The World Turned Upside Down

Starting update now. I'd like to remind all of you of one important aspect of war in this time frame. There is no LSAT. Amphibious invasions are not those that we imagine of D-Day or the Pacific Front in WW2. Amphibious invasions now require the use of ships' lifeboats and the soldiers using the oars in an arduous process of getting from ship to shore. During this time artillery would lay waste to the ships and the soldiers. Therefore a single division CAN actually slaughter 20, assuming they had enough ammo and the invaders were stupid enough to keep sending in the cannon fodder. Fortunately for those of you learning this unpleasant lesson, that didn't happen, but it could have.

Just thought i'd get that out of the way, and I hope when the next war comes, ya'll will learn your lesson.

I was afraid my plans were unfeasible and like I said I was in a hurry. Let my generals adjust their strategy if need be. However, I am hoping overwhelming numbers and strong naval bombardment will allow my toops to pave a way.

I know amphibous landings were generally avoided during this period because they were very complicated and hard to organize.

Let me generals fix things if they are way out of line... I was not envisioning a D-Day landing but something similar to Napoleon's plans to invade Britain.
Ah so its like the Anzac cove landings in WW1, where they rowed up... crazy!
@Farow, your's were the most realistic, and by far the ones in the best terrain. This does not mean you won't have problems, but others will be far worse off.

@Tyrion. Gallipoli was only saved by Mel Gibson, who single handedly defeated the Turkish army. So says the motion picture Gallipoli (that's not what really happened in the movie, but it happened in my mind)
EQ my troops are aiding The Farow/Germany so they should be in the same theatre as them! sorry i didn't specify that (thought it's implied since... my relationshipw ith them..) Btw, should i expect the update tonight or can i go to sleep? :)
EQ my troops are aiding The Farow/Germany so they should be in the same theatre as them! sorry i didn't specify that (thought it's implied since... my relationshipw ith them..) Btw, should i expect the update tonight or can i go to sleep? :)

I sent your troops to France. Mine are the only ones that went to Britain :)
Orders coming!
Global News Report

NATIONS MOBILIZE FOR WAR. Among the nations of the Council of Nations alliance against the communist regimes in Paris, London, and Madrid, many of them have begun mobilizing their economy for war. In almost all cases this has been unopposed by domestic forces, as national security took precedence over private holdings.

EURASIAN ALLIANCE REFORMED. St. Petersburg, Holy Russian Empire. Led in a move by the Russian government in opposition to the formation and growing strength of the Tehran Pact, the Eurasian Alliance has been reformed into the Common Front International. This global alliance has welcomed nations all over the world into a full alliance and power balance to the Tehran Pact.

GENEVA CONFERENCE. Geneva, Switzerland. In the aftermath of rising global tensions caused by the formation of the Tehran Pact adn the Common Front International, a major conference of global powers was called in Switzerland. Resulting from the convention was a multitude of recriminations between alliances and rising tensions. Defusing this was merely the agreement of an united stance against the communist regimes in Western Europe, resulting in the invasion of Britian and the defense of the Paris Commune. Despite the united success against communism, relations between the alliances have yet to thaw.

North/Central American News Report

WAR PROTEST IN WASHINGTON. Washington D.C., USA. A large minority of American people, headed by American Council of Nations Chairman Woodrow Wilson, have protested against the war in Britian. Led partially by the American Socialist Party Eugene V. Debs has condemned the American invasion of Scotland as an "Unlawful act of aggression." A large number of American isolationists and leftists overwhelmingly agree with the pacifists. (+5% Dissent for USA)

South American News Report

COMMUNISTS REACH BRITIAN. Due to a program by the combined Argentinan and Liberian governments, communists from both nations were assembled to be shipped to Britian. However, after docking in Liberia, the unwilling passengers discovered bombs planted on board the vessels to scuttle them with the communists on board. The passengers then overthrew their gaurds and oppressors and managed to escape with the majority of ships through the German blockade of England. (+2 Militia Divisions for the CBW, Argentina goes down to Neutral, Liberia goes to Disliked)

European News Report

GREEKS BEGIN LIMITED WELFARE PLAN. Athens, Greece. Following the increased hours and tougher shifts that Greek workers have had to do during the Albanian War, the Greek government has passed a limited compensation plan for disabled workers. This has brought the Greek labor unions more closely aligned with the government, though the average Greek citizen is unhappy with the tax increases needed to mantain the program. (+1% Dissent for Greece)

