The World Turned Upside Down

well, it wont matter soon.
Global News Report

COUNCIL OF NATIONS DISBANDS. Copenhagen, United Kingdoms of Scandinavia. With the death of Neville Chamberlain early this year, the Council of Nations has been officially disbanded. A lack of a clear figurehead and international support has forced the organization to collapse. Though debate continues over possibly opening a new headquarters in Tokyo or Hong Kong, most delegates have returned to their homelands as the Third World War draws to an end.

COMINTERN DISBANDS. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In a surprising move, Stalin has called for the dissolution of the ComIntern. The alliance which was widely given blame for the exacerbation of the Third World War is no more. In its place, the governments of Mongolia, the USSR, and the People’s Republic of China have established the defensive Socialist Security Pact, to protect each involved nation from assault.

ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION ALSO DISBANDS. Washington D.C., United States of America. With the conclusion of the war in Europe, the United States has announced their exit from the Atlantic Treaty Organization. This was followed by the withdrawal of most other nations from ATO, until there was no ATO to withdraw from. A variety of new alliances and groups have arisen from the ruins of the powerhouse alliance. The first of these was the Atlantic Security Agreement between the United States, the Union of Commonwealth States, Nicaragua, and Scandinavia. Another group created with close ties to the ASA is an alliance between Eire and the UKS. In northern Europe, Holland, Poland, Belgium, and Hungary have established the Entente, an organization dedicated to prevent German expansionism, particularly following several vocal remarks by the Kaiser promising eventual domination of Germany’s neighbors. Despite rising territorial disputes in Europe, several of ATO’s former members, spearheaded by France and Italy, have called for the reformation of the European League.

COMBINED PETROLEUM ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED. Baghdad, Dar-al-Islam. Representatives from the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations and the United States of America have signed a significant agreement establishing a new economic organization. The Combined Petroleum Organization has declared its intention to monitor and regulate the trade of petroleum products throughout the world. The Brotherhood and the USA, the main exporters of oil products of course head this alliance and have made no mention on expanding membership.

North/Central American News Report

ELECTIONS ANNOUNCED FOR 1944. Washington D.C., United States of America. With the victorious conclusion of the war in South America and Europe, President Lindbergh has announced new elections to be held in 1944, both for Congress and the office of the Presidency. In the first mass Congressional election to be held since the 18th Century, the seats left empty by the Congressional Massacre of 1936 will once more be filled. President Lindbergh has announced his intention not to run for office in 1944, stepping down to allow his Vice President, Winston Churchill to run on the Progressive Party ticket. The Democratic Party convention has announced Senator James Byrnes from South Carolina as their leading conservative for the Presidency. (-1% Dissent)

AMERICAN NATIONS SIGN LANDMARK AGREEMENT. Miami, United States of America. The destruction of Stalingrad by an American atomic bomb has received much debate in circles throughout the Western Hemisphere. In order to limit production of this devastating new weapon, the nations of the Americas have met together to discuss the effects of the atomic bomb on North and South America. The prime result of this meeting is the so-called Treaty of Miami which has stated that no nation, besides the United States, on both continents will research or produce atomic weapons. In exchange the United States of America has promised full protection against nuclear attack on the free nations of America.

BATTLE OF MEXICO CITY. Mexico City, United States of America. With the obvious creation and deployment of large Mexican militia forces to Mexico City, the American military called veteran forces up to clear the city. President Lindbergh has declared government intentions on restoring Mexico City to the terrain and features of the Aztec Empire, to create the world’s largest museum of native American heritage. Fighting was heavy as the militias rose against the American forces, and they possessed greater numbers than originally expected by General Bradley.
Casualty List
USA: 1 Motorized Division
MLF: 2 Militia Divisions

