Many Leaders Game 4 - The Cultured Monarch

I am not sure I'll stay on top for a long time ;)
So much great games going on here :goodjob: everyone!

Still, it's good to be the best, even if it's for a short time :king: :D
As I said, I was keen to get back into this...

Spoiler :
How about a plan, plans even.

Well there's three main plans. Start building wonders in the capital (maybe shove Pyramids somewhere else), get a couple more cities and start cottaging Illinois as I suspect it may be my third cutlural city.

Let's see how we go.

I realise my tech order was all wrong before and I switch to Masonry before Aesthetics, so I will have Marble hooked up before I start to build Parthenon.

Parthenon built.

Some more cities.

I pop the free GA from Music and decide to merge in my definate second culture city.

Statue of Zeus built. Missed screenie but you know what it looks like.

Taoism founded.

Sistine Chapel built.

I convert Roosevelt to Confusedness as well. One happy continent.

National Epic built.

The turn before Civil Service completes I do a last round of whipping as no more slavery for me.

Here's the new civics.

And the capital after Caste System.

Trying to work all the cottages to get them to towns as soon as possible. I'll work the hills when I'm building wonders.

And here's the state of things after 50 turns.

I'm pleased the way things are going. I've got 8 cities. All are confuscian except one and I've got 2 missionaries ready to convert. I've started my first Academy in my 2nd culture city (Tiwanaku). I'm still not sure what my third city will be though (Kyoto or Illinois), so can't build second academy. Was building Pyramids in Kyoto and lost them 3 turns out (the cash was great though). If this completed it would have been a legendary. Need at least one more city for next turn as well.

Next turn I'll convert everything Buddhist and Taoist as well hopefully.

Wonder wise, I'm spot on where I wanted to be. Mausolleum is still out there so might try that for the 2 GA points and Heroic Epic. I'll go for Globe Theatre as well but not sure where. The only other definate I want is Taj Mahal.

I've got 2 GAs sitting about in the capital ready to bomb somewhere. I think its better to bomb later than merge now.

Research wise, I've just got Education, Liberalism, Printing Press, Nationalism, Constitution and Democracy to go. I won't delay Liberalism as the civics (Free Speech particularly) are almost as important as the free tech (which will be Nationalism for Taj).

Both Rossy and Joao are pleased with me, trying to get them to friendly but haven't got a single +ve from trade yet.

Research: Masonry, Aesthetics, Mathematics (trade), Calendar (trade), Music, Currency, Philosophy, Drama, Monotheism (trade), Civil Service, Paper, Construction (trade), Education (not finished)
Mansa Round 3.

Spoiler :
105: Aesthetics in, started the SoZ. Hoping to have enough time to do that first, and the parthenon after, since I won't have marble for several more turns

109: pick up my GS

Spoiler :

110: founded the worst city in a while

Spoiler :

111: math in, polytheism next, bulb philosophy, taoism pops in my banana sugar iron city, which I'm planning to make the third legendary city. Yay.

113: SoZ in, parthenon next. poly in, mono next

115: mono in, literature next.

119: literature in, CS next. Hoping one of them will trade me calender

121: parthenon in, great library next

Spoiler :

123: Joao converted to taoism after one city, and my 3rd city gets a fortuitous free spread.

I won't be whipping anytime soon, so I flip the civics to caste system + pacifism to run 4 artists in the capitol

Spoiler :

124: trade mono + aesthetics to roosy for calender

Spoiler :

130: got a great artist. Saving for music.

131: Roosy got a lucky taoism spread, and converted, but he's still being a bastard with the resource trades. What I really want to do is bribe him into a war with Joao, but he doesn't want to. . .. .. .. .. ..

133: take a relationship hit with Joao with a random event

Spoiler :

136: got another great artist

140: begrudgingly going to research theology > divine right to get a second religion.

Spoiler :

My third leg is 209 long.


Well are the stats for round 2. Again, if you have any suggestions or improvements let me know. And remember, take all with a grain of salt.
Rather than look at the third city's culture in isolation, I think we're getting to the stage where we can also count the number of Great Artists that are available for culture bombs into The Third Leg(end).
Spoiler :
Having built a library in Istanbul, I hired a couple of Scientists in the hope that my next GP would be able to LB Philo and claim Taoism. In anticipation of this event, I sent a missionary to spread Confu into Konya. Handily, he reached his goal just as the coin-toss GP came out in my favour:


Lovely. Two religions in a cashcow like Edirne. Wall Street here down the line (obviously). A few turns earlier, I noticed Joao had Alpha, so it trade him CoL for it (Roosy has Stone). Toku got CoL for free, giving +4 relations and the chance for OBs.


