Many Leaders Game 2 - Sword Training

Turn-set goals:
- Burn&Pillage®

Part I:
Spoiler :

np. Fort Minor - Remember the name
"You ready?! Lets go!" Hell yeah, let's go then! Declare on Gandhi!

Sorry for the rushed report but it was pretty much Deja Vu from the last turns. I capture a city. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one...


Used prophet to pop Theology after trading the low cost religion techs with Kublai. Then noticed that I don't have a religion in all my cities so it's useless :cry:


Got a great general and made a super medic scout. It pretty much heals most of the wounded units at the 1-2 turns while cats are bombarding the city.

Then Churchill declared war on Gandhi. And few turns later Kublai Khan declares on Churchill. Welcome to World War II :p


I get Drill IV for the first crossbowman experiment. Sadly he dies later on and can't get any more promotions.. Never attack with 95% chances if you are trying to level up an unit :sad:


War weariness is also hitting with 12+ angry faces, some of my cities have unhappiness on size 3. Soon after capturing Delhi, the capital of India, the war weariness went down atleast 1/3.

Churchill is having hard time with Kublai, he has already lost 2 cities so he makes peace with Kublai. We still keep destroying Gandhi together though!


Delhi has stonehenge and buddha shrine on it, that should help a little with my financial problems. Negative commerce with +0% science. Lost so many cats at India core cities that had to change all my main cities to produce more cats instead of wealth. In the end of the turn-set though, I'm running 50% science with positive commerce and still in the tech lead. :cool:


The dog soldiers can have a woodsman promotion but can't have hills promotion. What's up with that!?!


Gandhi is making his last stand at Varanasi, he's toast.


So I left him with 1 city that England has been bombarding for the whole turn-set. It will fall soon but I'll get freebies from Gandhi. Thanks, come again!


Here are the survivors, I'm still sad about losing the Drill IV unit.. Oh well, atleast I have a level 5 crossbowman, soon to be level 6! The bad news are that it had bad promotions for future warfare, so it will be my 'military building requirement hiding in the bushes' -unit.


Woah, I wonder who is gonna win that. Kublai, perhaps?


Nope! :lol: Poor Kublai don't have any friends.
Just on the turn that I was gonna bribe some techs from Gandhi, Churchill destroys the last city and India is annihilated. England already has knights so I'd rather not fight them straight now, moving onto teching up. I have some units to promote eh :D

Got a new great prophet, popped most of Divine Right with it and researched the rest. After peace constructed the Great Library in Cahokia, just cause I can. Started Spiral Minaret for +2 gold each religious building, it goes fine with the Buddha shrine. Will settle a new city for stone and faster building of the wonder. Researched also Education, next philosophy then liberalism.

Part II:
Spoiler :



Land area
Before: 95 000
After: 244 000

Crop Yield
Before: 96
After: 273

Before: 124
After: 340


Thoughts about next round:
1. Tech
2. Do something stupid :thumbsup:

Some thoughts on the games...

First congrats to azaris and FeedBack for their victories. :goodjob:

Some games are drawing to a close but (again) everyone seems in the box seat for a victory of their own. Good to see Sealot and Bindamel give Gandhi that talk I mentioned ;)

It was interesting to see the Dutch UBs (dikes) in action. They make Sh*tty Ice City not so sh*tty. Very powerful UB but does appear late in the game.

Finally a big :hatsoff: to Jet for obviously being too bored with his game and taking the ultimate step to liven it up.

A note: I only included the 1700AD games for the stats in the previous post, so doesn't include Kodii, azaris or FeedBack.
WOOT look at my name there! :P

I'm not leading in wonders anymore? :sad:

And i thought i had more money? well ok. i think it might have been almost a tie with ozbenno i guess.
And i thought i had more money? well ok. i think it might have been almost a tie with ozbenno i guess.

I opened the save to double check...

