Many Leaders Game 2 - Sword Training

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Of course I know that.... but I really don't like the shrine where it is. That was (and still is ) my naval base ( for my carracks/frigates/privateers ) and I've been negleting anything that puts in the way of production. Now if the shrine was in coimbra....
That's what the :whipped: is for! ;)
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Porto doesn't have a lot of food ( it wouuld only have if I cut those forests ( I have something reserved for them in the future.... )). :whipped: there such :hammers: heavy buildings would not be wise IMHO
@ r rolo1
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I looked at your save, both Libyan and Lisboa are producing more hammers than Oporto (but don't have a shrine).
I'M ON TIME! I played one extra turn and you'll see why:

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Now that I had figured out how the AP really works, I realized I began the game in the wrong direction. I'll have to fix that. But that doesn't give me any excuse not to play sloppy. :p

I continued and spread Buddhism to Washington and then Mehmed after meeting him.

I pumped out a bunch of settlers and buddhist missionaries and founded cities all over the place. I then built the Hanging Gardens to get all that extra pop for votes.

On the first vote for a Religious Victory, I lost by a lot since Gandhi had a lot of votes. Churchill would then get in on the action and become my opponent for the vote. There was only one thing to do.

Alex declared war on Churchill so I knew it was time to begin. I got to play around with Cataphracts (amazing UU!) and razed Churchill's and Gandhi's biggest Buddhist cities. WW got pretty bad, but it was worth it. In the meantime, I managed to get to Friendly with both Alex and Mehmed.

Being lucky with this allowed me to get those final votes needed to win. On turn 201, the results were in and:




This is the save 1T before victory

I'm running out of time, thus the rushed report and no following comments. I'll comment later. Sorry.
I added some info to my 800-1400AD report after looking at the save and making some trades; I'm not going to upload a new save, the changes will be reflected in the next turnset.
Nice one Kodii. I'm in a good position for AP victory too, but I'm gonna go for something else.

Suggestion; We could begin reports by re-stating our desired victory condition and/or the feature of BTS that we are playing with.

eg. r_rolo1 is exploring colonies. I'm going to go for Apostolic fueled Domination.

These might have changed since post#1. Then when you go into a save you can see what the player is heading for. :sniper:
Turns 150 - 200

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I decided to start this set off by stealing an idea from my fellow players. :groucho: I first read about it in Ozbenno's report, but I noted that a couple of other folks did the same thing. I queued up the Mausoleum of Maussollos in the capital of Amsterdam. And after completing Literature, I went after the free Great Artist at Music.

But plans don't always work out ... I had a bad feeling when I saw the message that a Great Engineer had been born in a far away land. Sure enough, the very next turn, the Mausoleum of Maussollos has been built in a far away land. :sad: Oh well, I still had the free Great Artist and an 8 turn golden age.

But I then decided to delay my golden age. I spent much of the last turnset acquiring and connecting happiness resources. The Forges and Markets that would double those happiness effects were just being completed at the beginning of this turnset. Thus I decided to delay the golden age a bit, to allow for the cities to grow. I wanted to maximize the effect of the golden age.

And even though I may have missed the Mausoleum, I did manage to pick up the Colossus and the Great Library. Both wonders were built in the copper city where I had previously built the Great Lighthouse.

Once I finally decided to start my golden age, I decided to take advantage of the no anarchy civic switches. I revolted to Pacifism for the extra GP points; this gave me a nice 200% boost during the golden age. I really couldn't afford to stay in Pacifism that long, so I had to switch back at the end of the golden age.

I managed to complete the Horse Whisperer quest from the last turnset. An additional food from each stable was my reward for completing the quest. Several of my cities will definitely benefit from the additional food. But for the most part, I'm thinking that delaying my research was not worth the effort of completing the quest.


I received a Great Merchant, compliments of the Great Lighthouse and Colossus. He was used on a trade mission to Ghandi's capital. This was the site of the Temple of Artemis, providing quite a nice boost to the value of the trade mission. My research slider would remain at 100% from that point forward.

