The World Turned Upside Down

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Global News Report

UNIFIED GOVERNMENT IN DEBATE. New York City, United States of America. Members of the Atlantic Security Agreement, and even some representatives from the New Europe Coalition have continued to work on a constitution and government for a proposed United Federation of States. Issues such as flag design, capital, and electoral process continued to be hammered out. However, much progress has been made and several zone have already begun to be established as more nations commit to the idea of a unified state.

BABY BOOM IN THE WEST. Washington D.C., United States of America. Those nations which avoided the worst effects of the Great European War have begun to prosper greatly. Previous regimes’ policies of encouraging high birth rates and development have led to a drastically increased work force and growing prosperity. Nations such as Eire, the United States, and the UCS are providing the foundation for further development of Europe and the possibility of a unified government has spurred significant economic investment. (+2 Private Enterprise for USA, UCS, and Eire)

North/Central American News Report

STRUGGLE OF THE POPE. Boston, United States of America. After the Pope’s hasty withdrawal from Rome prior to its destruction, the leaders of the Catholic Church have been taking shelter in Boston. Now with the death of Pope John XXIII, the Church faces crisis. With the Vatican destroyed and most of the great basilicas in Europe leveled through bombing or the chaos of the war, very little remains on the continent for the Papacy. After lengthy debate, the Council of Cardinals has elected the first American born pope who has been inaugurated as Pope John XXIV. The cardinals and new pope have begun looking at new cities in which to base a new era for the Catholic Church.

South American News Report

REFORM IN BRAZIL. Recife, Brazil. The new republic in Brazil has begun an extensive program of reform following the removal of the Fascist regime. The “Hammurabi Laws” have been repealed, allowing for greater freedom of action within the nation. Also, the war in Europe have led the Brazilian people to blame the military for its participation within the old fascist regime. This has led to the dismissal of a number of Fascist officers and the reduction of the army’s numbers by almost 70,000 soldiers. With the potential arrival of the UFS, the Brazilian people look for a new era of peace and prosperity.

European News Report

CASTILE POSTPONES ELECTIONS. Burgos, Castile. With much of the countryside in ruins from nuclear usage and the abortive French invasion, Castile’s king has postponed elections indefinitely. The government has announced this measure necessary to maintain order and stability in the moves for reconstruction. The monarchy has seized full power over the apparatus of government.

GREECE REOPENS ELECTIONS. Athens, Greece. The Independence Coalition of factions has fallen apart in the wake of Greek independence. Despite the end of this group, the varying factions have agreed on a single new constitution promising universal suffrage and elections every five years. The first elections held this year have led to a victory by the National Democratic Party, a conservative organization. The new political leadership has pledged an independent path for the Greek nation.

EUROPE’S RECONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY. Berlin, Germany. Turmoil and chaos is beginning to subside in Europe as the German government establishes control over the countryside. Though armed mobs continue to cause problems in Poland and France, overall government authority has been restored. The Scandinavians have been the first outside nation to begin deploying aid to Europe, probably due to the adverse effects of the war on Denmark. The Berlin-Breslau Autobahn has been reopened and the German government hopes to restore regular trade throughout Europe by 1966. The UFS proposal is expected to give great aid to the continuing reconstruction. In Italy, the government has restarted the ambitious nuclear power program, hoping to end reliance on oil-based fuel and to restore the economy. Serbia has also begun consolidating its control of the Balkans, and moves have been made to further seize power at the expense of their neighbors, even as territory is lost to the Greeks.

SOVIETS ANNOUNCE SUCCESS OF TEN-YEAR PLAN. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Initiated in the aftermath of the Third World War and the disastrous 1st Ukrainian War, the Ten Year Plan has focused upon jumpstarting the Soviet consumer good market and increasing trade within the Soviet Union. To a great degree this program has met with plenty of success, increasing living standards across the Soviet Union to a degree never before enjoyed by the Russian people. More jobs have opened and the cities are enjoying a time of unprecedented prosperity. These jobs are being filled by the youth, who have achieved age after the compensated “Baby Boom” of the postwar era of World War 3. Refugees from the rest of Europe have also filled up many jobs, including those left vacant in the aftermath of World War 3 in Siberia. Finally, the incorporation of the industry and labor of Ukraine into the Soviet Union with the end of the 2nd Ukrainian War has resulted in further growth of the Soviet industry. These effects have greatly assisted other Socialist nations as well, particularly Turkey and the People’s Republic of China. Many Soviet economists predict even greater gains in the near future (+5 Public Spending; +1 Public Spending to PRC and Turkey)

SERBIA RETURNS LAND TO GREECE. Pristina, Serbia. After extensive negotiations between Serbia, Greece, and Germany, Serbia has agreed to return the occupied provinces of Macedonia and Thrace to the new Greek nation. The return of the region has been celebrated by the Greek people as further restoration of their nation. Many now even talk about negotiating for control of Greek minority regions under Turkish dominance.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

SOUTH AFRICA ELECTIONS. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. Women voters have voted en masse to bring about a starling regime change in the nation of South Africa. The longstanding Conservative Party has been booted out of office in overwhelming numbers. The more liberal, newly created Freedom Party has won elections all over the nation. The Freedom Party calls for a new era in civil rights for all South Africans and dramatic reform.

