The World Turned Upside Down

Almost everyone got orders in this time for those who didn't a one time chance:

You can still send in military/domestic plans, however NOT production orders.
Hey everyone I'm looking to get back into NESing, and I'm liking some of whats going on in this game. I only looked through briefly but I saw that the whining wasn't as bad as most games I've taken part in (but thats the past). What I'm posting here for is if anyone has any recommendations on what country I ought to take the role of (in your opinion at least). I've already IMed EQ and asked him. I really look forward to playing a good game.
OOC: Good to have some new blood in the NES. Dar-al-Islam would probably be good, since its the biggest open country right now.
OOC: Some suggestions as to which country to play:

I suggest Dar-al-Islam or the People's Republic as they have the potential for great power.
Or if you're looking for a change of pace, try Chile or one of the other Middle-eastern countries.
Chile would be interesting.

Though I would have to warn you that breaking a treaty in any way would result in war with Bolivia, Argentina and Peru, if not Ecuador/Venezuela.

Dar-al-Islam would be good.
Update is incoming now, along with a nice chart to tell you where you stand in military striking power, alliance and individually.
Global News Report

COMITERN GOES GLOBAL. St. Petersburg, USSR. In a shocking move, the Mexican Free State and Mongolia have joined alongside the Soviet Union and Greece in an alliance popularly known as the Comitern. President Trotsky has appealed to socialist and communist nations across the globe to "join the rising tide of the proletariat's revolution." Fortunately for west African peace, this incident occurred after the Monrovia Conference, and the Mexican Free State has outraged New France and Sokoto by its actions.

North/Central American News Report

USA ANNOUNCES MAJOR PUBLIC WORKS. Washington D.C., USA. Despite growing public disgust with the Democratic Party, President Smith has announced new works and reform to help rebuild the economy from the Depression. One of the keystones in his new programs in the new Boulder Dam, the world's largest to date hydroelectric dam. This dam will provide electricity to parts of three different states. However, President Smith has been attacked in Congress by both the Combined Marxists and the Progressive Party for failing to raise taxes or for making America more vulnerable by reducing military spending.

AMERICAN ACCORD ANNOUNCES UPCA AID. Guatemala City, UPCA. Led in a move by Argentina and Venezuela, a large amount of aid has been sent to the United Provinces' government to help rebuild from the damages caused by the Depression. Even the newest American Accord member of Nicaragua has provided a limited amount of aid to the Central American nation. The arrival of the aid has highlighted major differences of two political factions in the nation. The pro-American Accord faction is the vocal minority as more aid arrives from the south. Opposing them in the majority are the People's Coalition, a very democratic movement to unite with the United States of America politically. Some of the leading coalition have already made calls for a merger with the United States in 1931 so both nations could work as one to repair the damage caused by the Depression.

South American News Report

COUP DEFEATED IN ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires, Argentina. A cabal of Argentinian officers attempted a military coup in Buenos Aires to remove the conservative government. Sparked by several underground purges of Fascist Party members in the military, those who remained rose up with some military supprt. However, the return of the militias and other forces loyal to the republic brought about a swift end to the military's occupation of the city. Despite the victory, major property damage and civilian casualties occurred in Buenos Aires, hurting the city's economy. (-1 Private Enterprise, -2 Infantry Divisions, -3 Militia Divisions for Argentina)

PEACE AT LAST? Brasilia, Brazil. With the bloody conflict finally at an end, an arimistice has been signed between Argentina and Brazil. Brazilian forces have withdrawn from occupied Bolivia while the Argentinans have pulled out of occupied Brazil. Peace seems to have come with the return of pre-war borders and no reparations. South Americans all over hope for the end of war in this shattered continent.

European News Report

GREECE ESTABLISHES NEW ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Athens, Greece. Modelled off of the continuing progress of the Soviet Four Year Plan, the Military Farm and the Social Parasite Acts have revolutionized Greek economic planning. The nationalization of all agriculture and industry, though met with some opposition, has been completed and the establishment of the "military farm," a highly organized agricultural or industrial facility, has allowed the Greek government to mantain a rigid observance of the actions of most of the Greek people. Most of these are staffed by so-called "social parasites," people who are said to provide nothing to Greek society. (+5% Dissent, +1 Public Spending)

GERMANY ANNOUNCES REFORM. Berlin, Germany. With the onset of the Depression, the Kaiser's Conservative Party has announced the start of several liberal and leftist programs to help ease the strain on the economy. Several industries, such as the arms and railroad industries have been nationalized and their owners compensated for their losses. Though this has seen a rather unpopular tax increase, many unemployed German men have been put to work in the growing Wermacht.

