Earth Sixteenth Century for BTS


Jul 26, 2006
This is the BTS thread for my scenario, which I started two years ago for warlords. The scenario was the second one released on CFC for warlords, following Mrdie's Uniting Iran. It was my first attempt at a scenario and I've been working on it since then. I've taken care to map it using a historical atlas, and I've done my own research,a s well as implement suggestions form the community.

This is the link to the old thread

Here's the link to the download, the info is out-dated, bu the file is up-to-date,

As for comments, I welcome them all, while it is still -my- scenario, I'm very receptive to criticism, comments, etc. I will try to reply to every idea suggested here, as well as most comments! That said, don't worry about playing it as areviewerr, just have fun with it, it's why I made it :D
Downloading now! (You should call it Earth 16th century for BTS - or use a more accurate date - and properly announce it!;) (I remember the Warlords version, so I'm quite curious!);)
Well the thread title is already in place, so m'fraid I can't really change it. But it's awesome that you remember my old one for warlords!:eek: so... WOW! Yeah! let me know what you think!
Hey good to get the thread up!! Im gonna add your name to a list of people who want to come on the show!

PS: if you want a thread name change, just PM my homie "woodelf"
Yeah! (I just got mine renamed.) Anyway, started off as king of France, timer hits 1493: "Christianity spreads to Paris":confused: (I had been wondering why I couldn't build anything Christian there, but missed the missing "+". So then I thought: 1490? Something interesting should be happening to the kingdom of Spain. Well, yes indeed, this turned out to be much more fun! As expected I had trouble keeping Amsterdam and Syracuse (maybe add a little bit of culture in these cities?), but enjoyed exploring the New World for a while until the 1st rival Caravel appeared. By this time I was getting a Galleon underway loaded with Conquistadors and soon captured two native American cities. The 3rd I missed because: a) the Aztecs were getting imperialistic and b) the natives were upgrading to Longbowmen. All this time I was waiting patiently til my own Fernando Po Longbowman was being finished; I know isle cities can grow big, but two fish resources:confused: (maybe not put any improvements in those - as they've just been founded?). Well, that's were I was before I finally got to bed - that's how addictive it is!;)

PS: Also, please correct "Kahnate" - it's the same word as Gengis Khan (unless in the Bulgar/Turk/Magyar version were it's kagan)
Currently at mid-16th century; I've lost Amsterdam to France, Syracuse and Barcelona to Alexander VII (very politically incorrect name for a pope, Alexander) - I don't know what culture Wonder he controls but he's assimilating like crazy, as he also gained two HRE cities at least.:eek: (I did cancel Open Borders the moment I saw the 1st Italian Galleons appear off Barcelona...):D

Anyway, I've finally stabilized Fernando Po isle (it's at size 16 by now), founded one colony in S. America, captured 2 more native cities (Rapa Nui, gave it to the Inca who, by the way, are now my vassal + the unpronouncable Maori city in N. Zealand). I'm doing all I can to keep in the lead and succeeding barely - which, BTW, keeps the tension going.;)

I'll keep you posted.:hatsoff:
Size 16? The hell? I don't remember adding fish resources to the African colonies... That's something I'm going to need to fix, thanks for that! as for Paris, I moved it in the last update, or did something to city, regardless, thanks for catching the lack of Christianity! As for amsterdam , and Syracuse,... You say the dutch revolted against your rule and allied yourself with the European powers around the middle of the 1500s? Odd indeed! :lol: In regards to Sicily, That's an unintended side effect, I could pop a culture building in the city.

As for Italy's rapid expansion, I'll see about nerfing Rome's starting culture, but being very populous, as well as having some culture buildings AND being the seat of Christianity (which is very well spread) grants some culture bonuses, and I'm not sure if I'd be willing to slash Rome's place as head of the Christian world for game balance issues. But I'll see about nerfing the starting culture. As for the Name, Rodrigo Borgia was indeed Called pope Alexander VI. In truth I wanted to have his son, Cesare, portrayed as the leader of Italy, as Cesare was a hefty conqueror and probably one of the most fitting Italian leaders to represent the dis-unified Italy.

As for Italy's consumption of the HRE what would your suggestion here be? Germany has a very bad position game-wise, even with their Hapsburg control of hungary.

As for spain, my own experience with them is that their starting conquistadores help with wars against morroco and raping indigenous peoples of all their wealth and heritage. The early caravel helps me to quickly establish my presence in the new world while the conquistadores I can later ship onto a galleon and use to conquer native peoples. I haven't had the culture problem you do with italy but meh.

I Would -love- to hear how your relationship with Abu Abdullah is going though, Let me know what the Moroccans are up to in your game :D

anyways, as you seem to be enjoying a play through as spain. tell me what you think of this, if you don't mind: I've been toying with the idea of changing Columbus' ship to a carrack, which allows for two units to be transported, I know Spain doesn't quite need the colonization boost... but it would help spain colonize the new world faster as a player, while as AI it might not influence the game much. Opinions?

Also Kahnate refers to the political entity ruled by a Kahn, if it were bulgarian or turkish it would be Kaganate, but the point being, I'm not going to change it to "Golden Kahn". it remains the Golden Kahnate

Also in my next update, Salzburg has two courthouses, a rathause and a courthouse. Oops!

