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Unofficial BTS 3.13 patch

Yeah, as ori said, that's the location of the Vanilla dll. Each expansion patch has its own dll. The location I provide is the correct (afaik) location for the BTS version of the dll.

OK, I have installed the patches and everything is working perfectly (thanks again, Bhruic!); however, I either did more than necessary, or the wording in the readme file is a little misleading. It says to overwrite CvGameCoreDLL.dll in the cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory but when you decompress the zip file, it includes multiple files in the directory, all of which are contained within the cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory.

What I did, was, I made a copy of the entire original cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory as a backup. Then, I copied every file in the patch directory and used them to overwrite all duplicate files in the original cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory. Was that necessary, or did I only need to copy over CvGameCoreDLL.dll?

Either way, it might be worth re-wording the readme file to specify either that all files need to be overwritten, or just the .dll file itself.

Just my $.02!
OK, I have installed the patches and everything is working perfectly (thanks again, Bhruic!); however, I either did more than necessary, or the wording in the readme file is a little misleading. It says to overwrite CvGameCoreDLL.dll in the cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory. However, when you download the zip file, it includes multiple files in the directory, all of which are contained with in the cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory.

What I did, was, I made a copy of the entire original cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory, copied every file in the patch directory, and overwrote all duplicate files in the original cIV\BtS\assets\CvGameCoreDLL directory. Was that necessary, or did I only need to copy over CvGameCoreDLL.dll?

Either way, it might be worth re-wording the readme file to specify either that all files need to be overwritten, or just the .dll file itself.

Just my $.02!

The answer is just the .dll itself. The other files are there for modders or people who want to have the original sourcre code that created the dll.
OK, thanks _alphaBeta_

I have attached an updated readme file with a note to that effect...up to you, Bhruic, if you want to add it to the patch.


  • readme.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 134
This looks pretty bad.

Do you all think we should go back to 3 corporate executives max? I'm not sure why the latest patch removed the limit. I thought it was better with it. After seeing this behavior, I definitely think so.

Maybe we should limit the AI to 3 caravels max too. They seem to think caravels are as good at defending cities as corp execs are :crazyeye:.

Seriously though, yeah, in principle I'm in favor of reinstating the corp exec limit, but I'd prefer to have solid evidence that Firaxis didn't actually attempt to code anything to make the AI aware of the new lifted restriction. If we could establish that, then despite my preference for "unaltered gameplay" I'd be comfortable putting this in the same bin as the "ugly glance tab fix" and nixing it.
I don't see why the 3-corp-exec restriction was lifted in the first place. Do we really need to be able to blast out corporations faster than that? I don't think so.
I don't see why the 3-corp-exec restriction was lifted in the first place. Do we really need to be able to blast out corporations faster than that? I don't think so.

It depends. On a duel sized map 3 executives per corp is more than enough for a quick spreading of corporations. On a huge map with a 40 city multi continent empire and many foreign cities, it can be pretty slow especially since it takes several turns to build an executive and you can only have 3 in the build queue + active.

By the way, if the AI cannot be improved so as to avoid the stack of 10 executives defending the city, then I'm in favour of a limit to the number of executives. It would be nice if the limit were a bit higher (say 5) on huge maps.
At the very least, it should be possible to queue up a corporation executive even though you are at the limit.

Hmm, and what would happen when the queue would arrive at the executive while there were still 3 (or whatever the limit may be) executives moving around or being build in other building queue's? Would it be skipped and removed, would you get a popup asking you for another build option and reminding you that the executive was removed or would the city just build nothing until one of the executives was used? It's not clear as of yet and there is no in-game mechanic for handling this.
Seems to me the best answer is simply to program the AI to use executives intelligently.

Of course, I suppose that will trigger a whole new round of "better AI" versus "bug fixes only" :p

Well, we've put up with a missionary limit that didn't change with map size. Since religion has the added ability to spread on its own, I'm in favor of a limit of 5 or 6. This stops the AI problem (mostly) and brings a little balance back to corporations.
If a Master + Vassal declares war on you, and you completely eliminate the Master, does the Vassal automatically get peace with you? No. Therefore, there's no reason the Vassal should automatically get peace if the Master is "eliminated" by capitulating.


I didn't read the whole thread details on this... but a question. Does the Vassal have a chance at peace if the Master is defeated? I'm thinking about WWII. If Germany had been defeated long before Italy was taken out, chances are very high Italy would have sued for peace ASAP when Geramny surrendered. So what I'm asking... Can the Vassal sue for peace when his master capitulates? I think he should.
Agreed. Economic warfare has it's place, but sending endless waves of executives at you just doesn't do it.

Unless, of course, they're fleeing the wrath of the SEC (U.S. Security Exchange Commission, a federal watchdog agency on corporations' legal shenanigans and the various "Markets") for your Free Market country to gain more in the way of excessive salaries! :p
I didn't read the whole thread details on this... but a question. Does the Vassal have a chance at peace if the Master is defeated? I'm thinking about WWII. If Germany had been defeated long before Italy was taken out, chances are very high Italy would have sued for peace ASAP when Geramny surrendered. So what I'm asking... Can the Vassal sue for peace when his master capitulates? I think he should.

I don't see any reason why the Vassal couldn't. At that point, he no longer HAS a master, so I'd say he'd be able to make his own decisions.
Bhuric - Can you instutute a fix to re-enable the corporate executive limit? My last game was lame at the end, seeing stacks of suits intead of stacks of infantry in the cities I invaded. I love to win, but not due to horrible AI decisions.
Hmm, and what would happen when the queue would arrive at the executive while there were still 3 (or whatever the limit may be) executives moving around or being build in other building queue's? Would it be skipped and removed, would you get a popup asking you for another build option and reminding you that the executive was removed or would the city just build nothing until one of the executives was used? It's not clear as of yet and there is no in-game mechanic for handling this.

My idea would be for the city to behave as normal until which point a new executive could be produced (like if you used up another exec somewhere).

Sounds like an XML task which would only complicate matters. If we were going down that road, then an AI fix would be more worthwhile.

A simple cap on exec numbers would be a much simpler solution though...

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