The World Turned Upside Down

Global News Report

North/Central American News Report

USA ELECTIONS. Washington D.C., United States of America. Following the actions in Venezuela, President MacArthur determined not to run for another term or to accept a Republican nomination. Dwight Eisenhower was instead nominated by the Republican Party to run for President. Despite harsh resistance from the Democratic South and Progressive strongholds in the Midwest, Eisenhower has been elected to become the new President of the United States.

South American News Report

RESISTANCE WAS FUTILE, THEY WILL ASSIMILATED. Caracas, United States of America. The Venezuelan Liberation Front has been effectively destroyed. After a series of pitched battles, American forces tracked the center of resistance to a small village in the jungle, thanks to an informant. After using Air Cavalry to force the majority of the Venezuelan regulars into a contained area, the newly completed USS Charles Lindbergh-class carrier was deployed to the region. Speaking on board, President MacArthur declared “Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!” Following this pronouncement, an A-4 Skyhawk was launched and a nuclear weapon was dropped upon the VLF leadership stronghold. The Venezuelan leaders died instantly and the resistance collapsed in the face of a renewed American offensive. The remaining Venezuelans have fallen into disorder and dispersed into the jungle, ending the Venezuelan Liberation Front.

CHILEAN ELECTIONS. Santiago, Chile. The socialist Radical Liberal Party has won another resounding victory in Chile’s elections this year. Pledging continuing moves for the workers and brotherhood among South American proletariat, the Radical Liberals have won in a landslide. The continuing economic boom has assisted with the Radical Liberal victory as more people continue to vote with what works. (+1 Private Enterprise)

European News Report

ENTENTE JOINS EL. Rome, Italy. In a surprising act following the end of the war in Russia, the Entente has requested and gained admittance into the European League and the European Economic Community. Though the full economic preparations will not be completed until 1954 at earliest, the new political alliance has succeeded in uniting a large part of Europe under a single banner. However, this move has been protested within several member governments. Serbia, Latvia, and parts of Polish politics have denounced the move, claiming distinct political differences throughout Europe.

GEORGE VI DIES. London, Union of Commonwealth States. Commonwealth citizens have mourned the death of King George VI, monarch of the UCS, who died in early January. Queen Elizabeth II has been crowned as the new ruling monarch. George VI led the creation of the new Commonwealth and the stabilization of the UCS. One of the most popular monarchs in history, he single-handedly forged the remnants of the British Empire into a considerable political and economic force in the global community.

WAR ENDS IN EAST EUROPE. Kiev, Ukraine. Amid international support for Ukraine and a successful European invasion of Byelorussia, the Soviets have agreed to a status quo ante bellum peace with the European League and Ukraine. Neither side has left the table satisfied, as the European League press was outraged at Ukrainian attempts to make a separate peace, potentially leaving the Europeans to fight the Soviet bear alone. However Molotov has pledged no “undue animosity” towards Europe and has pledged to continue the Soviet Union’s involvement in the United Nations, unlike certain “rogue states.”

ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Chairman Molotov narrowly avoided assassination by a team of gunmen during a parade in Moscow. The gunmen, identified as Islamic missionaries, have been executed for crimes against the Soviet Union. Molotov has denounced Dar-al-Islam, blaming them directly for the attempt. Forces have been mobilized in the Caucuses to “prevent further Islamic aggression.”

BALKAN WARS: ATTACK OF THE SERBS. Sofia, Bulgaria. Following an intense and successful series of attacks by Greek fighters against Serbian and Bulgarian military targets throughout occupied Greece, Serbia proceeded to once more warn Bulgaria to retain control. However, as the Greeks continue to win multiple victories against the occupation, Serbia launched a limited invasion of Bulgaria. Moving against military targets along the border and into occupied Greece, Serbian forces attacked both Greek and Bulgarian targets. Following a sound victory, Serbia has demanded a number of concessions from the battered Bulgarian government, which have been promptly refused. Neighboring states of Hungary and Romania have called for immediate United Nations mediation or action.
Casualty List
Bulgaria: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Motorized Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron, 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Serbia: 3 Infantry Divisions
Friends of Greece: 1 Militia Division, 1 Paramilitary Division

African/Middle Eastern News Report

ABYSSINIAN ELECTIONS. Addis Abba, Abyssinia. The Conservative Coalition has once more won victory in Abyssinia’s general elections. However, a disturbing trend has emerged this year. Muslims have rallied around a single party to meet their goals. The Party of Mohammed has called for the establishment of Islamic theocracy within Abyssinia and merger with Dar-al-Islam. Several anti-Muslim riots broke out within Addis Abba following the election results, though no deaths were reported.