South American News Report

FASCIST COUP IN CHILE. Santiago, Chile. Military forces under the command of General Carlos Campo have seized control of the government, removing elected officials and establishing the Fascist Party as the apparatus of government. Playing off their victory in the Third World War, the Fascist Party has gained massive popular support. General Carlos has used the Fascist successes in Belgium, Italy, and Holland as historical basis for his takeover. (-10% Dissent)

RIOTS IN BOLIVIA. Sucre, German Empire. German garrison and military forces were deployed to the main population centers in Bolivia as the cities rose in revolt against their occupiers. In a region devastated by war, the people lacked even basic necessities for civilization, including food and clean water. Several city populations have even forced some German divisions out of the urban regions. Heavy casualties have been inflicted among the civilian population as heavier weapons were brought to bear. The Chilean government has threatened to send in troops should the chaos continue.

ANNEXATION DAY. Washington D.C., United States of America. After five years of heavy fighting, organized Venezuelan forces collapsed in the wake of the arrival of half a million US soldiers to the South American country. Overwhelming American airpower crushed Venezuelan positions, and despite the arrival of volunteers from Brazil, the resistance collapsed quickly. With the end of the conventional fighting, President Lindbergh has announced American intentions to annex the conquered regions in northern South America. In response, several anti-American terrorist groups have seen a rise in recruitment as the people riot in cities in Ecuador and Peru.
Casualty List
USA: 4 Infantry Divisions
BLF: 1 Paramilitary Division
Venezuela: 3 Infantry Divisions

European News Report

BULGARIAN KING CROWNED. Sofia, Bulgaria. With the death of King Boris III, his son, Simeon II has risen to the throne. With the nation sending troops into Greece to assist the Italian invasion, and the promise of new territory, the nation of Bulgaria looks forward to resurrection of its power. Italian recognition of Bulgarian control of the Varna region, has forced the Romanians to officially renounce their control of the area, as granted to them at the conclusion of the Second World War.

SCANDINAVIA IN TURMOIL. Stockholm, United Kingdoms of Scandinavia. Following the controversial Treaty of Yalta, Scandinavia moved quickly to occupy Karelia as granted to them by the peace. However, they also moved into the Trotskygrad region, which was not granted by the treaty. This has been met with threats of war from the Soviet Union, and has been condemned in other nations’ press. In addition, riots have occurred in Norway and Finland, both sparked by ardent nationalists. The Finns have said “The government abandoned us in the war to the mercy of the Soviets, we never asked to join this nation, it’s time for us to leave.” The Norwegians have expressed similar nationalist slogans and only the Danes and Swedes remain steadfast to the United Kingdoms. Other issues have arisen as the Scandinavian government returns to a welfare state, reinstituting healthcare provision, though this has been mostly met with widespread support. The newly elected Labor government has so far been unable to be reached for comment on the rising problems within the UKS. (+10% Dissent)

EIRE RETURNS TO DRINKING AND FIGHTING. Dublin, Eire. With the conclusion of the war and the deaths of over a hundred thousand Irish in the cold fields of Russia, people have looked forward to demobilization from war. It is estimated that the last arrival of the soldiers was followed by the intoxication of over 60% of the Irish population due to massive consumption of alcohol. However, two days later, after a day of national hangover, riots broke out throughout Eire and the Irish Occupation Zone in France. In Northern Eire, the Protestants have rioted claiming that generals in Russia used Protestant troops as cannon fodder, inflicting heavy casualties. Many of the Protestants have called for the creation of a free northern Irish protestant state, or preferably, unification with the Union of Commonwealth States. In France, French nationals have rioted in Paris, demanding unification with the newly established regime in Bordeaux. (+5% Dissent)

KAISER MAKES CONTROVERSIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Berlin, Germany. Kaiser Ferdinand has announced planned sweeping reforms for Germany following the conclusion of the civil war. The Kaiser has declared the creation of a constitutional convention to help develop a new constitution for Germany and the Empire, including the creation of a commonwealth system not unlike that of the Union of Commonwealth States. The Kaiser has also promised reduction of the size of the military following the civil strife, for the first time in Germany’s history. However, remarks made at a conservative convention by the Kaiser declared Germany’s intention to one day punish, and perhaps even annex several of Germany’s neighbors, particularly those involved in the Entente. This of course has made the countries next door increasingly uneasy about future German intentions.

