The World Turned Upside Down

Holy crap I've not sent orders.... Incoming!
Yeah, likewise!!!!

Well both of you lazy people have a chance. I need to pick a friend up from the airport, so I will take a brief haitus from the update. You'll probably have a good hour or more before I start it up again.

I had no internet all day. There was a blackout last night, and this morning it was down, just got it repaired.
Sent (10 characters)
See above. ^
good job, we've got almost all orders for this update, missing only UCS and Dar-al-Islam. I'm restarting the update now. May take a while.
Global News Report

UNITED STATES MAKES STARTLING MEDICAL ADVANCE. Washington D.C., USA. With the new knowledge of atomics provided by a multitude of international scientists in 1919, United States scientists have developed X-rays. X-rays stand a chance to revolutionize medicine, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and furthering the development of atomic theories and science. American doctors are currently the most advanced and enlightened in the world. (-5% Dissent for USA, Global Opinion to Liked; +1 Private Enterprise for growing medical industry)

North/Central American News Report

CALVIN COOLIDGE WINS US PRESIDENCY. Washington D.C., USA. In an unprecedented election campaign, two canidates of the three parties running for the Presidency dropped dead within several days of eachother. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both died on the campaign trail in October of 1920. This left both the Democratic and Progressive Parties without party leadership for the November election. Therefore, with the other two parties in chaos, Calvin Coolidge won election with the smallest majority in US history. President Coolidge vowed to end the deportations from Mexico and to bring America on an isolationist path without major foriegn entanglements. To this end, the US Congress, now dominated by Republicans and Democrats, has passed a bill withdrawing the United States from the remnants of the Tehran Pact. Despite the new isolationism, Coolidge has promised to keep America secure from outside threats and to mantain its hard won possessions. Finally Coolidge has ended the deportations to Liberia, though over five million Mexicans have been deported as of the end of 1920. (+1 Private Enterprise and +10% Dissent for Liberia; -5% Dissent for USA)

AMERICANS-CANADIANS RECONCILE. Buffalo, USA. In a cordial conference, Canadian resistance leaders and an American diplomat agreed to end hostilities. The American government agreed to allow Canadian miltias and have promised all Canadians immunity from deportation to Liberia. This move has ended the Canadian rebellion, and already Ontario and Halifax have both been admitted as states into the Union.

South American News Report

WAR! BRAZIL ENCIRCLED. See insert for more information.

European News Report

KING GUSTAV V DIES. Stockholm, Scandinavia. Following a period of unfortunate illness in his older age, King Gustav V died in bed on July 9, 1920. The nation has entered a period of depression and mourning for the King, who created a strong, modern Scandinavia, a nation which could compete to be one of the most powerful European industrial states. A new era will begin with the new king's coronation in 1921.

GERMANS MOVE INTO MARKET GAP IN FRANCE. Paris, France. With the departure of several American and Italian corporations in 1919 to more economically stable and prosperous regions in China, several market gaps were created in France. With agreements made between the governments of France and Germany in 1920, tariffs have been drastically reduced for German corporations. The new ease of trade has boosted private industry in both Germany and France as new industries open and western Europe comes to the end of the major rebuilding process from the Communist War. (+1 Private Enterprise for Germany and France)

LISISTS SWEPT FROM OFFICE IN FRANCE. Paris, France. Following the last years of disgrace and humilation for the French Empire, the Lisist Party lost its major backers. The anti-German Conservative Party has siezed office, vowing to remove the German exploiters from French soil and to rebuild France's lost European military and economic power. (-5% Dissent for France)

POLAND RECOGNIZED ADMIST TURMOIL. Warsaw, Poland. Following an overwhelming popular vote sponsored by the German government, a large part of the Reich has broken away to form an independant Polish government. Elections have been prepared for 1921, and several new parties have already been formed in anticipation of the first free Polish elections. However admist this excitement, the Polish government has a multitude of problems. From the east, the Russians have forced the majority of its Poles to leave their homes to join the new Polish state, straining the population capacity of the region and leading to several riots. In the south, several Hungarian majority regions have protested in hopes of joining the new Hungarian free state to the south. Already Polish and Hungarian forces have mobilized to the border in case of war. (+5% Dissent for Poland, +2% Dissent for Germany)

COLLAPSE OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY IN WAR AND REVOLT. See special insert on the collapse of Austria-Hungary.