So, here's a list of updates so far:

-Salzburg now only has their unique courthouse, no more Rathause
-Barcelona's starting culture increased to 30
-Rome's starting culture reduced to 50
-Sao Tome Only has Crab
-Paris is now properly christian
-Palace removed from Cherson
-Babur's invasion to have an extra unit, not an elephant, to make things a tad easier in india
-Ethiopia given workers Again, Oops!
-Whatever else comes to attention >_>

Again, thank you so much for the input JLN, I do enjoy reading the run-through of your empire aswell :goodjob: Do tell me how the Wattasids hold up!
Double post for a quick update, I PM'd woodelf about renaming this thread, as GarretSidzaka suggested, to the name JLN suggested.

EDIT: JLN, if you happen to be willing, would you mind taking some screens of your Spanish empire? I would be interested in using them for the download page preview.
Double post for a quick update, I PM'd woodelf about renaming this thread, as GarretSidzaka suggested, to the name JLN suggested.

EDIT: JLN, if you happen to be willing, would you mind taking some screens of your Spanish empire? I would be interested in using them for the download page preview.

Will do!;)
I Would -love- to hear how your relationship with Abu Abdullah is going though, Let me know what the Moroccans are up to in your game :D

Nothing much really: I made peace, declared war (to get a Galleon out), made peace.

anyways, as you seem to be enjoying a play through as spain. tell me what you think of this, if you don't mind: I've been toying with the idea of changing Columbus' ship to a carrack, which allows for two units to be transported, I know Spain doesn't quite need the colonization boost... but it would help spain colonize the new world faster as a player, while as AI it might not influence the game much. Opinions?

Carrack = good (I was missing Lisbon, actually). By mid-16th c. Spain should control most of the Americas, and in my game I'm nowhere near that.

Also Kahnate refers to the political entity ruled by a Kahn, if it were bulgarian or turkish it would be Kaganate, but the point being, I'm not going to change it to "Golden Kahn". it remains the Golden Kahnate

It's the spelling of Kahn that bugs me: it's not a German pie or something it's a leader called khan, ergo khanate. I've never heard of a kahn!?

Your updates sound all good to me (though it might be more effective just to strip those isle cities of improvements - hey, I don't mind having a 16 size city, but it's bigger than anything in Spain itself).

Adding screenshots:


  • zSpain, mid 16th c., with Incan vassal0000.JPG
    zSpain, mid 16th c., with Incan vassal0000.JPG
    185.5 KB · Views: 602
  • zOttoman empire, 1490 AD0000.JPG
    zOttoman empire, 1490 AD0000.JPG
    174.2 KB · Views: 456
  • zFrance 7 turns into the game0000.JPG
    zFrance 7 turns into the game0000.JPG
    189 KB · Views: 500
About Khanate, I see what you're saying now, easy fix, consider it done.

as for the Carrack, consider that one done as well then, but I don't have room for Lisbon on the Iberian peninsula I know this because I tried to expand the peninsula to fit a Portuguese civ.... that weird graphics error on the bottom two Atlantic tiles of the Spanish peninsula is the result. And something I'll fix.

Though it bugs me to see that the ai is still passing around tech full of glee, as France is pushing well into industrial era (fitting though I suppose, as the industrial revolution could be argued as beginning in the 1700s...)

Anyways, I'll put "No Tech Brokering" as an option for the next update. see if that teaches those European whelps a lesson!

Thanks for the screenshots!
About Khanate, I see what you're saying now, easy fix, consider it done.

Ooopph! (It's been bothering me since the very 1st time you put this scenario up...);)

as for the Carrack, consider that one done as well then, but I don't have room for Lisbon on the Iberian peninsula I know this because I tried to expand the peninsula to fit a Portuguese civ.... that weird graphics error on the bottom two Atlantic tiles of the Spanish peninsula is the result. And something I'll fix.

Great on the Carrack, pity about Portugal.

Though it bugs me to see that the ai is still passing around tech full of glee, as France is pushing well into industrial era (fitting though I suppose, as the industrial revolution could be argued as beginning in the 1700s...)

Anyways, I'll put "No Tech Brokering" as an option for the next update. see if that teaches those European whelps a lesson!

Them Eurocivs have been competitive ever since the Middle Ages, so...

Thanks for the screenshots!

You're most welcome!:goodjob:
Why isn't there a holy city for Islam?
In my version, it isn't. Is there an upgrade since 29.1.?
Btw, like the graphics of Finland.
I see you put the screenshots to good use!:goodjob: (Perhaps add a link to this thread on the DL page?):mischief:
yeah, sorry, honestly I got caught up in a game of oregon trail 3 with a friend. Who knew you could travel the oregon trail with 1000 pounds of bacon, socks, and a rifle!
This scenario is very interesting. I like historical scenarios. It is very good that you put some weak Civs like Aztecs in scenario, because I like challenging scenarios. I played two games (both times I played Aztecs on Deity level). In first game I tried to achieve cultural victory, but AI's spaceship was faster (about 1700, I think). In second game I won :) . I achieved cultural victory in 1699. Europeans tried to conquer me for few times, but they were slow, and I managed to stop them long enough to negotiate peace. I remember one battle in northeast USA (I think, near Tlaxcala), when Italian Art/Inf/Cav easily killed some of my Lon/Arc/Jag, but were not able to capture my city until peace (I have put majority of my army in that city). So I won culturally by using Great Artists and some other cultural things. It was quite close because I think that AI spaceship was just launched and on his trip. But, I was faster with culture!
I think you should exchange time scale for this scenario. I think that those 300 turns should last 600 years instead of 300 years. You know, 2 years per turn instead 1 year per turn.
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