GERMAN CIVIL WAR CONTINUES. The German Civil War has taken a turn for the worse for the Kaiser, as one of Germany’s most respected generals, Erwin Rommel, a long time member of the Nazi Party, has convinced a large part of the Wermacht to join the Nazi cause. Rommel then proceeded to smash Hitler’s communist forces and then defeat an Italian expedition from the south. Hermann Goring, one of the leaders of the Luftwaffe, narrowly avoided an assassination by the Gestapo, and despite previous support for the monarchists, has convinced some of the air force to also side with the Nazi cause. Casualties have remained relatively low, as German forces continue to avoid direct engagement.
Casualty List
Monarchist Germany: 2 Militia Divisions
Italy: 1 Infantry Division
Scotland: 1 Motorized Division
Communist Germany: extinct
Nazi Germany: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Motorized Division

BALKAN BORDERS REDRAWN. Belgrade, Serbia. In a conference between Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, and Serbia, a new order has been established in the turbulent region of the Balkans. Bulgaria’s claims on Thrace and Varna have been confirmed and treated as appropriate borders. Italy has annexed Albania, while granting Bosnia to a growing Serbian state. Bulgaria, Serbia, and Italy have also agreed to partition Greece following that nation’s defeat in the ongoing war, in order to gain Serbia and Bulgaria ports on the Mediterranean Sea.

FRANCE: BACK IN THE GAME. Vichy, France. Charles de Gaulle has once more returned to lead a French nation. He has promised restoration of a European France and construction of a Third Republic. France, quickly occupied by ATO forces in the Third World War, avoided most of the suffering caused in Iberia by American bombing. De Gaulle has railed against continued Italian occupation of Marsallies and Irish occupation of Paris. Continued conflicts have emerged toward Euskadi and their ownership of “rightfully French territory.” De Gaulle has much popular support in his goals.

IBERIA DIVIDED. Burgos, Castile. With the American withdrawal from Europe, the United States has drawn new borders within Iberia. The King Duarte II of Portugal has once more been restored to a constitutional democratic monarchy under a newly elected Liberal government. In the north, King Juan Charles has been given the crown of Castile at Burgos, once more under a liberal constitutional government. The Basques have been granted autonomy at last after years of agitation, creating the new republic of Euskadi, which has been quickly dominated by the Socialist Party. Another new republic was established out of Barcelona, creating the new nation of Catalonia, which after a heated election brought out a Liberal victory. Finally in a disputed move, the United States granted southern Iberia and the former Italian territory of Gibralter to the new republic of Andalusia, which has fallen under the rule of former Council of Nations Chairman candidate, Francisco Franco.

POLAND RESURGENT. Warsaw, Poland. With peace in the Soviet Union, the Polish republic has returned its government to Warsaw from its previous capital in Lodz. A large amount of Polish territory has been restored to the growing Polish nation, almost doubling the nation’s size. However, the new territory was populated with Russians during the reign of Leon Trotsky, and they remain resentful towards the new government. Despite this, the region’s industry was developed and modernized by Soviet rule, and were kept intact by the invading ATO forces. Polish manufactured goods are becoming a major part of the Eastern European economy.

UKRAINE ESTABLISHED. Kiev, Ukraine. As part of the terms of the Treaty of Yalta, American forces oversaw the establishment of the nation of Ukraine and the formation of a republic. The new republic has elected a Conservative government, based mostly off of fears of Soviet influence from the east. The new regime has hastily begun reincorporating formerly Soviet divisions into the fledgling Ukrainian army as threats from both the Soviet Union and the neighboring nations of Poland and Romania emerge.

