Many leaders Game 6 Emperor Spaceman

Ok with only a couple of first round reports outstanding I will do a write up over the weekend and suggest we open up for the next turnset on Sunday evening.

Some comments on the games so far. As a general observation, it is really interesting the variety in starting position and the amount of quality techs popped from huts :eek:

Cabledawg -
Spoiler :
Are you settling where the settler is now (2E of gold)? You don't think 1W of the gold or even in the floodplains east of the capital would be better? I suppose what I'm asking is why there? :mischief:

BTW, I think Pacal is a great leader for an emporer space race.

pawelo -
Spoiler :
Firstly, an island full of industriousness. Are you all going to invite each other around to admire your wonders? :lol:

I have issues with your capital location though. You lost two hills by moving one east. Good use of your financial trait in getting the cottages up and running early. Not sure about Archery though. Copper isn't far away and axes are better than archers.

Also not sure about attempting CS sling on Emporer, Code of Laws and Mathematics are a ways away. A MC sling however would be easily achievable.

Where are you planning on settling?

pholkhero -
Spoiler :
Let's just hope it ends up better than the other MLG games and the Emporer's Council :lol:

At first I wondered why Gilgamesh but I like your reasoning. Great map for REXing as well, probably not so much for early warfare though before maces.

Where's your settler headed?

TheLastOne36 -
Spoiler :
I can't see all the piccies from the report so I may be missing some stuff.

Interesting placement for the capital. Better production than most of the other spots chosen. Why pasture the cows though? Surely irrigating a floodplain or getting a mine done would be better.

Nice luck on the Writing pop.

r_rolo1 -
Spoiler :
Same settling spot as pawelo, any reason for leaving the hills behind :mischief: Again, good work in getting the cottages up early.

Did you consider settling Uppsala 1S to get the copper in BFC without border pop?

TriviAl -
Spoiler :
Zara is a great leader for this map. Like your choice of locations for cities 2 & 3 as well.

Swiss Pauli -
Spoiler :
Great Wall seems in the bag with the chop due at the end of the turn. After RBtS1, you don't think the thief economy is too easy :mischief: It will go well if you can grab the land for a large empire.

New York will have good production as well.

yena -
Spoiler :
Another capital site I'm not sure about. I don't like settling one from the sea. You could have moved back 1SE and still settled same turn. With the clams there it isn't as bad as it could have been though.

An undefended capital :mischief:

Horseback Riding is a score for the trade value later on.

You're doing well getting the settlers out :goodjob:

Ad Hoc -
Spoiler :
I think your two city spots are the most common spots. Another settler on the way is good work.

I think Code of Laws from Oracle is an achievable goal but any wonder in this game is a risk with our neighbours

Kodii -
Spoiler :
Another undefended capital, have you been taking lessons from pholk :lol:

Looks like the whip was applied :lol:

Imhotep -
Spoiler :
Good luck on the first emporer SP win. You've made a good start.

I think the MC sling is in the bag but you've got to start the REXing soon after methinks. An early Colossus as well perhaps :mischief:

pigswill -
Spoiler :
Good to see you back on the boards :goodjob:

Luckily you noted your lack of early exploration as I don't have to :mischief:
r_rolo1 -
Spoiler :
Same settling spot as pawelo, any reason for leaving the hills behind :mischief: Again, good work in getting the cottages up early.

Did you consider settling Uppsala 1S to get the copper in BFC without border pop?

Spoiler :
It passed my mind... but we don't have anything to rush and it would give a not so good city ( not nitpicking your game :p ). Of course that barbs can become a problem.....
Spoiler :
Are you settling where the settler is now (2E of gold)? You don't think 1W of the gold or even in the floodplains east of the capital would be better? I suppose what I'm asking is why there?..............

I looked at that for a long time. My second city wont be optimally placed. There is a better spot near the wines. The reason for my choice was I wanted the second city to work the gold, grow, and still have enough production and forest to chop out the Mids. I cant get that production if i settle near the wines.

