The World Turned Upside Down

update will start in a couple hours, still need orders from a couple of people, but most large nations have already sent theirs in. BTW, just cause the projects are messing with what my plans were for economy, I am considering cancelling the whole project bit. I had originally intended for economy to be under my control to be based around real life economies and growth, and the projects mess with that. plus getting rid of it will make updating that much quicker and easier.

However, i will allow those who have already started projects to complete them.
Orders coming shortly.
Orders sent!
Public Spending will become for welfare and police style things, instead of for projects. Basically it will keep Dissent from skyrocketing. This will not have as much effect now as it will later. And i have changed my mind, i am cutting all great projects which have only used public spending, those who have spent military spending on projects (only one person i think) will get divisions to make up their losses.
Update has begun. And we've got one hell of a show tonight folks, explosions, fanatics, and of course that all time favorite, let's give a big hand to........

Question on the Economy thingy.... is it possible to begin to depart from RL? Like if we get more land or if we build more industry? Cause whats the point of reforming your nation if you can't make it better, faster, stronger!
Well i'll make a comprimise, you can do government policies and such toward economy, but without having to spend, and industry will also be more heavily affected by private enterprise. Trade agreements and pacts will also significantly affect economic growth.
Well i'll make a comprimise, you can do government policies and such toward economy, but without having to spend, and industry will also be more heavily affected by private enterprise. Trade agreements and pacts will also significantly affect economic growth.
That sounds perfect:goodjob:

This is shaping up to be a fantastic NES. If we keep around this pace, in a year we'll have had ~120 Updates!!!

Future here we come!
EQ: I spent 1 IC on a project that never showed up last turn, do i get compensation for that?
public spending is compensated for, but since you spent military ,you get a free infantry division.
Global News

TEHRAN PACT ESTABLISHED. Tehran, Persia. Diplomats from the United States, the Nipponese Empire, Italy, and Persia have announced the formation of the Tehran Pact, a full alliance and trade pact. The diplomats have announced that this alliance is to act as a counterbalance to the growth of aggressive Asian power and the formation of a "disturbing axis of global power around St. Petersburg".

GLOBAL TRADE BOOMS. With recent resolutions passed within the Council of Nations and other efforts in removing trade barriers, multiple nations have reaped the rewards of increased international trade. Most of the new era of merchants trade exclusively within the Council of Nations, and the completed Panama Canal has been proven to be a significant factor in the new economic boom. American corporations are also reaping the rewards as the trade through the canal begins.

North/Central American News Report

UNITED STATES FIELDS SCOUT PLANE. Washington D.C., USA. Following several months of testing, the Wright Brothers have managed to produce the first military feasible airplane. American military officials have used the new plane to patrols borders and watch for smugglers and other illegal border crossings. Several minor border skirmishes have been fought on the Colombian-Venezuela border as US forces apprehend gunrunners.

ROOSEVELT REELECTED. Washington D.C., USA. In a landside election, the American government has regained Theodore Roosevelt as the President of the United States for an unprecedented third term. Claiming a new process of statehood, allowing regions to join the United States if they have a majority of English-speaking people as well as a 3/4 popular vote and a state constitution. Already, just days after being elected and the amendment completed, the state of Vancouver was admitted into the union as the 49th state.

South American News Report

AMERICAN ALLIANCE ESTABLISHED. Brasilia, Brazil. The governments of Chile, Nicaragua, and Brazil have agreed to expand the Brazillian-Nicaraguan alliance to include the small nation of Chile. The newly formed American Alliance has vowed to protect the nation of Chile "from the expansionist imperialists in Buenos Aires". Several minor border skirmishes remain unconfirmed from the Brazillian-Argentinan border.

ARGENTINA EXPELLS DISSIDENTS. Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the largest forced exodus in South American history the government of Argentina has forced a large number of communists into Chile. This has caused massive unrest within Chile, while lowering communsit and labor issues within Argentina. The Chilean government has vocally protested this action, but naturally the Argentinan government is not listening.
(Argentina, -5% Disset; Chile, +5% Dissent)

SOUTH AMERICA GEARS FOR WAR. With rising tensions in the small continent heating up along the Chile-Bolivia border, the region seems ready to burst into open warfare. The American Alliance and the American Accord have made constant gestures against eachother especially with the forced exodus from Argentina and recent border skirmishes among South American powers. Multiple nations, having for some time been geared for economic development and peace, have begun once more funding the military and prepaing for what seems to be an inevitable conflict.

