hope his character is acceptable. My apologies if he's become a caricature, but at least he isn't Conan In Space. germanicus, tell me if you want something changed or removed.

Also, factions I have contact with are free to use my ambassadors in stories. Emergent ambassadors are generally polite, no special tendencies in most areas, some religious, (depending on how your faction would accept that, I suppose,) committed to the principles of independence and democracy, and try to refrain from speaking if they could get into an "incident".

"Please welcome John Hatch, Furian Representative to the Emergents of Providence!" blared the loudspeakers.
The doors of the formal reception chamber swung open to reveal a proud man with obvious military bearing, and his retinue.
"Welcome." President Nicholas Churchill said graciously. "Please, accept this little gift from us." He strode over to Hatch and presented him with a sword in an ornate scabbard.
"Thank you." Hatch drew the sword and inspected it critically. "No ornamentation on the blade itself, I see." He sheathed it again. "And please accept this gift of ours in return." As he presented Churchill with an empty little pedestal, there were bursts of applause and flashes of light from the surroundings.
"Let's see... mm, this would be your general, I suppose?" At the touch of a button, the pedestal had been filled with a detailed holosculpture of a man six and a half feet tall.
"Sir, it's-" but the two of them were interrupted as everyone who thought they were anyone suddenly tried to get a word in with John Hatch.
Churchill sidled over to his Chief of Security. "Nothing's changed?"
"No, sir. We're still expecting him - or her - in twenty minutes.
The crowd continued to buzz around Hatch. Churchill smiled as he overheard some of the more esoteric requests. A security team picked up a teenager who had falsified his entry pass and had been trying to get Hatch's autographs. Nothing gave any sign that there would be an assassination attempt. Which, of course, was how good assassination attempts worked.
Churchil socialized politely, mumbling platitudes at various representatives for special interest groups, studiously avoiding Bishop Mandible. As the hubbub began to die down, Churchill sidled over to Hatch.
"John. I won't insult you by asking about your reflexes, but please draw your sword. I think you'll make a wonderful impression if you contribute to saving my life."
"What!?" John Hatch didn't understand, but drew the sword anyway, uncounted years of military training in his hindbrain telling him that he should be armed in an uncertain situation.
"There will be an attempt on my life shortly, possibly targeting you as well. It will fail, of course. Since you're a professional, I thought you might want to kill the assassin yourself. It will be in" - Churchill noted the time - "one minute twenty seconds."
"Interesting." So when this man finds an ambush, he does not disarm it, but sets a counter-ambush. Hatch noted Churchill's way of thinking. "Who is behind it?"
"We don't know. Whoever is behind it opted for discretion over information."
Somewhere behind them, a glass shattered and expensive drink spilled across a floor and expensive clothes.
"They haven't contacted the assassin in a month. On the other hand, that means they can't change their plans. We'll try brain-scans, but the assassin will be carrying a neurodestructive pill. Let's move and see whoever follows us." Churchill raised his voice. "Why, I haven't shown you the Muzan artwork! You must come and see it!"
Lord Marcus Forad (the title was an anachronism; he was a wealthy factory owner) charged after Churchill, screaming "In the name of Knuth!" at the top of his voice. He was wielding a broken wineglass.
Hatch might not have had training with the sword, but his reflexes were top of the line, as was his hand-eye coordination. The sword hit Forad's hand, shattering the wineglass into shards, then swept down to the side of his head. Hatch stepped back, realizing that Forad had already been shot several times by unobtrusive security forces, and that Churchill had moved well out of the way, so far that Forad couldn't have reached him before dropping from the shots anyway.
"I think you saved my life!" Churchill shouted theatrically.
"Poison on the glass shards. He broke it intentionally. You can see the coloring. You should use synth material; this stuff is dangerous to have around." With the threat ended, Hatch was dispassionately analyzing the situation."
"Tradition, I'm afraid. Besides," and here he dropped his voice, meaning that Hatch would be the only one to hear him over the hubbub (the crowd was just now realizing what happened) "my security forces spotted him breaking the wineglass and applying the poison."
"He was completely incompetent! He should have pre-poisoned something naturally sharp, or used a contact poison, or-" John Hatch stopped with some embarassment as he realized he was giving assassination advice in a nonmilitary setting, where his words might be taken out of context.
"No, I think he wanted the publicity, or at least his backers did. That's why he wanted to attack at this exact moment. No doubt there will be an extensive investigation into his finances, and I suspect that someone will have owned a very large portion of whatever debts he may have had. Purely speculation, you understand. Besides, our pathology labs keep antidotes for every contact poison on hand. Simple enough, since there aren't very many of those that are effective. Something we learned from the Capellans."
"I understand. And as for the Muzan artwork you were going to show me?"
"Completely fictional, I'm afraid."
Sorry, wife just decided I won't finish the PMs tonight. All maps are done, but there's still tech info to be written. You'll have them tomorrow. :p
Algieba System
Class: B
# of Major Planets: 6
# of Dwarf Planets: 245
# of Asteroid Belts: 1
# of Cows: 4,572&#8230;&#8221;
Wait, what? Okay, who&#8217;s the joker!?

