23:57:51 Niklas : evening friends
23:58:03 r_rolo1 : hi
23:58:16 unkle : hi !
23:58:24 Niklas : I believe unkle is about ready to play, but we could do with someone looking over his posted plan
00:00:09 unkle : yup would be good to be 4 in agreement before playing
00:01:58 r_rolo1 : I think it is OK
00:03:21 Niklas : guess chris is afk
00:03:34 Niklas : ready to roll then?
00:04:00 unkle : just to be clear: the extra citizen discovered is not working quarried Marble...
00:04:02 unkle : ok ?
00:04:14 Niklas : aye, that's understood
00:04:22 Niklas : so only 2 extra hammers, not 3
00:04:36 r_rolo1 : ok
00:04:50 unkle : and no extra C...
00:04:57 Niklas : that's still just what we need to get back to NE in time
00:04:58 unkle : let's ready to play then
00:05:36 Niklas : hey chris, with us now?
00:05:40 unkle : if you stay on line... you'll get updates
00:05:40 Chris : back for a bit
00:05:41 Chris : yes
00:05:44 Chris : ah
00:05:54 Niklas : unkle's just about to play *whip*
00:06:20 Chris : beat down the slaves!
00:06:25 unkle : ouch
00:06:37 unkle : I knew it was a trap...
00:06:39 Chris : who is Jerome?
00:06:49 Chris : are you unkle?
00:06:50 unkle : and voila, started
00:06:54 Niklas : yep
00:08:41 unkle : GWall built IBT (1120)
00:09:02 Niklas : ok, that sounds a bit early
00:09:17 r_rolo1 : not that much
00:09:25 unkle : what is our western warrior target ?
00:09:27 Chris : I wonder how many AI have industrial trait
00:09:31 unkle : exploration ?
00:09:39 Niklas : nah, I take that back, checking my notes it comes between 65 and 80 somewhere
00:09:48 unkle : industrial AI is good for us btw
00:09:57 r_rolo1 : move the warrior to the south of Shaka
00:10:09 r_rolo1 : he should have a ciy there
00:10:16 Niklas : agreed
00:10:21 Chris : well, it's good for all teams, so not particularly good for us
00:10:28 unkle : south of Ulundi ?
00:10:29 Niklas : chris, very true
00:10:33 unkle : yup
00:10:43 Niklas : unkle, yeah
00:10:46 unkle : ok
00:10:53 Niklas : his main mission is to meet other AI, if there are any
00:13:02 unkle : mmm
00:14:14 unkle : axe is completed turn 74, not 73 in yo!
00:14:23 unkle : (still turn 73 though)
00:14:29 r_rolo1 : ?
00:14:40 r_rolo1 : not good
00:14:51 unkle : well plan has first axe on turn 73, but it is not
00:15:09 unkle : 2 hammers short
00:15:11 Niklas : error in sheet
00:15:21 Niklas : my fault
00:15:45 Niklas : can you read me the numbers for food and hammers at this point?
00:15:57 unkle : what is silly is I made the calculation and thought of our discussion on counting turns being counterintuitive for me....
00:16:10 Niklas : heh, no wonder then
00:16:11 unkle : 30/34 for food
00:16:19 unkle : 33/35 for hammers
00:16:47 unkle : Should have asked anyway I tend to not mind being foolish (too much)
00:16:51 Niklas : ok, I have no idea why it's 33 and not 32, but I won't question it
00:17:26 unkle : hari is 165/500
00:17:28 Niklas : but the rest will still work as planned, just a few less hammers
00:18:18 unkle : which is in line
00:18:24 unkle : (hari)
00:18:28 Niklas : aye
00:18:35 Niklas : keep it up
00:18:37 unkle : ok moving to 74
00:19:12 r_rolo1 : well, I'm going to get out of here a while... because of a pitboss game
00:19:19 r_rolo1 : will come back asap
00:19:31 Niklas : ok, cya
00:19:41 Niklas : so unkle, we have an axe eh?
