Update 2: War in the Balkans
January 1, 1881 to July 1, 1881
Austria Hungarian Begins Economic Reforms
Economic attention has recently taken a drastic shift away from the United States back to Europe where Austria-Hungary has recently begun it's how drastic economic programs. The origin of this success is, like the USA, in the railways. However, unlike the United States who encouraged privatization of the railways and used subsidies to encourage growth, Austria-Hungary has taken the opposite stance. The government has taken control of all the railways, but has used private contractors for the expansion of them. This policy has increased foreign investment, particularly German into Austria-Hungary, attracted by low railway and transport fees as well as easy contracts for construction. The railways themselves are being modernized under government control. Practically all manually feed steam engines have been replaced by British two stroke gasoline feed engines. The economy has also been set in a firm gold standard, with the creation of Oesterreichische Nationalbank, which is slowly buying up huge quantities of gold in order to back all Austrian money.
+1 Austria Hungarian Economy
Monarchy Restored in France
For some not really explained reason, Charles XIV, a member of the former-royal house of France, has recently been crowned king. This has been raising many eyebrows throughout France, due the strong anti-monarch sentiments. However, Charles was able to put to rest these fealings with the adoption of a new constitution, a key document which was lacking up until this point. All in all, people are indifferent over the change in government, as it has yet to really effect the lives of the people.
Silver Mines Hit Big in Morocco
American Prospectors, in the region for the better part of a year, have recently found a massive vein of silver just south of Midelt. Instantly a massive project was created in the area organized by the Moroccan Government, with the help of US corporations. Still, in order to make sizable gains, more investment is necessary in equipment as well as man-power. United Metals, the primary US corporation operating the area, has already promised a sizable/complete financial contribution in exchange for rights to the land. Acording to the free-trade agreement signed between the US and Morocco, it seems that the government of Morocco is unable to deny any sort of rational bid on the land.
Ottoman Empire Begins Reforms
In the shadow of a massive military parade in Istanbul, celebrating the victories in Tunisia, a new constitution was being drawn up in the new parliament building. The finished draft resembled strongly the 1876 Constitution, which was then revoked by the Sultan during the Russo-Turkish War of 1878. Most notable about the reforms was the rejection of the Mecelle Civil Code (sharia law), in favor of a popularist system, with representation from all ethnic groups. These formed the Meclis-i Mebusan in Istanbul as the primary law making body. This, coupled with the payment of all remaining foreign debt, has encouraged further investment into the Ottoman Empire, particularly from the United Kingdom and Germany.
+1 Ottoman Confidence, +1 Ottoman Base Economy
Peru and Chile agree to an Armistice and Peace Treaty
Chile has recently signed the Treaty of Lima, proposed by Peru. It will end a long and bloody war in the region that is estimated to have cost the life of over 50,000 Peruvians, as well as thousands of Chilean Soldiers. In the peace treaty, the provinces of Ica, Huanca Velica, Ayacucho, Apurimac, Cusco, Puno, Arequipa, Puno, Moquegua, Tacna, Arica and Tarapaca, are all officially annexed by Chile, making it the third most populated nation in South America (behind Colombia and Brazil), and one of the most powerful nations in the region.
Boer War Radically Shifts
The British push into the Orange Free State has become stalemated. The original push earlier in the year was only really possible due to the destruction to the local population, preventing resistance. However the employment of humane tactics, with the addition of fresh Transvaalian forces, have effectively halted the British advance. Meanwhile, Transvaal has begun trying to route the British forces by attempting to cut off their lines of reinforcement and supply. However they were unable to defend their own line to the south at the same time, allowing British forces to begin making large amounts of gains along the coast.
+2 Orange Free State Irregulars, -1 British Division, -1 Transvaal Division
Siam Begins New Industrial Revolution as Foreign Trade and Investment Pickup
Trade in French Cambodia has taken a sharp downturn in recent months as many industrialists are increasingly investing Siam who, despite their hawkish stance against their neighbors to the north, have been creating sound economic policy. Most notably was the opening of a new section of Bangkok, aply named the “Commercial Docks of Bangkok,” these have allowed the exportation of vast amounts of raw materials from the heart of the country. This port has also out competed the comparable French port at Saigon. Bangkok is slowly becoming increasingly industrialized by all this investment, but so far the effect is limited to the city bounds (OOC: hence why I cannot give you second IR status)
+1 Siamese base economy, -1 French Cambodia Economy
Japan Captures Rest of Korea, China Mobilizes
Japan, in a massive push, have captured Pyongyang, effectively ending the Joseon control of the Korean Peninsula. The Emperor has signed a declaration of surrender, and for the most part, Korean Troops throughout the country have honored it, laying down their arms. There are some spotted resistance in the mountains, but this was easily quenched by the Japanese. But problems remain, as the Chinese are organizing a their army to the north, either expecting a Japanese Invasion, or perhaps planing their own. In any event, the Japanese are not taking chances had have begun creating make-shift fortifications, as well as occupying ancient fortresses and castles in the region.