&#8212;Fleet Admiral Cort&#233;s, after the CFA entered the Algieba System


Colonial Database of Active Unit Classes

Active Units: 5 (Magellan, Atlantis, Ponce de Leon, William Clark [W. Clark], Meriwether Lewis [M. Lewis])
Class: Frigate
Role: Long distance Scout, Exploration, Communications Relay
Origins: Colonial-designed
Starship Intelligence:
Spoiler :

Active Units: 190
Class: Fightercraft
Role: Swarming, Precise Strikes, Interception
Origins: Pre-Scourge
Fighter Intelligence:
Spoiler :

Active Units: 30
Class: Fightercraft
Role: Swarming, Precise Strikes, Interception
Origins: Colonial-designed
Fighter Intelligence:
Spoiler :

Active Units: 4
Class: Corvette
Role: Anti-fighter, Escort
Origins: Pre-Scourge
Starship Intelligence:
Spoiler :

Active Units: 1
Class: Frigate
Role: General Combat
Origins: Pre-Scourge
Starship Intelligence:
Spoiler :

Active Units: 1
Class: Carrier
Role: Indirect Support
Origins: Pre-Scourge
Starship Intelligence:
Spoiler :

Active Units: None
Class: Colony Ship
Role: Found Colonies
Origins: Pre-Scourge
Starship Intelligence:
Spoiler :

[[OOC: All ships designed using GalCiv2: Dark Avatar. And the designs are all just flavor for story -- no UUs, at least not yet.]]

[[EDIT: Oh, and...I just realized it says United Federation of Sezuren in there...oh well. You know what it means. ^^;]]
Really nice images Global Nexus! As a suggestion for improvement, why not put up the images directly inside spoiler tags, like so:
Spoiler :

Then I won't need to have them open in a separate window... :)
OOC: How do you do those ship designs? Do I just google them or what?

Also wonderful use of John Hatch's character, Erik. Though thwarting the assassination attempt was a bit over the top but whatever, Furians do have great reflexes...:p

My story will come soon.
I have a pic!! No ships as I want to wait a week because I want to get a game that will allow me to design ships. Idea from Global Nexus, Thanks.

But I do have a Pic of Fury's Presidential Apts.


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I am such an idiot...I looked through this entire thread trying to find the elusive "map", when I finally realized...on page 20...that they are sent via PM and are just the territory you've discovered :p Very creative idea Niklas, perfect for this NES.

Uuumm, is there room in the galaxy left for me?
Uuumm, is there room in the galaxy left for me?

I thought I saw something in the first page about being closed to new arrivals, otherwise I'd have asked the same question about a week ago.

I could be wrong though. After all, the Ascendancy is new...

but I'm just a lurker, don't mind me :blush: :lol: ;)
OOC: Of course, but the Ascendancy technically just took the planet of the never existing Patriots ;)
05:33 UTC, FEBRUARY 3, 0009AE


I don’t like guard duty. Being in combat has historically been described as being 90% boredom and 10% terror. As one is only in combat perhaps a tenth of one’s time of being in a military service, at most, that means something like 99% of all military service is boredom. It recalls to mind the famous axiom “Hurry up and wait.”

Guard duty is taking that 99% and condensing it into tangible form. Nobody with any real marbles is going to attack a defense installation like this, particularly when they’re the ones it’s protecting. Headquarters had found it prudent to begin construction of several mass-driver installations around Neo Ako during the course of its (re)construction. The discovery of the desalinization plants had cut budget considerations sufficiently enough for funding to be reallocated to the construction of a rudimentary planetary defense grid. The outbreak of the New War had only added to the desire to have such a system in place.