:cry: 1 lousy piece of gold from a possible 4 city spread of Confu to Roosy! Still, option two gave me Confu in Bursa, Ankara and Washington, so it’s not exactly a disaster. I get another event the next turn which grants 44 beakers towards Drama. Lucky me! Meanwhile my Taoist missionary is scouting out Toku and Joao’s lands. Toku had dropped to Cautious, so he got Poly for free seeing as I’d just balgged it from Joao anyway.

Aesthetics had also been learned, but I messed about and started ToZ in Edirne. I decide to cancel this and start it in Istanbul instead, after it had completed Hanging Gardens (T114). Free pop is always good (even if most of them were born ANGRY). Jesus was born in a distant manger on turn 123. Had a Confucian wedding (Portugal) but could only afford a token gift, but I was trying to get to Music ASAP.

Pull a big trade with Joao:


He’s welcome to Angkor Wat, and I don’t need to be first to Liberalism in this game (though it would certainly be helpful). Music and the Artist are claimed on turn 127, and Samsun is founded on the marble. Looking at the situation, I decide to make a quick dart for MoM because Istanbul can build Sistene in a piffling 8 turns and no-one has Aesthetics, so I can afford to switch away from SoZ. Sadly, Roosy completes MoM four turns later, but I get a very useful 213g cashback.

I researched Currency as my economy needed it and the AI had so far ignored it. Set off for CS and switched to BUR when it was in (having completed SoZ in Istanbul the previous turn). Founded Gaziantep up at Whales/Fish on the same turn. My tech-whoring continued apace: Toku got Maths for 40g, gave Feud & 5g for Philo, and Joao got CS for MC, Archery & 70g, bringing him to Friendly (and later we traded HBR for Aesthetics).

Shwedagon Paya was completed in Edirne in 740 AD (this city has only Great Prophet points), Sistene took only 7 turns in Istanbul (T148), then a GP constructed Dai Miao in 800AD (Edirne). This only gives 5gpt at the moment (compared to 14 from Kong Miao), but I’ll have 7 more cities of my own in which to spread it.




Where next? Well, I decided to get Literature before Nationalism, so I can sooner build National Epic in Bursa. Also feel I have too few workers, so more have been put in the build queues. Ankara will train a Settler for Banana/Iron after its missionary. Istanbul will try for Parthenon after its forge.

Longer term, my main cultural dilemma is on where to house the Hermitage: Istanbul is ahead in culture and has more wonders that will double their culture, whereas Edirne has commerce aplenty. The trick is to judge it so that these two cross the line at more or less the same time, allowing all Artists to be bombed into Bursa for the desired blanket finish.

Strategically, I plan to research Nationalism, use it to trade for Guilds, learn Banking (revolt to Merc), then head to Liberalism for a late-ish grab for Constitution. I also plan to trade for Gunpowder to unlock Janissaries. Ideally, I’ll be able to learn PP and trade for Economics then research Corporation. I normally tech deeper (Biology, Medicine, Radio) in culture games, but with Janissaries to protect me, and some really food-rich cities, I think I’ll risk an earlier tech shutdown.
Rather than look at the third city's culture in isolation, I think we're getting to the stage where we can also count the number of Great Artists that are available for culture bombs into The Third Leg(end).

Good idea. I'll definately try to keep an eye on dormant GAs. Just to check I've got your suggestion right, your 3 top culture cities have 1000, 500 and 250 culture each and you have 2 GAs, your Third Leg score is 1000 (as you can bomb cities 2 and 3 higher?
Good idea. I'll definately try to keep an eye on dormant GAs. Just to check I've got your suggestion right, your 3 top culture cities have 1000, 500 and 250 culture each and you have 2 GAs, your Third Leg score is 1000 (as you can bomb cities 2 and 3 higher?
I think it would be easier to list the amount of resting Artists in a separate chart because it's not certain that they'll all be needed in city 3.
Yikes - that's a tougie to pull together there!

I kinda think there's a 3rd factor as well - the total culture of the top 3 cities?