-1 Japanese Division, -1 Korea
French Colony established in Salalah
A new French colony has been established at Salalah, a large city on the southern Arabian Coast. This small port, famous exporter of Frankincense, has little strategic importance by itself, but is capable of threatening the rest of the Arabian Peninsula. This has frightened the Sultanate of Muscat, which feels it is increasingly getting boxed in by the British and the French. Also frightened is the Ottoman Empire, which fears this is just a beginning to a larger campaign into Arabia, most importantly the Hejdaz, which contains the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Also annoyed are the Wahhabist in Nedj, which are afraid of western influence into central arabia.
Afghanistan Emir Backstabbed by Persians
Persian General Manuchehr Khan, apparently now acting on direct orders from Tehran, has attacked the Emir of Afghanistan, together with the British. This massive shift in policy was explained when Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar said simply that they were “bringing peace to the hell hole that is Afghanistan one and for all.” Although the original attack was supposedly unintentional by Persian command, the General Manuchehr Khan remains in place, and is commanding the annexation of Afghanistan. On the other side of things, the British are slowly incorporating their part of Afghanistan into the Crown Colony of India.
-1 Afghanistan, -1 British Division, -1 Persian Division
Balkan League Attacks Ottoman Europe
In a coordinated attack, Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria have attacked Ottoman Europe. Although it is too early to give any predictions, it is clear that all parties will have an up-hill battle. Ottoman Troops in the region are hardened from combat against the Russians. In addition, the Ottomans have many hundreds of fortifications of varying scale throughout the region, made over hundreds of years. Finally, simply numerically, they are at some disadvantage. There is some sign that the Ottomans were aware of the attack, after capturing an ship registered in italy full of military supplies trying to make it's way through the Bosporus. Five more divisions were rushed into Thrace within the last month, bringing the total to twenty. No single Balkan League member can match that number.
Chinese Troops attack Japanese Positions Throughout Northern Korea
On Monday, over 200,000 Chinese Troops crossed into Northern Korea from China, in a massive coordinated attack. Under the advisement of German Tacticians, they were quickly able to advance up to Huichon before Japanese were able to fully hold a defensive line. But, after the line was formed, the Chinese had a difficult time making progress, unable to out-compete the superior weaponry the Japanese have. In the Eastern part of Korea, the Chinese have meet more success, and have able to ally with local Korean leaders to fight the Japanese forces in the region.
-1 Japanese Division,
Aceh Attacks Northern Dutch Sumatra
Aceh has recently re-organized and striked deep into Sumatra, with the support of the native population. They have issued a statement to the British Press claiming that they will “no longer allow the people of Sumatra to be oppressed by the evils and torture the Dutch have imposed on [them].” This event, combined with the treatment of Orange Free State civilian population earlier this year have called into question the ethics and morals that the imperial powers conduct themselves with.
- 1 Dutch East Indies Division
Greece Fleet Crushed by Ottoman Empire
In the Aegean Sea, the Greek Navy was dealt a crushing blow by the recently enlarged Ottoman Navy, consisting of 10 capital ships and many smaller squadrons. At an engagement outside of Lesbos, the Greek Navy lost 4 squadrons, nearly half of their naval forces. Ottoman Generals have used their naval dominance to begin island hoping, and they have captured all major Aegean islands except Euboea and Crete, which have sizable garrisons. However, on the land, the Greeks have managed to score many military victories, and have managed to capture Thessaloniki with minimal losses.
-1 Ottoman Squadron, -3 Ottoman Division, -5 Greek Squadrons, -1 Greek Capital Ship, -1 Greek Division
Austrian's Worried about Serbian Success against the Ottoman Empire
The Serbian advance has been remarkable in speed, when one doesn't consider the near absence of Ottoman forces in the area. The vast majority of Turkish Divisions were deployed against Bulgaria and Greece, and were unconcerned about Serbia. Serbia has been able to capture Skopje with little difficulty, and is currently advancing towards Albania. Austrian Politicians are worried about the new militarism of their southern historic belligerent. Serbian efforts are encouraging a general sense of nationalism throughout the Balkans, which compromise the multi-ethnic Hapsburg Empire.
-1 Ottoman Base Economy, -1 Ottoman Division, -1 Serbian Division
Malay Stats Under Attack by Siam, British Panic
The Siamese state has begun another ruthless campaign against it's neighbor to the south, the loose confederation of Malay Stats. They have only just begun the campaign a few days ago, but they are scoring massive victories every which way they go, out maneuvering the decaying civilization. This has worried the English crown colony in the Western portion of the Malay peninsula, fearful that they too could be annexed by this new regional power. Meanwhile British Commander's are upset that the Siamese were able to so easily attack a region that they themselves had their own imperial ambitions on.
-2 Malay Divisions, -1 British Malay Confidence
Futa Jalon attacks Tukulor Caliphate, Limited Success
Futa Jalon has begun a campaign into the Tukulor Caliphate, however many problems have emerged. Most notably terrain is against them. The Futa Jallon warriors are best suited for jungle terrain, however when they enter the prairies and deserts to the north, Tukulor cavalry are easily able to attack, using hit and run tactics. Meanwhile the Futa Soldiers are unable to use their survival tactics (finding food, water, etc.) in the new ecosystems.