CSA ELECTIONS. Freiheidstadt, Consolidated States of Afrika. The conservative Christian Democrat Party has once more won national elections in the Consolidated States, though with only a bare majority. White voters have turned out in droves to prevent the election of the liberal parties, fearing equal chances for native African voters. The election of liberals in South Africa also spurred considerable tensions between the two African powers as differing positions on the race issue have led to considerable unrest among native tribes along the borders of both nations.

PROTESTS CONTINUE IN PALESTINE. Jerusalem, Dar-al-Islam. In the wake of the Jerusalem massacre, the Sons of David have organized a series of peaceful protests throughout Palestine, the largest being in Baghdad and Jerusalem, the two cities with the largest Jewish communities in Dar-al-Islam. The arrest of several of the organizers in Baghdad was met with minor violence, though use of tear gas quickly dispersed the crowd before it became a riot. A number of Sons of David representatives have vowed to run for office in the 1965 elections, promising to work for Jewish and Christian independence from the Caliph.

ECONOMIC BOOM AMONG MUSLIMS. Baghdad, Dar-al-Islam. The end of the fighting in Europe and the reestablishment of strong Mediterranean Sea trade has helped provide the Islamic economy with a major growth spurt. With the infrastructure already in place following the Highway System construction over the past five years, Dar-al-Islam has become the premiere trading partner of Eastern Europe and northern Africa. As fallout and other issues prevent trade from using the northern ports of Europe, Dar-al-Islam’s control of the Suez Canal has helped Egypt, one of the poorer regions of the nation, prosper beyond previous means. (+3 Private Enterprise for Dar-al-Islam)

Asian/Pacific News Report

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Diplomatic Pouch


Modern Research Methods now allows Communist nations to use Public Spending for research.

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From: Brazil

We would request that you allow us into your alliance.
Nice update, EQ! Nice to see that this stupid plan worked. I also like how now the Communist nations have a little bit of a chance to catch up now.
EQ, i didnt get the Advanced Guidance Systems benefits to navy and air force quality. nice update though.
If the first page is up-to-date on which nations are unclaimed, I'd like to take Andalusia.

OOC: Umm, might not be the best time for that, as they may cease to exist in a few years.
To Friends and Nations of Asian Alliance
From Korea
CC: Minitruization of Electronics

We are close to our goal. I can feel it! But another alliance just recently found very similar, although completly seperate, discoveries. In order to discover total miniturization first to claim more jobs and wealth to all of us. I suggest that we spend ALL of our Private IC for this year. If we can inch foward we can slowly slack the reins. But if we still cut short... well, we should go at our own pace if discovery and profit on other ways to Miniturize.
To: Ankara
From: Athens

We can take care of the Greek minorities in those pesky little islands for you. Just give us those islands and open up Greek emigration in your lands and we're all set.

To: Baghdad
From: Athens

(OOC: Does Cyprus have any significant Greeks majority ITL? If so: ) A small island like Cyprus and annoying minorities must be a burden for you. We ask for Greek-majority Cyprus. We will the most bureaucratically-allowed freedom possible to Turks and Arabs there who want to go elsewhere.
To: Baghdad (Luckymoose)
From: Athens

(OOC: Does Cyprus have any significant Greeks majority ITL? If so:) A small island like Cyprus and annoying minorities must be a burden for you. We ask for Greek-majority Cyprus. We will the most bureaucratically-allowed freedom possible to Turks and Arabs there who want to go elsewhere.

To: Greece
From: Dar-al-Islam

For a price we can arrange this. (6 IC)
OOC: 6 IC is just as bad as saying no. Just as bad as trying to sell colonies for huge, unrealistic sums of money. Greece will just sit it out and wait for the eventual jingoistic hostility and human rights (not extant yet, but oh well) violations that spring up in those kinds of regions.

To: Baghdad
From: Athens

The price is beyond our means and extortionate at best. Greek sovereignty in the island will just have to wait.
Nah, it's really, really overpriced both to my player eyes and my in-character eyes. :p

Of course, if the House of Submission will accept a 20-year payment plan for 5 IC, Greece might agree.
OOC: Great Update.

To: USSR, PRC, Turkey
From: MFS(Mexican Free State)

Comrads the MFS is interested in joining the Social Security Pact and the Socialist research fund.

We believe that our nation could become a valuable contributor to your research fund and with our shared Ideologies and similar government stucture we could be great allies.
I shall join as Chile!
Stuck in Pi, Chile will not exist next update. So its not the best nation to join. Why not join A Brave New World?

Oh and we won. Take a look.
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