Could it be worth doing like the demographics and tracking the 3 things seperately?
I kinda think there's a 3rd factor as well - the total culture of the top 3 cities?

Could it be worth doing like the demographics and tracking the 3 things seperately?

Essentially you don't win until your 3rd city goes legendary so what I wan tto show is what is the max culture your 3rd city can have, so to an extent the culture of the other 2 don't really matter (which is why I'm thinking about including possible bombs). Not sure I want to track all 3 cities seperately :sad:.
Sitting Bull: round 2

Spoiler :

My strategy is to expand quickly, and to bee-line to drama/literature to get theatres, the culture slider, and to build NE to start generating GA:s in my capital, which will be my GP farm.

1120: Oracle, CoL (with Confucianism) as free tech
525: Buddhism spreads to Indian territory. Japan converts, and relations become bad. Need to keep an eye on Tokugawa in the future.
475: get a GP from the Oracle and build the temple of Solomon, which improves my economy enough to settle another city to block of the Americans.





Anyway your third leg is up!


Pericles, Round 3 – Vaudeville, or maybe just Fox08A

Spoiler :

What did the fish say when it hit the concrete wall?

War continued on against the Japanese throughout the entire turnset. Did someone say Bindy sucks at war? One of the many great things about Civ IV is major swings of momentum can hinge on such small things, like unleashing an assault on a protective Civ’s hill city, and missing taking it by 0.2 strength:


A miss is as good as a mile, though, and there was a Japanese axeman on the fogged tile to the southwest ready to move in to the city IBT, and the archer was promoted to 1.9 strength the next turn. The city is still Japanese in 800 A.D., and Toku is adamant about getting Kyoto back in a peace treaty. :(

What do you get when you cross a pit bull with a chicken?
Getting to a point with many religions founded, none on our continent. My philosophical nature was able to pull this off.


With no respite from the war in sight, I have not changed to pacifism, given that I think I’m trying to rebuild my army, grab the bull by the horns, all that nonsense. My other neighbors are coming over to my side, religiously speaking, which is a good thing for a cultural game.

What is green, fuzzy, has four legs, and could kill you if it dropped out of a tree onto you?

I played with espionage a bit to see if I can do anything good against Toku. The EP pool builds up way too slowly, though, as you can see from this table:


He swiped mysticism from me, though.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

I lost the iron to the east to Rosie, although the founding of Taoism has pushed his borders, so it’s not a very good city for him anymore. I did settle the gold corn site, and need to hurry up and settle the marble/iron site (Too much to do, as always), even though it’s about as food poor as it can get. I will have to share the corn with my gold city.


Not on the map is Kyoto, which has a theater, a library and a monument, but you wouldn’t know it from it’s shrinking borders. If I can get a missionary safely to the other side of Hill city, then I’ll have religion and two more cultural buildings to work with there.

What’s brown and sticky?

Finally here’s the stats and culture. Not a pretty picture, but I just have to stick with it!


I object.... Bindamel is stealing all of our hard work collecting bad jokes :mad: I demand a $ compensation now!!!!! ( well, maybe 5 or 6 GA to settle in my cities.... )
France's cultural woes, Round 3 (375 BC - 800 AD)

Spoiler :

Well, after reading the other reports it is now confirmed what I knew already: I suck bigtime ! Knowing that I'll present my turns...

First of all I was told my army is hopeless. Nice.


Then Joao came bullying. Well, I'll not forget that as I'll put your cities to the torch later...


Finally found a city at Gems-spot.


No Pyramids for me. Thanks to Roosey !


Time to get rid of Japan.


The coastal city is rather well defended, but I have sufficient arms in place.


Captured and kept.


I hate those hill cities. Fortunately there were only 2 Archers in it.


Burn. Japan destroyed ? No.

Toku had planted another annoying hill hideout.


But finally, in 400 AD, it was accomplished. Toku is dead.


Meanwhile I was trying for wonders. The Parthenon for example.


Whipped it in Paris as I didn't want to lose it.


Kyoto then came up with another one:


The SoZ will be good for my future wars...

I got my first GP, but instead of a Priest it's a very low odds Artist. Grrr. I wanted the Shrine !


I decided to merge him into my future Globe/National Epic city.

