Civ4 BTS patch v3.13, while doing many good things for the game, is a letdown in one respect: it removes the glance tab from the foreign advisor. According to the changelist, they considered it 'ugly'.
Well, would you like to have it back?
This was one of my favorite changes in BtS, and one of the most useful of all advisor screens. Bring it back!
Might put in a mod that pops up the 'glance' tab at random intervals ... so that everyone can share in its beautyI suppose one ought to argue that for those who care the Glance Tab should remain (or in the present case be brought back). Those who don't like it on aesthetic grounds can simply not bother to open it... they're not forced to look at it after all, while those who want it are obliged to do without it if, as it has been, it is simply removed.
Might put in a mod that pops up the 'glance' tab at random intervals ... so that everyone can share in its beauty.
. BUG is putting it back but with an option to remove).
# "GLANCE", \
at line 177
of which file? We should make a stickied post with simple instructions for everyone. Awesome, thanks for the info.
Yeah, they made quite a few changes to the tech trading screen, so I'd upgrade if I were you. If you just remove the commented line I mentioned above, you should be fine.