KERENSKY WINS IN RUSSIA. St. Petersburg, Russia. Following heated elections and debates, the Republican Party of Kerensky has swept aside both Stolypin's Nationalists and the Mensheviks. The Republican Party has vowed to defeat both the Chinese and the Turks and to mantain the Imperial Russian Republic against all threats.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

TURKS DEFEAT RUSSIAN MILITARY. Ankara, Turkey. Following the withdraw of a large amount of Russian military presence from Asia Minor, the Turks have won several major victories against Russia. Most significant was the fall of Constantinople, which was won in a daring move by Ataturk, crossing the straits at nightfall. This was a huge blow to the Russian Orthodox Church, while other Turkish military forces have overwhelmed most of the remaining Russian militia outposts in their country. One definite factor to the Turkish success in the arrival of well armed Turkish volunteers from overseas, who have provided Italian designs openly from the Italian government. Outrage towards Italy has arisen in Russia for allowing the heathens to occupy the Orthodox Church's most sacred city.
Russia: -7 Militia Divisions
Turkey: -4 Militia Divisions, -1 Infantry Division

Asian/Pacific News Report

WAR! NIPPONESE/RUSSIANS INVADE CHINA! In a cooperative effort, the armies of Nippon and Russia have launched a massive invasion of Manchuria. See special insert for more details.

Global News Ticker

WESTERN EUROPE COMPLETES ECONOMIC RECOVERY FROM COMMUNIST WAR. (+1 Private Enterprise for Wales, Scotland, France, Spain, and Portugal; +2 for UCS)


NIPPON MOBILIZES FOR TOTAL WAR. Tokyo, Nippon. With a significant need for more military forces in the fight against the Sino Alliance, the government has nationalized a multitude of private assets. Numerous Nipponese businessmen are rather unhappy at this development, especially with the war bogging down in the trenches. Some of the most dissatisfied have already made several minute protests against Nipponese involvement in a Chinese war. (+1% Dissent)

RUSSIANS ADVANCE INTO MANCHURIA. In early July, Russian forces bridged the river and began assualt towards Peking. Despite the capture of several smaller cities in the approach, sheer numbers of Chinese militia and volunteers halted the Russian advance. As of now the fighting has bogged into stalemate as Russian forces lack numbers to outflank Chinese positions and the Chinese militia lacks organization to outflank the Russian position. Casualties have been increasingly heavy as fighting becomes more and more desperate. Already mud and winter have prevented supplies from reaching the lines of either side and epidemics of a multitude of diseases have ravaged the numbers of both armies.
Russia: -6 Infantry Divisions
China: -11 Militia Divisions

NIPPON CAPTURES HARBIN. Harbin, Chinese Empire. Harbin was the main supply depot and military staging point for Chinese forces in Manchuria. With rapid advance of Nipponese soldiers from Korea and the advanced weapontry at their disposal, the forces of Nippon have blasted through Chinese lines. Chinese casualties have been heavy and the collapse of the lines could well mean the complete occupation and annexation of Manchuria by the end of 1921. Only sheer Chinese numbers and atrocious supply efforts have prevented further Nipponese advance into China. The use of tanks and the newly formed Nipponese Air Corps has provided most of the advantage to the invaders, as air support proves invaluable.
Nippon: -2 Infantry Divisions
China: -7 Militia Divisions

BLOCKADE ESTABLISHED OF ASIAN COAST. Russian and Nipponese forces have moved to secure a blockade of the Chinese and Indian coastlines. Several smaller islands have been siezed to help mantain the watch, however the coastline is too vast and varied to allow for a full blockade and most commerce has continued unabated. This of course has outraged American business, and furthered their cries for action against Nippon.

AMERICAN BUSINESSES WITHDRAWING FROM NIPPON. Tokyo, Nippon. Leading the way for other businesses, Ford has shut down its dealerships and factories in Nippon. Over a dozen American businesses have declared their own version of embargo on the Nipponese nation as outrage grows in the United States against the attack on China. Leading the way with a large political faction of Chinese immigrants, the American business have demanded sanctions and other actions against the former Tehran Pact ally. The loss of jobs at American owned plants has significantly increased unemployment in Nippon, and production has suffered. (-1 IC)


KAISER WILHELM II PROCLAIMED EMPEROR OF ALL GERMANS. Berlin, Germany. The collapse of Austria-Hungary was sparked by the German invasion of Austria. In the early months of 1920, following the January plebiscite in Poland, German military forces invaded and defeated the Austrian military. In the wake of Germany's sole victory against the former Emperor's government, Hungarian and other nationalities pulled out their military forces, allowing for complete annexation of German majority regions of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Several Austrian divisions have even joined the German military under the ever more powerful Kaiser. (-2 Infantry Divisions for Germany for combat; +6 Infantry Divisions from Austrians; +2 Private Enterprise from captured Austrian industyr)

HUNGARY RESTORED. Budapest, Hungary. Following the collapse of the Austrian Emperor's armies, King Charles IV of Hungary withdrew his nation from the Empire and formed an independant nation under a solely Hungarian monarchy. The new nation has growing troubles with several of its neighbors, particularly Poland and Romania as it claims territories of both nations and they do likewise on Hungary. War seems imminent for the new Hungarian monarch.

