The World Turned Upside Down

OH NOES!!!!!

Will send orders pronto
take this as a threeish hour warning; the Warlord update will come first in order to give swiss and blenderboy a chance to send orders in for this. I believe I may be lacking other orders as well, but can't recall them at this moment.
My orders are in. :)
Can't wait for update :)
I have most orders, I've decided to do this update first, because it will be more enjoyable and ominous than the Warlords update.
i am legitamately scared.
Just then

BOURBON EMPIRE ATTACKED BY ALIENS. Madrid, Bourbon Empire. A strange alien race has destroyed the Bourbon Empire and only the Bourbon Empire. All other nations spared.
NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Tokyo, Nippon. This year passed uneventfully, with mild-mannered candidates being elected to the Kokkai. Everyone is happy. There are no conspiracies. Your water has not been chemically manipulated to make you more docile. Everyone is happy. If you are not happy, inform the Mental Hygiene Police.
I just got internet back today. With my technical problems and problems with posting it is very clear to me (and to you probably) that I cant really keep my commitments. I am very sorry.
Well finally got time off after a hectic week at work. Probably missed the deadline but still eagerly waiting for the update. :goodjob:

Next week will be better for me, I will be able to keep the deadlines from overtaking me. :crazyeye:
Global News Report

North/Central American News Report

TRAGEDY MARS US ELECTIONS. Washington D.C., United States of America. On December 7, 1936, both the Senate and the House of Representatives were scheduled for a joint session of Congress to be addressed by President Lindbergh to discuss foreign and domestic policies for the next four years. However, minutes after the majority of both parts of Congress were assembled at the Capitol, a team of 22 terrorists stormed the building using old Tehran Pact military hardware. Some of the Senate managed to vacate the premises immediately following the first shots, but almost all the members of the House of Representatives were trapped. The terrorists proceeded to systematically execute the members of Congress while Washington police and FBI agents attempted to retake the building. Terrorist use of light artillery in addition to other older military hardware prevented American forces from gaining entry until several Sherman main battle tanks were brought up along with a division of National Guard soldiers. Seventeen of the terrorists were killed, three were wounded and placed into heavy custody, while two others managed to escape in the confusion of the attack. The wounded have been identified as of Mexican origin or descent. Other investigations are ongoing.

South American News Report

ARGENTINA MOVES INTO ANTARCTICA. Beunos Aires, Argentina. In a surprising move, the Argentines have anounced a zone of scientific control over Antarctica, announcing the establishment of science centers and weather monitoring posts. Several dozen lives were lost from Argentina as several stations froze solid throughout the harsh winter. Nipponese politicans have denounced the Argentine move, saying that Nippon's claims take precedence over the American Accord.

European News Report

KING GEORGE V DIES. London, Union of Commonwealth States. King George V, the man who restored a semblance of the British Empire, died in bed, passing the throne onto his son. Edward VIII has been coronated as the new king, though many believe that he can't live up to the measure of his reknown father. One way or another, the UCS has begun looking to a new era with a new king.

ELECTIONS CANCELLED IN ROMANIA. Bucharest, Romania. Romanian President Ion Antonescu has proclaimed that elections would not be held as scheduled in 1936, declaring that the state would be managed by decree due to the devastating Civil War. Antonescu's faction quickly moved to secure all media outlets and government installations. Many of the former communist parts of the nation have resisted the move, but have been quelled by Romanian military forces.

BOURBONS RECLAIM PART OF FRANCE. Madrid, Bourbon Empire. Spanish and Italian diplomats have confirmed the sale of part of southern France to the Bourbon Empire. The small slice of territory taken by the Italians following the collapse of the French government in 1929 has rejoiced in its restoration to Bourbon control. Combined with this, Spain has encouraged dual citizenship of people in France, particularly those who live within the Irish Occupation Zone. (-3% Dissent for Bourbon Empire)

THREE YEAR PLAN CONCLUDED EARLY. Trotskygrad, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Chairman Trotsky has announced the early ending of the Three Year Plan, claiming that those involved were "dizzy with success" thanks to its accomplishments. The Three Year Plan has concluded with the Polish industrial growth, development of agriculture in the Ukraine, and most famously and popularly, the creation of a universal health care system. Though expensive, the new program has taken off and is incredibly popular with the peasants of the Soviet Union. However many believe that any more shift into military spending could hurt the program's chances of success. (-10% Dissent for Soviet Union, +1 Base IC)

BOURBON EMPIRE ANNOUNCES ONSET OF REFORMS. Madrid, Bourbon Empire. King Alfonso has announced to the people of the Bourbon Empire some limited reforms. The holding of limited elections for mayor and local posts have been the first step in moves towards a more democratic society. This has been met with anticipation by many, though there is a significant feeling among the people that democracy had failed before the Communist War, and it will likely fail again.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

GERMANY ANNOUNCES AFRIKAN REFORM. Zanzibar, German Empire. The Kaiser has announced the establishment of Mittelafrika, a new form of organization of the African colonies of the German Empire. Contained within this are extensive campaigns to exploit resources and develop industry within German controlled Africa as well as encourage German immigration to the colonies. Furthermore, German settlers within Africa have been given a say in the Reichstag, helping to encourage equality between the colonials and those who remained at home in Germany proper. Many economists believe that extensive German exploitation could see the German Empire outproducing the Republic of South Africa in most rare materials by the end of the 1930s.

Asian/Pacific News Report

SHIMPOTO GAIN STRENGTH IN NIPPON. Tokyo, Nippon. The Nipponese Shimpoto Party has continued to gain strength as reforms federalizing the empire continue. Elections have found that the communists have been crushed across the board, as rumors of Soviet hostility discredit the Party. However, the Korean Nationalist Party has gained all seats on the Kokkai from Korea and Australia, and there have been multiple calls for Korean freedom from the Empire. The Shimpoto have initiated continuing domestic reforms including the announcement of a 12 year education program to help Nipponese youth.

