Bring back the GLANCE tab to the foreign advisor!

Would you like to have the GLANCE tab back?

  • Yes

    Votes: 311 85.9%
  • No

    Votes: 26 7.2%
  • Somebody will do a mod for this very soon anyhow... and I don't care about multiplayer.

    Votes: 25 6.9%

  • Total voters
Wow, they actually removed it? Why would they remove a useful feature. If it's ugly, clean it up not lazily remove it. How ********.
Indeed. If you don't like the look, change it. But don't drop the usefulness!
Civ4 BTS patch v3.13, while doing many good things for the game, is a letdown in one respect: it removes the glance tab from the foreign advisor. According to the changelist, they considered it 'ugly'.

Well, would you like to have it back?

1 - Nobody had to look at it
2- It had useful info gathered
3- This is the first time irecall that a oficial game feature is withdrawed, and the excuse is simply :vomit: ( I bet they had some problems when trying to adapt it ( I still don't understand for what the + button on the top left corner was for in the 3.03 version, for a simple example ( f someone know, I would be glad to be enlighten ) ) and decided to let it down to not delay even further the patch ). If they going to withdraw everything that is ugly in BtS, most of the new leaders ( read Darius and Gilgamesh, among others ) will disapear, as well as some units ( and let's not talk about the modern music.... )....
This was one of my favorite changes in BtS, and one of the most useful of all advisor screens. Bring it back!

That was one of the best things that brought in for BtS. It seems weird that now they think it is "ugly". :crazyeye:
You gotta admit, it was the ugliest screen in the game.

However, it was also the most useful screen in the game.

Perhaps some modders can find a way to make it prettier so Firaxis will put it back in.

-- my 2 :commerce:
I suppose one ought to argue that for those who care the Glance Tab should remain (or in the present case be brought back). Those who don't like it on aesthetic grounds can simply not bother to open it... they're not forced to look at it after all, while those who want it are obliged to do without it if, as it has been, it is simply removed.
Might put in a mod that pops up the 'glance' tab at random intervals ... so that everyone can share in its beauty :D (PS - I like it. BUG is putting it back but with an option to remove ... we'll use it as a selling point for our mod ... "The BUG Mod ... featuring the ugliest screen in the world ... come and see children cry ... see grown men faint ...").
It really is mind boggling why they would remove this feature. Maybe it went something like this:

Firaxis guy 1: Hey, look at this glance tab. Boy is it ugly, lets remove it.
Firaxis guy 2: Hey good idea, it's ugly so that means it's useless.
Firaxis boss: I like the cut of your guy's jib. Have a raise.
It's very easy to add the Glance screen back, all of the code for it still exists. They simply commented out one line to remove the tab.

edit: Sorry, forgot to mention that the file is "\Beyond the Sword\Assets\Python\Screens\".

The line is:
#											 "GLANCE", \
at line 177. Simply remove the "#" out front and the Glance tab will be back.

^^I already suspected that the screen was still there, just hidden.... Why not a "disable Glance screen" option, like there is for the clock, for people that can't stand it? :confused:
Hey, I somehow still have the glance screen! I had modded the CvExoticForeignAdvisor file to make a few changes to the tech screen and now it looks like the patch did not overwrite my file. This is OK as long as they did not make changes to the diplomacy screens but I remember reading that they fixed a bug in the tech trading screen.
Yeah, they made quite a few changes to the tech trading screen, so I'd upgrade if I were you. If you just remove the commented line I mentioned above, you should be fine.

of which file? We should make a stickied post with simple instructions for everyone. Awesome, thanks for the info.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that, I edited my post above to make that clear.

When I read about it being removed I just figured that they were going to fix the formatting of it, since it didn't really look as good as it did in the HOF mod, which did have the advantage of taking up the whole screen. Or maybe remove the little plus button, which definitely messes up the column formatting in some of the Mod versions. I can't believe they removed something that no one is forced to look at.

If you select a civ and then click on the the little plus button then it will rank the other civs in their friendliness order with that civ. Or at least it did when the screen was still available. That was something new to BTS that the HOF mod didn't have, and I think that is what messed up the formatting.
Yeah, they made quite a few changes to the tech trading screen, so I'd upgrade if I were you. If you just remove the commented line I mentioned above, you should be fine.


But I installed the patch twice and it did not overwrite the old file. How can I fix that?
It should overwrite it. But you'll still be using the old version if you've put one in your CustomAssets folder. If that's the case, just delete the CustomAssets version. If you actually modified the default version (not usually a good idea), try deleting the file, and then reinstalling the patch.

OK, thanks. It's not in customassets, I didn't know I needed to put the modified files in there. I had modified the default version but made a copy of the old original. Will delete & reinstall like you said. So next time I make a change to any of the files, if I put the modded one in the customassets folder, does the game always know to look there first?
Yeah, as long as you are playing single player, it'll look at those files first. At least for xml/py files, it won't work if you put the dll there. But that makes sure you can use modified files without touching the originals, or needing to a use a mod.

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