@ Oz and all:
Spoiler :
Yeah, settling in place probably was :smoke: I don't give my capital much thought with the rationale that, as far as starting positions, 9 times out of 10, the computer knows best. ahh well, i hope it works out.

after seeing the full map and the far-ness of our neighbors, i'm going to try and match you, oz, settler for settler and grab a nice size empire here.
Spoiler :
It passed my mind... but we don't have anything to rush and it would give a not so good city ( not nitpicking your game :p ). Of course that barbs can become a problem.....

Spoiler :
It's a better spot where you have the city but I needed the copper online earlier so I moved it 1S for barb protection and not having to research Archery.
Spoiler :
RBtS1 was too easy because of the 5-2 split boosting the obvious Big Dog warmongering strategy. I intend to be an Honourable Emporer Spaceman in this game. The Thief Economy doesn't seem to have caught on though, despite its power. Or maybe because of it? :mischief:
So some comments. I will leave any :whipped: for MM until Greyfox checks in as he does it with so much more style than I can…

The Map
Now the Map hasn’t been fiddled with in anyway, so if you win you have won fair and square, all I did was roll 4 starts and pick the best to give people a fighting chance without too much frustration (e.g. placement of metal in the OCC MLG game)

City Placement

Well a very large spread and definitely some “interesting” choices.

Here is the spread with Red (if I have done it correctly showing the number of capitals and Blue the second city choices


As far as Rexxing most people have got two cities up (or have their settler nearly ready) with the super- Rexxers having two workers as well (Ad Hoc and Swiss Pauli)

Tech Path

I won’t compare who has got what yet as it will just reduce to who did the RNG favour from huts at this stage but what most people have done is a fairly normal path of picking up BW early , diversion to Masonry for those who have the Great Wall in mind) and then heading towards writing picking up fill in worker techs as required.

Interesting choice is those who have also picked up Archery with Bronze so readily on hand – reasons ??


Well The Last One wins gutsiest gamble of the round having won the Buddhism race on Emperor.

Two others have picked up Hinduism, so will people leverage their religions successfully?


Well its Emperor level which doesn’t mean you cant get wonders but does mean you have to be realistic (an Oracle COL / MC slingshot is very doable but Civil Service is probably out Pawelo). Pyramids probably remains achievable for those who really want to commit to it.

Expansion / Exploration

Well real differences from our super explorers (Swiss Pauli, Ad Hoc Ozbenno et al ) and those who have held off on wondering too far. But guess you have all seen enough to know that there remains a fair amount of expansion room…. Umm how far do you rex.


The Only person declaring their hand very early is Swiss Pauli with a spy based tech stealing game and popping a Great Spy early from the Wall. Now on lower levels the Great Spy Bomb can be a bit 2exploitative” but on Emperor its fair game IMHO…

More to follow later but consider Round Two Open

Emperor Justinian I., round 2 (2000 BC - 375 BC)

Spoiler :

Well, the objectives for this round were

- Finish the Oracle and grab Metal Casting
- Start settling the lands
- Build the Kashi Viswanath
- Get some Axes
- Convert Qin and Biz to my faith

Originally I thought about switching away from the MC sling and grab CoL with the Oracle, getting Hinduism and Confucianism in Constantinople. Moreover Courthouses would help in the land grab phase. In the end I decided against that and stuck to my MC sling plan. The reasoning was that I hoped to grab Judaism with Monotheism after pottery, thus establishing two religions in my Capital.

Right into the set a guy game by and said I'm 5th in tech. Hm, that's the best I've managed with Emperor so far :lol: ...


After Pottery came in I chose Monotheism, according to the plan.


I whipped the Oracle for 2 pop as I had fears about losing it with all those Industrious Civs nearby. The overflow went right into a Settler.


Of course I got the wonder...


...and took Metal Casting with it.


First objective fulfilled ! [party]

Considered all the luck I had in the first set it is no wonder that the RNGod had other things in store for me in this one. Lost Judaism by only 2 turns...