It isn’t really much to speak of, in that it’s a grouping of several large-bore railguns around the city which are capable of reaching orbital targets and putting some hurt on them. It won’t do much to stop an all-out invasion or any serious attempt to knock the city out by bombardment, but it will give grief to anyone trying to land troops on it and can protect the place from stray asteroids, so I guess it has some monetary value. Still, that doesn’t make me enjoy spending Friday night guarding it. Not that there’s much to do on this rock…

“Hey, Sarge, why you think they got us guarding this damn magtube,” asks Ditirich flippantly.

“Why the hell do they ever ask us to guard anything, Dit,” I ask back, before I supply the answer myself “Because it’s important.”

“I don’t think this pea-shooter would do much to stop the Nekomi,” said Ramirez.

I’m getting impatient with this, “Maybe not, but it at least makes the people think they’re secure even if Fleet goes down, so that’s what matters, eh?”

To this observation there is silence. Then, suddenly, from Ramirez again, “What’cha think happened to those survivors?”

“I don’t know, Ramirez, they certainly knew enough about working the place that they’re probably in company employ now,” I say.

Again a sort of uneasy silence reigns, before Ditirich peeps up with “Goddamnit I hate guard duty; you know, there’s this really nice bar got set up down there in Ako near the waterfront district, actually has real tequila, not just that synthetic stuff.”

I really just want some peace and quiet but he and Ramirez start chatting it up and not much is going to happen tonight, so why not let’em talk?

A look over new Ako shows the typical Shuurai city: already getting tall, gleaming, and full of bright lights. Looks like old images of Las Vegas, only not quite so gaudy. Maybe like the main streets of Tokyo used to be. It was already bustling with a population of over 100,000, and was currently the largest city in-system. Then again, Ichi wasn’t exactly the most hospitable planet either (at least compared to Prime or Earth) and so it made sense that population and redevelopment would be slow. Still, it was pretty enough for a new town. Those engineers way back when had done a pretty good job of allow the entire Horizon class to be utilized for colonial construction. If you knew how to look you could see some of its panels used in the building skins.

Out of nowhere Gage speaks up, “Sarge, you think they’re going to send us to Rana?”

Ditirich and Ramirez shut up immediately at so frank a question; it betrays their own concern at the question. Nobody knows quite what the Furballs have been up to over there but it probably isn’t any good. I continue to stare at the city for awhile before shrugging my shoulders slightly “I don’t know.”

I turn halfway to face all of them “But they’ve sent us just about everywhere else, haven’t they?”

They all seem to just stare blankly, or so their visors give the impression, before I hear Ditirich cursing under his breath. Comms crackles to life and it’s LT “Liana, status report.”

“No sign of any activity, just like all the other checks, sir,” I say.

“Roger,” comes the frank reply, and he’s gone.

I lift up a hand and make a looping motion with my index finger “Alright, time for patrol, lets go.”

Ditirich mutters another curse, Ramirez groans, and off we all go to patrol the perimeter. I hate guard duty.
Also wonderful use of John Hatch's character, Erik. Though thwarting the assassination attempt was a bit over the top but whatever, Furians do have great reflexes...:p
Well, he didn't quite thwart it personally, the assassin had been spotted previously and shot several times. Churchill just wants it to look that way for Public Relations reasons.

Maybe it's time for a somewhat less epic story, with a bit of humor instead. :)

Message received from the PS Magellan:

Dear Emergents,
we on the Magellan wish to report that the crew of the Magellan is gone, but we will return them before sending the ship to Alpha Centauri, where the crew will meet their fellows again. It's been fun here, and we hope you'll let us out some day. Please, do try not to fill up your brains with all manner of nonsense. So many systems can be replaced or made more efficient.
Yours in respect,
we metaconsciousnesses.

Message received from the PS Magellan:

Please ignore the previous message, Bob thinks it's funny to transmit his black sense of humor to everyone else, especially when he knows that a message starting "Please ignore the previous message" will be met with suspicion. What's going on his that he and a few others have managed to stay a little bit awake in the stasis chambers, and since the brain doesn't need to run the normal functions, they've got a somewhat expanded consciousness. This violates the principle of the stasis chambers, so expect him to die young.

Message forwarded to the Benalian Communication Center via Altair Relay:

Please see the two attached messages and note that there is no "Bob" listed among the crew, either first name or last name.

Message sent from the Benalian Communication Center to Altair Relay:

Bob is a common abbreviation for Robert. Please see the attached psych profile for crewman Robert Hordin. Whatever moron was on duty is hereby demoted, and we'd fire you if we had the transport to replace you.
Uuumm, is there room in the galaxy left for me?
I thought I saw something in the first page about being closed to new arrivals, otherwise I'd have asked the same question about a week ago.
It is true that the intention was to close the NES after the start, for technical reasons. But things haven't quite played out the way I expected them too, which means that there is at least theoretically room for a few more factions on the map. If you are serious about joining, and intend to be dedicated players (just look at the ones I already have too see what standards I will come to judge you by), then contact me via PM.