The stats:


Well, I don't know what to say about this game. It feels like my usual Monarch experience. The AI is ahead in tech and on the verge of pulling away further. Joao will found Taoism next. I already missed out on Christianity. All the same, then I must get those religions the hard way. With troops. Kyoto now houses the Heroic Epic and can build Axes 1 per turn. I plan on heading Construction/HBR after Music for War Elephants/Cats. The AI will have Longbows by that time, but I think I will be able to come up with overwhelming numbers. We'll see. I feel that I have not played well with the early rush, as it ended 400 AD. It slowed me down considerably. Others executed this way better.

What makes my game so different is that Joao has REXed aggressively towards my and stole the Marble spot and is also close to other sites. Doesn't make it easier. But at least the way to the front is shorter... ;)

Spoiler The Log :

Logging by BUG Mod 2.11 (BtS 3.13)
Turn 100/500 (375 BC) [17-Nov-2007 12:59:02]
Reminder: On Turn 140, Stop playing
Tech learned: Archery

Confucianism has spread: New York (American Empire)
Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Cautious' to


Turn 101/500 (350 BC) [17-Nov-2007 12:59:44]
Research begun: Aesthetics (21 Turns)
Tokyo grows: 5

State Religion Change: Roosevelt(America) from 'no State Religion' to


Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Annoyed' to


Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 102/500 (325 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:01:03]
Kyoto finishes: Walls

Confucianism has spread: Osaka (Japanese Empire)

Turn 103/500 (300 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:01:22]
Kyoto begins: Barracks (7 turns)
Paris finishes: Settler
Kyoto grows: 5
Tokyo's borders expand


Turn 104/500 (275 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:01:35]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
Paris finishes: Axeman
Kyoto's borders expand


Turn 105/500 (250 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:02:26]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
Orleans founded
Orleans begins: Monument (30 turns)
Kyoto finishes: Barracks

Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Pleased' to 'Cautious'

Turn 106/500 (225 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:03:02]
Kyoto begins: Archer (3 turns)
A Mine was built near Kyoto
Paris finishes: Axeman


Turn 107/500 (200 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:03:19]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
Tokyo grows: 6
Tokyo finishes: Monument


Turn 108/500 (175 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:03:43]
Tokyo begins: Courthouse (20 turns)
Kyoto grows: 6
Kyoto finishes: Archer
A Hamlet was built near Kyoto


Turn 109/500 (150 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:04:02]
Kyoto begins: Archer (3 turns)
Paris finishes: Axeman


Turn 110/500 (125 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:04:34]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
Kyoto finishes: Archer


Turn 111/500 (100 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:04:57]
Kyoto begins: Courthouse (15 turns)
Archer promoted: City Garrison I

Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards Roosevelt(America), from 'Annoyed' to


Attitude Change: Roosevelt(America) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 112/500 (75 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:05:21]
Archer promoted: City Garrison I
Paris finishes: Axeman


Turn 113/500 (50 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:06:01]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
A Cottage was built near Paris
Paris grows: 7

Civics Change: Roosevelt(America) from 'Despotism' to


Turn 114/500 (25 BC) [17-Nov-2007 13:06:50]
A Cottage was built near Kyoto
MLG 4 - Imhotep(France) declares war on Tokugawa(Japan)
The whip was applied in Kyoto
The whip was applied in Tokyo
Kyoto grows: 4
Kyoto finishes: Courthouse
Tokyo grows: 4
Tokyo finishes: Courthouse
Orleans grows: 2

Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 115/500 (0 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:08:08]
Kyoto begins: Library (18 turns)
Tokyo begins: Granary (15 turns)
Paris finishes: Axeman


Turn 116/500 (25 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:08:40]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (0.84/3) (Prob Victory: 20.6%)

While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (0.15/3) (Prob Victory: 24.5%)

While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman defeats (0.80/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 19.4%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (0.45/3) (Prob Victory: 14.5%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman defeats (5.00/5):

Japanese Chariot (Prob Victory: 90.2%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
William the Conqueror (Great General) born in Paris
While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman defeats (5.00/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.3%)

While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman defeats (4.10/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.9%)


Turn 117/500 (50 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:11:17]
Axeman promoted: City Raider I
Axeman promoted: City Raider II
While attacking in Japanese territory at Osaka, Axeman defeats (4.75/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.7%)

