The World Turned Upside Down

losing Nazis and Scandinavia (now Sweden-Denmark)?

Gaining Bolivia/Peru, Norway, Finland?
nazis for sure, other than that....
It'll be fun, that's for sure.
they usually are.

from what ive seen, lots of random happenings that in the long run mean a lot, in the short term, not so much.

EDIT: and wow, all 4 new countries didnt need to fight for independence. one was dissenting, but other than that the rest were just there and are now free! weird.
Decloak: Lost: USA, Nippon
Gained: Belize, Taiwan, Nunavut, Australia
Decloak: Lost: USA, Nippon
Gained: Belize, Taiwan, Nunavut, Australia
... would make 1946 "Best Update Ever."

Entitled thus: "World for grabs!"
Global News Reporting: It’s Not Like You Have a Choice

Global News Report

NUCLEAR DISCOVERIES. United Nations, Singapore. United Nations observers have once more measured an increase of radioactivity in the atmosphere indicating another nuclear weapons test somewhere in the world. It is believed that another nation has gained nuclear weaponry. The world awaits in anticipation for another country to join the Soviet Union and the United States as a nuclear power.

North/Central American News Report

MEXICAN LIBERATION FRONT DISBANDS. Hermosillo, United States of America. Following their 1944 defeat in the Battle of Mexico City, the Mexican Liberation Front has officially disbanded. After a two-year pursuit across the desert, the United States Army pinned the Mexicans along the coast. Promised safe conduct to the Mexican Free State, the people surrendered to the American forces. They were greeted with heroes’ welcomes in the African nation for their spirited resistance against the American army.

PAN-AMERICAN RAILROAD ATTACKED. Panama City, United States of America. A series of railroad bridges and trains were devastated by small arms fire and light explosives. With the destruction of the railroad, American military authorities have declared rationing in Venezuela, blaming a food shortage caused by the destruction of the railroad. The Venezuelan Liberation Front has been blamed for the continuing shortages.

South American News Report

ARGENTINA GAINS FREEDOM. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Following threats of rebellion from leading Argentines, the South African government has agreed to withdrawal from the South American country after nearly five years of occupation. A series of strikes and riots has encouraged the African retreat from South America, and elections were quickly slated for December of 1946. The South Africans have retained the Falklands and have claimed the Argentine weather stations in Antarctica, claiming “what kind of moronic power would fight for the Falklands anyways?” The Argentine elections quickly saw Socialist victory in the polls, and radical leader Evita Duartes has secured the Presidency, becoming the modern world’s first democratically elected woman head of state.

REFORM IN CHILE. Santiago, Chile. The accidental death of President Campo has signaled the rise of a new regime in Chile. Vice President González Videla has been inaugurated as the new leader of Chile. He has recalled the National Congress though he continues to have absolute control over the nation’s foreign policy and military. Using his power, Videla has brought his nation into the Atlantic Security Agreement and has even sent several divisions to Eire to participate in the coordination training there.

European News Report

POLAND ALTERS COURSE. Warsaw, Poland. The 1946 elections in Poland have seen the rise of the Liberal Party which has successfully secured the lease of the Polish Corridor from Germany and brought that region under the control of Poland. The Liberals have also left the Entente and join the European Economic Community to the applause of its members. However, the Entente quickly reacted and issued voluntary boycotts of Polish goods, which has severely restricted its market viability in Eastern Europe. The Entente nations of Austria and Hungary have managed to seize much of the previously Polish markets, especially with the reopening of markets from the recovering Ploesti oil fields in Romania. However, reconstruction markets in Germany could provide ample opportunity for Polish economic expansion. (-1 Private Enterprise for Poland; +2 Private Enterprise for Hungary; +1 Private Enterprise for Romania)

UNREST IN HOLLAND. Amsterdam, Holland. The death of Anton Mussert at the hands of an anarchist rifleman on January 4, 1946 quickly brought about considerable unrest in the small Western European nation. After several months of minor civil war, a group of Dutch monarchists and republicans met to discuss restoration of the House of Orange. Queen Wilhelminia, queen until the German occupation in 1903, declined to return to the throne and her daughter, Juliana has been proclaimed the new Queen of Holland. A Parliament has been formed and elections held, quickly resulting in a Liberal victory. The Liberals have promised neutrality in all European affairs, officially ending the nation’s alliance with the rest of the Entente. (-5% Dissent)

TENSION CONTINUES IN SCANDINAVIA. Stockholm, Republic of Scandinavia. Firing has continued between government and rebel forces throughout Norway as the resistance has seized control of several small towns. No major amounts of casualties have occurred in the ongoing fight, though overall civilian and military casualties has been believed to reach over twenty thousand. American troops arrived in Stockholm towards the end of the year and are now supporting a vital curfew and have restored order, mopping up remnants of Ledig Norge in the city.

