Many leaders Game 6 Emperor Spaceman

Reserved for Gandhi's tales of less than peaceful resistance
Ok saves have now been uploaded to the Opening post.

Please do check you dont have a scout when it should be a warrior and you have the right techs as I would be amazed if I haven't messed at least one up!!

As it is the festive season the first 50 turns will be played at whatever pace you like and we will open the second round once 10 reports are in.


Ummm not sure what's going on but try this!!


I cannot start my save. I get a popup saving "The save file you have selected is protected to ensure that the assets in your mod folder has not been changed." I haven't changed any assets except for using Buric's unofficial patch, but I've tried with the original CvGameCore.dll as well. New save, please.
Try this Yena, apologies hadn't realised I had lokced Modified Assets


Ok here's your r_rolo1

I am now unlocking everyone's and replacing the links so be patient!!


Let's get cracking

Spoiler :

Firstly, why Hannibal? Well financial of course, do I ever play anything else :lol: . Love financial and charismatic gives you an early push with the extra happy. I was hoping for a coastal start and I would have chased Great Lighthouse and Colossus, which both go great with the Punic UB, a harbour that gives extra trade routes.

Unfortunately, the start is not coastal. In fact, I must say, I don't like the starting position at all. Cow and wine are all the resources I can see and one hill ain't going to do it either. Not enough food to cottage all those rivers. I can see what's to the west so I move the warrior 1SE.

Hello! Can anyone say floodplains (at least two). I move the settler 2E and uncover a jumbo. I'm staying right here thanks.

So we're supposed to give a goal for the turset. I have 3. No.1 is to survive, No.2 is to get a second city going and No.3 is to have a plan at the end of 50 turns. I want to stress this point. Its bad news starting a game with pre-concieved ideas of how you're going to achieve victory. Scout your position, find the neighbours and then figure out where you're going.

Research will be straight to Pottery and then Animal Husbadry via Hunting. Then Code of Laws and then we'll see.

I pop a scout from a hut.

Just found my second city location. Perhaps we're not out of the Lighthouse caper after all.

I pop a second scout.

I pop a third scout. Now the first one was welcome but really. :mad:

Meet Qin the Industrious. Do you want a scout?

Meet Bismark the Industrious.

Wonders might be at a premium here.

Scout #1 dies at the hands of a bear.

I find Bizzy. He is well away from me which is good.

Scout #2 dies, I'm back to 1.

Bronze Working comes in and if I'd stayed in palce I'd have had copper. No worry, it fits in nicely with what would have been city #3, bumped up to #2 now.

Find Qin, he's a bit away as well. We have plenty of room to grow. :goodjob:

Second city built. Think about putting it 1N but want to get copper without border pop.

And there we are at the end of 50 turns. I have managed to grow Carthage to size 6, which is nice. It will build a settler then worker and then chop out The Pyramids.

So how did we manage on the 3 plans.

1 - still alive, tick
2 - got an extra city, tick
3 - do I have a plan for this game. Well actually, yes I do.

I want to REX a lot. 3-4 at least cities for the next 4 turnsets. I think I should be able to get 15 or so with the acres of space I have. The Pyramids is going to get chopped out in the capital. I want this to be completely peaceful as well, which is achieveable as long as I get the 15 cities first. I won't adopt a religion unless my buddies Qin and Bizzy are the same religion. Great Library is the only other wonder planned and maybe Hanging Gardens as health looks scarcer than happiness.

Reasearch plan from here, Polytheism, Priesthood, Writing, Code of Laws, Alphabet, Aesthetics, Literature (go for great Library). Hopefully trade for Maths, get Civil Service and then head for Optics to meet the others. May need Currency, depending on how my REXing is hurting the hip pocket.

Thanks Ralph, top notch starting position to win this one. :goodjob:

research: The Wheel, Pottery, Hunting, Animal Husbandry, Bronze Working, Masonry, Mysticism, Polytheism (not finished)
Spoiler :

I'm charlemagne and i start with Mysticism. So my goal for this turnset is to get a religion, spread it to any other ai's in my continent, and have a peacefull game up to space. I'd like to get a second city while i'm at it.

Turn 0: I move my scout 1 SE and i see floodplains and ivory. That's my city!
Turn 1: Settle aachen, start meditation.
Turn 2: found the coast:

Turn 4: hut pops animal husbandry. :)
Turn 6: Borders expand in aachen.
Turn 11:
Hinduism also founded in a distant land. ??? hindu and budhism at the same turn? Hut i guess... Start mining
Turn 13: My luck is good for ounce!

