First of all, everyone be warned it will, hopefully, be my first win on Emperor
Every single (nice or not) comment is welcome from everyone - I won't be doing a wise @$$ around here
Why Huyana ?
Why not ? No, I plainly

this guy. His terrace is a great early UB and the traits are pure wonders. As for me, Financial is the most powerful trait for peaceful victories. Industrious is great regarding wonders. Given the fact that I plan on having a few (wonder-hog pawelo, do you remember?), this is definitely the trait I like to have.
What's the plan ? Well, first of all, settle.
A quick overview shows nice food around, with cow and rice in the BFC. I decide to move the warrior (where is my quechua???

) on the hill and reveal a far nicer financial countryside - flood plains! Going to move a little bit then.
Cuzco settled on turn 2 :
Ivory is a great early hapiness I'm not prepared to pass over. I keep all the floodplains in the BFC and the cow is still in sight. Best spot IMHO, though production-low. Will have to get one or two nicer prod-cities.
The plan is go cottage-crazy early. Research goes to the Wheel, while Cuzco starts a worker.
Have a nice luck from the first hut:
Just what is needed for the early happy!
Wheel is followed by the Pottery (never ever got it that early, but research is what I'll focus on in this game), while the warrior continues exploring.
Buddha is founded in turn 15. It will turn out that Bismarck is the Buddha founder. Ouf, no Toku, Monty nor Shaka around
The warrior barely survived from a wolf and popped a free healing from the hut.
The worker is ready in turn 17 - quechua started.
First work is the camp over the ivory - nothing else to do until pottery comes in.
I meet Qin on turn 19. Not that bad, nice neighbourhood. Still, I'll have to settle fast. I've heard that on emperor the AI doesn't sleep and expand asap.
Pottery is in, and the first cottage starts to be put in place on a floodplain. Archery started for defense (thanks Snaaty

Useless map popped from the hut, then I meet Bismy the Buddha-guy.
Archery is discovered pretty fast and I, finally, go for the BW path.
Quechua is done, followed by the archer.
Then a rather crazy thing happened. The archer vanished somehow from my list a few turns later

. Must be me... Still, should you find him, just tell him my city miss the arrow-guy
The neighbourhood looks plainly great in terms of early happiness. We have, not far, Ivory, Gold & Silver!
I start the terrace in the capital, going over the Henge choice. I decided to skip it in this game. Was it a good choice ? We'll see.
A very late hinduism is founded in turn 37. Surely no religious crazy civs around
Bronze revealed near Cuzco (in the original BFC btw) making this spot a prime choice for the second city (rice, crab, river, copper).
Revolted to slavery.
The terrace finishes and I start another archer. This one will finish

The henge is BIDL on turn 43. Glad I didn't chase it.
AH is discovered in
3 turns (gotta love these fp cottages when financial

) and reveals a nice horse/ivory/river/dye spot to settle.
Writing is started and will finish in turn 51. Then I'll go CoL methinks.
GW BIDL in turn 46. On the next turn I start a settler. This guy should be whipped soon.
Judaism is founded in turn 49, just before it was time to stop and report.
I think that it's going pretty fine. The research is healthy and everything looks in place. Neighbours aren't aggressive (I hope

I will probably chase a Sling with the Oracle, should it still be available in 10-20 turns. Most probably I will go CS for the uber research Cuzco, still MC is temptating being Industrious.
I will definitely chase the Mids with the forests in Cuzco - it's my goal for the next turn set.
Here is the country side with very fine spots for a few more cities :
And Huyana home:
Happy to get it started