00:20:17 unkle : aye aye sir
00:20:34 Chris : chop chop
00:20:35 unkle : do we need a baray
00:20:44 Niklas : well, yes
00:20:54 Niklas : for the +1 food if nothing else
00:21:30 Niklas : it may not help that much immediately, but in the long run we'll be happy to have whipped those hammers now and not waited for later
00:22:03 unkle : would whipping the baray later provide more overflow towards GLib ???
00:22:20 unkle : silly question probably
00:22:25 Niklas : no, we can't get more than 29 hammers overflow ever
00:22:31 unkle : still fighting my way ion overflos
00:22:35 unkle : oups sorry
00:22:37 Chris : and whip overflow to wonders is 50%, right?
00:22:43 Niklas : and we can get that by whipping a galley, which means less pop lost just when we start GLib
00:22:54 Niklas : no
00:23:01 Chris : btw, I'm at work, can only put 10% of my attention to this chat
00:23:02 Niklas : whip overflow to wonders is 100% actually
00:23:07 Niklas : no worries chris
00:23:10 Chris : nice
00:23:22 unkle : good I am moving on
00:23:28 Niklas : we abused that in SGOTM02 btw
00:23:51 Niklas : whipping WBs and letting the overflow speed up some wonder (forget which)
00:25:39 unkle : 74 done
00:25:54 Niklas : workers on track?
00:26:46 unkle : camp done, working cows+forest hill in Capital
00:27:03 Niklas : ok
00:27:08 unkle : axe on the move
00:27:29 Chris : jumbos!
00:27:37 Niklas : weee!
00:27:50 unkle : love these babies....
00:28:12 unkle : and 75
00:28:22 Niklas : you remembered to switch to coast I hope
00:29:37 unkle : yup
00:29:48 Niklas : good good
00:30:10 unkle : capital pop 8, ready to whip (still in 75)
00:30:23 Niklas : whip next turn though...
00:30:29 unkle : I am checking sheets to be sure
00:30:35 unkle : no weirdness
00:30:39 unkle :
00:30:50 Niklas : hmm, hold on
00:30:57 unkle : ahhhhh
00:31:01 unkle : stopped
00:31:08 Niklas : how many hammers now?
00:31:24 Niklas : ah, nvm, I'm tired again
00:31:30 unkle : 8/100
00:31:32 Niklas : can't read my own sheets
00:31:38 Niklas : right, as expected, please carry on
00:31:52 unkle : we'll get 5 up to 13 so can whip for 3
00:32:03 Niklas : yup
00:33:10 unkle : btw shaka seems to ahve as expected 3 cities, with one on coast working fish and horses
00:33:20 Niklas : ok
00:33:38 Niklas : if it's interesting, I don't mind seeing a shot
00:33:42 Chris : can we have horses?
00:33:48 Niklas : but if it's not, don't bother
00:33:50 unkle : wondering if I go on south or go west...
00:33:55 Niklas : Chris, sure, once we take out shaka
00:34:21 unkle : shot would be good since I'll go west if just for me
00:34:34 Niklas : ok
00:34:36 unkle : but I need to log off and log in on the other comp
00:35:16 Niklas : you can do like BL did
00:35:23 unkle : ?
00:35:30 Niklas : do the uploading on the other machine, then type the link in here by hand
00:35:49 unkle : you mean of cfc forum ?
00:35:58 unkle : of->on
00:36:05 Niklas : well, I meant imageshack or some such
00:36:20 unkle : need an account there ?
00:36:29 Niklas : no
00:36:32 unkle : ok
00:36:38 unkle : 2 min then
00:36:38 Niklas : but use xs.to instead, they're faster
00:38:32 r_rolo1 : ok, I'm back
00:38:49 r_rolo1 : been nuked in the pitboss
00:38:59 Niklas : ouch
00:39:07 r_rolo1 : tomorrow is my turn
00:39:17 Niklas : to nuke?
00:39:21 r_rolo1 : yup
00:39:40 r_rolo1 : I want them to beleive that I don't have nukes
00:40:01 Niklas : so that's why you don't nuke today, or what did you mean?