Yeah yeah, PMs a-coming soonish. Promise. :p
To President Nicholas Churchill
From Head Monitor Aranper Domson
Report on the colonization of Alpha Centauri

The destruction of the berserk remaining weather satellites on the prime planet where the PS Aurin landed, hereafter "Prime", has improved the general conditions on Prime, allowing dry manufacture and storage outside of the Aurin's shell. This has improved morale and allowed the colony to spread greatly. See section A.
Research into the past of the weather satellites indicates that Prime was geologically unstable and was forcibly stabilised during the early rush to colonize. This pressure mandated the addition of twice as many weather satellites as were originally planned, in addition to deshock stations covering several square klicks. The arrival of the Scourge loosed these pressures, likely causing complete death. See section B.
The several years' overwash of water can be simplifiedly compared to dousing an unfired clay ball while it was under pressure. Prime has been greatly reshaped compared to pre-Scourge records. It is my professional opinion that these metaphorical pressures have been expended to such a degree that our coming addition of weather control systems will be like drying said metaphorical lump of clay after it has been reshaped into a brick. See section C.
In the near future, we expect that our climate models will have reached such a degree of sophistication that we can begin seeding the still-present cloud cover with crystallization chemicals, hence diminishing the rain. The collapse of the waves to one-third their average height and the rarefication of inundating tsunamis has made Prime a far better base to build on. Now that multiamphibious drones are no longer needed for the great majority of Prime, we expect that development can proceed rapidly. See section D.

Section A: Colony Development on Prime
After the PS Caturbs and PS Mycat had shot down all orbiting weather control systems, the Aurin was in orbit for over three planetary rotations during its search for a landing site before lowering its standards from the specifications given here to a level described roughly as "a twenty-klick saddle point". The Caturbs spent half an orbit spotting and guiding the Aurin to its landing point, while the Mycat began exploring the nearest section of ocean to the landing site for weather control systems. The landing remained within all other operational parameters, with no casualties.
The colonists had mentally scaled down the magnitude of the rain and were surprised by the conditions despite repeated briefings. As on Chara, the first week was spend taking soundings and explorations. At the end of this time, we were lucky to catch a break in the clouds visible to the naked eye. One month later, these began to occur on a weekly basis. We were put in mind of the primordial, everboiling Earth by the way the rain fell continually. 13 men were lost to a tsunami measuring an incredible 1.3 klicks in height. This was the single largest fatality up to the present day, where I am glad to report that the colony is flourishing admirably.
All animal wildlife appears to be aquatic, some amphibious, and advanced plant life has not had time to evolve to meet new conditions. The ground is generally mosscovered. We have begun to have rain-free periods lasting up to an hour in length, and more importantly, the air humidity is down by three tenths from the value at landing time. Many caves display stalactoids of unusual composition due to the weather patterns of the past years.

Section B: Stabilization History of Prime
(Note that this section is highly subject to vagaries of archive retainment.)
The proximity of Alpha Centauri to Sol made Prime one of the earliest colonization targets from Earth. Due to political conditions, the five-year plan for securing Prime in the long term was repeatedly scaled down until it became a two-month plan and a series of stopgap measures. This can favorably be compared to an arms race in which no interested party wished to delay their own plans for Prime and the Alpha Centauri system as a whole but rather pushed ahead faster.
Prime appears to have been far drier in the past, made wet by the addition of several icebergs harvested from the asteroid belt. This and several other measures disrupted Prime further, leading to the need for the stopgap measure described above. Deshock stations to inhibit quakes and a great many weather satellites to prevent the weather from revolting made the system safe for the sixty or so years that Prime was colonized before the Scourge, which released a great deal of pent-up pressure. As an example, the aurora storms would likely have made Prime appear as luminous as Alpha Centauri at a distance of 1 Lune.
Prime's retention of one class of old weather control systems led to the stagnant prevalence rain. Without this, Prime would probably have been ripped by seaquakes as the water settled.