Turn 15: Worker done. Unsure what to do next. I start a barracks. i want city garrison 2 archers instead of warriors...
Turn 17: Mining done. Start the wheel.
Turn 24:

Turn 25: Wheel in. Start BW.
Turn 26:

Turn 27: Lose my scout to a bear...
Turn 37: BW in, start agriculture.
Turn 38: Barracks in. Start settler. Revolt to slavery.
Turn 44: Qin and Bis ask for op.
Turn 45: Settler out. I decide to go for stonehenge. (22 turns)
Turn 48:
Yes i know. Barb warrior there. Luckily he turns away.
Turn 50:

Stonehenge due in 11, i have no army to speak of.
future cities:

I made 7 city fat crosses on there, and i have 2 of 7 already!
Next turnset: Get an army, settle more cities, lead the tech race.


Pacal--->Round 1
Spoiler :

Lets take a look at Pacal.

I didnt choose him, I was picked a random leader. Not bad traits.

Settled where I could get the rice in play. Overall, I wasnt too happy with this start. Not enough hills for my liking.
Normally I dont go for religions, but I decided that maybe I could get my continent as one religion...possibly no wars and head to space. This plan is subject to change if Monty shows up within 15 tiles....Ill go bash his skull. Here we go....Poly in 12, warrior in 15

Turn 8...grow to 2, switch to worker
10....pop a hut....get 2 dudes...AND a forest grows under my feet. I survive

12...hindu in..I dont convert....AG next
20...Meet qin, AG in AH next.
31...AH horses....BW next
32...Stonehenge started
44...Henge done...start a settler.....BW done and we have copper....wheel as next tech
47...settler whipped for 2 pop...worker next
Turn fiddy....Settler 1 turn from settling 2W of the gold. At size 3, itll work the gold till infinity. I cant venture out to far till the axes are online.


Plans for next set included expansion to 3-4 cities total. Im gonna try and chop the mids or the Oracle out in my second city.

The save

Round 2
Spoiler :

First of all, everyone be warned it will, hopefully, be my first win on Emperor :please:

Every single (nice or not) comment is welcome from everyone - I won't be doing a wise @$$ around here ;)

Why Huyana ?
Why not ? No, I plainly :love: this guy. His terrace is a great early UB and the traits are pure wonders. As for me, Financial is the most powerful trait for peaceful victories. Industrious is great regarding wonders. Given the fact that I plan on having a few (wonder-hog pawelo, do you remember?), this is definitely the trait I like to have.

What's the plan ? Well, first of all, settle.

A quick overview shows nice food around, with cow and rice in the BFC. I decide to move the warrior (where is my quechua??? ;)) on the hill and reveal a far nicer financial countryside - flood plains! Going to move a little bit then.

Cuzco settled on turn 2 :

Ivory is a great early hapiness I'm not prepared to pass over. I keep all the floodplains in the BFC and the cow is still in sight. Best spot IMHO, though production-low. Will have to get one or two nicer prod-cities.

The plan is go cottage-crazy early. Research goes to the Wheel, while Cuzco starts a worker.

Have a nice luck from the first hut:

Just what is needed for the early happy!

Wheel is followed by the Pottery (never ever got it that early, but research is what I'll focus on in this game), while the warrior continues exploring.

Buddha is founded in turn 15. It will turn out that Bismarck is the Buddha founder. Ouf, no Toku, Monty nor Shaka around :D

The warrior barely survived from a wolf and popped a free healing from the hut.

The worker is ready in turn 17 - quechua started.

First work is the camp over the ivory - nothing else to do until pottery comes in.

I meet Qin on turn 19. Not that bad, nice neighbourhood. Still, I'll have to settle fast. I've heard that on emperor the AI doesn't sleep and expand asap.

Pottery is in, and the first cottage starts to be put in place on a floodplain. Archery started for defense (thanks Snaaty :bowdown:).

Useless map popped from the hut, then I meet Bismy the Buddha-guy.

Archery is discovered pretty fast and I, finally, go for the BW path.
Quechua is done, followed by the archer.
Then a rather crazy thing happened. The archer vanished somehow from my list a few turns later :confused:. Must be me... Still, should you find him, just tell him my city miss the arrow-guy :sad:

The neighbourhood looks plainly great in terms of early happiness. We have, not far, Ivory, Gold & Silver! :woohoo:

I start the terrace in the capital, going over the Henge choice. I decided to skip it in this game. Was it a good choice ? We'll see.

A very late hinduism is founded in turn 37. Surely no religious crazy civs around :)

Bronze revealed near Cuzco (in the original BFC btw) making this spot a prime choice for the second city (rice, crab, river, copper).

Revolted to slavery.
The terrace finishes and I start another archer. This one will finish :D
The henge is BIDL on turn 43. Glad I didn't chase it.

AH is discovered in 3 turns (gotta love these fp cottages when financial :king:) and reveals a nice horse/ivory/river/dye spot to settle.

Writing is started and will finish in turn 51. Then I'll go CoL methinks.

GW BIDL in turn 46. On the next turn I start a settler. This guy should be whipped soon.

Judaism is founded in turn 49, just before it was time to stop and report.