00:40:09 r_rolo1 : exactly
00:40:19 Niklas : hehe, devious
00:40:22 r_rolo1 : I'm gathering them in one city
00:40:35 r_rolo1 : then 3 or 4 nukes in ther
00:41:18 Chris : hm
00:41:26 Chris : how does pitboss work?
00:41:32 Chris : I thought it was realtime?
00:41:49 Niklas : no, pitboss is turnbased, one turn per 24 hours
00:41:59 Chris : ah, interesting...
00:42:08 Chris : completely turn based?
00:42:09 Niklas : though rolo is the expert here, I never actually played it
00:42:14 r_rolo1 : turn based
00:42:23 Chris : I might have to try that - I used to play Alpha Centauri by email
00:42:26 Chris : was painfully slow
00:42:36 r_rolo1 : but simultaneous moves
00:42:40 Niklas : hehe, we should start a Smurkz pitboss game
00:42:46 Niklas : hmm, how does sim moves work?
00:43:00 Chris : I still play games by email, mostly 18xx and wargames
00:43:39 r_rolo1 : normally is equal to a normal game, since we have 24h to play and have very diferent time zones
00:43:59 r_rolo1 : in war it is the princible of first mover gets it
00:44:07 Niklas : nasty
00:44:20 r_rolo1 : buty as there is no hurry like in other games.....
00:44:29 r_rolo1 : there are advantages of playing last....
00:44:46 unkle :
http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs232&d=08412&f=1000bc_world780.jpg http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs232&d=08412&f=shakaland815.jpg
00:45:03 unkle : 2 min break and we should do a smurkz pbem
00:45:33 Niklas : hehe, rolo would kick our collective behinds
00:45:39 Niklas : but yeah, it'd be fun
00:45:59 Niklas : hmm, is that land's end down south on those screenshots?
00:46:02 r_rolo1 : why would i kick you?
00:46:10 Niklas : by experience
00:46:15 r_rolo1 : It is my second pitboss
00:46:28 Niklas : ah, ok, I thought you'd played much more than that
00:46:31 Niklas : like oyzar
00:46:45 r_rolo1 : In fact in this one I'm replacing him
00:46:52 Niklas : ah, right
00:46:58 r_rolo1 : nasty war to end all wars
00:46:59 Niklas : the warlords one
00:47:04 r_rolo1 : yup
00:47:19 r_rolo1 : I miss paras and mobile arties
00:47:29 Niklas : heh, I never even had one of those
00:47:49 unkle : where south ?
00:47:56 Niklas : where the arrow points
00:48:00 unkle : yup
00:48:10 unkle : sorry i resized pictures
00:48:18 Niklas : so there's water all along the southern fogline?
00:48:28 r_rolo1 : no
00:48:45 unkle : at least I tile of land where the arrow is
00:48:46 Niklas : land W-SW of fish?
00:48:48 Niklas : right
00:48:56 Niklas : so where to send the warrior, W or S?
00:49:07 unkle : I'd go south...
00:49:17 r_rolo1 : south
00:49:21 Niklas : rolo, remember anything about where there may be more land?
00:49:32 Niklas : alright, I don't really have an opinion so go south then
00:49:37 unkle : even if the other warrior could do some scouting too
00:49:39 r_rolo1 : there is land south of there
00:49:40 unkle : ....
00:49:43 Niklas : hmm, or won't our galley go there soonish?
00:49:57 Niklas : hey, look at that
00:50:02 Niklas : didn't see the other shot until now
00:50:05 unkle : that's another option
00:50:24 Niklas : could we get a closeup shot of the whales area, with yield turned on?
00:50:30 unkle : whales ?
00:50:36 Niklas : where the galley is
00:50:37 unkle : yes sure
00:50:42 unkle : just thought of that too
00:50:44 unkle : ....
00:51:08 unkle : 1f 1c everywhere
00:51:15 unkle : still want the shot ?