European News Report

SCANDINAVIA UNIFIED. Stockholm, Scandinavia. Culminating from the past decades' worth of nationalism and pan-Scandinavian feeling within northern Europe, the kings and Parliaments of Denmark and Sweden-Norway have agreed to consolidate their regimes into the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia. Communists, rightists, and democrats have united in the nations for the grand ceremony, and a week of celebrating were followed by a month of national hangover.

African News Report

BOER REPUBLIC DEMANDS REPARATIONS. Pretoria, Boer Republic. Since the Great War, the people of the Boer Republic have felt great animosity toward the remnants of the British Empire. In the past year, disputes over the South African border have heated up as Boers and Indian troops fight minor skirmishes. These were sparked by recent demands by the Boer government to the British Royal Family to recompense the Boer nation for the damages the British had inflicted over the years of war and occupation. Despite attempts to focus blame on the new London communist regime, the Boers still focus protests and unrest against the Indian Empire.

Asian/Pacific News Report

EMPRESS OF CHINA IN DISREPUTE. Peking, China. Following an empassionate wedding day speech from the Forbidden City, the Empress of China has alienated most of the world when she proclaimed "Democracy shall be suppressed." Another exacerbating factor for relations is the government's banning of any communist organizations in China. Many people accused of being communist have disappeared overnight across the country. The people of the globe now view the Empire of China as a threat to democracy, and some private interests may be responsible for the growing turbulence within some of the Chinese countryside. (Chinese opinion goes to Hated)

UPRISING IN VIETNAM. Saigon, colonial France. Vietnamese nationalists, armed with Chinese and British weapons have risen against their French occupiers. Inspired by the communist uprising in France proper, the Vietnamese have actually managed to throw French soldiers out of several of the larger cities. Though they have not actually consolidated into a new government, the Vietnamese have demanded the withdrawal of the French garrison, who remain loyal to the French imperialist government.

Council of Nations News Report

COUNCIL OF NATIONS IRRELEVANT? Geneva, Switzerland. With the failure of the Council of Nations to effectively prevent private trading with the communist regime in Britian and the frequent bickering over free trade and other economic methods, and finally topped off by the massive surge of violence in Russia and western Europe, the people of the world are growing tired of the Council. Though the majority of the world's people mantain hope that the Council will restore peace and stability to the world, a large minority is convinced that the Council exists solely to exploit the proletariat and further the cause of international business.

CHAIRMAN ELECTIONS COMING IN 1913. Geneva, Switzerland. Woodrow Wilson, current Chariman of the Council of Nations has announced that according to the treaty written by the Council in 1907, elections must be held in 1913 for Chairman. Wilson has announced his intention to run again, citing his successes with the Freedom of the Seas resolution among others. Opposing him is Theobald von Hollweg, a prominent German statesman and Karl Staaf, one of the masterminds behind the unification of Denmark and Sweden-Norway. All member nations must vote on the Chairman for his inaugaration as leader of the Council in 1913.

002-11: passed with 19 votes
001-12: Open till 1914
002-12: Open till 1914


Based in Europe, the communist parties of Portugal, France, and Spain, growing and prospering from the recent turmoil each country has suffered, have risen in open revolt. Across the world this has opened numerous opportunities which some nations have taken advantage of. Many of the beleagured nations' remaining colonial possessions have been siezed or are near open revolt. However, the revolution came at the heels of the Prague Conference in late November, so fighting and casualties have not yet occurred en masse. Below we will depict the dramatic change these tumultuous events have inflicted upon the world.

IBERIAN REBELLION. Based out of Madrid and northern Spain, the communist party of Iberia has united in cause to throw out the proclaim "reactionary governments of Spain and Portugal." Central and northern Spain have been siezed by the communists, and they have assisted the French Communist force in capturing the northern Pyrennes. Most of the Spanish and Portuguese armies have joined the insurgency, though the Portuguese Navy remains loyal to the monarchy.