TURKS CONTINUE REVOLT. The announcement of an 8 o'clock curfew by the Russian military governor has caused the Islamic Turks to explode into even greater violence against the Russian government. Heavy fighting and continued supply of arms by other Islamic interests has increased the capacity of the Turks to resist, and despite the overwhelming Russian numbers in the region, the Turks seem close to throwing the Russians out of Asia Minor. In Turkestan, similar fighting continues with greater success as the Muslims in the region have destroyed over a dozen Russian military bases and outposts in Central Asia. (-4 Militia Divisions for Russia.)

African News Report

BOERS OCCUPY MOZAMBIQUE. Pretoria, Boer Republic. Following the admittance of Portugal to the Tehran Pact, the Boer Republic has annexed the Portugese colony of Mozambique. Supported by other members of the Tehran Pact and acknowledged by Portugal, this has nearly doubled the effective size of the small African nation. Boer private companies have gained significant boons from the resources of the newly acquired territory.

Asian/Pacific News Report

KOKKAI CONDEMNS COLOR OF DRAPES. Tokyo, Nipponese Empire. The Nipponese Parliament, the Kokkai spent most of February and March of 1913 condemning the color of the drapes in the meeting room. Over 50% of the council said that red was too harsh of a color for the meeting room, while the others felt it lent a regal aura to the area. A vocal minority of the Kokkai suggested petitioning the Nipponese people for their own personal choice for colors of the drapes. 43% of those polled said that the drapes should be yellow with red dragons on them. Fifty-six percent said that the drapes should be removed altogether to let the light in for better vision. One person said that the drapes should be mauve with green polka-dots. He has been executed.

Council of Nations News Report

Woodrow Wilson remains Chairman of the Council of Nations.

Resolution 002-12: Open till 1914
Resolution 003-12: Passed with 19 votes- Nonmember noncommunist nations may join the Council of Nations, invited are the Empire of India, the Empire of China, Afghanistan, Abssynia, and Dar-al-Islam. (Increases Italy's global opinion to Liked and the Council of Nations to Neutral)
Resolution 001-13: Failed by 15 votes
Resolution 002-13: Failed by 18 votes
Resolution 003-13: Failed by 18 votes

SPECIAL: Communist War Report

LIBERIANS CONTINUE AFRICAN OCCUPATION. Monrovia, Liberia. Liberian forces, martialled against the alleged communist threat have moved further into French West Africa, occupy large tracts of virtually barren lands. Resistance has been none existant, though a Republican French division did disband in the face of the Liberian advance. The Liberians have also moved into the smaller Portugese West African colonies despite token protests from Lisbon. The Liberian forces have only halted their advances due to severely stretched supply lines and a lack of garrison military forces, though private corporate security firms have protected commerical interests in newly occupied areas. Use of modern American military equipment, as in other theaters, has significantly aided in the occupation. Already private Liberian corporations have begun exploiting the newly acquired resources. (+1 Private Enterprise IC, +3% Dissent, Global Opinion goes to Hated)

ITALIANS BOG DOWN IN PYRENNES. In the face of massive resistance in unfriendly terrain, Italian military forces have bogged down in brutal mountain warfare in the southern Pyrennes Mountains. Having failed to advance across the river, the Italians were forced to assualt the Iberian lines headon. Casualties have been extensive as both sides have been forced into bloody trench warfare, with flanking maneuvers impossible. The fighting could have been worse albeit for a French counterattack in the northern Pyrennes and the collapse of the communist French regime at the hands of the Common Front International's forces.
Casualty List
Italy: -3 Infantry Divisions
Iberia: -1 Infantry Division

BATTLE OF CORDOVA. Tehran Pact forces, led by Italian troops captured the Iberian communist stronghold of Cordova in a major open field fight. Breaking the front with a clever fighting retreat, Tehran Pact forces broke the Iberian front, pushing eastward into Cordova. The defeat of the communist forces outside of the historic city allowed the Italian and Spanish soldiers to advance all the way to the coastline. Minor actions north of Lisbon and south of Madrid by Spanish and Portuguese soldiers resulted in continued stalemate and the immobilization of those fronts as the soldiers dig trenches for defense.
Casualty List
Italy: -1 Infantry Division
Spain: -1 Infantry Division
Iberia: -3 Infantry Divisions