Global News Ticker






Diplomatic Pouch


Military Radio has been dropped from the tech list.

You can now convert Cavalry to Infantry for no cost or to Motorized Infantry Divisions for 1 IC.

Computing Machines has been dropped from the tech list due to Argentine proliferation of the machines to private entities.

@j_eps and Swissempire, Jet Squadrons are 2 IC each without Modern Military Production; this was taken into account when i did your orders.

@Swissempire, i forgot about Tesla, I shall think on him and his ideas.

World Map


  • newbritishbegone27.GIF
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Those who have perpetrated this nefarious crime against us will suffer the full wrath of our country. The day of December 7th will live in infamy in the hearts and minds of America for all time.
OOC: Nice update, shouldnt we have started researching the tech though? (we had 1 IC out of the 5 left from Jet Engines, and then anything else contributed would go there)

IC: Argentina condemns this cowardly attack on the democratically elected government of the United States, and gives our support to them in finding out who is responsible. Knowing there will be an inquest into this in the CoN, Argentina grants access to the inquiry team, as we have nothing to fear.

OOC: The day of December 7th will live in infamy in the hearts and minds of America for all time.

Nippon feels the pain being suffered by the United States government, the surviving members of Congress, the families of the all too many unfortunate, and the people of the US as a whole. We will cooperate fully with the CoN team in finding the culprits.
To Nippon
From Argentina

We were not under the impression you had claimed all of antarctica, but simply relevant parts to your nation. We only put science stations in an area directly around Argentina. We can work out an Antarctic treaty if you wish
ooc: There is no-one else to blame for the terrorist attack on America than America itself. Clearly, it is one step towards the militarization and totalitarianization of the USA. With the death of the representatives, there can be no such thing as a representative government, right? ;)
OOC:that thought came through my mind, but I must admit the communist theory had more going for it. now its busted, so next step... and US would have a perfect frame of Argentina, allowing for revenge.

Time to call in my sources.


Argentina will not tolerate being used and framed for an act of terrorism. We shall not be a nation through which to funnel money or weapons. We hope that no American Accord nation was involved in this. If they were, we will bring up a vote on expulsion or suspension from the AA. If not, we shall end diplomatic relations with the nation responsible.
To the American Accord
From Germany

If any nation involved in the AA (or indeed, any nation) is found guilty of this heinous crime, Germany shall engage in warfare with that nation. If the AA seeks to protect the incriminated nation, then Germany will engage in warfare with the AA. Our quarrel, however, is only with the terrorists and their supporters.

Obviously the value of LAW and ORDER is required in the modern world. If the AA cannot respect this, shame on them. We hope that you will accomodate.
Our nation has been attacked. Make no mistake that those who planned and executed these attacks will be brought to justice. It has become clear, due to Council of Nations investigations, that the American Accord has declared war on us by murdering our elected members of Congress. While we have every right to declare war on them immediately, to do so would be un-American. Therefore we will submit to the American Accord and the world these ultimatums. These ultimatums are nonnegotiable and failure to comply with any one of these ultimatums will be seen as a sign of support for the vicious attack against us and a declaration of war. These demands are also meant to stop American Accord members from attempting a "French neutrality" of the Second Global Conflict, where one part declares neutrality to aid and abet a belligerent, and thus apply to all of the American Accord. If countries are truly sincere about remaining neutral and breaking with the American Accord, this is the only way they may do so in the eyes of America and the American public.

To All of the American Accord
1. The American Accord is to disband immediately.
2. Nations are to abolish all ties to Argentina and Brazil
3. They are to give no military or economic support to any American Accord belligerent.
4. Countries are not allowed to shelter any American Accord military personnel, ships or equipment.
5. US military personnel will be allowed to oversee signers military to ensure that they do not aid the American Accord in any manner.
6. The US is allowed to oversee nations governments to ensure they do not plot against us indefinitely.
7. Countries are not allowed to enter an alliance without US approval
8. Nations are never again to join any sort of South/Central American coalition.
9. All South/Central American nations are to limit there military to 5 Infantry Divisions and 5 militia divisions, and posses nothing else. This includes naval, armored, motorized and air units.
10. Nations are to have no more than 2 Military Spending for the next 50 years.
11. All nations will allow the construction of US military bases at places of our choices in their territory.
12. The Atlantic Treaty Organization is to become the sole source of foreign good for South and Central America,

To Nicaragua and Venezuela
1. Both nations are to disband, scuttle or turn over its navy to the United States to ensure stability in the region.
2. Both nations are to allow the construction of the Pan America Railroad connecting Guiana and Columbia with the rest of our nations.

To Bolivia Specifically
1. Bolivia is to return all lands it has stolen from Chile to the Chilean people immediately
2. Bolivia is to demilitarize its Chilean border and allow Chilean political and military inspectors indefinitely to ensure that they are not attack ever again

To Argentina and Brazil
1. Argentina is to return to its 1900 borders, returning all lands taken from Chile and Brazil and reestablishing the nations of Paraguay and Uruguay.
2. The Argentine government is to be dissolved and a new, US approved government is to be established
3. Both nations are to disband, scuttle or turn over its navy to the United States to ensure stability in the region.
4. The Brazilian government is to be dissolved and the Brazilian Progressive Party is to be placed in power.

Though these may seem harsh, they are not without benefit. Whomever agrees to these terms will be guaranteed American military protection from any outside invasion be it from a neighboring country, an ATO power, a Comintern member, what have you. All South/Central American nations will also receive the protection of the US Navy at sea. We will also encourage American companies to open factories in your nations to make up for any lost trade.
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