ALGERIA IN REVOLT. Algiers, Algeria. Heavy resistance met Italian regulars upon arrival in the port of Algiers. Expected by the Algerian rebels, the initial Italian vanguard were devastated by prepared fields of fire and suicide boats driven high speed into the Italian ships. The remaining Italian troops were forced to withdraw back to Malta to await further orders. (-1 Infantry Division)

Asian/Pacific News Report

NIPPONESE ELECTIONS. Tokyo, Nippon. The Jiyo-to Party has once more won a resounding victory in Nippon with an added twist. The new Prime Minister is a Muslim from Indonesia, promising reconcillation with the Islamic population of the Philippenes which has recently risen in riots and terrorism. The new Prime Minister has proceeded to make a hajj to Mecca and Medina, preaching peace between the two great nations of Nippon and Dar-al-Islam.

Global News Ticker






Diplomatic Pouch


@Carmen510, you can only have one specialization and Chile is already Military Specialization. All money for research was put into Modern Military Production

Because no Afro-Asian member was available to provide input for the next step of research after Multi-stage rockets, the extra research IC has been put into Tank Turrets.

@Lightfang, you did the best you could, but these things happen. You’d be more than welcome in any other position. PM me if you want suggestions, though I’d say outright, I’d be pleased if you rejoined as the Soviet Union to give it some fresh, new leadership.

World Map

Spoiler :
And Good Riddance you b@stards!

Sic Semper Terrorists
A nuke? Overkill much?

Just remember, Jacobite: sic semper tyrannis. Oh you will get your just deserts. Eventually. Or perhaps not! Oho!

But the Soviet Union. That sounds like a lot of responsibility. I guess I'll take it. I'll be needing an update on the situation though. I suffer from ethnocentrism when I NES; although I do read all of the update, anything that doesn't really tangibly affect my nation I tend to forget.

Edit: I forgot: nice update. :D
OOC: Splendid update, EQ.


To: United Nations, USA
From: Germany

We have mixed feelings over the occurences of the attack on the VLF, however before we learned of the nuclear stike we were aware of the magnitude of our error. In haste we acted with a bitter attitude, angry at the mistreatment of Germans and the oppression of Germans by our neighbor states. In haste we acted foolishly, and funded the hopelessly doomed Venezuelan Liberation Front, and so our reputation was annihiliated. We left the United Nations in haste, forfeiting the respect of our sovereignty.

Nevertheless, after seeing the UN's neutrality in the recent Ukrainian war, and in acknowledging the UN's impartiality involving the Venezuelan insurgency, Germany realizes that our behavior was short-sighted and foolish. And now our people are in a frenzy.

And so we have it, the issuance of a formal apology to the UN by the now humble and respectful German nation. We extend this apology to the United States, which we wronged, and the nations of the world, which we disrespected. Our remorse is neverending, and our humility is vast.

So now we apply, for the last time, entry to the UN as another nation in a sea of peers to be among equals. The German volk only want peace, and we now believe in the UN's ability to provide for this. We will abide by the effects of the economic sanctions until their termination, and we will agree to aid the UN financially as payment for our rash attitudes.

As a nuclear nation, Germany feels the need to behave responsibly, especially considering the destabilization in Georgia. This is an era of progressivism and peace, not of chaos and disorder.


Reichskancelar Erwin Rommel
Kaiser Frederick

To European League
From Germany

Germany protests this move wholly and vociferously speaks out against this merge, especially considering how these nations were accepted without Germany being consulted. We feel our sovereignty as a European nation has been violated, especially considering that the newly invited Entente nations have long oppressed the people of Germany. We will withdraw from the European League and the European Economic Community if this situation is not amended, either by expulsion of those newly-admitted Entente members immediately or by a rightful consultation of the already-present EL members. That so many EL nations should immediately speak out against this move proves that it was carried out with imperial authority, without any regards to the opinions of the Germans or the Poles.
To Germany
From Italy:

Germany's consultation was not needed. There was a majority decision with Italy, France, Portugal, and Poland for the decision to merge with Serbia and presumably your own vote against the decision. And do not drag the Poles into this, their government was consulted and they told their representative on the European Commission to vote for the measure. These 'many' EL nations you spoke of is yourselves, the Serbs, and Latvia which totals 3 of the now 12 nations in the EL.