Not even close :p, 3825 --> 2154 (you're in a GA as well). You're not in Free Speech or Free Market. You'd get a decent jump in your GNP if you swapped into them (especially Free Speech).
Don't worry, you have :)

Maybe you just can't see when they spawn in the capital.

There is a popup that says they fled to the capital. If I bring enough firepower to take care of partisans, the AI seems to (correctly) choose the capital option.

Spoiler Play information since last report, not terribly spoilerish, though :
Playing ahead a bit, Once I razed the city on the copper, I did start getting scary warriors as partisans :D
Info on the Partisans, from Ori's thread in the BTS section:

Prereq: Emancipation civic AND one of your cities was razed
Obsolete: None
Active/Weight: 55/0
1.a number of drafted units (equal to city's culture level -1) spawn at the city site
2.half that number of drafted units spawn in the capital

So, if that's correct, it shouldn't happen unless my opponent is in Emancipation (which he can't be, atm), so that may be a bug?

So, my empiric research stands correct! :D
I only cannot understand why in all my games they happen all the times... :huh:
Maybe we should see on the bug reports section if someone else has already reported it. If not, we should.. I'll do this Monday morning. ;)

Good luck on your next turnsets! Although I think you're all set to a win. Except, maybe, Jet. But his game will be by far the funniest to read. :mischief:
Hammy, Round 6 – Halfway there!

Spoiler :
The early turns were spent building up troops and marching methodically through Gandhi's territory. In 1780, peace was again forced by the Apostolic Palace, now with Churchill as its leader. Gandhi was down to three cities at this point.

After 10 more turns of forced peace, it was time to finish of Gandhi. By this time, I had enough votes to prevent any future peace accords. In 1814, my spy in Delhi fired off a counterespionage bomb, and the fight was back on.


Delhi’s capture was a financial boon, with the Hindu shrine. That finances most of the Indian empire right there:


In 1848, a “good” thing happened:


Kublai Khan painted a target on his chest :D

Things were not to be however, as a couple of turns later, down to one city, Gandhi vassalized to Churchill, causing him to go to war with me. So much for Kublai Khan next. I moved a small force in a Babylonian forest adjacent to one of Winnie’s cities:


A lot of horses were maimed or killed IBT:


Look at the effect on the power graph:


Lest we forget, this game is supposed to be about BTS, and I built one of the new building in Babylon in 1852:


That’s a real nice boost for Babylon, with all its river tiles.

Next turnset is going after Winnie, current domination percentage is about 32, so we’re halfway there.


Spoiler :
A slight recap shows we're 2 turns from Apollo completing and we're on a quest to get crabs. Satellites are due in 2 as well.

We build Eiffel Tower.

OK, Apollo is built. Let's try and figure out where we're going here.

The route I've taken research wise means I can already build Thrusters, Docking Bay and Stasis Chamber. I need to research Fusion for Engine (need 2 now), Ecology for Life Support, Fiber Optics for Cockpit and Composites for Casings (used to be Rocketry). That equates to 30 turns research. Therefore any city that can build a part in less than 30 turns is switched to that now. Obviously I want Fusion quickly as the two engines are the biggest pieces but will detour to Composites for the 5 casings.

Another thing about the space race in BtS is that Robotics is so far down the tech path and doesn't enable a SS part, I don't think Space Elevator is worth it.

Problem with crab city. It is size 1 so will auto raze.

No problem actually, as with Cristo Redentor in tow, I swap civics to slavery whip a settler and swap back to emancipation in the same turn.

Of course next turn it grows to size 2. :lol:

I found another island city to pick up a fishy resource.

We complete the quest and here's our reward.

Not that great it must be said.

Here's my National Park city by the way.

Nice amount of specialists (7 free).

I get Fusion just in time to start my 5th Golden Age.

I have great pleasure in voting yes to this.

With all the techs in, I have 6 turns to build the last part.

Cruise to victory in 1830AD.

Research: Satellites, Fission, Plastics, Composites, Computers, Fiber Optics, Fusion, Ecology, whatever was left.