Then bandits ravaged my countryside...


Thessalonica was founded on the spot some of the other players chose as their Capital. Note the barb standing next to the undefended city, that's the power of the Great Wall one has to love...


The RNGod was kind however and sent me a low odds Great Priest instead of the Great Spy. Built the Shrine. 2nd objective fulfilled ! [party]


I researched CoL the old fashioned way and still was hoping for Confucianism. But again I'm foiled, and what's worse is that Qin is the founder...


Settled the fishing village of Adrianople, future home of the soon-to-be-built Colossus...


Some dotmaps for future consideration:

The south


The north and the west


I trained a total of 4 Axes, but still my power is pathetic. I've to work on that lest Qin or Bismarck feel some appetite. Overall I've met 4 of the 5 objectives I had set in my last turnset, I failed to convert QWin and Biz though. Both are Confucian now, which is not at all to my liking. But as they are so far away yet it was hard to do any conversion other than a lucky spread... Overall I'm pleased with my efforts so far, next set I'm aiming for grabbing more lands, get some Courthouses up, get into trading with Alphabet, and train more units.


P.S.: Techs learned: Pottery, Metal Casting (free tech from Oracle), Monotheism, Writing, Code of Laws, Alphabet (currently being researched)

Spoiler The Log :

Logging by BUG Mod 2.20 (BtS 3.13)
Turn 50/500 (2000 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:10:36]
Reminder: On Turn 100, stop playing
Research begun: Pottery (3 Turns)


Turn 51/500 (1960 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:11:11]


Turn 52/500 (1920 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:11:31]
Tech learned: Pottery


Turn 53/500 (1880 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:11:53]
Research begun: Monotheism (13 Turns)


Turn 54/500 (1840 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:12:31]
A Mine was built


Turn 55/500 (1800 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:13:11]


Turn 56/500 (1760 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:13:21]


Turn 57/500 (1720 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:13:29]
The whip was applied in Constantinople
Constantinople finishes: The Oracle


Turn 58/500 (1680 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:13:56]
Tech learned: Metal Casting
Constantinople begins: Settler (7 turns)

While defending in the wild near Constantinople, Warrior loses to: Barbarian Warrior (0.10/2) (Prob Victory: 35.0%)

Turn 59/500 (1640 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:15:09]


Turn 60/500 (1600 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:15:31]


Turn 61/500 (1560 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:15:43]


Turn 62/500 (1520 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:15:47]
A Cottage was built near Constantinople


Turn 63/500 (1480 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:15:54]
Constantinople finishes: Settler

Judaism founded in a distant land

Turn 64/500 (1440 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:16:06]
Constantinople begins: Axeman (5 turns)


Turn 65/500 (1400 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:16:33]
Tech learned: Monotheism
Constantinople's borders expand


Turn 66/500 (1360 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:16:58]
Research begun: Writing (9 Turns)
Constantinople grows: 4

Civics Change: MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) from 'Paganism' to 'Organized Religion'

Turn 67/500 (1320 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:17:46]
Thessalonica founded
Thessalonica begins: Worker (15 turns)
Whip anger has decreased in Constantinople


Turn 68/500 (1280 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:18:11]
Constantinople finishes: Axeman


Turn 69/500 (1240 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:18:39]
Constantinople begins: Barracks (8 turns)


Turn 70/500 (1200 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:18:56]


Turn 71/500 (1160 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:19:03]
Tech learned: Writing
Constantinople grows: 5

While defending in the wild, Scout loses to: Barbarian Warrior (1.26/2) (Prob Victory: 83.4%)

Turn 72/500 (1120 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:19:07]
Research begun: Hunting (3 Turns)

State Religion Change: MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) from 'no State Religion' to 'Hinduism'

Turn 73/500 (1080 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:19:47]
Constantinople finishes: Barracks


Turn 74/500 (1040 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:19:51]
Constantinople begins: Axeman (5 turns)
Tech learned: Hunting