Once again it was not on 'imperial' authority, but that of the European Commission; the equally representative regulatory body Germany agreed to be part of when it joined the EEC and the EL.
To Italy
From Germany

Germany respects its partnership with the Italians and wishes for many a future year spent in peace and prosperity, but we cannot in good conscience occupy the same alliance as the former-Entente nations.

Effective immediately, Germany dissolves all her ties with the EL. We will remain in the EEC, because we believe our pooled economy is mutually beneficient.
To Germany
From Italy:

We are sad to see our German brothers leave the EL and turn towards nationalism rather than European solidarity. Italy believes there is a chance for reconciliation between Germany and the members of the ex-Entente and we are disappointed to see this will take many more years than need be.
To Italy
From Germany

Germany wonders if the Italians believe there is a chance for true reconciliation between the people of Italy and the people of Dar-al-Islam.
ooc: here is crude map of alliances and spheres of influence.

Spoiler :
OOC: Great update

To: Germany
From: Poland

Poland did vote to allow the Entente to join the EL/EEC.

OOC: It was after I sent orders so I didn't include them.

To: World
From: Poland

Poland is glad that peace could be found with the USSR and hopes a peaceful future lies ahead between our nations.
FROM: Dar-al-Islam

There is no proof that this assassination attempt was organized by our military or any politician within our government. The blame can only come from the dissent within your own nation, if any military action is taken against Dar-al-Islam we will retaliate.

TO: Nippon
FROM: Dar-al-Islam

We congratulate the election winners and welcome further cooperation between our mighty nations and alliances.
To USSR, Dar-al-Islam
From Germany

In the spirit of detente, Germany would like to invite the leaders of your graceful governments to a summit to discuss, perhaps, a lessening of tensions. Everything can be solved through compromise.
To USSR, Dar-al-Islam
From Germany

In the spirit of detente, Germany would like to invite the leaders of your graceful governments to a summit to discuss, perhaps, a lessening of tensions. Everything can be solved through compromise.

To: Germany
From: Dar-al-Islam

We would rather not have a nation such as yours interrupt our affairs.
From Abyssinia
To Dar-al-Islam:
Though we haven't been very friendly to each other we have nevertheless at least had cordial relations. We sincerely hope that you are not behind this new radical party that's trying to force our government to annex into your state and forfeit the independence of Abyssinia.
We are willing to reassert that we do not go to war with at least a 5-yaer Non-Aggression Pact, and again hope that you are not involved in this party.
From Abyssinia
To Dar-al-Islam:
Though we haven't been very friendly to each other we have nevertheless at least had cordial relations. We sincerely hope that you are not behind this new radical party that's trying to force our government to annex into your state and forfeit the independence of Abyssinia.
We are willing to reassert that we do not go to war with at least a 5-yaer Non-Aggression Pact, and again hope that you are not involved in this party.

To: Abyssinia
From: Dar-al-Islam

We are not supporting any radical movement anywhere in the world.
FROM: Dar-al-Islam

From: USSR
To: Dar-al-Islam

There is no proof that this assassination attempt was organized by our military or any politician within our government. The blame can only come from the dissent within your own nation, if any military action is taken against Dar-al-Islam we will retaliate.

Blaming our nation? Pardon? The most logical nation is Dar-al-Islam. Islamic aggression is the most probable cause.

However we will not mobilize until a full investigation has occurred. We will stay with the UN.

{also which country is Dar-al-Islam on the map?}
Blaming our nation? Pardon? The most logical nation is Dar-al-Islam. Islamic aggression is the most probable cause.

However we will not mobilize until a full investigation has occurred. We will stay with the UN.

{also which country is Dar-al-Islam on the map?}

The purty pink in.

If any form of investigation turns up anything it can be noted it was during the time of USSR aggression and could be considered military action in aid of the coalition.
The purty pink in.

If any form of investigation turns up anything it can be noted it was during the time of USSR aggression and could be considered military action in aid of the coalition.

So now you backpedal from your stance earlier? Realized that you've lied? Because now you've admitted that it could turn something up and now you've just made a comment to cover your back on the off chance that something turns up.
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