-1 Futa Jalon Division
British Capture Bloemfontein but get Squeezed from Behind
A new surge of British Troops into South Africa have been able to push themselves to Bloemfontein, and capture the city. The Transvaal troops, busy with trying to squeeze the British into a bubble to pop, were unable to prevent the British from making massive gains along the coast, recapturing a number of key cities. However the Three British Divisions in the Orange State are now effectively cut off from resupply, and will not last long against the Six Boer Divisions, as well as irregulars, that are bearing down on them. They have been able to get food from local farmers, as well as from supply houses throughout Bloemfontein, which were originally intended for the Orange Free State Military, which has now all but disappeared. Most of the forces have simply been integrated into Transvaal military forces, or simply been disbanded in favor of irregular forces, engaging in guerrilla tactics.
+1 Cape Town Economy, - 1 Transvaal Division, -2 Orange Free State Irregular Divisions
Bulgarians Rebuffed, Greece and Serbia Make Gains
Bulgaria's Attack on the Ottoman didn't go as well as their allies advances. The primary reason whas the heavily fortified nature of the border, for the better part of year, Ottoman forces have been building extensive defenses ranging from earthworks to stone walls. Artillary was already strategically positions to strike against Bulgarian advances. The Bulgarians attacked Sliven en force, but only found a nearly equivalent number of Ottoman Troops heavily fortified. Unable to supply their troops for the extended siege of Sliven that ensued do to lack of spending (ooc: remember logistics!), they had to withdrawal and consolidate their gains. In the West, they were able to make some gains, mostly just to create a comfortable envelope of security around Sofia.
-6 Bulgarian Divisions, -4 Ottoman Divisions, -1 Cavalry Division
Chinese Begin Using Human Wave Tactics, Despite Urgings From German Tacticians
Chinese progress in Korea has been slow and costly, unable to compete with the Japanese weaponry nor command abilities. The Chinese upper military command echelon did not even provide a general strategy for the attack against Japanese position, resulting in improvisational by both the German Tacticians (who were unfamiliar with both the Japanese and Chinese Military) as well as Chinese Generals. Most notably was the use of human wave tactics, where Chinese exploited their numerical advantage by simply organizing massive bayonet charges. These tactics, although extremely costly, were able to push the offensive along. They have been able to advance all the way to Pyongyang, and no tactics the Japanese have been employing have been able to stop the raging hordes of enemy troops.
-10 Chinese Divisions, -4 Japanese Divisions
Ottoman Albania Cut-Off from Rest of the Ottoman Empire
The Greek and Serbian Advance met up in central Macedonia, and then, after a brief celebration, turned different ways, Serbia into Albania, while Greece continued along Aegean the Aegean Coast. The Greek Advance was highly successful, able to make many miles a day, as the Ottoman Infantry fell back to make a defense at Kavala. But the Serbian advance into Albania was far more limited, in part to due the long supply lines from Serbia to the front, as well as continual Ottoman reinforcement of the area by sea. Unlike the Russio-Turkish War, when the Sultan disbanded the new constitution, Abdul Hamid II this time has affirmed it, viewing it as a key “weapon against the aggressors.”
-3 Serbian Divisions, -4 Ottoman Divisions, -1 Ottoman Cavalry division
Sunni's in Afghanistan Uprise against British and Persians
Although Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar claims he is attempting to bring peace to Afghanistan, the annexation of Western regions have so far not gone to plan. Thousands of Persian trained troops are resisting the Persian Army, while thousands of civilians join in. On the day that power was supposedly going to be transferred to a new government in Kabul, massive protests occurred throughout the streets. Sunni's denounced the two faced Persian Shi'a government, and mobbed the government buildings. Eventually guards needed to fire guns and cannons into the crowd in order to disperse it. The government lacks control of the nation outside of major population centers.
-1 Persian Division, -1 Persian Confidence
Malay States Surrender to Siamese
The loose confederacy began to fall apart earlier this month, Terengganu, one of the most powerful Malay stats officially surrendered to the Siamese Army; Pahang, fell a few days after. Throughout the peninsula stats officially surrendered to the Siamese. The only state that has not surrendered is the strategically important state of Johor, located at the tip of the Malay peninsula, which is currently occupied by the British. The Siamese have declared a victory, with practically no casualties on their side.
+ 1 Siamese Confidence, +1 Siamese Base Economy
Vote of No Confidence Occurs against PM Benjamin Disraeli
The Parliament of the United Kingdom has just voted overwhelming “nay” to the recent Queen's Speech, a common vote of no confidence. The primary motivation for the vote “is the failure of the government to seek a speedy resolution to the costly war in South Africa,” that, plus the instability in Afghanistan has caused the Parliament to seek a radical change of course.
-2 confidence in the UK