Turn 75/500 (1000 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:19:58]
Research begun: Code of Laws (22 Turns)


Turn 76/500 (975 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:20:24]
A Cottage was built near Thessalonica
Constantinople grows: 6
Ramakrishna (Great Prophet) born in Constantinople


Turn 77/500 (950 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:20:28]
Constantinople finishes: The Kashi Vishwanath


Turn 78/500 (925 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:21:15]
Constantinople finishes: Axeman


Turn 79/500 (900 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:21:20]
Constantinople begins: Granary (4 turns)


Turn 80/500 (875 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:21:29]


Turn 81/500 (850 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:21:38]
Thessalonica finishes: Worker


Turn 82/500 (825 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:21:43]
Thessalonica begins: Granary (60 turns)
Constantinople finishes: Granary


Turn 83/500 (800 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:21:59]
Constantinople begins: Settler (6 turns)
A Camp was built near Thessalonica
Hinduism has spread: Thessalonica


Turn 84/500 (775 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:22:15]


Turn 85/500 (750 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:22:32]
A Hamlet was built near Thessalonica


Turn 86/500 (725 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:22:37]
A Cottage was built near Thessalonica
Constantinople finishes: Settler
A Hamlet was built near Constantinople

Confucianism founded in a distant land

Turn 87/500 (700 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:22:45]
Constantinople begins: Axeman (4 turns)

State Religion Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) from 'no State Religion' to 'Confucianism'

Turn 88/500 (675 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:23:08]


Turn 89/500 (650 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:23:52]
Adrianople founded
Adrianople begins: Work Boat (6 turns)
Thessalonica grows: 2


Turn 90/500 (625 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:24:18]
A Cottage was built near Thessalonica
Constantinople finishes: Axeman


Turn 91/500 (600 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:24:24]
Constantinople begins: Axeman (4 turns)
Constantinople finishes: Axeman


Turn 92/500 (575 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:24:41]
Constantinople begins: Forge (10 turns)
Constantinople grows: 7
Hinduism has spread: Adrianople


Turn 93/500 (550 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:24:58]
Thessalonica's borders expand


Turn 94/500 (525 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:25:08]
Tech learned: Code of Laws
Adrianople finishes: Work Boat


Turn 95/500 (500 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:25:16]
Research begun: Alphabet (14 Turns)
Adrianople begins: Granary (10 turns)
A Mine was built near Constantinople
Thessalonica grows: 3


Turn 96/500 (475 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:25:45]
A Fishing Boats was built near Adrianople
Constantinople grows: 8


Turn 97/500 (450 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:26:02]
The whip was applied in Constantinople
Constantinople finishes: Forge
Adrianople grows: 2


Turn 98/500 (425 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:26:24]
Constantinople begins: Library (5 turns)
A Pasture was built near Thessalonica

State Religion Change: Bismarck(Germany) from 'no State Religion' to 'Confucianism'
Attitude Change: Bismarck(Germany) towards Qin Shi Huang(China), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards Bismarck(Germany), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 99/500 (400 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:26:38]
A Hamlet was built near Thessalonica


Turn 100/500 (375 BC) [29-Dec-2007 22:26:52]
Reminder: stop playing

Spoiler :

Aims: complete GW, start REX in earnest, find some happy, tech towards Alpha to start the Thief Economy.



Nuff said.


Location chosen for a few reasons: sharing the rice with DC (whilst DC goes hammer heavy towards Mids), it has a plains hill for production, river tiles for commerce (some of which it can improve then handover to DC as needed), and great food once Calendar is, um, acquired.

Returning to the Pyramids: I don’t intend to build them right now, but rather put in some hammers here and there until the happy cap becomes a severe handicap, only then will they be completed (and I’ll switch to REP). I'm going this route as I have Masonry, and Oracle-CoL will hamper REX (and less likely to succeed).