BALTIC STATES IN REBELLION. Estonia, Latvia. The Soviet Union has been forced to recognize independence of two Baltic Sea nations, Lithuania and Latvia. In Lithuania a fascist dictatorship has been established by Adolfas Ramanauskas. Latvia has developed a republican form of government under the leadership of a Conservative coalition, much like in Ukraine. The Soviet Union was forced to recognize both rebellious nations as relations with Scandinavia deteriorated even further and Soviet divisions were sent to the border.

DISSIDENTS ESTABLISH NEW REGIME IN CRETE. Heraklion, Crete. With American troops vacating the Mediterranean Sea, formerly imprisoned dissident Greeks on Crete have created a new regime on the island. Supported by the industry created by the former work camps and significant American aid, the island has set itself as a fledgling democracy in the eastern part of the sea. For the moment, a Conservative Party has taken charge to prevent a resurgence of communist strength and eventually reunification with the mainland.

WAR CONTINUES IN GREECE. The Third World War is not quite over in the mountains of Greece. Elements of the former ATO coalition have continued their attacks into the Balkan country. However, the tide has turned with Bulgaria declaring war and the bypassing of the Metaxas Line from the east. With Italian mountain forces leading the attack, the heavy forts along the border have been outflanked and the Allied forces have begun driving through Thessalonika, on the way to the open lands of the south. Serbian forces were lucky enough to seize the Greek navy at the port there, and the first Serbian National Navy has been created.
Casualty List
Greece: 2 Infantry Divisions, 3 Mountain Divisions, 1 Armored Division
Italy: 3 Mountain Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 2 Armored Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Serbia: 3 Infantry Divisions
Bulgaria: 1 Motorized Division, 1 Armored Division

African/Middle Eastern News Report

CIVIL UNREST IN SOUTH AFRICA. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. With the return of the armies from fronts in Europe, South Africa proceeded to hold heated elections. The main debate was between the Liberals and Conservatives, and the main platform was discussion of the status of black Africans within the Republic. The Liberals, having promised more lenient treatment of blacks, including enfranchisement, lost the election in a landslide. To the surprise of many whites, the black population rose up in open revolt against the government. Basing out of the stronghold of Madagascar, the rebellion has gained minor support from some elements of the army, and of course has widespread backing through most of the black population.

NEW CALIPH PROCLAIMED. Mecca, Dar-al-Islam. After the Caliph’s poisoning in February, 1943, his son was proclaimed the new Caliph. Caliph Saud bi Abdul, an open liberal educated in the United States, has denounced Wahabism and has announced new intentions of democratization and unification of the Islamic nations. This has met with significant support across much of the Islamic world and America. A newly elected Pan-Islamic Party president in Persia has also proclaimed his support for the new measures. Preparations are being made for the unification of the governments of Dar-al-Islam and Persia to be completed as early as 1944.

NEW JEWISH REPUBLIC DECLARED. New Jerusalem, New Zion. Using former Camp Caen as a base for establishing a new regime, the city of New Jerusalem has been built overnight by an influx of wealthy Jews from Germany and the United States. However, the immigration has not been as large as previously expected, and many are doubtful of the country’s viability. For now however, the region’s economy is beginning to boom as American money is invested in the nation’s development.

MITTELAFRIKA DECLARES INDEPENDENCE. Freiheitstadt, Consolidated States of Afrika. The people of Germany’s MittelAfrika colony have declared themselves freed of German colonial rule. Assisted by American and Nipponese diplomats, they have constructed a new constitution calling for elections every four years, including 1943. The new regime is based out of the new capital of Freiheitstadt, a city constructed on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Only time will tell this new African nation’s place in the global community.

Asian/Pacific News Report

TIBET GAINS INDEPENDENCE. Lhasa, Tibet. Following a year-long heated conference in Beijing, Chinese and Tibetan leaders have agreed to the recognition of the new republic of Tibet. The new Asian nation has vowed a peaceful course for its existence. They have declared themselves to be neutral in all present and future conflicts.

