The World Turned Upside Down

I'll pick the Chairman canidates, they'll be in the update which shall be begun in an hour. Farow i need your orders.
Ahh eq, just do exactly as my orders did last turn :p

I was going to send and then realized my orders were virtually the same.

Btw, will you do elections or do I do elections? Or do I present candidates and you pick the party that wins? How does that work exactly?
if you pick who wins elections, they will win, but expect more likely lingering resentment. Not much more though.

As for update, i just managed to get back on CFC. Now i have a choice between watching bootlegged 300 from abroad, or doing the update. I think the answer is clear, especially since i have all day off tomorrow to do the update. Farow you have another chance and if I don't get orders by tomorrow at 3 EST, I'm going to be booting you.
Eq, can I have Germany if Farrow drops out, since I claimed it in the preview thread?
I will see if I can get contact with Farow. Nukekid, you HAVE a good nation.
I know, but I wanted germany in the beggining. Farrow just talked me out of it
Starting update in an hour.

Nuclear kid, I can't let you switch for a large number of reasons, first of all the fact you'd be switching alliances, second it wouldn't be fair to either alliance. Also, switching nations unless your country has been wiped off the map is something i severely frown upon.
Starting update now.
Sorry, I did not post in here that I was leaving but it was in the Vacation thread.

Just got back and will catch up on everything soon.
My bad, I rarely keep up with the vacation thread, though i suppose I should. You have time to send quick orders, but don't send anything too complicated as the update is nearing completion.
Global News Report

UNITED STATES BEGINS MAJOR RESETTLEMENT PLAN. Washington D.C., United States of America. Following increased unrest and unemployment growth in occupied Mexico, the American government has nationalized some of the nation's merchant fleet for a radical new plan. Large numbers of former Mexican soldiers and a large amount of troublesome civilians have been rounded up and shipped to Liberia. Similar to an aborted 1866 plan to resettle Africans from the United States, the new plan has been passed by the military without approval from Congress in an unprecedented move, sparking much unrest. Over a quarter of a million Mexicans have been shipped to Liberia, where they work for the corporations in the exploitation of the lands siezed from France. American corporations have been moving into Mexico to exploit the population loss. Woodrow Wilson, current Chairman of the Council fo Nations has denounced Roosevelt's actions and has pledged to run for President on an isolationist Democratic Party ticket in 1920. The new plan has caused not only economic growth in Liberia, but considerable unrest as the new "immigrants" adjust to their new surrounds.
USA: +5% Dissent, -1 Private Enterprise, Global Opinion to Neutral
Liberia: +5% Dissent, +1 Private Enterprise

North/Central American News Report

END OF MEXICO SPARKS ECONOMIC BOOM. New York, United States of America. American economists and stock analysts, have determined that the end of Mexican government and the increasing population decline has opened up doors to the people of Central America and the Caribbean. Merchants in Nicaragua, the United Provinces and Venezuela have all managed to make serious profits from the lack of competition from Mexican corporations. The nationalization of part of the American merchant fleet has also decreased economic competition in the area against Central American companies. (+1 Private Enterprise for Nicaragua, Venezuela, and UPCA)

South American News Report

ARGENTINA VIOLATES TREATY OF MOSCOW. Buenos Aires, Argentina. The 1913 Moscow Conference confirmed strict international limits on military spending in South America. This Treaty of Moscow was meant to prevent escalation of border conflicts and fighting between South American countries. For five years the plan has worked until recent increased in Argentinan military spending have broken the upper limit. Neighboring nations have protested Argentinan actions and Bolivia has even mobilized forces to the border in case of offensive action.

European News Report

FRANCE BEGINS NEW ECONOMIC PLAN. Paris, France. With the defeats in China and the loss of the majority of the French Empire, the Petain Lisist government has begun a new economic program. Vast tracts of land in European France were left devastated and empty following the Communist War. Many of these lands were formerly prime farm and industrial lands, and the French government has effectively owned them and kept the regions fallow since the end of the war. Under the new plan, the French government has gifted or sold most of the land to a large number of corporations in a vast auction. Italian, German, and American corporations have all succeeded in purchasing these lands, and the nation economies have gained a boost, helping France's industry dramatically recover in one short year. (+2 Private Enterprise for France, +1 Private Enterprise for Germany, USA, and Italy)

