Turns out I'm 3rd most cultured. Gotta love creative!
1960BC - Settler > Axeman. Adjust so Aksum will grow to size 6 and finish this axe at the same time.
1920BC - Stonehenge built IBT.
1880BC - Gondar founded in my readily laid out spot.
Worker already in place to add a cottage.
1800BC - get this bloody horrible event -
hate that thing. DAMN!
1680BC - crack the whip in Aksum and produce a settler.
1640BC - settler > library. Gondar switches to a library. OB all round.
1560BC - Lalibela is founded to claim the gold.
1480BC - barbs swarm towards Gondar.
Aksum - Library > Axeman. Aksums defending axeman moves to support.
1440BC - kill barb warrior 1.
1400BC - barb warrior 2 attacks my city accross the river and dies. kill a 3rd warrior. The gold is connected.
1360BC - kill the next 2 barb warriors. Eastern front looking clear.
1320BC - Aksum Axe > Axe
1280BC - kill a warrior by Aksum - clearing the radar of barbs.
1240BC - a barb archer moves towards aksum. Finish Axe > Worker.
1160BC - kill the barb archer. 2 more warriors appear. Yay swat a barb time!
1120BC - lots more barb warriors appear. Whip the library in Gondar. Oracle built IBT - was going for that myself, ah well.
925BC - been killing a lot of barbs again. Aksum starts a settler now.
750BC - get a 10xp axe skirmishing around Aksum. Yay!
725BC - finish CoL and discover confucianism.
700BC - found Addis Ababa - gaining iron, Rice and hills. It will be a production designated city.
675BC - stagnate Gondar - keep the cottages growing, but hire 2 scientists for a GP - I could whip a courthouse out instead, but want the GS instead.
650BC - Aksum - Axe > Axe.
600BC - got enough axes for home defense. So promote one to woods 2 to act as a heavy scout and see what's north.
550BC - land alphabet and I could trade:
but nothing really interests me there...
up to 375BC - got 2 woods 2 Axe scouts moving northwards - getting a good picture of the land for further rexing.
Some stats of note:
4 cities (sizes 7,6,5,2)
10 axes, 4 workers, 1 settler moving into position.
GS due in 5 turns @ 100% chance.
Founded Confucianism.
+57bulbs @ 80%, -2 gpt.
Sciences: Writing (1640BC) > Mysticism (1440BC) > Meditation > Priesthood (1120BC) > Code of Laws (750BC) > Alphabet (550BC) > Fishing (525BC) > Monarchy (due in 1).
A snapshot of my lands:
Overall my thinking was to expand rapidly, while also expanding my economy. First couple of courthouses are down and helping no end. Kept the number of workers up to the work needing doing. Hopefully!
Have had to put quite an effort into keeping the barbarians back. It has left me with 10 axes, which will be useful for the (future) conquest based stage of my plans.
Goal for next set is to keep laying down more cities. Would like to acquire some horses. Need to finish my explorations of the island - the woods 2 axemen will facilitate that. Keep hooking up new resources.
The oracle was a pipe dream for me, but not needed as my economy was strong enough to grab CoL without too much bother.