Shortly thereafter, a Great Scientist would emerge from the halls of the Great Library. His free tech was Astronomy. I was tempted to use the lightbulb because of my UU. But Astronomy would obsolete the Colossus. And considering that I just built the thing not too many turns ago, I'd rather get some more use out of it. :huh: How's that for a lousy reason to pass up a free tech? I ended up building an Academy in the capital, instead.

The barb city of Visigoth was used for some Swordsman training. It would periodically pop out an Archer that my sword would promptly whack. I was getting very nervous that the city might pop out an Axeman next, so I finally went ahead and captured the city.


It was time to research Education after completing my quest. Since the AI did not seem to be participating in the Liberalism race, I decided to take Democracy as my free tech. Or I should say I initially decided ... By the time I completed Constitution, Democracy was only a 4 turn tech. So I went ahead and just researched it. :)

I next decided to go after Rifling. This meant that I had to complete the Banking line of techs and then get Replaceable Parts. By the time I finished RP, none of the AI had yet to acquire Paper, let alone get Education and join the Liberalism race. Thus I have just decided to hold off on Liberalism as long as possible and take whatever is available when the time comes along.

On the naval front, I am one turn away from acquiring the circumnav bonus. I'm really looking forward to the faster ships. I loaded Explorers into my boats to pop any huts that I might find along the way. My rewards? Two Warriors and about 60 gold. :sad: I was hoping I might pop some nice techs .... but Warriors?!?!?


I have also just completed the Parthenon for the GP boost and have almost completed Taj Mahal for a 2nd golden age. :D

And finally, a look at the Dutch empire ...




Double-turnset goals:
- Start the mass production of William Tell copies
- Jump up once between every turn
- Conquer the world

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First 50 turns - Catching up

These will be pretty much building turns. Choosed to not make anymore cities. Made some cottages and generally improved our lands to the maximum so we can pay the unit maintenance. I choosed to raze all the cities which I will attack, so I can then just settle with my own settlers on the best spots. So the mission is to clean the continent and then power settle it.


For defence these guys are beasts. That's City Garrison III right off the bat without even military instructor or experience boosting civics! Let's see how they do offense. I also met Mehmed and Washington during the building set, Mehmed started on an island chain to the far west and Washington is on my continent. Popped some huts from the island, only good one was Calendar pop. Here are some statistics because that's like the only thing about this building set:

Cahokia: Worker, Crossbow I, Crossbow II, lighthouse, Crossbow III, Crossbow V, Crossbow VI, Crossbow VIII, Crossbow XI, Crossbow XII, Crossbow XIV, Crossbow XV, Crossbow XVI, Crossbow XVII, Crossbow XX, Crossbow XXII, Crossbow XXV
Power Point: Worker, barracks, worker, Crossbow IV, Crossbow VII, Crossbow X, Crossbow XIII, Crossbow XVIII, Crossbow XXI, Crossbow XXIV
Mound City: Granary, Barracks, Library
Chaco Canyon: Totem pole, Crossbow IX, granary, spearman, worker, Crossbow XIX, Crossbow XXIII, Crossbow XXVI

Monarchy, Writing, Mathematics, Currency, Code of Laws


Second 50 turns - Get off MY continent, ALEX!!

Declare war on Alex. I stopped taking count of techs and builds, this is WAR! All my cities go unhappy after the units left, it will take a while before they get back up.

Poor Alex though, only one archer at the first city :p

Mycenae didn't have any better luck!

Now here's some resistance! Those pesky archers get +125% from city, this might get ugly. I had hoped Alex would be making an invasion force of melee units, but seems like he choosed to be a hippie this game. BLAH!

Well even those archers can't save Sparta. At the meantime Kublai declared on Churchill. They both asked me to help and war the other one, but I declined. Got some work to do, ya know.



Athens falls and we get a great general. Settle him to Chaco Canyon for military unit production bonus.

Thebes is a greek city? I thought it was egyptian! Emperor Sealot has done too much thinking towards this and decides to burn it anyway.


We got some bad dice rolls here, even lost a fight with 99,9% chances to win! Knossos still falled.

We get a new random event trying to stop the war. Thanks but no thanks.

Corinth falls, we got 8 workers there. That was pretty much the last stand of Alex, but we are very low on units too so we have to call reinforcements and heal before razing the last city. I should have made that great general a super medic.