00:51:15 Niklas : anyway, seems we found the stone finally
00:51:19 Niklas : yes please
00:51:43 r_rolo1 : a little late for the mids though
00:51:54 Niklas : aye, indeed
00:52:16 Niklas : might help us with oxford or AWat though...
00:52:33 Niklas : definitely a decent location for a town, with the sheep and whales too
00:53:05 r_rolo1 : HG too, maybe ?
00:53:11 Niklas : right
00:53:20 r_rolo1 : if we can get it OFC
00:53:20 Niklas : though I think HG will be taken by then
00:54:02 unkle :
00:54:41 Niklas : bah, you cut a corner
00:54:48 unkle : always nervous while doing stuff AND playing at the same time... Alt-tab is NOT my friend there
00:55:00 unkle : I know :|
00:55:10 r_rolo1 : This map is SO WBed.......
00:55:17 Niklas : doesn't look like it was an interesting corner though
00:55:35 Niklas : yeah, it's definitely WBed badly
00:55:50 Niklas : anyway, a decent location for a town
00:55:58 unkle : how can you tell ?
00:55:59 r_rolo1 : and it was not a smooth change
00:56:20 r_rolo1 : Big and small maps have climate zones
00:56:36 r_rolo1 : this map clearly hasn't
00:56:51 Niklas : did you note the goody hut?
00:56:59 r_rolo1 : where?
00:57:01 Niklas : most likely placed there on purpose
00:57:02 unkle : i did
00:57:07 unkle : on theisland
00:57:11 Niklas : on the stone isle, to the north
00:57:12 Chris : hut
00:57:13 r_rolo1 : now I see
00:57:14 Chris : stone
00:57:15 Chris : yea
00:57:31 Chris : I think our next city site has been found
00:57:39 Chris : perhaps two city sites
00:57:50 unkle : another shot my friends ?
00:57:53 Chris : if we get GLH and Colossus, then an ICS might be good
00:58:04 r_rolo1 : if we get GLH, definitely
00:58:09 Niklas : agreed
00:58:10 Chris : why, something new to see?
00:58:14 Niklas : shot of what?
00:58:17 unkle : and should I finish the circle around the island
00:58:24 unkle : screenshot ?
00:58:33 unkle : ask and thou shalt be given....
00:58:37 Niklas : is there an alternative to continuing the circle?
00:58:43 unkle : nope
00:58:48 Niklas : then why ask?
00:59:00 unkle : i like talking....
00:59:04 Niklas : lol
00:59:06 unkle : and writing too
00:59:07 r_rolo1 : blah blah....
00:59:16 unkle : anyway I like to play too
00:59:17 Niklas : but yeah, shots if you come across something interesting, like more resources
00:59:23 unkle : sure
00:59:28 r_rolo1 : or Monty
00:59:30 Niklas : lol
00:59:36 unkle : back to the turnset then
00:59:43 unkle : ahhh my dear old friend
00:59:43 Niklas : aye, still 6 turns to go *whip*
01:00:48 Niklas : btw, please keep the other warrior in shaka's town on the isthmus, we want to keep track of his movements
01:01:17 r_rolo1 : and if possible steal a worker
01:01:22 r_rolo1 : j/k
01:01:23 Niklas : NOOOOO!
01:01:24 unkle : right....
01:01:25 Niklas : lol
01:03:31 unkle : 76 it is
01:03:50 unkle : granary in hara done, light started
01:04:08 Niklas : huh?
01:04:13 unkle : we said warrior south
01:04:13 Niklas : isn't that one turn too early
01:04:32 Niklas : sheet says granary on turn 77...
01:04:34 unkle : is it ?
01:04:45 r_rolo1 : and that is a issue?.......
01:04:51 Niklas : as does your plan
01:05:07 unkle : indeed
01:05:08 r_rolo1 : I would love all the issues would be like that
01:05:08 Niklas : yeah, it is, since it's whip-completed and if we whipped too early then we lost the chance to work the cows
01:05:24 Niklas : so it's not positive that it finished too early
01:05:44 Niklas : we don't gain anything by that, and we may lose some turn on growth
01:05:45 unkle : yup my fault here
01:05:52 unkle :
01:06:17 Niklas : indeed, we *will* lose growth by that
01:06:32 Niklas : hopefully we won't lose a turn on GLH...