Out in the big wide world, Judaism FIDL in 1520, and the Henge in 1440. I’d considered the latter, but decided against it because of GPP pollution in DC, and NY needed basic infra and workers more than my empire needed monuments. Writing was done in 1240 and borders opened with China and Germany.


Philly is quite a stretch and I had to shuttle the Settler around barbs to get there. With pigs, horses, gold (and later Banana) it’s worth it, and ORG makes it affordable. Alpha is completed, and in 675 I get Iron from Huang only to discover that if I’d founded Atlanta 1 tile west, I’d have had Iron in its BFC. But such is the price of REX sometimes!


A good price as far as I was concerned: I didn’t feel the need to hurry too much, but the happy cap was becoming a pain everywhere and the 4 citizens weren’t yielding that much anyway. Damned game doesn’t prompt for Civics change on completion of the Pyramids (I always forget this) so I only revolt to REP a couple of turns later.

In other news, ToA BIFAL in BC 550, Confu founded in BC475, but – most importantly – Foshaug the Deceiver was born in DC. Huang has the more interesting techs to steal (MC and Maths) so he’s sent there. I already have Spies en route.

The empire:


China is heading south, but at no great pace; my dilemma is on how far into the jungle I want to push. There’s a cows-copper site on the coast that’s tempting, but banana-horse isn’t very sexy until Calendar, yet I may go for it anyway. We'll see. Need to explore the rest of the east.

Medi and Priesthood were learnt to open up Monarchy, and Archery is being worked on as it’s too cheap to be worth stealing.

Well it's becoming more of a trademark than a habit:
Zara - turnset 2 - "Expansion commences"

Spoiler :

Turns out I'm 3rd most cultured. Gotta love creative!

1960BC - Settler > Axeman. Adjust so Aksum will grow to size 6 and finish this axe at the same time.

1920BC - Stonehenge built IBT.

1880BC - Gondar founded in my readily laid out spot.


Worker already in place to add a cottage.

1800BC - get this bloody horrible event -


hate that thing. DAMN!

1680BC - crack the whip in Aksum and produce a settler.

1640BC - settler > library. Gondar switches to a library. OB all round.

1560BC - Lalibela is founded to claim the gold.


1480BC - barbs swarm towards Gondar.


Aksum - Library > Axeman. Aksums defending axeman moves to support.

1440BC - kill barb warrior 1.

1400BC - barb warrior 2 attacks my city accross the river and dies. kill a 3rd warrior. The gold is connected.

1360BC - kill the next 2 barb warriors. Eastern front looking clear.

1320BC - Aksum Axe > Axe

1280BC - kill a warrior by Aksum - clearing the radar of barbs.

1240BC - a barb archer moves towards aksum. Finish Axe > Worker.

1160BC - kill the barb archer. 2 more warriors appear. Yay swat a barb time! :)

1120BC - lots more barb warriors appear. Whip the library in Gondar. Oracle built IBT - was going for that myself, ah well.

925BC - been killing a lot of barbs again. Aksum starts a settler now.


750BC - get a 10xp axe skirmishing around Aksum. Yay!

725BC - finish CoL and discover confucianism.

700BC - found Addis Ababa - gaining iron, Rice and hills. It will be a production designated city.


675BC - stagnate Gondar - keep the cottages growing, but hire 2 scientists for a GP - I could whip a courthouse out instead, but want the GS instead.

650BC - Aksum - Axe > Axe.

600BC - got enough axes for home defense. So promote one to woods 2 to act as a heavy scout and see what's north.

550BC - land alphabet and I could trade:


but nothing really interests me there...

up to 375BC - got 2 woods 2 Axe scouts moving northwards - getting a good picture of the land for further rexing.

Some stats of note:
4 cities (sizes 7,6,5,2)
10 axes, 4 workers, 1 settler moving into position.
GS due in 5 turns @ 100% chance.
Founded Confucianism.
+57bulbs @ 80%, -2 gpt.
Sciences: Writing (1640BC) > Mysticism (1440BC) > Meditation > Priesthood (1120BC) > Code of Laws (750BC) > Alphabet (550BC) > Fishing (525BC) > Monarchy (due in 1).