Argos falls and the greeks have been destroyed. While I'm kiling alex, Gandhi is settling all the empty land of Alex.. Darn it. Gandhi, YOU'RE NEXT!!

Here is all the war heroes, 25 left and 8 came back.

Now it's time to rebuild the army and get Gandhi. Now that there are longbows out, we are going to need some sieges weapons. After researching the construction tech, I immediatly set all cities to make cats. We'll be needing them, if we had problems with archers imagine longbows. At the home base we've had some bad luck, forge of Chaco Canyon was destroyed, a forest of Cahokia was burned and two times thieves made Cahokia revolt for a turn. That's third time I get this same event in the same city this game.


Here are the new fresh attack crew (31 crossbows, 24 cats). Notice the minimap, Gandhi and Churchill sure got more out of that war than me. Well, I'd rather give them new fresh cities for me to raze again than get a heart attack thanks to the city maintenance if captured. Actually I was thinking I can now afford to capture the Indian cities. My research is still OK with 60% having -18 gold a turn, most of the expenses come from my army which will get smaller. We also got lots of gold to spend. Earlier I researched currency during the building set so we can build wealth, but it wasn't yet needed. Maybe next turn-set. I'm still a tech leader even with 3 times less cities than Gandhi for example.


Here's some stats info, 100 turns = Start, 155 turns = Start first war, 200 turns = After ending war and troops ready for 2nd war. The Native Americans sure had a huge baby boom during the building set lol!


Goals for the next turn-set:
- Burn things!
@ Pigswill
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Surely... but Lisbon had been doing settlers/workers and Libian has been in military hold until Alex had Dowed the bulldog. But Ozbenno is right... I will rectify this situation in a near future
@ Sealot. Way to slaughter with crossbows. Question, why so much CityGarrison?

No need for it if you kill all the cities.
@ Sealot. Way to slaughter with crossbows. Question, why so much CityGarrison?

No need for it if you kill all the cities.
It's a free promotion from the protective trait. Only a handful of backup troops defending my cities had over 1 City Garrison.
Better late than later, I`m used to say!

Spoiler saving space :
Turn 0 - 800 AD
I started this round by doing some clean-up and MM. Traded Maths and Mono with Kublai for HBR (jumbos) and Archery (Xbows). Traded with Gandhi for his map.:mwaha: Adjust espionage so I can see Gandhi's research next turn. After more than half an hour, HIT ENTER.

Turn 1 - 820 AD
Status of Zeus finished! At least, I won't be suffering extra WW.
Gandhi has just researched Construction... Hm.. It may be a little while until Feudalism... Hm...

Turn 2 - 840 AD
GM Born. Don't know what to do with him. Do nothing! :p

Turn 3 - 860 AD
Gandhi founds Chrstianity. Nice...

Turn 4 - 880 AD
Mausoleum of Maussollos finished.... Now... What do I do with those two... The GM and the GA.... Well. Nothing!

Turn 6 - 920 AD
Nationalism is in. Start constitution for representation!

Turn 9 - 980 AD
Declare war on Gandhi. Take Calcutta on the first turn. Now I have no more gaps on my territory!

Turn 11 - 1010 AD
Raze Agra. GA is born. Duplicate!!!

Turn 12 - 1020 AD
After a lot of thinking... Start Golden age with the spare GA.

Turn 15 - 1050 AD
Capture Jewish holy city. Staging area for Delhi!
Found Mehmed. Gift alphabet. Now he's pleased!

Turn 16 - 1060 AD
Constitution finished, start printing press. Triple revolt to Representation, Vassalage and Slavery. War loot should keep me on black.

Turn 18 - 1080 AD
Taj Mahal finished in Thebes. Now I have 20 more Golden Age turns!!! :cool:

Turn 21 - 1110 AD
PP is in. Start Guilds for Knights.

Turn 24 - 1140 AD
Guilds in. Start Gunpowder.
Gandhi suicides a 5 unit stack agains the Jewish holy city. No losses.

Turn 25 - 1150 AD
GS is born. Save him for Chemistry.