01:06:49 unkle : we loose 3 food
01:07:06 Niklas : yeah, and a few hammers
01:07:22 unkle : overfflow is eight
01:08:03 Niklas : expected
01:08:04 unkle : but baray is whipped this turn
01:08:20 Niklas : aye
01:08:25 unkle : do not know how I misread the plan
01:08:32 Niklas : please don't end the turn until I've recalculated the plan
01:09:13 unkle : sure
01:09:47 r_rolo1 : *elevator music*
01:09:51 Niklas : it will definitely cost us a turn on GLH
01:09:58 unkle : question
01:10:18 unkle : we are moving the axe toward shaka
01:10:55 unkle : should i bring back the warrior for MP in Hara, or, send him towards the small southern land while moving the other west ?
01:11:17 unkle : MP in hara is not need soon
01:11:48 unkle : he is 5 tiles away only (10to go back, then 6 to hara)
01:12:29 unkle : btw I think we found new land captain
01:12:31 Niklas : how long until next axe?
01:12:48 Niklas : I wouldn't bother about an MP, but we may want some real defense if a barbie comes to call
01:13:34 unkle : a long time (7 turns if i read right)
01:14:08 unkle : real defense: we only have an axe...
01:14:19 unkle : barbies is another story for sure
01:14:40 unkle : I can fogbust better at the expense of seeing shaka coming
01:15:02 unkle : if I keep warrior+axe there, we're much better against barbs
01:15:15 unkle : so it seems warrior south
01:16:14 Niklas : warrior in uMxxx and axe for fogbust?
01:16:36 unkle : yes
01:17:06 Niklas : sounds good to me
01:17:45 unkle :
01:18:28 unkle : do you forsee any change in hari ?
01:19:01 unkle : I suppose I am moving to new island in explore mode not cutting corners...
01:19:13 unkle : south of the island ?
01:19:20 unkle : i'd go north
01:19:36 Niklas : apart from everything being delayed a bit, I forsee no changes during your turns no
01:19:46 unkle :
01:19:47 Niklas : obviously growth to size 2 will be one turn late
01:20:03 Niklas : GLH will be turn 101, no way to save that
01:20:15 r_rolo1 : see if you can go to 2 NW with the galley
01:20:20 Niklas : but also no further loss
01:20:52 unkle : i'll check the galley move next turn, and 2NW was the idea
01:21:23 r_rolo1 : 2 NW should be coast anyway
01:21:30 Niklas : when discovering what appears to be new land, it's always good to move over and "change direction", from CW to CCW or vice versa
01:21:44 Niklas : so try to go around this new land CCW
01:21:50 Niklas : which means NW next, yes
01:22:14 unkle : ok
01:22:14 Niklas : my dogs are giving me a really hard time here, I can't really delay much longer
01:22:28 unkle : ok
01:22:33 Niklas : so I'll leave you to rolo's care
01:22:40 r_rolo1 : lol
01:22:50 Niklas : I'll be back in 20 or so
01:22:53 unkle : 76 done
01:23:01 Niklas : no more mishaps now *club*
01:23:05 Niklas : cya later
01:23:08 unkle : :S
01:23:17 r_rolo1 : anything out of sheet?
01:23:30 unkle : nope
01:25:29 r_rolo1 : so..... galley found something usable?
01:26:08 unkle : galley:yes
01:26:14 unkle : warrior:maybe
01:26:24 unkle : well yes means more the one tile island
01:26:39 unkle : no ressources there yet, nor AI
01:26:48 r_rolo1 :
01:27:07 unkle : warrior sees at least 3 more land square, i'll keep there
01:27:33 unkle : shaka has a C2 impi in uMxx
01:27:45 unkle : hate these beasts
01:27:55 r_rolo1 : I like them
01:28:00 unkle : best worker stealers ever
01:28:08 unkle : yes when I play them
01:28:09 r_rolo1 : AI can't use them well anyway
01:28:36 unkle : ok 77 done
01:28:43 r_rolo1 : all ok?