Confucianism has been removed: Osaka (Japanese Empire)
Confucianism has spread: Osaka
Captured Osaka (Tokugawa)
Osaka begins: Monument (31 turns)
Axeman promoted: City Raider III
Paris finishes: Axeman
Kyoto grows: 5
Orleans finishes: Monument

Confucianism has spread: Lisbon (Portuguese Empire)
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Pleased' to 'Cautious'

Turn 118/500 (75 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:12:36]
Paris begins: Axeman (3 turns)
Orleans begins: Worker (15 turns)
Paris's borders expand

Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Annoyed' to 'Furious'

Turn 119/500 (100 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:13:43]
Axeman promoted: City Raider II

Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 120/500 (125 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:14:13]
Tech learned: Aesthetics
Paris finishes: Axeman
Tokyo grows: 5

Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards Tokugawa(Japan), from 'Cautious' to


Turn 121/500 (150 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:14:38]
Research begun: Literature (12 Turns)
Paris begins: The Parthenon (17 turns)
Kyoto grows: 6

Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Furious' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 122/500 (175 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:15:45]
Kyoto finishes: Library


Turn 123/500 (200 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:16:07]
Kyoto begins: Archer (3 turns)
A Farm was built near Orleans

Attitude Change: Tokugawa(Japan) towards MLG 4 - Imhotep(France), from

'Annoyed' to 'Furious'

Turn 124/500 (225 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:16:33]
While attacking in Japanese territory at Satsuma, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (2.49/3) (Prob Victory: 16.3%)

A Mine was built near Osaka
While attacking in Japanese territory at Satsuma, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (2.04/3) (Prob Victory: 6.6%)

While attacking in Japanese territory at Satsuma, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (1.47/3) (Prob Victory: 15.4%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider II
While attacking in Japanese territory at Satsuma, Axeman defeats (2.70/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 28.4%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
Axeman promoted: City Raider II
While attacking in Japanese territory at Satsuma, Axeman defeats (1.70/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 53.4%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Japanese territory at Satsuma, Axeman defeats (2.00/5):

Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 82.4%)

Confucianism has been removed: Satsuma (Japanese Empire)
Confucianism has spread: Satsuma
Captured Satsuma (Tokugawa)
Razed Satsuma
Confucianism has been removed: Satsuma
Satsuma lost
Whip anger has decreased in Kyoto
Whip anger has decreased in Tokyo
Kyoto finishes: Archer

Christianity founded in a distant land

Turn 125/500 (250 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:18:27]
Kyoto begins: Axeman (3 turns)
Axeman promoted: City Raider II
Axeman promoted: City Raider III


Turn 126/500 (275 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:19:42]
Archer promoted: City Garrison I
Kyoto finishes: Axeman
Tokyo grows: 6
Tokyo finishes: Granary
Orleans finishes: Worker


Turn 127/500 (300 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:20:13]
Kyoto begins: The Statue of Zeus (9 turns)
Tokyo begins: Library (15 turns)
Orleans begins: Granary (60 turns)
A Pasture was built near Orleans
Orleans's borders expand
Osaka grows: 4


Turn 128/500 (325 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:21:26]
Osaka finishes: Monument


Turn 129/500 (350 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:21:52]
Osaka begins: Courthouse (120 turns)
A Village was built near Kyoto
Orleans grows: 3
Osaka's borders expand


Turn 130/500 (375 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:22:13]


Turn 131/500 (400 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:22:32]
While attacking in Japanese territory at Kagoshima, Axeman defeats

(1.85/5): Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 21.9%)

While attacking in Japanese territory at Kagoshima, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (3.00/3) (Prob Victory: 15.4%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
Axeman promoted: City Raider II
While attacking in Japanese territory at Kagoshima, Axeman loses to: Japanese

Archer (1.47/3) (Prob Victory: 15.4%)

Axeman promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Japanese territory at Kagoshima, Axeman defeats

(4.00/5): Japanese Archer (Prob Victory: 82.4%)

Captured Kagoshima (Tokugawa)
Japanese Empire has been eliminated
Razed Kagoshima
Kagoshima lost
Osaka grows: 5

Confucianism has spread: Faro (Portuguese Empire)
Attitude Change: Roosevelt(America) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Pleased'

to 'Friendly'

Turn 132/500 (425 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:24:14]
Axeman promoted: City Raider II
A Farm was built near Orleans
Tech learned: Literature
Orleans grows: 4
A Hamlet was built near Osaka