END OF THE GERMAN CIVIL WAR. Berlin, Germany. To the amazement of many, the Kaiser and leading Nazi Erwin Rommel have agreed to a ceasefire and peace. The Nazis have rejoined the German nation and the Constitutional Monarchy has been reformed with Rommel as Chancellor. A great balance has been established between the monarchy and the new Chancellor, allowing for equal shared power. The new regime has initiated a long awaited industrial restructuring program as the nation’s battered economy begins to rebuild. Though the military is current at its all-time largest size, it is widely stated that demobilization will occur as early as 1947. In foreign politics, the Kaiser has been forced to cede many territorial demands to the Entente nations, losing Danzig, Austria, Wallonia, and Memel to the Entente and former Entente powers. The new nations of Wallonia and Austria have joined the Entente as their power grows.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

AZERBAIJAN JOINS DAR-AL-ISLAM. Baghdad, Dar-al-Islam. The small nation of Azerbaijan agreed at last to join the united Islamic nation, despite pressure from both Turkey and Turan Ummah. The nation has successfully been integrated to the reign from Baghdad, as the government disbanded. The acquisition of the Baku oil fields has given Dar-al-Islam the largest oil production capacity in the world.

Asian/Pacific News Report

TERRORISTS LAUNCH TERRIFYING NEW ATTACK. Cotabato, Nippon. Radical Islamic terrorists have emerged in the southern Philippines and they have launched a surprise campaign against Nipponese civil and military authorities on Mindanao. Several major leaders in the local Nipponese military have been assassinated as single individuals strapped with dynamite have blown themselves and their targets up in the name of Allah. This unprecedented method of attack has been roundly condemned in the world press, though it has locally terrified the populace. (+1% Dissent for Nippon)

TRANSAMUR ESTABLISHED. Vladiostock, Transamur. Following three years of occupation, the region of Transamur has been established as a republic by the Union of Commonwealth States. This Russian republic has held its first elections, bringing about a Liberal victory. The new regime has promised to maintain its distance from the Soviet leadership in Moscow and to retain ties with the Commonwealth.

Global News Ticker







Diplomatic Pouch

To: The World
From: Nicaragua

We would like to announce that we are unilaterally ending our atomic research program as agreed by the Treaty of Miami. We hope that other nations will take the same steps as we have to preserve the stability and overall peacefulness of the world.


@luckymoose, you still have one more year on the new capital. Also, it will not boost your IC, at least not initially.

@Swissempire, the trade you mentioned in your second PM will not be occurring thanks to problems on the other end of things.

World Map

Spoiler :
Nice update!

CSA congratulates Germany on a peaceful solution to the civil war, and hopes they can reunite their nation internally, and return to where they once were.

CSA congratulates the Entente on their growing power, and their newly increased membership and land area.

CSA congratulates Miss Evita Duarte on leading her country to independence and becoming the first freely elected woman in modern times to lead a nation.

CSA congratulates everyone, since we are neutral, for anything good that happened to them this turn, and offers our generic condolences for anything bad.

CSA congratulates EQ on a good update.
Nice update, the taglines are good.
To Holland
From Germany

In light of your new, democratically-elected leader and republican-based new constitution, Germany would like to shake the hand of the "new" Holland and wishes to negotiate open trade agreements; the reconstruction markets of Germany offer ample business opportunities.

To Entente
From Germany

We regret having to surrender land in this way to the Entente's demands, however we did so in the spirit of peace. We look forward to economic cooperation with the Entente in the future, as a means of healing old wounds.

To Poland
From Germany

Your slight economic depression saddens us, especially considering the recent lease of the Polish Corridor. We wish to negotiate open trade agreements early, in light of a necessity for the expansion of Polish business.

From Germany

We congratulate you on finally achieving fullblown independence, and hope that our Commonwealth alliance (complete with free trade and mutual defensive pacts) will stand the test of time.
Sorry i was away... Im working the Harvest on my girlfriends orchard.. the hours along, the apy is good and net access is really limited up there... i should be able to keep up though just lost track of days this week... So im still here but my responses may be delayed.
Great Update

@EQ the stats page still says Poland is landlocked

To Germany
From Poland

We are interested in an open trade agreement between our 2 countries and believe that this is a good way for both of our countries to prosper.

To Ukraine
From Poland

If you are interested we would like to possibly negotiate free trade agreements between both of our countries.
ok.. you have skipped my TWICE now.. what gives?!?!
I'm back! Typically, just as I return, the world's largest military power decides to get involved in my little war...ugh, now I have to be more specific, and start avoiding US troops.
Great update.

To: ASA Members
From: Chile

We are grateful and proud to be accepted as part of this powerful alliance. May we continue to grow strong together.
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