01:28:50 unkle : sounds fine to me
01:29:15 unkle : hari is 16 turns away from the mids
01:29:27 unkle : yo 6 turns away from an axe
01:29:33 unkle : hara on light
01:29:35 r_rolo1 : good, I think
01:29:40 unkle : axe going to fogbust
01:29:48 unkle : warrior keeping south; galley on explore
01:29:57 unkle : 78 here we are
01:30:31 unkle : i am keeping galley on the new island
01:30:54 r_rolo1 : ok
01:31:18 r_rolo1 : put a screenie when you find something deserving
01:31:26 unkle : looks like it is getting back to our southern warrior....
01:31:34 unkle : wonder if it is linked...
01:32:02 unkle : mmm maybe not
01:32:10 r_rolo1 : that is a definite possibility
01:34:01 r_rolo1 : ......
01:34:12 unkle : nice landmass
01:34:25 r_rolo1 : screenie pls ..........
01:34:32 unkle : sure
01:35:34 Chris : more islands?
01:36:32 unkle : mmm no
01:36:49 unkle : it s coming
01:36:59 unkle :
01:38:17 unkle : moving to 80
01:38:35 r_rolo1 : all according to plan?
01:38:46 Chris : Ah, looks like an extension
01:38:58 r_rolo1 : pretty much
01:38:59 unkle : I think all is as planned
01:39:08 r_rolo1 : or a island
01:39:18 Chris : have you all considered capturing the chat logs and posting them on the message board?
01:39:28 unkle : i'll do that
01:40:52 unkle : 80:aestethics
01:41:00 unkle : Oracle has been built....
01:41:06 unkle : ouch
01:41:09 r_rolo1 : not good
01:41:14 unkle : this time agreed
01:41:30 unkle : industrial civs with marble and stone...
01:41:37 r_rolo1 : no
01:41:44 unkle : ?
01:41:55 r_rolo1 : henge nad GW were pretty normal timings
01:42:09 r_rolo1 : oracle is coming early
01:42:20 r_rolo1 : IMHO OFC
01:42:26 unkle : OFC ?
01:42:34 r_rolo1 : of course
01:42:42 unkle : gee
01:43:02 unkle : was looking for One F**** City or look alike
01:43:09 r_rolo1 : lol
01:43:12 unkle : ok
01:43:38 unkle : this is not good, but do we think other teams went for a slingshot ?
01:43:48 unkle : playing the turn btw
01:45:13 unkle : land masses are linked
01:45:25 r_rolo1 : ok
01:45:31 r_rolo1 : screenie
01:46:16 unkle : next turn i'll post everything
01:46:21 unkle : but it is coming
01:47:52 unkle :
01:49:03 r_rolo1 : interesting......
01:49:23 r_rolo1 : so shaka has lots of space
01:49:31 unkle : moving to 81
01:49:36 unkle : yeah
01:49:57 unkle : space food copper and horses
01:50:01 unkle : can be a pain
01:50:10 unkle : of course this will be ours soon
01:50:13 unkle : but
01:50:40 r_rolo1 : as long as he doesn't atack us before we can cope with it
01:50:51 unkle : ok last turn
01:51:05 unkle : and.....
01:51:09 unkle : surprise
01:51:21 r_rolo1 : .....................................
01:51:48 unkle : nah
01:51:55 unkle : we meet an AI
01:52:07 unkle : one you know well I think
01:52:07 r_rolo1 : who?
01:52:10 unkle : Joao
01:52:20 r_rolo1 : lovely
01:52:23 unkle : OB
01:52:40 r_rolo1 : the guy is a beggar
01:52:53 unkle : Myst
01:52:54 r_rolo1 : gimme a tech
01:52:59 r_rolo1 : gimme some cash
01:53:17 r_rolo1 : cut deals with....