Turn 26 - 1160 AD
Attack Delhi, but would have my medic defend the city next turn if I captured it. Next turn, there were 4 more troops there.... :sad:

Turn 27 - 1170 AD
Gunpowder in. Start Chemistry. GS lightbulbs it and next turn it'll be in!
Attack Delhi. Capture Delhi with the Hindu shrine! :D

Turn 28 - 1180 AD
Chemistry is in. Start Banking.

Turn 30 - 1200 AD
Banking is in. Start Steel. Nobody has Civil Service yet, I think.... Paper? What? :lol:
Raze another Indian city. Two to go!
Revolt to Nationhood and Mercantilism!

Turn 32 - 1220 AD
Capture Bombay! One more to go!

Trun 35 - 1250 AD
Capture Pataliputra with the Christian shrine. Gandhi was a good guy. He leaves us, with Drama and Theology with him. That were monopoly techs. Use it well, Mr. Bald man!

Turn 36 - 1260 AD
Steel is in! :ar15:
Start Liberalism for Democracy (just for fun!)

Turn 39 - 1290 AD
Liberalism and Democracy are in. Start Economics. LIghtbulb the GM just to get another! NExt turn, start Military science.

Turn 41 - 1310 AD
Sparta finishes Heroic Epic. I know it's not the best city, but my core cities wouldn't be able to deliver troops in time.. Declare war on Churchill.
Now I'm glad I didn't finish this last time. No way I would have declared without time to spare. He just got Machinery, so my cannons would face LBs and an odd mace.

Turn 42 - 1320 AD
Capture and raze Oxford. The partisans go to London.
I start to draft one musket or another, according to the CG needs.

Turn 43 - 1330 AD
Founded the icy city of Megara for Deer, Fur (4) and a seafood.

Turn 44 - 1340 AD
Capture Newcastle and Canterbury on the same turn!

Turn 46 - 1360 AD
Razed Liverpool, which had a source of copper. Don't know if it's Churchill last one. But I think Kublai is selling him iron.
One thing I notice: every raze has a partisan event for me. Why, God? Why??

Turn 47 - 1370 AD
Mycenae completes the Sistine Chapel. Built just for not building wealth.
Military science in, start Replaceable Parts.

Turn 48 - 1380 AD
Capture York! Find Churchill last cities. There are 5 more.
GS born and merged in GL city.

Turn 50 - 1400 AD
Captured Nubian. Churchill is doomed. He was ready to vassalize when I got YOrk, but I want it all... And I want it NOW! :D

According to Civ4lerts, I'm close to domination pop. I think Kublai is next. I'll try not to let this last another 50-turn set. That's my goal!

I'm sorry for the late submit and for the poor report. It took me about 8 hours to play this turnset, so please, bear with me.

I'm off to the in-laws right now, so I'll read and comment your turns tomorrow and Monday, if it's ok.


The games are heading along very different roads at the moment and, of course, Kodii has finished his.

Most people seem in control of their games but if I was Sealot or Bindamel I'd be having harsh words to Gandhi in the next 50 turns about his expansion into the homelands. It looks like everyone is set into a peaceful or violent path to win as well. Is the fact that both Conroe and myself took the extra food from the stables quest, rather than the 7 military units giving you a clue as to our intentions?

Feedback is well on the way to owning the world and Alex and Gandhi are but distant echoes with Churchill soon to be the same. You'd be helped by settling the islands yourself though.

Sealot, I'd say you need some drastic expansion for production and resources. If you going to have it out with Gandhi, you need to keep some cities or bring up the settlers to found them in alternate locations. Remember as well it will bring your unit costs down.
That's a pretty impressive economy that you've got going Ozbenno! :goodjob: Even for this difficulty level. And Assembly Line from Liberalism. :wow:

Is the fact that both Conroe and myself took the extra food from the stables quest, rather than the 7 military units
I was pretty disappointed with that quest. The extra food seemed like the best of the available options. That free Sentry promotion was just lame. And the 7 Horse Archers ... well ... under different circumstances, maybe. But lets face it, it takes more hammers to build 7 Stables than it does to train 7 Horse Archers. :crazyeye:

This has been my one and only BTS quest, so I don't have a lot of experience with this. But I'm thinking these quests are a waste of time and generally not worth the effort. I would hope that I'm wrong ... but ... :dunno:
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