UCS STARTS REBUILDING IN ASIA. Vladiostock, Union of Commonwealth States. Commonwealth occupation forces in east Russia have announced intentions to remain in the Transamur region until it is financially independent. This has been met with condemnation and boycotts in Nippon, as the government officially protests the region not being granted with complete autonomy. Occupation general Montgomery has been quoted as saying “If the Japs don’t like it, they can bloody well try to take it.” Other Commonwealth forces have been deployed against pirates throughout Indonesia and along the Chinese coast. This move has been met by protests from Vietnam and Siam as merchant vessels have been boarded under suspicion of piracy.

Global News Ticker

Diplomatic Pouch

To: United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
From: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

We demand the withdrawal of your forces from the Leningrad (yes we changed the name again) region at once! We kept to our part of the Treaty of Yalta, we expect your government to do the same. Should the Scandinavian government refuse our righteous demands, we will destroy your nation one city at a time.

To: Germany
From: Chile

Regain control of Bolivia, or we will be forced to restore order ourselves. We cannot allow the dastardly American Accord regime to regain control of the region.


I know some of you may have questions about IC and such, but next year we will have significant shifting of IC amounts thanks to the effects of the war and the peace. This year, things are just starting to settle down, sort of.

World Map

Spoiler :
So, Eq, can I send orders (IC as Stalin's defeated government) now?
@nukekid, sure, but once again, keep in mind the events ongoing, especially with those threacherous Scandinavians trying to take your rightful territory!
We do abide by the NPC Soviet Statement though.
Get the heck out
To Eire
From UCS

As always we will be happy to have you fine people join us as we reunify the Isles again, when you are ready of course.

Just letting you know that the offer still stands. More beer anyone? :beer:
Look at how ugly that mass of blue is where Venezuela should be.

Good update, nonetheless. :)

A New Challenger Appears!

Venezuelan Liberation Front: LightFang
Global Opinion: Indifferent
Local Opinion: Indifferent
IC Stockpile: 1
Army: 1 Paramilitary Division
Navy: none
Objective: The liberation of Venezuela foremost and the rest of South America from foreign domination.


Just editing the objective. =P
To Eire
From UCS

As always we will be happy to have you fine people join us as we reunify the Isles again, when you are ready of course.

Just letting you know that the offer still stands. More beer anyone? :beer:

OOC: The day the Irish voluntarily rejoin the British Empire is...well, never.
I don't see the Nuclear Bomb tech
Nuclear bomb research is secret, at least the actual weapons researc his. I've informed you of the cost before, but there has been changes, and I will send you a PM telling how much is left.
great update.

Dietrich Wasser of the Consolidated States of Afrika would like to open diplomatic relations with the world. As well, trade is available to all nations who wish to trade with us.
EIRE RETURNS TO DRINKING AND FIGHTING. Dublin, Eire. With the conclusion of the war and the deaths of over a hundred thousand Irish in the cold fields of Russia, people have looked forward to demobilization from war. It is estimated that the last arrival of the soldiers was followed by the intoxication of over 60% of the Irish population due to massive consumption of alcohol. However, two days later, after a day of national hangover, riots broke out throughout Eire and the Irish Occupation Zone in France. In Northern Eire, the Protestants have rioted claiming that generals in Russia used Protestant troops as cannon fodder, inflicting heavy casualties. Many of the Protestants have called for the creation of a free northern Irish protestant state, or preferably, unification with the Union of Commonwealth States. In France, French nationals have rioted in Paris, demanding unification with the newly established regime in Bordeaux. (+5% Dissent)

We shall see....
Oho, I believed I turned in my orders wrong.

Can someone give me an idea how to turn them in?

