The World Turned Upside Down

Not really, you know about real-life attempts to root out a popular, well-armed, and determined insurgency in an oil-rich foreign nation?

Hey, yeah. Independence rocks and stuff. Plus, I'm like 90% sure if we just laid down our arms and surrendered, the people would all of a sudden hate me. Yeah, think of Nicaragua and that terrible "lenient" treaty. An unconditional surrender would only lead to American occupation and we would be added to the American Empire, the result of which is that there would be mad dissent.

We will bleed the Americans dry, in other words, for taking our beloved lands and destroying Venezuela.
OOC: And for that Lightfang had better win the "Best Insurgent" award. Kidding.

And in reality you have to consider the double-trouble coming with invasion of Venezuela. For starters, Venezuela, historically, had been a colony in years past. The entire idea of being re-invaded by a foreign force (much less America, a long time enemy of the American Accord) will definitely stir up trouble and widespread dissent. If Lightfang had surrendered, the Venezuelans would have fought on anyway.

And the reason I think there is so much war is because this is, after all, a world without a 20th-century British Empire. After WWI the entire world was pretty much plunged into chaos - could it be that the upside to British hegemony was a squelching of massive conflicts? The reason I think this NES is still a somewhat accurate portrayal of what could have been, is because people are still people: and whether they are virtual citizens or real citizens, everyone is still being controlled by real people, who are governed by the same emotions and intuition and ambition. It is entirely possible to have had three world wars by 1940 because of the reasons listed before, and because there is still cause for individual ambitions to drive such crimes against humanity.

It's certainly interesting.
Decloak: Is there anyone left who isn't fascist, communist, or a monarchy?
Decloak: Is there anyone left who isn't fascist, communist, or a monarchy?
Nippon. and perhaps most of the Indochinese alliance. But I'm not just any Monarchy. I'm enlightened fool!
lurker's comment: Nobody really wants peace, that's just silly rhetoric

Actually, we did. the US ruined it for the world.

And also, Supermath, the entire American Accord was, until the US decided to intervene.
Admit it, I'm awesome. While everyone else is going fascist, I became a Social Democracy.

But your social democracy doesn't have as handsome of a leader as Il Duce Benito Mussolini and thats why it loses.
But your social democracy doesn't have as handsome of a leader as Il Duce Benito Mussolini and thats why it loses.

Iso Abe wants to contest that verdict.

He probably loses, but I have little doubt he was popular with the ladies back in 1910, when he was 45.
Well all this certainly has been entertaining, and Delphi you're welcome to join in. More importantly to me is those of you reading, and I hope you're enjoying it so far. Keep up the comments!

Oh yeah, fell asleep while starting the update last night. I have begun working on it once more.
Global News Report

North/Central American News Report

WAR CAUSES US ECONOMIC BOOM. New York, United States of America. The growing nessecity for a wide variety of goods has caused a massive economic boom in the United States of America. Expanding over the previous years of conflict, the combined factors of seized industry from South America, growing control of Nicaraguan trade, and provided production for the devastated nations of Europe have all brought about this leap for American industry. Unemployment is sinking at an incredible rate and migration from both Europe and Central America has skyrocketed as the war continues. President Lindbergh has declared this a victory for the American political and economic system. (+6 Private Enterprise for USA; -2 Private Enterprise for Nicaragua)

South American News Report

European News Report

A NEW KAISER. Berlin, Germany. Amid the specter of the global war, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany died of a heart attack in mid-June of 1941. With the front quieting in the winter, his son has been crowned Kaiser Ferdinand. Germany also partook in a moment of silence for the great Kaiser who led his country through three global wars and the trauma of the Great Depression. Kaiser Ferdinand has promised that despite the odds Germany shall rebuild and restore itself regardless of the damages inflicted by the Soviet Union. (-5% Dissent)

LAST BOURBON KING SIGNALS SURRENDER. Madrid, Occupied Bourbon Empire. The death of King Alfonso XIII in the early days of January, 1941 signalled the end of the war against the Bourbon Empire. With the threat of a massive push from both north and south, King Juan Carlos proclaimed his nation’s unconditional surrender to the United States of America and the other ATO powers. He has proclaimed “Our gamble for glory has been lost to the perfidious ATO powers, we must now swallow our pride and endure the unendurable.”

MORE MONARCH NEWS. Stockholm, United Kingdoms of Scandinavia. King Gustav V of Scandinavia has announced the reopening of Parliament even as the Soviets launched a massive counterattack. The Liberal Prime Minister was restored into government as over a hundred thousand Irish and Scandinavian soldiers were captured at Torino. Demobilization efforts were also shattered with the fall of the river lines in northern Scandinavia and the smashing of the ATO army there. See below section for more information involving the ensuing disaster in Scandinavia.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

POSTWAR REFORM PLANNED IN SOUTH AFRICA. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. In a controversial move, the Liberal government of South Africa has announced intentions to allow black male citizens between 18 and 25 the right to vote in national and local elections following the end of the Third World War. The majority of the whites in the nation have viciously protested this move and riots have occurred throughout the African nation. In Pretoria troops were called in to quell the riot and it is believed over a thousand civilians were killed while another ten thousand were wounded. (+10% Dissent)

ABYSSINIA ANNOUNCES NEW ECONOMIC PLAN. Addis Abba, Abyssinia. Emperor Iyasu V, the man who has doubled the African nation’s size and power, has announced a plan to modernize the nation’s economy. In preparation for an influx of cheap cars from Liberian auto plants, he has announced the construction of an extensive highway network connecting the major cities of Abyssinia. The first steps to this have caused a minor economic boom in the construction and cement industries, bringing about a true industrial revolution to the somewhat backward country. (+2 Private Enterprise)

Asian/Pacific News Report

ELECTIONS IN INDOCHINA. Saigon, Vietnam. The nations of Siam and Vietnam have both held elections this year and in both nations the Liberal Party has swept into victory, promising continued economic prosperity and a growth of the nations’ global standing. Both new governments have pledged to maintain commitments to the Indochinese Alliance and remain neutral in the declining Third World War. President Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam has visited Tokyo promising a new era of cooperation along with securing the establishment of the East Asia Research Fund.