01:53:27 unkle : he is on shaka landmass
01:53:36 r_rolo1 : our landmass
01:53:43 unkle : and we do face a warrior barb there
01:53:46 unkle : sure :
01:54:14 r_rolo1 : so , things are going according to plan?
01:54:44 unkle : yeah
01:55:18 unkle : 2 questions
01:55:44 unkle : our exploring warrior is on a forest facing a barb warrior
01:55:53 unkle : fortify ?
01:56:00 r_rolo1 : yup
01:56:15 Niklas : agreed
01:56:18 Chris : yes
01:56:27 Niklas : lemme read up
01:56:37 r_rolo1 : he's back! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................
01:56:39 unkle : and should I close the border explo with the galley or go backward (south on this landmass)
01:56:45 unkle :
01:57:04 unkle : you want a summary ?
01:57:19 r_rolo1 : we can pick the warrior in 2 turns and use him to get the hut
01:57:32 unkle : or can I grab a smoke
01:57:43 Chris : heh
01:57:59 Chris : leaving now to pick up my daughter, back online in perhaps 90 minutes
01:58:17 unkle : i'll be sleeping....
01:58:25 unkle : at least i should
01:58:25 r_rolo1 : me too
01:58:33 r_rolo1 : I need to
01:58:52 unkle : ok back in one min
01:59:05 Niklas : ok, read up
01:59:11 Niklas : so what turn are we on, 81?
01:59:39 Niklas : if yes, that would be perfect
01:59:58 Niklas : do we have myst already??
02:00:08 Chris has left the conversation.
02:00:10 r_rolo1 : I think so
02:00:15 unkle : 81
02:00:20 unkle : poly has started
02:00:31 unkle : this turn
02:00:35 Niklas : the most important question of all - does Joao have alphabet?
02:01:02 unkle : no -at least not when i ob'ed
02:01:16 Niklas : well, you met him this turn right?
02:01:21 unkle : which means no
02:01:25 Niklas : right
02:01:27 unkle : yes
02:01:44 Niklas : ok, so we're a number of beakers ahead of schedule, that's nice
02:01:55 unkle : so i still have 2 units to move
02:02:02 r_rolo1 : see the glance
02:02:03 unkle : warrior->fortify
02:02:09 unkle : galley ?
02:02:21 r_rolo1 : how is the relation between the AI?
02:02:22 Niklas : btw, I think I made an error in my calculation of Harapura
02:02:24 unkle : screenshot maybe ?
02:02:38 Niklas : well, since you're ending now, how about you put up the full log, with shots?
02:02:42 Niklas : or are you headed for bed?
02:02:55 unkle : no i'll post the log
02:02:57 Niklas : how much food do we have in harapura now?
02:03:07 unkle : but the galley can: pick the warrior
02:03:25 unkle : go back to turn around the shaka-joao mass that is indeed ours
02:03:36 unkle : 12 food
02:03:41 unkle : 17 hammers
02:03:54 unkle : i am working the dumbos
02:04:07 Niklas : hmm, only 12??
02:04:18 unkle : yes
02:04:20 Niklas : and why the dumbos?
02:04:40 unkle : what else ?
02:04:44 Niklas : clams and cows?
02:04:51 unkle : yes of course
02:05:02 Niklas : yes of course what?
02:05:10 Niklas : yes of course you're working them, or yes you should have?
02:05:16 unkle : clams; cows and dumbos
02:05:23 Niklas : we're pop 3? :|
02:05:24 unkle : pop3
02:05:31 unkle : yes
02:05:31 Niklas : lol, WTH?
02:05:39 unkle : granary was built
02:05:52 Niklas : sure, on turn 76
02:05:55 Niklas : right?
02:06:12 unkle : 75 in fact... i think....
02:06:19 Niklas : ah, you whipped right away?
02:06:35 unkle : don't you remember ?
