Byzantine Empire
Justianian I
Imperialistic - +100% Great General Emergence, 50% Faster Production of Settler
Spiritual - No Anarchy, Double Production Speed of Temple
Starting Techs: Mysticism, The Wheel
UU: Cataphract (Knight), comes with +2 strength but is not immune to first strike
UB: Hippodrome (Theatre), grants loads of extra happiness, +1 base, +1 more for having access to horses and +1 for every 5% spent on culture (instead of the Theatre's 10%)
Game Goals: Play with the Apostolic Palace
I begin and found Constantinople 1N of the starting position. This way I can gain the extra clam and plains hill for production. Since I am going to chase control of the religions, I decide to start by building a settler off the bat.
Huts provide me with 85G, 84G, 108G, 85G, Hunting, 28G, Sailing, Maps
In 3120BC (T22), I meet Gandhi and build my first city, Thessalonica. It happens to be connected to my capital via river. With a huge treasury already, and minor maintenance costs, I am off to a great start.
In 2960BC (T26), Buddhism spreads to Thessalonica.
Techs: Meditation (Buddhism in Constantinople), Polytheism (Hinduism in Constantinople), Fishing, Masonry, Monotheism (Judaism in Thessalonica), Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Mining
Constantinople: Settler, Warrior (incomplete), Fishing Boat, Warrior (finish), Fishing Boat, Warrior (begun)
Thessalonica: Warrior, Worker, Warrior (begun)
Bronze Working is ordered up, due in 6. I plan to revolt to Buddhism, then Slavery and Organized Religion together. Once Constantinople reaches its happy cap in two turns, I will switch to a Settler. I plan to research Priesthood, Pottery, and Writing. Ideally, I would build the Oracle to grab Confucianism via Code of Laws. The GP from that would lightbulb Theology for me.
I will attempt to win a peaceful Religious Victory, but I may decide to go for an early backdoor domination instead. Either way, I will aggressively spread Buddhism as much as possible.
Round 1 (T0-50)