ITALIANS ANNEX ADRIATIC COASTLINE. Rome, Italy. Following the German invasion, Italian forces hastily assembled to annexed the long claimed and desired Austrian coastline of the Adriatic Sea. Italian forces surprised the German forces, capturing the northernmost port two days before the German military was due to reach it. In addition, the Italian army managed to capture the Austrian navy intact as the sailors had abandoned it, leaving only a few token guards. The ships have already sailed to Naples for refitting and relabeling to join the Italian Navy.

GERMANS AND SERBS OCCUPY CENTRAL BALKANS ADMIST ANARCHY. Nationalist forces of Bosnians, Croats, among others have left the Austrian Military and have sponsored anarchical fighting in the central Balkans. Serbian forces have annexed the southern regions, with Serbian majorities and minorities, while the Germans have occupied the north. Both the governments of Germany and Serbia have yet to decide what to do with the turbulent region.


BRAZIL ATTEMPTS SURPRISE ATTACK! Brazillian forces, in an attempt for South American dominance attacked Bolivian and Peruvian forces along their borders. However, the Argentinan government warned the rest of the American Accord of the imminent Brazillian attack and the armies of the Accord were waiting. Bolivian and Peruvian forces, more numerous and better armed than their Brazillian enemies, devastated the armed forces of Brazil, which have gone into total collapse as a result.
Brazil: +25% Dissent, -6 Infantry Divisions
Peru: -1 Infantry Division
Bolivia: -1 Infantry Division

ARGENTINA STRIKES BACK. In defense of their allies in the American Accord, the military of Argentina has landed and occupied the largest cities of Brazil. The miniscule defenses at the capital fell as the armies of Brazil rout in the Amazon. As a result the Brazillian economy has fallen into collapse, and the government appears on the verge of collapse. In less than a year Brazil has gone from a moderate South American power to a nation in the throes of death.
Brazil: +25% Dissent, -1 Militia Division, -4 Private Enterprise


@Farow, you already have Nuclear Theory, so I've put the IC you requested into it into the next Advanced Nuclear Theory step. It was my fault, I mentioned you developing it in the last update but failed to adjust the first page. Also I did not recieve a map involving Polish elections so I did the best I could without.

@Tyrion, You've got one turn left to send orders and not be booted.

@Shadowbound, you said Russia would cover China's west coast. Seeing as though that would require the Russian navy to sail across the steppes, I determined to make them cover the east coast instead.

Tomorrow a retrospective of the 1910s will be posted in addition to new backgrounds for all nations.

World Map

Spoiler :
Argentina condemns the war in south america.

Had Brazil not been bent on conquering independant nations, we could have averted this all. Instead, we are forced to fight. We hope you shall agree to our peace offer (coming soon)
*OOC Oooh-kay, I say that was a little mistype.

What has the Nipponese Navy been doing in all this? EDIT: NVM*

To World
From Nippon

Nippon joined the USA in founding the Tehran Pact in the interests of self-defence against Pacific threats: notably the specific early threat of what would later form the core of the modern Common Front International. The USA's withdrawal leads no benefit to be gained from continued membership, with not even Tehran itself being a part of the Pact, and the Emperor has gained the near-unanimous ratification of the Kokkai in announcing Nippon's withdrawal from the Tehran Pact.

Our reason for war with the Chinese Empire is simple: it has proven itself an opportunistic, war-mongering, and oppressive regime. It's de facto ruler has announced her intention to suppress democracy, its populace slaved to cheap outsourcing from nations such as America, it has unleashed its massive army on nations distracted or preoccupied with other events, and its people and living in conditions that are a step above poverty. Nippon vows that this is a war of liberation, which will provide security and a New Asian order, and will not gain a single foot of territory when peace is made.
Council of Nations Update

Scandinavia, Germany, and Russia have left the Council of Nations. This is a blow to diplomacy and the global community. Switzerland is saddened and hopes that these nations will see that through diplomacy, a peaceful and prosperous world will finally be reached.

These two bills were dropped after two years:

Resolution: 003-14 (001-18) - Guarantee of Latino Sovereignty
Description: The goal of this resolution is to guarantee all Latin American Nation’s independence from American Imperialism in the region as well as setting a new international law.