FRENCH COMMUNISTS CRUSHED. Paris, France. Dispite extensive casualties and brutal fighting, the Common Front International has successfully destroyed the French communist uprising. Dispite the success, France's industry has been devastated and left in ruins. Across the world, the battered European nations' colonies are occupied or nearing open revolt. France's military has been halved in strength by the defections and rebellions during the war. German forces have occupied Belguim and according to the Geneva Conference will give them independance following the war.
Casualty List
Russia: 4 Militia Divisions, 2 Infantry Divisions
Germany: 4 Infantry Divisions
France: 5 Infantry Divisions
Austria-Hungary: 1 Infantry Division

INDIANS SLAUGHTERED. Liverpool, CBW. As fighting began to stalemate north of Liverpool in late May, observers all along the eastern English and Welsh coastline spotted the remnants of the old Royal Navy steaming up the Irish Sea. Northwest of Liverpool was the only beach capable of holding a modern landing, and the British guns were waiting. Two full divisions of Indian soldiers were sent to the bottom of the Irish Sea before the leading admiral called for retreat. The heavy cannon of the British Coastal Command forced the expeditionary army of India to land at Russian occupied Cherbourg to refit and regroup. Throughout the retreat, the ships were plagued by a British wolfpack which managed to send yet another Indian division to the bottom of the ocean.

TEHRAN PACT LIBERATES SCOTLAND. Landing in late June of 1913, elements of the armies of the United States, Argentina, the Boer Republic, Liberia, Eire, and Peru landed in northern Scotland. Using scout aircraft to decieve the British defense, the Americans successfully landed and quickly pushed out the minute amount of defenders in the sparsely habited northlands. American military commanders were outraged when Russian soldiers reached Glasglow, an area believed to be reserved for capture by Tehran Pact forces. Casualties have been minor as most have been pulled south to fight in England against forces on the CFI. The Russian forces on the other hand, after suffering heavy casualties in their landing at Newcastle have been embroiled in brutal trench warfare north of Liverpool. The defection of 3 full Russian militia divisions to the communist cause has also devastated the front, and has shown the Russian command that not all of their armies are unsympathetic to the communist cause. Casualties have been extremely heavy for the Russian expeditionary force, and generals remain pessimistic towards a future breakthrough without more reinforcements.
Casualty List
CBW: 1 Militia Division, 1 Infantry Division
Russia: 5 Militia Divisions, 2 Infantry Divisions

GERMANS LAND IN SOUTHERN ENGLAND. Major German forces opened a second front for the defending English communists in early July. Under the command of General Hindenburg, the German army has landed in southern England, capturing in a brutal fight the white cliffs of Dover. However, a northern landing failed miserably much like the Indian attempt to land at Liverpool. The German army has been forced into a narrow batteground named the Thames Front, and have unsuccessfully attempted to break into London. The flooding of the Thames by the British military has significantly hurt German attempts to cross the river, and they remain bogged down along the southern bank.
Casualty List
CBW: 1 Infantry Division
Germany: 4 Infantry Divisions


@ThomAnder, I disregarded your nation's name change, because no one will refer to it as such. Your nation is modelled around the rule of Austria and Hungary, not anyone else. It would not have changed anything at all and been a waste of my time typing out for the update.

World Map

Spoiler :
That's fine.. but did the government structure change at all like i asked and prepared for a number of turns by now (seeing as how my spending didn't shift..)? the rule of Austria and Hungary AFAIK was pretty much a military ran totalitarian rule, so a transition from that into an OTL parliamentary government with an emperor taht still controls most of the de facto power isn't that hard to believe... no? (When i meant modeled after japan, i meant to make a switch like they did, where they went from 1 emperor wielding all the power to forming a parliamentary government but still with 1 emperor having final say, in effect immortalizing the emperor and his offsprings as the leaderhead (something the current emperor should like). I don't mean a complete radical shift like what's happening in france, for example :confused:)
@EQ hehe. Great update.
To: United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
From: Greece

Trade is only ever hindered by war and long winters, but even then it only slows or shifts its course. I propose a trade pact between our two nations.
@ThomAnder: I'd like to point out that your "preparations" for a regime change were futile. The problem i have with anyone playing a position like Austria-Hungary in any NES is the common belief that the people would enjoy a democracy. This is a false belief, look at RL Soviet Union's demise. You have a choice which cannot be altered no matter what policies you pass or government you have. You can either completely oppress everybody not Austrian or Hungarian, or you can let them all be independant. Anything in the middle ferments rebellion and revolution. If you give any rights, they want them all. That's the way nationalism works.
To Liberia
From France

Now that the communist threat in France is over, we assume you will be giving France's territory back, correct?