Turn 133/500 (450 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:24:44]
Research begun: Iron Working (10 Turns)
Research begun: Drama (16 Turns)
The whip was applied in Paris
Paris finishes: The Parthenon
Kyoto finishes: The Statue of Zeus


Turn 134/500 (475 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:25:58]
Paris begins: Granary (6 turns)
Kyoto begins: Heroic Epic (10 turns)
A Cottage was built near Kyoto
Homer (Great Artist) born in Paris
Kyoto grows: 7
Osaka grows: 6

Civics Change: Joao II(Portugal) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary


Turn 135/500 (500 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:28:13]

Logging by BUG Mod 2.11 (BtS 3.13)
Turn 135/500 (500 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:29:00]


Turn 136/500 (520 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:29:58]
Paris finishes: Granary
Tokyo grows: 7
Orleans grows: 5


Turn 137/500 (540 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:30:31]
Paris begins: Work Boat (5 turns)
A Farm was built near Orleans
A Mine was built near Orleans


Turn 138/500 (560 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:30:55]
The whip was applied in Osaka

Civics Change: MLG 4 - Imhotep(France) from 'Slavery' to 'Caste


Turn 139/500 (580 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:32:24]
Paris finishes: Work Boat
Kyoto grows: 8
Osaka grows: 4
Osaka finishes: Courthouse


Turn 140/500 (600 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:33:02]
Reminder: Stop playing
Paris begins: Work Boat (3 turns)
Osaka begins: Library (23 turns)
A Fishing Boats was built near Paris
A Hamlet was built near Kyoto


Turn 141/500 (620 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:33:52]
A Mine was built near Osaka
Paris finishes: Work Boat
Orleans's borders expand


Turn 142/500 (640 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:34:09]
Paris begins: Axeman (4 turns)
A Mine was built near Kyoto
Osaka grows: 5


Turn 143/500 (660 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:35:14]
A Fishing Boats was built near Paris
A Farm was built near Orleans
Whip anger has decreased in Paris
Kyoto finishes: Heroic Epic
Tokyo's borders expand
Tokyo finishes: Library

Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards Roosevelt(America), from 'Pleased'

to 'Friendly'

Turn 144/500 (680 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:35:45]
Tech learned: Monarchy
Kyoto begins: Axeman (2 turns)
Tokyo begins: Barracks (9 turns)

Civics Change: MLG 4 - Imhotep(France) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary


Turn 145/500 (700 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:37:00]
Paris grows: 6
Kyoto finishes: Axeman


Turn 146/500 (720 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:37:14]
Kyoto begins: Axeman (2 turns)
Paris finishes: Axeman
Kyoto's borders expand
Kyoto finishes: Axeman
Orleans grows: 6


Turn 147/500 (740 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:37:45]
Paris begins: Library (15 turns)
Kyoto begins: Axeman (2 turns)
A Cottage was built near Paris
A Farm was built near Orleans
Tech learned: Iron Working
Tech learned: Sailing
Tech learned: Drama
Paris grows: 7
Kyoto grows: 9
Tokyo grows: 8

Confucianism has spread: Santarém (Portuguese Empire)
Civics Change: Roosevelt(America) from 'Representation' to 'Universal


Turn 148/500 (760 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:39:24]
Research begun: Mathematics (6 Turns)
Research begun: Music (6 Turns)
Whip anger has decreased in Osaka
Kyoto finishes: Axeman
Osaka grows: 6


Turn 149/500 (780 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:40:34]
Kyoto begins: Axeman (2 turns)
Axeman promoted: Combat I
Axeman promoted: Cover
While attacking in French territory at Orleans, Axeman defeats (3.40/5):

Barbarian Archer (Prob Victory: 86.6%)

Tech learned: Mathematics
Kyoto finishes: Axeman
Orleans finishes: Granary


Turn 150/500 (800 AD) [17-Nov-2007 13:42:32]
Kyoto begins: Axeman (2 turns)
Orleans begins: Theatre (50 turns)
Research begun: Music (13 Turns)

Don't get it :confused:

Save please.

Upload not working at the moment, will work on it and get back to you. ETA: Fixed with a reboot.

Re: the joke,

Imagine for a moment a pit bull and a chicken placed into a room, and the door closed for oh, say 30 seconds. What would you expect to see in the room when you open the door?