02:06:48 unkle : i whipped one turn earlier
02:06:48 Niklas : well, I know you whipped too early, but I thought it was only one turn too early
02:07:09 unkle : plan was to whip on 76
02:07:13 unkle : i whipped 75
02:07:21 Niklas : right, which means it finished on 76
02:07:37 unkle : ah i see
02:07:47 unkle : let me check the log
02:07:49 unkle : log
02:08:17 Niklas : I'll be damned if I can figure out where you conjured up the food for pop 3 though
02:08:25 unkle : not in the game log
02:08:29 unkle : mmm
02:08:34 unkle : anyway it is there
02:08:36 Niklas : or how you could possibly be at 12 food if you're pop 3 with a granary, that sounds impossible
02:08:50 unkle : ok let me check again
02:08:56 Niklas : since when you grow to pop 3 you should have 13 free food in the bin from granary
02:09:01 Niklas : ah no, 12
02:09:03 Niklas : my bad
02:09:15 unkle : just grow
02:09:21 unkle : so 12 is fine
02:09:22 Niklas : ok, so it is possible, but still 5 food more than planned :|
02:09:36 Niklas : now that's a *good* change - but I still want to know how the **** you did it!
02:09:41 unkle : that sounds good ( i hope....)
02:09:56 unkle : black magic ?
02:10:13 unkle : ok can we decide something on the galley guys ?
02:10:21 Niklas : umm, leave it to the next player?
02:10:29 unkle : ok I stop there
02:10:30 Niklas : that way everyone can discuss
02:10:39 unkle : fortify the warrior and let's talk about it
02:10:42 unkle : good call
02:10:51 Niklas : do you have the autosaves for all your turns?
02:11:07 unkle : i should
02:11:08 Niklas : I'd really like to have a look at them, to understand where I'm counting wrong
02:11:14 Niklas : not today though
02:11:29 unkle : how do you remove the game interface for better shots ?
02:11:37 unkle : ctrl-i
02:11:49 Niklas : ok, I didn't know that, thanks for the tip
02:12:12 unkle : ok posting quick log in ~10 minutes
02:12:19 r_rolo1 : or alt-i
02:12:23 Niklas : so are you sure you're on turn 81?
02:12:35 Niklas : I guess you are, but I really can't figure this out
02:12:36 r_rolo1 : yes he is
02:12:52 Niklas : aaaah
02:12:52 unkle : i am
02:12:56 Niklas : I know it now
02:13:01 unkle : go ahead
02:13:01 Niklas : I did the same error there as I did just now
02:13:13 Niklas : since we whipped, it was only 22 food to grow
02:13:15 Niklas : to 2
02:13:25 r_rolo1 : whip Niklas
02:13:27 Niklas : which means we got that growth a turn earlier than I had counted
02:13:42 Niklas : me --> *argh* *whip* <-- rolo
02:14:06 unkle : one in while....
02:14:09 Niklas : anyway, that means my plan was pretty much invalid
02:14:12 unkle : once in a while...
02:14:18 Niklas : which means you did the right thing to whip one turn earlier
02:14:25 unkle : i knew it and decided to whip earlier
02:14:26 Niklas : *pat on back*
02:14:28 unkle : non mais
02:14:34 unkle :
02:14:37 Niklas : mai oui
02:14:53 r_rolo1 : get a room
02:15:06 r_rolo1 :
02:15:19 Niklas : room?
02:16:04 r_rolo1 : so much cross compliment .....
02:16:22 r_rolo1 : or you're a politician or....
02:16:38 unkle : go on...
02:16:44 Niklas : ah, ok, I get it
02:16:57 Niklas : rolo, you're just jealous that your mistake wasn't beneficial too
02:17:03 r_rolo1 : lol
02:17:17 r_rolo1 : my mistake was beneficial
02:17:36 r_rolo1 : it gave us time to see the charts all over again
02:18:31 Niklas : right, right
02:18:45 Niklas : anyway, good goint unkle, and good luck with the report
02:18:51 Niklas : I need to be off
02:18:58 Niklas : cya guys later
02:19:08 r_rolo1 : s u both
02:19:10 unkle : enjoy your sleep
02:19:12 unkle : bye