A snapshot of my lands:
Spoiler :


Overall my thinking was to expand rapidly, while also expanding my economy. First couple of courthouses are down and helping no end. Kept the number of workers up to the work needing doing. Hopefully!

Have had to put quite an effort into keeping the barbarians back. It has left me with 10 axes, which will be useful for the (future) conquest based stage of my plans.

Goal for next set is to keep laying down more cities. Would like to acquire some horses. Need to finish my explorations of the island - the woods 2 axemen will facilitate that. Keep hooking up new resources.

The oracle was a pipe dream for me, but not needed as my economy was strong enough to grab CoL without too much bother.


Spoiler :
Well when we last left Hannibal he was just starting up his second settler, with the plan of settle, worker, pyramids in the capital. I see no reason to change this at this stage but will whip the settler for 2. I want to have the second city have the copper connected and produce a couple of axes before it too goes on settler duty. I want at least 3 more cities soon.

My research plan is Poly, Proesthood, Writing, Code of Laws, Alphabet. Not sure if I'll get all of it done this set.

So let's start.

At least I'm doing better than Bismark.

By the time I can 2-whip the settler, its only 4 turns away, so I leave it for now.

My warrior gets trapped behind enemy lines.

Third city for gold/wine

Oh joy the barbs have come to play. This continues all the way through the set.

Get the Col part of the plan.

Alphabet comes in. Let's do some trading.

City #4 comes on line.

And that is 100. Well the barbs completely stuffed all my plans for this one. I had too much on my habds and too many barbs running about to get the Pyramids chopped out. Should still get them though. Was producing too many axes to get the settlers out as well. I have 6 of them at the moment.

Want to trade Code of Laws for Monarchy and Maths but Bizzy (who has Maths) won't talk business at the moment.

Pyramids complete in 5, then a library and Great Library in capital with maybe a settler or worker thrown in there somewhere.

Next city will be up north with banana/spice/cow.

20 barb warriors killed and 8 archers :mad:. Are we playing raging barbs? :mischief:

Research: Polytheism, Priesthood, Writing, Code of Laws, Alphabet, Agriculture (trade), Archery (trade), Sailing (trade), Aesthetics, Literature (not finished)


damnit, my computer froze at the last turn of the 50 turns!!!! I lost my report, and save game and everything! So myine will be late.
Dutch in space part 2: Expanding the empire

Spoiler :

This set I concentrated on REX:ing and starting the construction of the only wonder I care about - the Great Library. But what is the matter with the map? There are barbs everywhere; so far I have killed 9 barb archers and 13 warriors, and there is no end in sight :cry: Leave me alone, I want this to be a peaceful game...

Turn 55: Writing -> Sailing (for coastal trade). The Hague founded by the silver mine.

58: Open borders with the Chinese, later also with Bismark. They seem to be too far away to be any trouble.
63: Sailing -> Aesthetics
66: Rotterdam founded on the gold. Perhaps a daft move :p, but it will give me a few grass plains more than settling on the recommended blue circle (1W).
76: Just when I have build a road and mine on the silver a blizzard comes and destroys all improvements :mad:

79: Barb warriors everywhere :scan: Building axemen like mad.

82: And here comes the first barb archer. Let me introduce Mr. Axeman to you.
83: Aesthetics -> Mysticism -> ?? (I always forget) -> Literature
97: I finally get literature and start building the GLib in Amsterdam. No one has Alphabet yet, so I need to do a quick research of hunting for some elephant happiness before going for Mathematics -> Currency -> CoL for the economy.
100: And here is a view of my growing empire. I need another 2-3 cities as soon as my economy allows to be big enough for a space race attempt, and there seem to be no one competing for the nice rivers sites to the east and south east of Amsterdam.

Spoiler :





Pacal The Pathetic--->Round 2

Spoiler :

51--->2nd city settled.