(Remember, Fox is all about the BAD jokes)


five or six! I'll have to play a second game just to pay you off!

Rameses the Culture Vulture up to 800 AD

The Plan

Spoiler :
So this is the turnset where we really start to focus on culture so the objectives I set myself where

1. Grab Philosophy with a Great Sicentist completing my 3 religions
2. Build most of my 8 / 9 cities
3. Spread all 3 religions to the vast majority of my cities
4. Secure the Sistine Palace, Parthenon would be nice but not essential
5. Start Accumulating Great Artists
6. Don’t forget to maintain a very healthy economy

The Report

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Some elements of the plan were easy.

My capital would be the wonder-hog and there was a prime site for my 6th city which would also secure Marble (for Parthenon and Sistine Palace)


No when Alphabet came in 300BC I face a key cross roads. The two routes were:-
a) Maths – Drama – Music which would probably be fast enough to secure the Great Artist or
b) Try and sneak in the key tech on our map of Calendar
unlocking stacks of resources but endangering the free Great Artist. (I wasn’t worried about losing Sistine Chapel as being industrious + marble I would willingly back myself in a race)

Now as I had a strong economy all 3 AI where willing to trade with me buit it was only towards the end they had worthwhile techs..

In the end Techs went
300BC Alphabet
275 BC Sailing & Meditation via trade
150 BC Mathematics
50 AD Calendar
100 AD Monarchy via trade for CoL
250 AD Drama then Philosophy from Great Scientist

520 AD Music (No free Great Artist)
580 AD Literature
700 AD Construction from a trade
760 AD Civil Service which picked up feudalism & Metal Casting via Trades
At the end I am setting out on the Liberalism line.


Well Alexandria was founded in the spot shown above in 75BC and soon hooked up the key resource of Marble. Other than that 1 fill in city was founded in 560 BC in a position where it can help to grow the Capitals cottages.

This puts me on 7 cities so I need potentially two more and 1 will definitely go for the fish and Green Dots are alternative sites for the last one.


Well the Capital went and got Parthenon & Sistine Chapel and is now getting round to the National Epic


Who says Toku is a PITA, he just needs a shared religion and avoiding close borders et al..


And yes when I say peaceful look at the size of my end turn army and combat experience. The ultimate peaceful game so far..

Great people

We have 2 farmed Great Artists it would have been nice to have the extra one from Music but we needed Calendar..

EOT Report

We have a healthy economy as promised


Culture nothing special but it will come.
Religion well spread ready for mass building phase



@ Bindamel

Well, I can always arrange a nice lease plan for those GA ( 1 in every turnset during 10 turnsets, maybe :sarcasm: ). I don't know if pholk, Immy and ( especially) Greyfox will be so forgiving... :lol:

Now my round 2
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Not much to say.....
My turnset started with some not so heart-warming news:
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Oh well... wasn't expecting much anyway

Better news came soon:
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All running smoothly in that sector... the stage was set for the Oracle tech:
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My plan is to give the shrine to the second city as a source of culture and to let our third later to be bombed or even sushied, letting our capitol to do the most of the wonders....

Another day, another tech....
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Soon I was ready for my third city:
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I know that the positioning of this city is arguable ( I'm not sure if putting it in the hill is the best long term option) , but I expect winds of war from toku or from João ( the guy is already making those pushy cities ), so making a hill city looks sound. Not sure if this will be the 3rd Leg....

After a slave revolt in capitol ( grrr...) and some barb action ( nothing serious: I've a Portuguese and a Jap archers fogbusting the NE for me ;) ), I founded my 4th city:
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Not a bad city, but it was made mainly for blocking wash from getting North...

And then a nice tech for a Ind civ arrived:
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Backtracked for Poly ASAP ( Parth power ). After that I'll follow to Drama and Music ( maybe maths in the middle for extra chop power )

And then people started asking for OBs... no, my dear ReX people, the NE is mine....
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Some intel from the end of the turnset:

Map ( Not much of exploring )
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And F8 ( or 3 leg.... BTW that is the name that in the north of Portugal people gave to tripod benchs ;) )
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Small apointements:

I'm seeing a war coming soon.... the ReX people are without room and they became all budhist ( well that may change with the expected shrine, but that is hardly reliable ).
We have 3 civs and 2 religions lacking.... Good sign or not? Not sure
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