Noob status! :(
To The UCS
From Eire:

Our priests remain ready and willing to welcome you lost souls back to the true faith. There shall be no re-unification with the empire that caused such pain and misery upon our people for generations.

To New France
From Eire:

We see no valid reason to return the region of Paris and its surrounds to you at this time, your people have proven time and again to be inept leaders who merely fall to corruption and evil. Perhaps after you have proven yourselves positive members of the international community will we reconsider this.
From Abyssinian Empire
To the World:
The Abyssinian Empire laments the closing of the Council of Nations. We feel it is a major setback to maintaining international security and cooperation as well as a forum for discussions on neutral ground. Though our emissaries have returned to the Imperial Court, we will gladly send them out yet again to a new CoN headquarters as soon as it established, wherever it is established.
We urge all nations to momentarily throw aside misgivings and mistrust and discuss where a restored CoN should be centered. Tokyo has been considered, we recall, any other suggestions or should we ask Nippon if their honorable nation will agree to hosting the CoN?
@EQ: I didn't say that they should fight quite yet. If the Americans send a massive amount of forces there, then so be it.
To: Russia
From: The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
Subject: Occupation of Soviet Lands

When we ordered our soldiers to move into the areas highlighted, there seems to have been a few of the commanders that have taken it upon themselves to press forward into territory and lands that do not belong to us. We are only occupying St. Petersburg to prevent the lawlessness and subsequent rampages of many national Icons that can generally be associated with the conclusions of wars. We will return the city to you when we can see that you and the Government of Russia can provide adequate protection and lawfullness within the boarders of this city (OOC: i.e next update). The lands which are currently occupied will be returned to you with the utmost speed, for they were not part of the orders sent to that area, and the individuals that are responsible for pushing that far south will be repremanded severely. These lands were only to be occupied until the Americans withdrew, and Russia could demonstrate that it was able to control the masses fairly and justly. However, because of the outcry from many nations, St. Petersburg and the lands that we occupy will be returned to you.

To: Finland and Norway
From: The King of the United Kingdoms of Scandianvia

With the election of the new Government, they promise to spend many years of governmental surplus on the rebuilding of Finland and Norway, to repair and reconstruct these two states to better then post war circumstances. There will be huge infrastructure projects to help bring more people into the states, and large projects to develop Helsinki and Oslo, to bring much more and much needed trade and commerce to the region. However, the United Kingdoms has stood for the unification of Scandianvia, of which you are a part of, and any claims that we abandoned your states to the Soviets are false. We were struggling to keep the rest of the nation in our control, and by a much larger and better equipped army, were forced to retreat before our entire army was lost, and then that would have placed the entire free nation under soviet control, possibly leading to the fall of Germany, and the fall of free Europe. We were forced to decide, temporary occupation of half the United Kingdoms, or Europe falling to Soviet Russia. However horrible retreating may seem to you in Finland and Norway, the possibility of Europe being controled by Moscow was ever present in our minds, and so we chose the freedom of our people, and those in Europe rather than Soviet Occupation. We hope that you can see our position on this matter, and we believe that in the future, as Norway and Finaland prosper and grow under the leadership from Stockholm, you will see that the temporary occupation of these lands was not our fault, but the fault of the Soviets, and should you split from the United Kingdoms, then you will be far more ready to fall to soviet agression than if we stand united, as a common Front, as a United Kingdoms, a collection of States and people all unified under one banner, to unify Scandinavia, and to protect the rights and freedoms that exists under that banner.

United we stand, divided we fall. (OOC: I know that is a quote from somewhere, but cant think where!!!)

Yours Faithfully,

King Feilx Gustaf V


Alexis Wiemar

King and Prime Minister of the United Kingdoms of Scnadinavia, respectively
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall" is most known for inspiring the American soldiers fighting against England in the Revolution, the person who said it, Patrick Henry. Hope this helped. :goodjob:
@Supermath, you had no choice, the US Army completely cleared out the city.
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