INDEPENDANCE BILL IN SCANDINAVIAN PARLIAMENT. Stockholm, Scandinavia. In a coauthored bill by nationalist Icelanders and Finns within the Scandinavian Parliament both the island of Iceland and the region of Finland have lobbied for indpendance. Citing their base as nationalist intent, both groups pledge to retain amicable relations with Stockholm. The bills followed twin riots in Rekjavik and Helsinki sparked by accidental military action in both cities against peaceful protests. Another reason stated by the nationalists in the continuously increasing taxes on private corporations and individuals to sponsor what appears to be superfluous public spending. Many economists state that this spending only strains the government and economy unnessacarily. The bill has stunned numerous members of the Parliament, and Norwegian and Danish Parliamentary members await to see if the coalition of kingdoms which is Scandinavia will hold together.

POLAND RETURNS. Warsaw, Poland. Polish nationalists have risen up against authorities in Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. They are commanded by Jozef Pilsudski, a noted commander who served with the Austrian cavalry forces, distinguishing himself in the undeclared war with Serbia, and leader of the underground Polish nationalist movement and the party leader of the Polish Socialist Party. The Poles have thrown out both German and Russian garrisons in Poland, and have managed to rally a considerable number of Polish divisions within the Austrian army. The Polish Home Army has also managed to sieze control of the port of Danzig, which is being used to import a large amount of arms from abroad, using stolen German merchant vessels which had Polish crews. They have also inflicted severe casualties on local Russian militia forces and have destroyed a German division near Lodz. The German economy has been hurt worst of the three nations fighting the Poles, as the region had been well developed under the Kaiser for industry. Russia suffered no major industrial loss, while the Austrians lost control of Cracow, a major industrial center in the northern part of the Empire.
Germany: -3 Private Enterprise, -1 Infantry Division
Austria-Hungary: -1 Private Enterprise, -7 Infantry Divisions, -3 Cavalry Divisions
Russia: -3 Militia Divisions

WESTERN EUROPE CONTINUES ECONOMIC RECOVERY. Winchester, Union of Commonwealth States. Three years after the conclusion of the Communist War, western Europe is well on its way to economic recovery. Though France has sparked its recovery in more direct action, the other nations which were formerly under communist control have managed to regain some of their industrial strength. Most of the success is attributed to the Commonwealth's laissez faire approach to the economy as well as increasing trade on the isle of Britian. In Iberia trade has increased with North Africa as Spanish and Portuguese merchants gain closer and closer ties with the Italian Empire. In northern Europe, Belguim has continued its economic growth through reforms similar to those practiced in Wales and the Commonwealth.
(+1 Private Enterprise to Wales, Union of Commonwealth States, Scotland, Belguim, Spain, and Portugal)

African/Middle East News Report

MUSLIMS UNITE IN ALLIANCE. Mecca, Dar-al-Islam. Following the Islamic Concilliation Conference of 1917, the nations of Dar-al-Islam, Persia, Turkestan, and Afghanistan met in Mecca to discuss mutual benefits of an alliance. The four Islamic nations agreed that despite sectarial differences in religion they must unite in arms. Persia has announced the departure from the former Tehran Pact and now has joined the newly formed alliance, The Brotherhood of Islamic Nations.

Asian/Pacific News Report

NIPPONESE SEIYUKAI WIN ELECTIONS AS EMPEROR DIES. Tokyo, Nipponese Empire. In early January of 1918 Emperor Meiji, long time ruler of the Nipponese Emprie died in his sleep. The new Emperor Taisho has been proclaimed and following the cornonation, the first widespread Nipponese elections were held. The Seiyukai, a nationalist, anti-West, anti-colonization party, have been elected in the majority of provinces with the Liberal Jiyo-to Party following as a close second. The new Prime Minister of the Kokkai has been sworn in for the new regime.

Council of Nations News Report

The following are those available for votes for Chairman of the Council of Nations:

Christaain Beyers (Boer Republic): A former military leader, known for strong nationalistic principles and a proponent of Woodrow Wilson's anti-imperialist and self-determination attitudes.

Sun Yat-sen (Chinese Empire): A pominent Chinese businessman who owns much of the industry in southern China and Vietnam. His views are firmly pro-business.

Friedrich Ebert (Germany): A major political leader from Germany who leads the leftists and moderates of the Reichstag. Pro-empire and he is a moderate on most social issues.