FRENCH REBELLION. Rising from vicious government treatment of protests and the communist party, the communists of France rose in open revolt and siezed the streets of Paris. Following the Parisians lead, the people of other cities in the north rose as well, particularly the Belgians. A large part of the military has also joined the rebels, though a significant minority remains loyal to the Republic government. In the south, the Pyrennes remains under the control of the communists, mostly due to Iberian support.

ITALIANS OCCUPY PARTS OF SPANISH EMPIRE. The Italian Empire has taken advantage of the growing Communist uprising and moved into several formerly Spanish possessions. The Baeleric Islands were seized at the end of November, Northern Morocco was occupied in mid-December, and both Barcelona and Gibralter were taken from the Republican Spanish government on Christmas Day while the garrisons were siestaing.

US/LIBERIAN FORCES MOVE IN AFRICA AND THE CARIBBEAN. American troops, acting from prepositioned forces anticipating the French and Spanish collapse, have occupied large tracts of land. US soldiers based from Florida and Colombia have occupied the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. An American naval taskforce has also occupied Fiji and France's other Pacific island colonies from bases in New Zealand. Finally, a prepositioned Liberian and American force have used the Niger River to officially gain control over all of French West Africa south of the Niger.


In the southern parts of the Holy Russian Empire, Muslims occupy the position as religious majority. With the recent dispute in Albania, Russia's position in the Islamic world has deteriorated in extremes. Though Islamic unrest has been minute within Palestine and Egypt, it has exploded in Persia, Asia Minor, the Caucuses, and Turkestan. Though no regions have actually declared independence as of yet, Muslims have siezed most of the major cities in Central Asia, and most Russian raillines in the Caucuses have been destroyed. In Turkey, a large number of Muslims have begun rioting under Turkish nationalist, Enver Pasha. The rebels have inflicted heavy casualties upon the Russian militia in the region, destroying some divisions entirely. Contributing to the growing success of the Muslims is the arrival of a large amount of British weapons, and more ominously, a large amount of light machine guns, apparently based off of Italian designs.
Russa: -5 Militia Divisions, +5% Dissent


Like earlier mentioned, I will remove Great Projects and information relating to them in the rules following the updates. Sorry for those, but they messed up my system for economics. Don't worry, your economies will still grow.

I have added an Alliance section onto the tech post, this will include Global Opinion towards the alliance and its actions, included will be the Council of Nations, which will reflect the world's opinion to how the Council is doing its job.

World Map

Spoiler :
EQ, i believe that Germany, Italy and I have a central alliance since last turn that wasn't mentioned..?
Great, Amazing, Fantasmagoric Update

China disposes of Democracy in it's own lands. This is a just practice, just like stamping out Communism within your own borders are. Hate us if you want, you are all living on Chinese territory as appointed governors by her majesty, the Empress Longyu.
To Empress Longyu
From Teddy Roosevelt

America is no one's slave! If you think you are so powerful, how about a bare knuckle boxing match between the two of us? I have no problem hitting such a horrible "woman" like yourself!
OOC: HAHAHAHAHA!! I'd go bankrupt to buy tickets to that match.
From Germany
To USA, Italian Empire

The USA and Italian Empire we believe were in the best interests of restoring order in the savage lands of Spain and France to prevent Western interests from being destroyed. However, especially regarding Italy why did you seize Spainish lands? These are not colonies and we hope this occupation is temporary until the Republic of France and Kingdom of Spain restore order.

Germany will not participate in an alliance with Italy as planned if the Italians intend to recreate the Roman Empire.

Germany wishes to cooperate with Italy and the USA in reestablishing order in Western Europe. However, we will not tear apart the states of France, Spain and Portugal which will lead only to more unrest. This anarchy on our borders is in direct conflict with our interests and is a hindering the battle on communism.

From Germany
To Council of Nations

Germany is going to enforce the Council's embargo on the British isle. If any ships are found attempting to run the blockade they will be brought to justice. We purpose a international court be made to try criminals who violate resolutions.

From Germany
To Democratic France

Germany will deploy a large expeditionary force to help reestablish order within your nation and ensure that communists do not seize total power.

From Germany
To Spain, Portugal

We will do everything in our power to help restore the order that has existed in your two nations for centuries. We condemn the Italian seizure of Spainish homelands.

From Germany
To Union of Scandinavia

We recognize your new state and welcome you to the international community. Hopefully, you will help be a new ally in the fight against communists.

OCC: Great Update
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