OOC Orders 5 minutes after update :(

Oh well :)
Lieutenant Dan Matthews trotted across the Scottish moor on his horse Jean Paul. Matthews and the rest of the US 1st "Thunderers" Cavalry had landed with the Tehran Pact Freedom Force in late July of 1913 in northern Scotland at the town of Thurso. The force had moved quickly south along the coastal roadways, meeting little resistance of any sort. They had made good time and had made sure to be nice to the locals. General Pershing, Commander in Charge for the British Theater, had told the troops when they were back in Ireland that they were here to win over hearts and minds. Thus they were to abstain from any activity that would cause the locals to turn against them. Special officers had been brought over to help root out any Communists or English that could cause trouble behind the Tehran Pact lines. They had done well so far, with only a few poorly planned ambushes against supply convoys and a few minor bombings of local buildings by dissedents and limited casualties for the liberators.

With this nearly nonexistant resistance, the American-lead forces had made good progress. The 1st Cav was currently patrolling a small range of hillocks a few miles outside of the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. Though the majority of the Communist forces were concentrated in the south near London fighting the Germans, Intelligence indicated that a sizeable force was also in the Midlands combatting the Russians. General Pershing felt that if a English counterattack were to be made, it would be near or in Edinburgh. The vanguard groups had been tasked with assessing the situation in the city and advise on the best course of action to be taken. Overhead a scout plane, obviously American since no one else had them yet, flew over the small cavalry platoon and wagged its wings twice to the left, indicating troops ahead.

Matthews crested the a small hill and reined in Jean Paul. He pulled out his binoculars and surveyed the scene ahead of him. The landscape seemed to be crawling with men. Carts and trucks carried supplies and men from the docks and into the city. It looked as if the Communists had somehow drummed up an impossible amount of men and supplies to hold off the American. As he surveyed the city again, his eyes caught a flag fluttering off the stern of one of the large transports in harbor. His eyes opened wide.

"Sergeant, inform command that Edinburgh is occupied by the forces of Czar Nicholas." Matthews said to his second in command.

"Russian sir?" the noncom asked.

"So it would appear." the lieutenant responded. "This makes things rather interesting."
America is intrigued to find the Russian military aiding in the liberation of Scotland. Military Command had been informed that the forces of the Tehran Pact would be charged with that task and that the Eurasian Alliance would be focused on England proper. We hope that the lands currently under Russian control will be handed over to the new government of Scotland, which we plan on convening next year, with out any issue.
@EQ, OK so my divisions are just going to randomly defect now? Defect to a BRITISH army of Communists that are doing nothing but killing Russians and as you say "have no real presence in Russia"? Not to mention the fact that they will eventually be defeated, its inevitable. This makes no sense EQ. The "Global Opinion" is not supposed to apply to my OWN soldiers.

I'm guessing the combined navies of about 4 nations couldnt rid the Brits 5 wolfpacks. I guess I couldn't bomb Liverpool like I wanted to because of those wolfpacks...

And I didn't know curfews could make people so testy. And that 200,000 soldiers (using the conservative estimate to division sizes) in an area the size of Anatolia can be pushed out because of a few rebel attacks. A curfew is really nothing compared to everything else being done, if I'm going to have massive new attacks...the curfew should be the least of thier problems. It's just supposed to have everyone in thier homes...if they are outside, they are bad anyway. I don't see why the common man would say "ok man, I didn't mind the huge military presence at first, but this is going TOO far". The clash will be there and it will be grand, but not because of a curfew :p

The whole communists overthrowing thier captors on the ships story is kinda farfetched too considering...thier captors have guns and they dont, most likely. Oh, and that most of those communists cant really commandeer ships.