GUANGXI DISARMS. Hong Kong, Guangxi. In a move stunning the global diplomatic corps, General Kai-Shiek has declared the disbanding of over half of Guangxi’s armies. The military leader of the Chinese nation has issued a challenge to all the world’s nations to disarm and pave the way for a new era of peace and freedom. The general has also declared that Guangxi will never launch another war of aggression against a sovereign nation. Domestically, the returning troops have filled the factories and have helped the nation’s economy boom. In the foreign press, especially in Western Europe and the United States, liberal and socialists have praised the general for his actions, which have netted him a Nobel Peace Prize. (Guangxi Global Opinion to Liked, +2 Private Enterprise, -10% Dissent)

UNEASY STALEMATE IN TIBET. Lhasa, Tibet. No fighting has occurred between communist army forces and the Tibet rebels as both American and Nipponese interests appeal to both sides to consider negotiation for the ensuing conflict in the region. A lack of decisive decision has also contributed to inactivity in the area. Many Tibetan leaders have hoped for a peaceful resolution for their freedom.

Global News Ticker

SPECIAL: World War 3

VENEZUELA. American forces continue to clash against Accord forces within Venezuela. However, this year they have at last won a decisive victory, clearing out the last holdouts in northern Venezuela. Overwhelming numbers, now consisting over a quarter of a million soldiers, have weighed heavily against the Venezuelan defenders, despite having heavy casualties inflicted upon them.
Casualty List
Venezuela: 4 Infantry Divisions
USA: 8 Infantry Divisions

SCANDINAVIA. Soviet forces have handed ATO a startling defeat in Scandinavia. Using massed formations of armor and overwhelming numbers of jets to smash through a weak point in the Scandinavian lines, over 10 divisions of Scandinavian, American, and Irish soldiers were encircled in northern Finland. After these forces were destroyed, the Soviets proceeded to scatter the ATO armies and smash their organization. Despite heavy resistance in the Norwegian mountains, especially at the city of Narvik, Soviet forces managed to cross river after river and smash the persistant defenders. With the snows of November slowing the rapid advance, December has seen the Soviets get closer and closer to Stockholm. In the air, Soviet forces remain supreme as ATO planes remain in other theaters and the few Irish planes used in the area were slowly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of MiGs thrown at their defenses.
Casualty List
USSR: 6 Infantry Divisions, 4 Armored Divisions, 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Scandinavia: 12 Infantry Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 1 Rocket Division
Eire: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons
USA: 3 Infantry Divisions

GERMANY. Fighting in Germany has been relatively minor and controlled to skirmish levels. Nonetheless, casualties have mounted over the year as sides launch minor offensives in the region despite the stalemate. Reports of soldiers from as far away as South Africa wintering in Berlin have fuelled extensive global speculation that a massive assault is to be launched in the spring of 1942 against the collapsing Soviet regime. In the air, ATO has become undisputed after new formations of German 262s have been deployed with great success against the outdated Soviet jets in the region.
Casualty List
USSR: 2 Militia Divisions, 1 Infantry Division
Germany: 1 Infantry Division
USA: 1 Motorized Division

SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE. In Hungary and Romania, ATO has launched a major offensive which has successfully liberated the remainder of the two countries. Limited Soviet and Mongolian resistance was encountered and the ATO allies managed to win a resounding victory. In the air there was no Soviet planes and ATO air corps managed easy times in actions against Soviet ground forces.
Casualty List
USSR: 2 Infantry Divisions
Mongolia: 1 Infantry Division
Germany: 1 Armored Division
Hungary: 3 Infantry Divisions

GREECE. Thanks to the extensive fortifications of the Metaxas Line in northern Greece, both Italian and Serbian attacks were halted cold in their forays against the Mediteranean nation’s defenses. Greek armored and mountain divisions were incredibly able and well led in their counteroffensives and any minor breakthroughs were easily contained. In the air the United States air force immediately began a strategic bombing campaign following the fall of the Bourbon Empire. They were assisted by Scottish planes in their attacked from Crete and they have managed to inflict a significant pounding upon the ancient cities of southern Greece. The ATO air corps have also managed to demolish the formidable Greek Air Force, which as many know, was the first air force to ever be created.
Casualty List
Greece: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Mountain Divisions, 1 Fighter Squadron, 4 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Italy: 1 Motorized Division, 2 Mountain Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Serbia: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Scotland: 1 Jet Fighter Squadron, 1 Bomber Squadron
USA: 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron

Diplomatic Pouch
To: Persia
From: Dar-al-Islam

We request that you join our efforts in research along with the rest of the Islamic Research Fund.


Swissempire has been booted out due to lack of activity and no sending of orders.

@Crezth, because I’m a nice guy, I’ve turned your marines into infantry; can’t have the fatherland short for the upcoming campaigns, now can we?

World Map

Spoiler :
Yep, that war's over. Spain is ATO's to decide at this point.
OUCH!!!! That Hurts!!
Scottish forces didnt have anything to do, so i sent some planes to help in Greece. read the whole update.
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