IRISH BEGIN INCENTIVE PROGRAMS. Dublin, Eire. The faltering Irish economy has been moderately aided as the unemployed move en masse to the ruined region of France. Entire families have migrated to the wasteland as Irish forces continue to quell French warlords and advance deeper into the ruined country. Already Cherbourg, headquarters of the Irish forces, has swelled to a population of 75,000 Irish. The new resources and abandoned industries left by the refugees have begun working once more, helping rebuild the Irish economy. (+1 Private Enterprise for Eire; -1 Infantry Division from combat with warlords)

SPAIN RESURGENT. Madrid, Spain. With the collapse of organized government in Portugal, the Portuguese military has desperately appealled to the Spanish king for aid to the most radical degree. Agreeing to their request, Spain has annexed the failing nation. Met by popular support by both the peasants and aristocrats of Portugal, Spain has risen once more to be a strong power in Europe and the Mediteranean. In another foreign theater, Spanish forces have met with popular support from French warlords in Marsaillies and Bordeaux, all self-proclaimed members of Action Francaise, a pro-Bourbon organization. Many of the rightist rulers in France have welcomed the idea of a new Bourbon dynasty emerging from France and Spain. Only a few minor battles have been fought with small communist enclaves along the Riviera. Domestically, the King has cracked down on corrupt business practices and has even jailed several business men. King Alfonso XIII, formerly despised for the loss of Cuba to the Americans in the Treaty of Aviles, has become extremely popular in Iberia, being known as "the People's King." (Despite the popularity, Spain's dissent remains even due to inheriting the problems from Portugal in the complete annexation of that nation; Spain gains Portugal's military and economy)

UCS MOBILIZES FOR PEACE. Winchester, UCS. With peace at last signed with China at pre-war borders, the Union of Commonwealth States has finally demobilized. Despite the end of the war, the massive casualties inflicted on Commonwealth conscripts has severely effected the nation's economy further, continuing the decline started by the onset of the Depression. Furthermore, taxes continue to remain high, as only small parts of the industry is restored to private sector control. Despite high taxes, the government has begun major new public works programs to help employ returning veterans and those left unemployed by the Depression. Much of this spending has been focused on rebuilding infastructure in India and on an ambitious new Reclamation Project for London. Government officials have estimated that within two to three years London will be restored for resettlement by civilians. Some fighting has been reported in the ruins between government forces and leftover communists hiding in the ruins. (-2 Base IC)

USSR CONTINUES ECONOMIC EXPANSION. St. Petersburg, USSR. In a move highly protested by the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations, the Soviet Union has annexed the Caucus state of Georgia. Georgia, run by Chairman Iosef Stalin has willfully joined the larger communist nation for the "good of the proletariat." Combined with this new acquisition is the continuing success of the Four Year Plan as the Soviet economy continues to grow and the agriculture begins to modernize. (+1 Public Spending for USSR; USSR annexes Georgia)

COMMUNISTS WIN DISPUTED ELECTION IN POLAND. Warsaw, Poland. In a highly disputed election, the communists have won with a mere 43% of the vote. Early in the campaign it appeared like another certain victory for the Fascist Party. However, a radical anarchist gunned down both the President and his running mate weeks before the election. This of course shattered the Fascist Party and paved the way for the Communist victory in the elections. They were mostly contested by a smattering of other parties, including the growing Liberal Party, who managed to achieve 21% of the vote.

Africa/Middle Eastern News Report

RESTORATION OF PERSIAN REPUBLIC. Tehran, Persia. With the death of Imam Ahmed Qajar, the Persian people have restored a republican government in Tehran. The Islamist Party continues to hold power, though low level district elections have seen the secularist Liberal Party make some significant gains. The return of democracy to Persia has recieved some condemnation from the Caliph and several other nations of the Brotherhood. (-5% Dissent)

PALESTINIAN REBELLION CRUSHED. Jerusalem, Italian Empire. A massive Italian army descended upon the allied Jews and Muslims of Palestine in a major offensive in early June. With no armor and limited air support, the Palestinians were overwhelmed by the Italians. Despite the quick victory, it was not an easy win for Italy. The Palestinians made their heaviest fight within Jerusalem and much of the city was left wrecked including some of the city's holiest landmarks to several religions. German and English Zionist Jews, the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations, and the Vatican in Rome have all condemned the actions taken in the reconquest of the city. Casualties were very high for the Italians in their advance and several off-shore ships were even sunk by daring Palestinian fighters.
Casualty List
Palestine: Nation Destroyed.
Italy: 5 Infantry Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 1 Destroyer Group, 1 Fighter Squadron (Global Opinion to Neutral)

AFRICANS ANNOUNCE NEW BORDERS. Monrovia, Liberia. Despite different ideologies and backgrounds, the nations which once made up Liberia have agreed to a new compromise. Borders have been determined to remain as they are with a few minor adjustments along riverlines and taking into account ethnic majorities and local support. Most foreign observers believe that the Africans only managed the peace because they all lacked sufficient forces with which to conquer each other. Only time will tell whether or not the Monrovia conference has been successful in securing peace in western Africa.