This will become my Wall Street unless something else is better. Settled here so itll be easier to chop out the Oracle.


75--->Oracle chopped out-->COL chosen and is founded in my second city, ....Alphabet next

86--->Alphabet in, Math next, 3rd city settled.

This could be my ironworks depending on where iron shows up.

88--->Biz demands Priesthood...I give in and get some plus modifiers. I need to get some missionaries to Qin and Biz asap. I also need to get a spy up there as well.

90--->trade alpha to Qin for IW and Pottery
91--->trade Writing to Biz for Fishing

94--->Get a Prophet. I could build the Kashi in the capitol but Ill make the Kong Miao in my second city as itll be Wall Street. I havent converted to a religion yet, so it may not be the right move...well see.

95--->Math in...Mono next

96--->Kong Miao

100--->Pyramids built in capitol.

settler heading north to found 4 city. Not sure where he going. There may be a barb city up there. Somewhere near the gold though.

Barbs were nasty this set.....made me happy though. The Axe on the right is a woody3 and the axe on the left is a CR3....this is the beginning of my future army.

Not sure where to put a city to utilize the iron.

The Save

The Continuing Adventures of Elizabeth. Chapter Two.

The Plan
Spoiler :
The plan for this round was to survive the anticipated barbarian onslaught, establish a few more cities and head towards Great Lib to support my GS Economy.

The Reality
Spoiler :
Well the barbs certainly onslaughted. In 1500BC I had my first Event :D . A massive barbarian uprising :lol: ! Actually it was only four archers but they were only four turns from my capital which was defended by a solitary warrior :eek: . Help was fortunately at hand, got an axe back just in time, lost my warrior but the axe picked up 5xp as the uprising was crushed mercilessly. The word must have got out however and the barbs just kept a-coming, by 375bc I'd been forced to kill 23 warriors and 12 archers, ending up with a total of 8 axes but no further casualties and amazingly enough not a single tile got pillaged (so far). Beginning to quieten down, hopefully they're settling down to raise families though I'm sure that next round I'll see barb axes and swords.

With all this excitement I've only managed to build another two cities. Built a city on top of the southern silver so its nabs the fishes for growth and tundra iron for some hammers. The other city went near the north east iron, doesn't grab any food but it should help maximise tile usage in the longer term.

Research wise made a few :smoke: moves. Thought I needed alphabet for literature :smoke:, didn't check the tech tree to see that I was wrong :smoke: so ended up getting alphabet somewhat unnessessarily. Then compounded my error by trading writing to Qin for poly then alphabet to Qin for IW and archery. Bismark ain't interested in trading at all for no very obvious reason. However it's not all bad news: I got my first GS in 825bc who founded an academy in ivory/FP city. I'm two turns from my next GS who I'll probably shelve until I can bulb philosophy. Overall I've learned writing, alphabet, poly, IW, archery, priesthood, aesthetics, literature and maths and I'm chopping out Glib in ivory/FP city.

I've made some progress on exploration, got a workboat doing the continental tour and opening up coastal trade routes in the process. I've also got a spy in the wilderness, he may move slowly but he's invisible to the barbs so should hopefully survive.

The rest of the news: Oracle got bidl in 950bc, someone took theology from it so I can expect some AP activity on the other continent. Qin was first to CoL in 650bc. Qin also got a GSpy from Gwall in 650bc and immediately started a Golden Age :confused: . Qin's leading me on tech (he's got CoL, monarchy and masonry while I've got aesthetics and maths on him). Bismark is lagging behind on techs but still is unwilling to trade.



@TLO, you do have autosave set for every turn don't you? This will save your game at least.

Yah, but i was busy and wanted to get the game+report done quickly so i wrote it as i played. Then my comp froze and my report was lost. I'll try to look at the autosaves and try to replay my turnset.
all ~ my wireless router ist kaput ~ my son busted it right out of the USB port :(

won't be online until later today for longer -- will post more then
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