I think that it's going pretty fine. The research is healthy and everything looks in place. Neighbours aren't aggressive (I hope :please:).

I will probably chase a Sling with the Oracle, should it still be available in 10-20 turns. Most probably I will go CS for the uber research Cuzco, still MC is temptating being Industrious.

I will definitely chase the Mids with the forests in Cuzco - it's my goal for the next turn set.

Here is the country side with very fine spots for a few more cities :

And Huyana home:

Happy to get it started :)
·Imhotep·;6281919 said:
Moderator Action: Language removed - and please shorten your signature.
Please read the forum rules:
ohhh - naughty boy. And now, if my parents were moderators, I would get in trouble for making fun of you getting in trouble. BTW - this note never ever goes away ... it will forever be on your 'My Account' page just so you can remember how naughty you are :D:D:D
it will forever be on your 'My Account' page just so you can remember how naughty you are :D:D:D
I still feel the shame when I click my "My Account" button :blush: :lol:

Here's my Pre-Game thoughts:
Spoiler :
Since I had first choice, I wanted to give it some real thought. I’ve been wanting to try out something I first discovered a bunch of months ago: Pottery-first! I noticed once upon a time that there are several civs that start out with two pre-req’s for Pottery so that it could research it right out of the gate. The aim would be to get some cottages up as fast as possible, and work them a whole lot in the early game to keep the tech rate high.

I would also go ahead, then, and try for a heavy REX land-grab, and count on my early cottages to support me enough, until I stabilize my economy and start thinking about a win.

Scrolling through the few civs that fit this bill, I chose Sumer. Several things complemented the early-cottage, REX idea. The first is the early-azz Ziggurat with Priesthood to half maintenance from the REXing. Second, the Vulture. With the strength of swordsmen (though lacking the 10% bonus), I want to complement the REX with a little early warfare. Finally, there’s Creative’s cheap libraries. There’s nothing better to boost your tech rate, especially if your economy is tanking, than scientists.

Out of the gate, I’m going to go Pottery > AH (for those dang cows!) > Mining > BW, with a worker-first build as well. I want to go deep into the science slider in the early game with my overexpansion, and so will want to get Writing and Priesthood reasonably early as well. If possible, I’m also looking for an Oracle slingshot. However, to be a little unusual, I want to try for Construction! Some high-velocity giant boulders will do wonders for any city that is still standing up against my Vultures.

My aim from the beginning will be to try to be the biggest empire in land from a very early date ~ maybe even our whole island, and leverage that to a win. I’m in the middle of my first Emperor game now, and I’ve essentially lost, so I’m hoping to take some of those lessons and apply them here.

Spoiler :
So, armed with my pre-game thoughts, I loaded up the game and began. I only have the general aim for these first 50 turns to set-up a good start to my economy.

I founded Uruk right on the spot as I liked all those river grasslands for my cottage industry.

You can see that I popped a Scout from the hut right there, and started on both Pottery and a worker. I sent my warrior and scout in different directions, and MLG6 is afoot!

I popped two huts along the way, grabbing both 36 gold and Mysticism! Not too shabby to get a scout and a tech on Emperor!

In 3640 bc, Buddhism was FIDL (Hinduism in FIDL). My warrior also found a bear this turn, and is now dead :(

And then, 10 turns in, the first part of my diabolical scheme is complete:

True, it was the *easiest* part, but . . . I started on AH just after. As it turned out, my first cottage went up in 3280 (turn 18), and went to a Hamlet @ turn 32.

I met two neighbors shortly thereafter:

(Not-Kublai here adopted Slavery just after we met, too)


I finished up AH > Mining > Bronze Working in 2480 bc, and then headed for Writing for my cheap Libraries to further augment my research rate. It was very nice of RJ to ensure that Copper was right outside my doorstep :D

That came due in 2160, and I took OBs with both of my fiends . . . er, friends. I’m now on my way to Meditation > Priesthood for the Oracle perhaps.

Here’s a shot of Uruk:

You can see the two hamlets there now pushing my research to 16 beakers per turn, and when the lib is done, I’ll be doing well with 20. I’m also going to stop growth, too, and will want to cottage that elephant and wine for now for more commerce.

Here’s what I’ve seen of the lands so far:

With any luck, someone else has found a neighbor for me to whomp on.

And here’s my GNP:

I know it’s early, but being #1 on Emperor makes me feel all warm..

No wait, I forgot I had to pee :(

My plan for the next set of turns is to set-up about four total cities, crank out some Vultures, and break some heads. On the homefront, I’m going to be continuing my cottage-spam to help everything out.



Oh dear! I was writing my report for the round and it seems to have got lost when then ad popped up as I went to preview. Bugger.
Oh dear! I was writing my report for the round and it seems to have got lost when then ad popped up as I went to preview. Bugger.
made that mistake ONCE ~ now i put everything in word first, and save it to my civ SG folder before posting.
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