Saud-bin-Abdul (Dar-al-Islam): Eldest son of Ibn Saud, but still youngest to attempt to gain the most powerful position in the Council of Nations. He is very pro-Islam and anti-West.

Global News Ticker









@propagandist, the amount of private enterprise you have does effect your Base IC growth.

@Swissempire and The Farow, you have until next update to post or send orders, otherwise you will be booted from the NES.

World Map

Spoiler :
To world
From Argentina

We are greatly disturbed to realize that we have accidently violated a treaty that we were such a large proponent of. We had only meant to do research, and have suffered from an accounting error. This mistake shall be fixed this year.
The Council of Nations Update

Geneva, Switzerland.

The elections have started! Turn your votes in now!

This was a quiet year. There was only one important resolution, 001-15, which would have banned the research and use of all poison weapons. It failed.

Resolution 001-15 - Banning the research and use of all poison weapons. These terrible devices of destruction wreck havoc upon soldiers and civilians alike, creating terrible internal and external scarring. Their use should be globallly [sic] banned so that no one on Earth must suffer through the horrors of these awful weapons.
Writer: America
Yeas: America, Boer Republic, Eire, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Persia, Peru, Scotland, UPCA, Venezuela, Scandinavia, Brazil, Nippon (14)
Nays: Germany, France, Belgium, Dar-al-Islam, Turkestan, Vietnam, Italy (7)
Abstains: Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Argentina, Switzerland (5)
Global News Report
European News Report

INDEPENDANCE BILL IN SCANDINAVIAN PARLIAMENT. Stockholm, Scandinavia. In a coauthored bill by nationalist Icelanders and Finns within the Scandinavian Parliament both the island of Iceland and the region of Finland have lobbied for indpendance. Citing their base as nationalist intent, both groups pledge to retain amicable relations with Stockholm. The bills followed twin riots in Rekjavik and Helsinki sparked by accidental military action in both cities against peaceful protests. Another reason stated by the nationalists in the continuously increasing taxes on private corporations and individuals to sponsor what appears to be superfluous public spending. Many economists state that this spending only strains the government and economy unnessacarily. The bill has stunned numerous members of the Parliament, and Norwegian and Danish Parliamentary members await to see if the coalition of kingdoms which is Scandinavia will hold together.

The Scandinavian National
The Kingdoms Newspaper

"It has been brought to my attention that both the region of Finland and Iceland have lobbied for their independance, and also that the current Government has increased the budget for public spending.
For the second matter, I will be addressing the Parliment tomorrow, and ascertian why such matters were not approved by me, as do all changes in bugeting. It is my intention to slow the monetary amounts, and increase the spending on private enterprises, and the Military. Such actions, although could have side effects from the general public, will ensure that Scandinavia will hold together. This nation was forged out of the ruins of the World War, and as such, will not be torn asunder.
As for the independance of Iceland and Finland, it could be given a conditional grant, on the basis that the lobbiests can prove to myself, the King of Scandinavia, how Iceland and Finlnad will be better off under their own nation, as oppose to Scandinavia. If they cannot, then no independance shall be granted.

However, This government needs reforms, Currently, the majority of politicians, are from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, with small representation from Finland, Iceland and Greenland. It is my intention, to have these numbers incresed, and the Rikstag will be representative of all geographic areas. The number, to be formally announced, will be

From Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finlnad
40 members
From Iceland and Greenland
25 members.

This divide is based on a population gap, and as such, the areas with the four greatest populations are the 40 politician areas, whereas those with 25 members, are those who have a smaller population.

Upon completion of the new Rikstag, located in Stockholm, the new Parlimentary system, which will be introduced at the beginning of 1919, will be more representative of the Entire united Kingdoms, not just the larger and more populace areas.

As per the constitution, the elections for the presiding Government will also occur in 1919. These campaign trail has been going for nigh on 7 months now, yet without a clear leader, it is difficult to discern who is favourite."

This quote was used with permission from the Royal Palace of Scandinavia.


NEW Parlimentary systems

The King of the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia, Gustaf V has decreed that the remaining Kingdoms, Norway and Denmark, along with the Swedish Royal Family Iceland, Greenland and Finland, will now be classified as Dukedoms, presided over over by the former Kings of these specific Kingdoms.

In each of these Dukedoms, the Duke will have an elected Government, much like the King of Scandinavia does. Each of the Dukes will meet with the King each week, to discuss matters of the Dukedoms. Each of the Elected Governments will be seperate to that of the federal, and Each of the Presiding Ministers will meet with the Prime Minister of Scandinavia to discuss matters of the state.