All in all a fun game but pretty easy. Was good taking a relaxed role and trying out a few things.
I get Drill IV for the first crossbowman experiment. Sadly he dies later on and can't get any more promotions.. Never attack with 95% chances if you are trying to level up an unit :sad:
I got a chuckle out of this comment. :yeah: Although it did get me to thinking ... Since getting BTS, I don't think I've lost any 90% plus combats. But anything less than 90% seems to be a suicide run. :( Unless its below 10%. Then I stand a good chance of winning again. :huh: I've hardly lost any suicide cats; they always withdraw. No empirical evidence, of course. Just random musings ....

OK, with Bindamel leading the way (could I have a save please), let's start Round 6 off. 50 turns up to 1860AD by Friday.
I'll probably need an extension to Saturday. Sorry for the inconvenience ...
Spoiler :
Churchy or Kubly ? Hmm. I decide on Churchill. I will wait for Kublai until I get to rifles. All my Oromos upgraded will be the clincher hopefully. Elephants will protect my Oromos from the mounted units, but really, the first strikes of the Oromos will be neutralized against Kublai's Knights.

The other danger is flanking.

Declare on Churchill. He squanders alot of his units on a mini stack on a forest hill.
But it's in his territory.There was no hill in my territory. I want him to come to me to feel the burn of Statue of Zeus.

I play cat and mouse with Churchill's stack, or one of them, so that he loses his units on my territory .


He takes the bait and loses a lot of units in my territory.

I wonder if Statue of Zeus applies when the attacker is on your vassals territory?

Flanking! I have 18 and then 16 siege units damaged. Like, cant use them damaged. That's a lot of damage. I wait for stack number three to arrive and to heal the seige. Medic 3 is really needed because of this flanking.

Rifling in but , I see you cant upgrade in your vassal's land. Mass exodus of Oromos to the border for upgrades. Turn off tech, and do the rounds asking for gold.

Upgrades done, it's time to stop . .. .. .. .. . footing with Chuchy. Things go my way, Kublai decalres on Churchill.


This is good.

Take ONE city and Churchill capitulates. I accept instead of him capping to Kublai . Gift a bunch of rifles and Oromos to Churchill, and then gift him back his city. Not sure if that risks losing him as a vassal.


Diplo notice arrives that we can vote to return one of Washington's cites to him after Mehemd took it. Great opportunity to use the apsotolic to annoy another civ. I vote yes. Mehemed is the enemy.


This means Mehemed has christianity. He in fact has 1 vote. Someone sneaked it in there. So no war against the infidels (sad)

I had a missionary on a boat to go to Mehemed, but decided to keep Mehemed infidel. The missionary is still sitting on the boat waiting.


( later he got sunk on that same bit of water!)

This means I can win by Apost-diplo probably, but I want to go domination. Next target Kublai with Infantry. Then if needed, Mehemed. Washy is my friend.

I see a merchant of Kublais.


He will use the gold to upgraqde his knights to cav soon. I would like to kill it, but it's better to get to inf and then pwn.

Assembly line in . Turn off tech and upgrade again. Most are drill 2 combat 1 and another promo on that.

Churchill offers Astronomy and I finally accept it, obsoleting my beloved Steles and all their culture.

The UB did really well holding off culture in my captured Indian cities.

Wall street late in Aksum. I have a merchant and would like to build Sid's S. there, then against the odds, an Engineer.


I will build mining inc, my new favorite civ feature.

SoL comes in.


Declare on Kublai Khan. My vassals go in with good stacks. England does it's bit.


Khan should fall in ten or so turns.

With mining inc and sushi, a dom victory is assured. It's just a case of doing it with style now. That will involve galleons to Mehemed.


Hey mice!

Spoiler :
You still had some techs to get before getting Astro... I liked to delay it in my game... Galleons to Mehmed? Bah... If you want style, you should do it with transports and destroyers. You have AL, so it's just [Sci Meth,] Railroads and combustion. Yet, railroads are needed for mining inc... Think about it! ;)
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