• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

"Shadow" schedule

I'll just echo some of the comment already made here, including:

-- FFH2 has ruined Vanilla Civ4 for me; every time I try to play it, my eyes glaze over. It's just too dull and monotonous compared to FFH2.

-- I've got 30+ years in IT and have developed at least one commercial computer game from scratch (23 years ago), and I'm very impressed with the quality and the speed of the development of the mod itself and the patches.

-- The game design is brilliant. Yes, you're building on top of Civ4, but see the first point above. Most 4X games attempt to give each race/civ a 'different strategy', but the differences usually seem arbitrary. In FFH2, the differences may or may not be subtle, but they're usually very significant and cohesive.

Looking forward to Shadow. ..fritz..
Will the Svartalfar and Sidar civilizations be playable in December, or will we have to wait for the next version for their release?
In December. They are the most shadow oriented civs (and the only 2 who start wiht shadow mana), so they will be fleshed out in Shadow. Of course, December' version will just be the first version of shadow, so they may still change quite a bit.
btw, think it would be nice mention that the malstorm (sp?) special feature has the possiblity of sending ships into iced over oceans... this should be changed (since ships can't move out)
btw, think it would be nice mention that the malstorm (sp?) special feature has the possiblity of sending ships into iced over oceans... this should be changed (since ships can't move out)

Well, there's already a chance the ship will be destroyed in the maelstrom, so it's not really an issue. Consider it destroyed and abandon it.
Although I've heard that blight may melt the ice, so it may eventually be freed. It has also been implied that a new counter (similar to the AC) may be added, counting how much the world has thawed since the Age of Ice, which may also mean the ship could later be freed. Who knows, there could also be events that require trapped ships...
now that i think about it sounds similar to the biblical idea of the end of the world: first the world was punished with water (in this case in the form of ice) and will end in flames (in this case the spread of hell and the coming of the avatar of wrath, etc)

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Seemed appropriate, in a roundabout way. Obviously it's missing the verse about light and shadow :p (unless you interpret 'desire' and 'hate' in alternative ways...)

Looking at it further, it seems blatantly obvious that the FFH team has ruthlessly plagiarised Robert Frost.
now that i think about it sounds similar to the biblical idea of the end of the world: first the world was punished with water (in this case in the form of ice) and will end in flames (in this case the spread of hell and the coming of the avatar of wrath, etc)

The book of revelations is mine or Wilboman's AAR, sent accidentally to the past by a time distortion created when trying to get a chat with Aristotle
Oi, you stole that idea from me, in the 1001 reasons thread:(
[never mind]
I was only kidding:D Feel free to use and abuse at will. I though the time distortion thing was amusing.
Besides, it says:"You think the Book of Revelations is an AAR from a game you played."
So it must mean me

I have the habit of taking stuff a bit literally, being a dumb foreigner

And it's 1000 clues, not 1001!
Besides, it says:"You think the Book of Revelations is an AAR from a game you played."
So it must mean me
A valid point.
could be worse... erebus could end in a bio-chemical madness like in Heroes lol
Just a reminder, tomorrow (Friday, November 23rd), will be the release of the first real information on "shadow" and the start of 3 design contests. Be sure to check in. :D
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