Asian/Pacific News Report

CHINESE ESTABLISH FIRST DEMOCRACY. Peking, China. The Emperor has at last called a Parliament to help forment democratic reform in China. This of course is the first republican style government in China in all of its recorded history. The first elections are to be held in the following year, 1931. This has not been helped by continued Nipponese military activity and Nippon's recognition of Mao's faction as the ruler of China. Many of the appointed members of Parliament have called for peace to be made at any cost, pointing out that if primitive Africans can make a peace, then the very civilized China should be able to do so as well. (-10% Dissent)

SOVIETS INVADE CHINA. In a massive military assualt, the forces of the Soviet Union have captured the city of Vladiostock from the Chinese. The territory taken from Russia during the 2nd Global War has at last been restored to the government at St. Petersburg. The minute militia forces defending the region were easily crushed by the large Soviet army. This move has been met by protest from elements of the Nipponese and Islamist governments. Further angering the Muslims, the Soviets have moved to block further Islamic advances in China and President Trotsky has appealed to the new Parliament of China to make peace before it is too late. (-1 Chinese militia division)

PEKING FALLS UNDER SIEGE. Peking, China. For the second time in less than a decade, the city of Peking has fallen under siege to Nipponese guns. With a lack of recognition for the new Parliament or their written constitution, Nipponese forces have continued their advance from Manchuria. Unlike in the previous war, Nipponese forces have secured Talian which have allowed for a stable resupply of the forces outside Peking. Nipponese commanders expected an attack from Mao's forces against the Imperial forces on the riverline, but Mao's hesitation until late July to attack led to an easy repulse of his attempt to gain a bridgehead in the north. Other communist forces have made minor advances elsewhere such as Inner Mongolia and north of Guangxi.
Casualty List
Chinese Empire: 3 Irregular Division, 2 Militia Divisions, 1 Infantry Division, 2 Fighter Squadrons, 1 Wolfpack
PRC: 4 Militia Divisions, 1 Fighter Squadron
Nippon: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 2 Fighter Squadrons, 1 Destroyer Group

Global News Ticker





Diplomatic Pouch


@human-slaughter and Shadowbound, neither of you said exactly what techs South Africa was recieving, so I just brought him up to par with Nippon.

@Vanguard, you call it New Genovia, the locals still call it Rekjavik.

@nuclear kid, you don't have a navy in the Pacific, so that part of your orders was not carried out.

@propagandist and j_eps; peace has been signed at status quo, other terms I guess you'll have to hammer out for next update as I didn't recieve orders from Brazil.

Because of its commonness amongst the nations of the world, Atomic Theory has been removed as a researchable tech. Anything that required it are now available for research to anyone.

World Map

Spoiler :
Power by Nation (Includes satillites)
Spoiler :

Great Powers
1. United States of America
2. Dar-al-Islam
3. Germany
4. Italy
5. Nippon
6. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Regional Powers
1. Spain
2. United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
3. Union of Commonwealth States
4. Republic of South Africa
5. Argentina
6. Persia

Independant Nations
1. Poland
2. Venezuela
3. Chinese Empire
4. Hungary
5. Serbia
6. People's Republic of China
7. Guangxi
8. Vietnam
9. Eire
10. Romania
11. Afghanistan
12. Brazil
13. Greece
14. United Provinces of Central America
15. Turkestan
16. Bolivia
17. Abyssinia
18. Turkey

Minor Nations
1. Chile
2. Belguim
3. Ecuador
4. Peru
5. Nicaragua
6. Wales
7. Switzerland
8. New France
9. Scotland
10. Mexican Free State
11. Liberia
12. Sokoto
13. West African Union
14. Holland
15. Siam

Power Including Alliances
Spoiler :

Great Powers
1. European League
2. Brotherhood of Islamic Nations
3. United States of America
4. American Accord
5. Comitern
6. Germany

Regional Powers
1. Nippon
2. United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
3. Union of Commonwealth States
4. Republic of South Africa
5. Chinese Empire
6. Hungary

Independant Nations
1. Serbia
2. People's Republic of China
3. Guangxi
4. Vietnam
5. Brazil
6. United Provinces of Central America
7. Abyssinia

Minor Nations
1. Chile
2. New France
3. Liberia
4. Sokoto
5. West African Union
6. Siam
From the Republic of south Africa
To The Newest Nations in West Africa

The people applaud and welcome this great act of peace on the African Continent. It fills us with hope that the people of Africa can work together to avoid war. May peace continue to prosper in West Africa.
OOC: Once again, great Update. hehe Stalins still lurking around... wonder if there will be any division among the Soviets. Or perhaps he'll just step in if 'Trotsky' makes any huge blunders? :p
OOC: In my mind, Georgia existed to keep Stalin out of the USSR.