Below is an outline of the new system.


Prime Minster

Federal Cabinet
Looks after affairs of the Nation as a whole Has representatives from each State, under 40, 25 system based on population


Presiding Minister

State Cabinet
Looks after the affairs of each individiual state. There is six Dukedoms, one representing Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Greenland.

Local Governments​

This new system will allow more individuality for the Governments, and each will have it's own budget, however, they will all be subject to the laws of the National Courts system. Such a move has been undertaken to ensure that the regions involved have an adequate voice in the future of the Kingdoms of Scandinavia.

The Name of the Country has been changed, From the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia, which encompassed the former 2 Kingdoms of Norway-Sweden and Denmanrk, to the Kingdom of Scandinavia, relecting the abolishment of the old Kingdoms, and the introduction of the Dukedoms and 40, 25 National Political system. These two systems will enable each of the respective regions to follow their own ways, and secure the future of each Scandinavian, regardless if the live in Greenland, Sweden or Finland.

The Map below shows the new state areas (top), and the Kingdom of Scandinavia (bottom). There has been no changes to the Kingdoms boarders, however, if the King's request to the Finns and Icelanders is accepted, and they can prove it will be better, then such changes will be accepted.

Spoiler :

This new system will usher in a new era of politics, and will allow for all and any scandinavian to run. All of the Current laws are to be rolled over on Midnight of the 31st of December 1918, in readiness for the system to be implemented on January 1st 1919, which will also be the start of the new Federal system of Parliment, and also the start of the elections for National, and the beginning of the campaigns for State political systems. The elections will be held on January 1st 1920. Until the new State Governments are elected, these provinces will be presided over by the Federal, and in1920, rule will be transferred to the State Political Sysyems.

God Bless Scandinavia, and God Bless the King.


TO: The United States of America
FROM: The Kingdom of Scandinavia
SUBJECT: Mexican situation

Whilst we supported you in the annexation of Mexico, because Mexico was an unstable nation, we are disgusted at these actions, and to further exploit the Mexican peoples, whom you promised to give American Citizenship to, is inhumane. As such, until this issue is resolved, the Kingdom of Scandinavia hereby reserves the right to remove nay and all American shipping vessels from it's ports and waters. Any further action will result in the boarding and occupying of said vessels if they are in Scandinavian ports and/ or waters. Until action is taken to prevent the exploitation of the Mexican peoples, all diplomatic ties are severed, and will be restored once the Mexican people has full rights, and further exploitation is removed. As a result of diplomatic severing, all American Nationals, citizens or any other that claims to be an American will be deported, including those that reside in Embassies and consulates within Scandinavia, and all Embassy and Consulate Territory is hereby revoked, and until the Mexican peoples have full rights, shall be returned to Scandinavia.


Gustaf V

King of the Kingdom of Scandinavia &
Admiral of the Royal Scandinavian Military
To America
From Eire:

We are appaled by these actions and hereby withdraw from whatever remains of the Tehran Pact. While your friendship is not a bad thing we cannot stand by you on these issues.

To Wales:
From Eire:

If we have not done so already we propose trade between our nations.

To Scotland
From Eire:

We will maintain the military bases then for as long as you wish. On another note if we have not established trade between our nations we should.

OOC: Do i need to specify what i station in Scotland? Or will the Scots do it? Or does it just not matter?
To: Eire
From: Wales

We would like to move one step further and propose alliance between our nations to protect our freedom in the British isles.
To World
From USA
Re: Mexico

The policy the military has constructed in dealing with the Mexicans is the most humane and peaceful solution our analysts have come up with. We are not deporting ordinary, law abiding, American citizens. The people being sent to Africa are rebels who are fighting the United States government, as well as those people who harbor and support the rebels. That makes them traitors to America and the fate of traitors, here and all over the world, is death. Under martial law, we could simply execute each and every one of them, and it would be well within our bounds to do so. By sending them to Liberia, we do not put unnecessary blood on our hands. This will also serve as an example to any other potential insrugents of what fate awaits them if they take up arms against the US government. If those who have rebelled against us simply give up their futile struggle, they will get full benefits of American citizenship, just as they are getting the same treatment traitors wouuld get in any other region of the United States.
Next update will be Friday night.
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