I'm not mad, I just need these points answered.

From: Holy Russian Empire
To: United States

Purely strategical reasons. As you can see, we did not occupy Glasgow but are aiming for Liverpool, which appears to be defended by the superpowered Denizens of the Netherworld, so you better thank us that we are undertaking the task of removing them.

We at Russian High Command apparently are too harsh on our poor soldiers, but we are not stupid. We will not charge headlong into London, for fear of the Brits Phantom Navy of the Flying Dutchmen sinking our ships and cutting our supply lines.

1. You have no idea where the wolfpacks are, and I assure you germanicus is likely to be more upset about them than you are cause they did nothing. I'd also like to point out there is no sonar and that in these days the only way you know if a sub is there is if they shoot at you.

2. The militia is away from home, fighting people who have the same ideology, and was encouraged to do so by your own communist leaders from Russia. On the plus side, it's unlikely to happen again.

3. What i meant by pushed out, was forced to hole up in limited safe zones for fear of getting killed in their sleep. I don't mean pushed entirely out of Asia Minor. Turkestan is different, since you had about 25 divisions to cover a massive area from the Volga eastward.

4. About the ships, no one said it was easy for them to do it.
For clarification, I don't mind defection since being in the Russian Army probably sucks...but to the Communists?

EDIT: Crosspost. Ok, sufficient answers. Time for story construction.
OOC: Now you see why I am taking Democracy slowly. Up for next month: Survivor! Kokkai-style.

To Liberia
CC: Tehran Pact
From: Nipponese Empire

Nippon condemns the actions taken by your nation in the pursuit of territorial gains on the African continent. We expect Liberia to return colonies which it has illegally seized once the war with Communism is over. We won't comment on the "joint program" you conducted with Argentina.
Admiral Sir Herbert William Richmond walks into the Admiralty and sits down in front of his commanders including Tom Bell.

Do you understand what is happening here?
Yes sir, I have been placed in charge of the wolfpacks and ordered to sink ships that come to British shores.
Yet, 4 whole fleets came close to our shores and 3 managed to get through. Though we did admire you efforts of keeping the Indians out and the Russians from bombarding Liverpool. But we need to get the Americans out of this war and fast. Spies have informed us that they are resisting this war, so with enough destructions of their ships and overseas trading lanes, we can force them to retreat.
Yes, sir.
Now, we also have reports that you sank 3 ships, all in the Indian Royal Navy. Not one from any of the other navies. Why?
Well sir, we had several wolfpacks near the Russian and German navy, why they did not attack is beyond me but I will investigate further into this.
No need... Seamen please open the door. *Two men wearing captains stripes came in and sat down.*
Now we have recieved word that you were the only wolfpacks in the Irish Sea. Correct?
That is correct sir.
Then why did you not harrass the enemy navies?
Well sir, their destroyers were screening the navy. They could find us and sink us.
They will never find us, unless we surface. All you had to do was fire several torpedoes and retreat before the destroyer realizes what is happening.
Yes, sir. Sorry. *the captains and admiral leaves the room*

"Well what do you think?" asked Tom Bell.
"I dont think the Admiral is at fault here, he just has some stupid commanders under his command." replied the Head of the Navy.
Murmers of agreements around table.
"Very well..." Tom Bell motioned to the seamen, bring in the two captains please. Once the captains are sitting Tom Bell moves foward and said, "Gentlemen, I am going to have to demote you to Lt 1st class or be released from the navy. The decision is unanimous. We cannot have hestistant captains in our command at this point in the war."
The captains nodded and stood up, one accepted the demotion, the other decided to retire from the navy. They saluted and left, the admiral came in and sat down.
"Ahh Admiral Richmond. You are still here?" Asked Tom Bell.
"Yes I wanted to talk to you quickly for a moment." Richmond said.
"Very well speak."
"Uhh sir, could we go somewhere private, I fear there are spies around here and what I have to offer might help turn the tide of the war at sea." Whispered Admiral Richmond. Tom Bell got up and motioned for the Admiral to follow.
Yay! I was out all of yesterday, and look! It didn't matter :E

Switzerland votes yay on Resolution 001-12
GAH! In my orders I leave out ONE MINOR detail, and it bites me in the ___.

Well, theres always next time.

but great update.
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