That's pretty much what I meant, I guess, regarding South Africa. I probably could've picked a few out to not send, but figured I didn't have any technology that was terribly secret at this point.
Nice Update. I so saw that coming, but oh well.

BRAZIL SEND ORDERS! I am going to FORMALIZE a peace treaty soon, so we can actually get it done.
Hmmm, this makes things interesting.
What are the new former Liberia states called?

Looking to get back in this game
Reformatted, but otherwise the same as in the update in which they were introduced.

Spoiler :
New France (Blue)- Most stunning of these factions as mentioned above was the amazing exodus of French conservatives and fascists under the leadership of the charismatic Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle has founded the new nation of New France and has proclaimed it a new refuge and homeland for French people across the world. Using his veteran French armored division to keep raiders and the rulers of other factions away, de Gaulle hopes the best for New France.

Mexican Free State (Yellow)- Deep inland of Liberia, Mexican laborers slaved away following their expulsion from North America by the United States. Now under the leadership of Lazaro Cardenas the Mexicans have revolted from the control of the government at Monrovia and seized control of the inland mines and factories along the Niger river. The Mexican Free State has been recognized by both the nations of Abyssinia and New France.

Sokoto (Brown)- Another nation which has arisen following the collapse of the main government is a collection of African tribes which have rallied to King Ademola II, the rightful ruler of Sokoto. A new African kingdom has been proclaimed in Central Liberia, coming into conflict with both New France and the Mexican Free State.

West African Union (Purple)- A final new nation was created along the coast as former European colonists rally to a new liberal republican government at Banjul. Spanish, French, British, and Portuguese colonists have met together and formed the turbulent new African democracy, the West African Union.

Liberia (Same color)- Meanwhile, in Monrovia, Edwin Barclay, temporary President of a provisional government, declared martial law with support of the military. He has claimed this to be emergency measures while the crisis is resolved.
Unite the Balkans or unite the Muslims? Muslim has a much wider world objective, so I think I'll take on Dar-al-Islam. I will definitely be conducting some diplomacy in a few hours.
Good show. That'll make this all the more interesting.
To Islamic Nations:
Dear friend, a million greetings to you. I come with my concerns for our nations. Firstly I worry about so much dissent in our own nations, especially in the Balkan area. While all Islamic nations could send 10 divisions to quell all resistance, this would be bloody, and in the end: hate breeds hate. Therefore I suggest we take a more peaceful road. Perhaps all Muslims could come together and create a fund for all poverty affecting any of our people, anywhere. Right now it would seem Persia and Dar-al-Islam would shoulder the brunt of the financing, whereas you would need to do the rest. Perhaps we could build schools, hospitals, and mosques, factories, things people need to live and prosper. Alms for the poor should be one of our most important tenents, we have let it slip.

My proposal (as a summary without any special language):
We pool our resources so that we can better help our people in this Great Depression. This would be accomplished by funding Mosques, schools, Universities, Hospitals, jobs, everything that will stimulate the economy.

Furthermore I ask for more freedom for our economies. I would suggest that we all band in together to eliminate trade tarriffs on each other. This way goods could easily flow between our borders. The resources of one nation could come to the industrious people of another, where it will be sent to another nation where distribution could easily flow. This will increase the amount of business done in Islamic lands.

To all Muslims:
Finally I speak to the followers of Muhammad the Prophet, all of them. The French country side is depleted by war. The people are in disarray, what few remain. But order CAN be achieved, it will be difficult , but WE can do it. So I ask you now: rebuild France. This country needs Islamic Brothers with working hands to build a Muslim nation in Western Europe. If we could but move some of our people there, a paradise could be created, from the ground up!
Mmmm.... I think this Limited war is great for bolivia. Got it a coast and a friendship with Argentina, Hope no one back stabs :backstab:. And I still think that Chile is just inpending doom...

Holy look at peru! If they don't have signifigant forces [pimp] I'm gona help "them" out!

Spoiler :
to put them out of there misery :mwaha:
Charles Li, what?

I must warn you against precipitating a war within our alliance.

As well, we are about to sign a peace treaty, so it will be peace.
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