-Condemning the American annexation of Mexico
-Guaranteeing the independence and protection from Imperial aggression for the United Provinces of Central America, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, and Venezuela.
-Instant condemnation of any nation who completely annexes a beaten enemy. The people not the leadership are to blame. As proven in the British Isles that if the international community works towards a stable government with support of the people it can be done. If it can be done in Great Britain it can be done in Mexico.
-International support that does not recognize America as the ruler of Mexico.
-Support and funding if America backs down to an international force to help
bring back the Mexican sovereignty.
Writer: Germany
Yeas: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Wales (4)
Nays: Afghanistan, Bolivia, Chile, Dar-al-Islam, Ecuador, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Turkestan, UPCA, Venezuela, Argentina (14)
Abstains: Switzerland, Abyssinia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Vietnam, Siam, Nippon, Brazil, America (9)

Resolution 002-18 - The Polish Free State - This resolution will call for the independence of the Polish state as it currently stands (according to the 1918 update), condemning those who will continue to attempt to occupy rightful Polish territory (according to the 1918 update).
Writer: Italy
Yeas: Italy, Nippon, Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Dar-al-Islam, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Turkestan, UPCA, Venezuela, Vietnam, Argentina, Brazil (18)
Nays: Austria, Belgium, Russia (3)
Abstains: Chile, Ecuador, Serbia, Wales, Siam, America (6)
From: Holy Russian Empire
To: Chinese Empire

Do you now see the Japanese motives? You are already allied to India, a nation ruled by the white man you so despise. Together us three can form an entente that will ensure no further Japanese wars of aggression.

To:The world

Need I say more about Russian credibility? The post below this one was a post saying that this notion was signed by the chinese government.
To Eire, Greece, France, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, United Scandinavia, Switzerland, and Wales:

With the death of the Tehran Pact approaching, Italy would like a new found alliance system be founded in Europe between our nations. This European League will ensure all of our nations will continue to have a combined defensive alliance system to ensure our independence and sovereignty.

We also would like to add a special note for Scandinavia and Switzerland which have declared themselves neutral nations. We reach out to both of your nations because of the common threats we face. To Scandinavia: Russia seeks out to regain Finland. To Switzerland: Germany has declared itself masters of all German people, many of whom live in your nation.

To Turkey and Russia:
Peace at current border? Russia has a Chinese dragon to wrestle right now.

To Boer Republic:
We seek a separate Mutual Defense Pact with your nation.
From Boer Republic
To the World

As It seems that the Tehran pact is old and uneeded we are officially removing ourselves from the alliance.

To: Italy

That is agreeable to us.
only missed this weeks... had work all day and completely forgot about the update, my bad. orders shortly for this coming week.

To Italy
From Eire:

This works for us.
TO: Italy
FROM: The United Kingdom of Scandinavia
SUBJECT: European Union Proposal.

To the esteemed Leaders of Italy,

Whilst we cannot speak on behalf of the King, The Rikstag of the United Kingdom of Scandinavia is again adressing the problems and benefits associated with being a neutral nation in world Affairs. Know that it was a hard decision to make, and was made when the Late King Carl Gustaf V was quite ill, so as such could have been made as a response to some unknown threat that the King saw. Whilst this is not trying to discredit that Late King, is is mearly saying in the most twisted and akward of ways that indeed we would throw our full support behind the proposed introduction of a council of Nations style forum, specifically designed to address problems within Europe.

Until the Coronation of the new King Xavier, such a decision cannot be made, however, until such time, we would fully support such a move and are also looking at the possiblity at changing Foreign policy to accomadate such changes.

The Threat with Russia over Finland, in our opinion has passed, due to the fine diplomatic reasoning with the Tsar and our Ambassador, who has incidentally been restored to Russia, and the Scandinavian Embassy in St. Petersburg. As such, we have stood down our defences and hope that relations may improve as a result of this. However, should there be a whiff of any threat from Russian soil, then the troops will be alerted, and the standoff will again continue.

Again, we support this venture, and hope that it leads to the betterment of the European way of Life, and as an overriding factor, the betterment of the European Peoples, scattered and divided that they be.

Yours Sincerely,

Karl Staaf

Prime Minsister of the United Kingdom of Scandinavia.
To: Italy
From: Greece

The Tehran Pact is no more. We, the nation of Greece, align ourselves with this newly forged European Alliance.
Did Italy know Germany was entering Austria or was it just moderator artistic license?

And no dissent reduction for Kerensky? :p
Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, and Wales all agree to join the European League.

@Azale, i just decided to cancel out your losses and gains in dissent, they worked out to even anyways.
ooc: Is there any reason why Poland didn't join? :p
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