Unofficial BTS 3.13 patch

Where can i download this unofficial patch?

If you want the installer so you can install it as a mod instead of over writing your original BtS assets, the installer can be found in this thread.

With that, I've played a few games on this unofficial patch now that I bothered to update to 3.13, and I installed this as a mod. Just as a general point of interest, did 3.13 or this patch alter the occurrences of deserts? I generated about 100 maps (No exaggerating, I hate deserts that much) on a Play Now! Continent, Tiny, Tropical, Medium Sea Level game, and each time, at least 1/3rd of my continent was desert. It wasn't spread out here and there either, it was a giant desert each time that you could put a city in, let it get to fat cross and you'd still have nothing but desert in it if you built the city in the middle of it all. Only workable tile would have been the incense, which spawned rarely, but always in the very middle of the desert. I was just wondering if I was having terrible luck with my first map generations, or if there was some code altered about map generation in the releases. I'm pretty sure that's all controlled by a different file that was altered by this, the unofficial patch, and I can't see why they'd make such a drastic change to the over all game maps between 3.03 and 3.13, but I just want to make sure.

Mostly, I'm curious because deserts were really rare before in the 3.03 maps I played, and when they did appear, it was mostly maybe 2x2 tile or so, never such a massive size. And for any of those wondering, no, they weren't floodplains. Floodplains appeared in a few of the games too, atop of this huge desert, but I like floodplains a lot, as I'm sure everyone does. What I wouldn't give for this massive desert to have even 2 flood plains off of it.
There are a couple of mapscrips available such as smartmap which allow you to set the % of desert, mountain, tundra, etc. Definitely a good idea if you're sitting there regenerating maps like that.

Hi, I'd just like to remind you about the partisan bug. It's absolutely game-breaking for me and I prefer BUG over HOF. Just a gentle poke.


as I'm no native speaker, i apologize if there are any mistakes in my spelling. First of all, lots of thanks to Bhruic for his great job. I've been playing with the patch for a few weeks now, it's an improvement for me.

Personally, I'm unhappy with this issue:

Stolen techs can no longer be traded with No Tech Brokering enabled

No Tech Brokering is my favourite option, but after this bug-fixing, it isn't the same any more. In my opinion, espionage is an alternative to researching techs, but it isn't, if a stolen tech hasn't got the same value as a researched one any more.

Well, in fact, I don't want to discuss, it was the dicision of Bhruic to implement this feature, I respect this. But in my last game, I had to notify, that even techs, that are given to me in village tribes, can't be traded. So I'd like to ask, if this was intended.

as I'm no native speaker, i apologize if there are any mistakes in my spelling. First of all, lots of thanks to Bhruic for his great job. I've been playing with the patch for a few weeks now, it's an improvement for me.

Personally, I'm unhappy with this issue:

Stolen techs can no longer be traded with No Tech Brokering enabled

No Tech Brokering is my favourite option, but after this bug-fixing, it isn't the same any more. In my opinion, espionage is an alternative to researching techs, but it isn't, if a stolen tech hasn't got the same value as a researched one any more.

Well, in fact, I don't want to discuss, it was the dicision of Bhruic to implement this feature, I respect this. But in my last game, I had to notify, that even techs, that are given to me in village tribes, can't be traded. So I'd like to ask, if this was intended.

There was a long discussion many pages back on this exact issue. It was decided (after much arguement from all sides) that it should work exactly as you are experiencing it.

So yes it was intended.

And as is tradition here, :band: welcome to the forum!:)
That's part of the AP, DrJambo, and is not documented in the Civopedia. Nevertheless, Firaxis programmed in that gameplay.

If your state religion matches the AP, and you vote in alignment with the AP, then your religious buildings grant the +2 hammers.

This is the so-called Religious Economy (RE), where you have AP, Spiral, and Sankore. Your cities with temple and monastery get 4:hammers:4:science:4:gold: and those with cathedral get 6:hammers:6:science:6:gold:. Very nice.

Even if you don't do a RE, those hammers are a godsend for low production cities, esp on an island map. You can whip the temple and monastery and from that point they can make most anything without whipping.

Have to be careful though because ALL civs matching that religion get it. A lot of times I do a trick where I start a new religion (the one I got with Theocracy) and switch to it just before I build the AP. Thus, the AP matches THAT religion, not the early one that has spread everywhere. Thus ONLY I am of that religion. It'll spread minimally, maybe 1 or 2 cities each to other Civs, but that's it. Then, I can force those civs to do my bidding because I outvote them. If they veto, then they lose the AP hammers plus get the unhappiness penalty too.

I realise how it works in that respect Wodan. My query is that I've noticed in some cities the individual temple and monastry were giving 4:hammers: each! Normally, each religious building can only grant 2:hammers:
Personally, I'm unhappy with this issue:

Stolen techs can no longer be traded with No Tech Brokering enabled

No Tech Brokering is my favourite option, but after this bug-fixing, it isn't the same any more. In my opinion, espionage is an alternative to researching techs, but it isn't, if a stolen tech hasn't got the same value as a researched one any more.

Well, in fact, I don't want to discuss, it was the dicision of Bhruic to implement this feature, I respect this. But in my last game, I had to notify, that even techs, that are given to me in village tribes, can't be traded. So I'd like to ask, if this was intended.

If I recall correctly, one of the arguments for the not-trading-stolen-techs rule was that in the original 3.13 game, you also couldn't trade technologies that you got from huts (assuming the no-tech-brokering rule was enabled). That fact that you can't trade technologies obtained from huts wasn't changed by this unofficial patch.

And another welcome to civfanatics! :dance: :band: :beer:
If I recall correctly, one of the arguments for the not-trading-stolen-techs rule was that in the original 3.13 game, you also couldn't trade technologies that you got from huts (assuming the no-tech-brokering rule was enabled). That fact that you can't trade technologies obtained from huts wasn't changed by this unofficial patch.

And another welcome to civfanatics! :dance: :band: :beer:

Thanks for the welcome. Your answer explains a lot. I tried to find the discussion on this issue, but in this thread, I found only statements to the fact, that new colonies were able to trade techs their master couldn't.
I realise how it works in that respect Wodan. My query is that I've noticed in some cities the individual temple and monastry were giving 4:hammers: each! Normally, each religious building can only grant 2:hammers:
Do you have a screen shot?


I hope this isnt stepping on anyone's toes or anything but I just noticed that the mod ppl use for hall of fame games has fix for partisans bug. But that mod also disables some events I guess to make Hall of fame games more fair and I was wondering would it be possible to get that fix in this patch for ppl like me who dont play HoF games so would like to keep the other events.

Finally got off my lazy butt and uploaded it, you can get it from the link in the first post (it's the supplementary patch, so you'll need to scroll down to find it).


If the civ is running Emancipation, is there stilla 35% chance per game of getting partisans from every razed city, or did you fix that too?
So what's new in this supplementary patch? I mean from the last version?
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