Section C: Current Conditions of Prime
The omnipresent rain has permeated Prime to a point where it has ceased to trigger changes and has instead stabilized them by causing most faults and stress points to reach a low energy level. If we drain Prime correctly, it should be possible to preserve these states. I also advise calling or sending in experts on using clay as a natural resource, as very large amounts of hydrothermal clay have been found. These may even aid us in the development of nanotechnology, as we have identified at least ten forms of Quick Clay with deposits of over one kiloton.
We have been able to set up several trades of materials with private groups from the Nekomi, SHI and even Sol. This is covered in the accountant report already, but I mention it here as it will likely be a vital part of Prime's future.
Our colony is distributed around a saddle point on the second largest continent of Prime. We have not yet had the leisure to send explorers to any of the other three continents, but we suppose that they are much like this one: Devoid of advanced or complex structures or animals, meaning that this has been as good a place as any to set up our manufacturing complex.

Section D: Proposals for Prime's continued redevelopment
Our introduction of weather control systems should probably begin with stirring up the wind. This way, clouds will be pushed into and up mountain ridges, forcing condensation and creating rain shadows where previously slow-drift clouds and atmospheric humidity ensured that all of Prime was saturated. We should take control of the rain system post haste following this. If these can be implemented within the year, the remaining systems can probably wait up to five years before intervention becomes necessary, as Prime, though still a fairly hostile planet, is now a predictably hostile planet.
An estimate suggests that if Prime were given materials and personnel equal to the value of the trade income mentioned in the accountant report, it could be made three times as productive as it is now within one standard year.


Idle footnote from the manual of style: Refer to a spaceship as PS [shipname] (Providential Ship) on the first mention. Later, merely [shipname] is acceptable. When other factions are present, use PS throughout, referring internally to other ships in the form [faction] [shipname], e.g. Sezuren Atlantis.
Niklas did my explorer scout got lost?
The central planet we&#8217;ve colonized in Algieba is the third planet, Lydia. I was given the opportunity to name the planet myself by the Colonial government, but I decided not to. I would&#8217;ve named it after my daughter and I didn&#8217;t think that was appropriate. Then my second-in-command was offered the chance. What did he do? He named it after his daughter.
&#8212;Fleet Admiral Cort&#233;s in an interview


The Colonial Federation is vulnerable. Anyone and everyone can tell you that, but this also applies to most other interstellar nations at this time. And, like most of those nations, the Federation seeks to limit its level of vulnerability. Not that any of this needs saying &#8211; most successful civilizations need to do so just to survive. But the Colonials desire a bit more than survival &#8211; they desire safety and security. To help them accomplish this goal, they&#8217;ve started up three R&D projects &#8211; one for each general weapon type.

The Odin Project has gotten the most initial attention, stemming from the relative simplicity of it compared to the other two. Odin&#8217;s goal &#8211; develop more powerful, more accurate, more feasible railguns and defenses against them. Thus far the project has born a great deal of fruit. The Odin-28 Railgun and the Odin-30 Railcannon have entered mass production and will be present in all ships of Frigate class and up from now until something better comes along. Corvette-versions of the Odin-28 &#8211; the Odin-14 &#8211; will become the predominant weaponry on all ships of said class soon as well. Plating developments have gone much more slowly, with up to 25 centimeters of titanium plating being the best armor developed.

The Loki Project has gotten less overall attention, mostly because railguns are &#8220;simpler&#8221; weapons. Loki&#8217;s mission is to create functioning missile and rocket systems that can accurately strike their target as well as defenses to stop these &#8220;smarter&#8221; projectiles. Some useful developments have occurred so far, mostly in the development of the Loki-16 missile delivery system. Though not the most effective system available, the Loki-16 is more than capable of at least delivering one successful missile strike. Unfortunately, most earlier missile systems &#8211; with the exception of the fighter-based Loki-4 and Loki-8 &#8211; are &#8220;useful&#8221; in a &#8220;hope to whatever God you believe in it hits&#8221; sort of way. No real defenses against missiles have been developed yet, either, mostly because real results from the weapons are desired first.

The Thor Project is the equivalent project for laser development. It&#8217;s the most recently started project, as well, and as such has had very little funding and very little development at all thus far. The absolute best laser system is the Thor-10, which is actually a better weapon than the Loki-16 but uses a lot of energy and lacks the range necessary to be very effective. Defenses to lasers haven&#8217;t even been thought of yet due to the absolute lack of a good enough laser weapon to test a defense against.

Each of the projects is named after a god in an old, violent mythology &#8211; fitting for their purposes.
Niklas did my explorer scout got lost?
Not that you know of. Indeed you don't know much about him at all considering he's outside communication range (there's no one at Anser that can hear him scream ;)). Considering you didn't give him any special orders, you never know when or if he will resurface...
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