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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

-Ragnar (the mortal one) is dead. I blame NoDot for giving me an überPraetorian without any costs of using her. Lucern was disbanded before the first turn.
The Light Side: We have Preats, Redcoats, Panzerrs and SEALs.
The darkness of the void beyond the air, past the sky glittered brightly in the night. But even the emptiness that was space was not free of his grasp, and snaky black tendrils found their way across the multitudes of distance.

A great prophet awoke, trembling, for it was what he saw that he feared. The sky, raining fire..? And that name...that terrible name...Terror had screamed it, burnt it into his mind.


Spoiler NFPE :
The other gods know that the God of Terror has touched a meteor... just slightly altered its course...
In ver rest, the Lord of Shadows felt the God of Terror stretch his power out to the asteroid, nudging it. From the isolated state, the Realm couldn't determine if the nudge would cause an impact, but panic ensued.

Let me correct this:
"The Light Side: We have Preats, Redcoats, Panzerrs SEALs, and enough air power and siege weapons to make any of them work."
@TheForestAuro (NFPE, but other gods can read it):
Spoiler :
Three masked men appeared before the God of Terror, catching him by surprise (which was itself surprising - no-one had ever managed that before). The men bowed deeply, and began to speak in a single voice.

"Salutations, terrible one. We are The Circle, and we share with you a mutual foe. The one known as Winston. Though he is not yet aware of you, when he discovers your presence in this universe he will undoubtedly seek to take revenge... and to recover his weapon."

The God of Terror wondered why he should care. Winston was pathetically weak, after all, and could be crushed in the blink of an eye. The masked ones responded, as if able to hear these thoughts.

"He is weak now, but has the protection of some greater power. Like us, you cannot strike at him directly, and left alone he may become a genuine threat to us all.

"We have already tasked an Immortal, known as Pericles, to bring him to us, but a barrier stands in the way. Winston's protector has raised an enchanted mountain to seal him off from the world while he gathers his strength."

"We alone can remove the magical defences surrounding this barrier, but only you have the power to level the mountain itself. So you see, only through an alliance between us can this threat be neutralised."

"Think carefully on our proposition."

And, with that, they vanished.
Spoiler :
Winston could feel his strength grow by the month now. He was still weak by divine standards, but it was a start.

His followers, though catastrophically foolish in matters of economy, had begun to show a real flair for weapons manufacture, intelligence gathering, and battle tactics. While still in the early stages of development, and lacking numbers, he could see that in twenty generations they would have the makings of a real army.

With every step they took under his tutelage, these warriors awakened new powers within him. Where before he had little physical prowess, he was now able to lift and throw large rocks. And where he had once relied on verbal orders, he could now command his barbarians with his thoughts, even when great distances separated them.

However, the fallen Sea God was now aware that other Immortals were rising in the world, who might interfere with his plans. Worse, he had started sensing the presence of creatures divine and foul, some of whom would surely take issue with his purpose.

"I'll need allies..." he thought to himself. "The Frog cannot be trusted, but I might find common cause with others".

So it came to pass that he sent a scouting party to investigate the lands beyond the great mountain. And, as the scouts set off in a small rowing boat, Winston began to focus his own powers on the world of the divine, searching out potential friends and enemies. Before long, he came upon an aura both familiar and alien.

Pardon me for my lateness. University does that sometimes.

The bloody remains of Lucern lay on the sands of Athens. At stating his price and hearing Lancelot's distrust of Lucern, Leonidas became wary of his intentions and killed him straight away. He always was the 'kill first ask questions later' type of person.


"There are certain deities who want is to dispose of Ragnar." Pericles told Leonidas.
"Well then, let's not waste any time!" Leonidas grinned. "That young lady in strange armour will help us accomplish the job. Let us kill him!"
"Leonidas..." Pericles sighed, "think about it. Why would the goddess of love want us to go out and kill somebody? It does not make sense! Besides, listening only to Love instead of more prudent deities will only lead us to ruin. Remember the story of Paris, who had to choose which of three goddesses was the most beautiful, chose Love over the rulership of entire countries and wisdom, and by doing so led his city to ruin?"

Leonidas nodded. Every Greek knew that epic.

"But still... the opportunity is too good to pass up. Other deities do not like Ragnar either. Destroying him would earn us favour with other deities as well."

Pericles took another deep breath. "Very well. We shall send her out against the Vikings. Let us just hope that your scheme succeeds, Leonidas..."


As Lancelot was disposing of Lucern's remains, Leonidas walked up to her. "We have your first mission. You are being sent out to destroy the Vikings, led by a man named Ragnar."
As Ragnar's name fell, Lancelot's eyes flared with hatred. "That vile snake! I will send him to the Underworld he rightly belongs in!" Without speaking another word, she and her troops ran off into the night, leaving Leonidas in wonder what quarrel she had with the Vikings.

The battle was hopeless for the Vikings. The Viking archers might as well not have fired any arrows, for every arrow they fired was blocked the tower shields of Lancelot and her troops. Lancelot winced for every charge the troops took, with every strike of the gladius she landed. As the battle was wrapped up and thousands of dead archers were strewn along the battlefield, Lancelot was appalled by the destruction she had wrought. Taken aback by her deeds, she sat down.

Until she realized, that there was still a warrior alive in Nidaros - Ragnar. Taken over by hatred, rage, and most of all - vengeance, she sprinted to the palace as if the long march from Athens and the battle had not wore her down the slightest bit. She fought the immortal in a ferocious battle, ending it by striking Ragnar's battleaxe from his hands. With his last strength, Ragnar asked:
"What have I ever done to the Greeks? Have I wronged you in a previous life???"
"You are right." Lancelot spoke coldly, then stabbed her gladius in the stomach of the Viking. Gurgling blood, Ragnar fell to the ground. His eyes turned skyward, as if asking for divine help... then passed away. Lancelot wiped the blood off the blade, a look of satisfaction on her face that she had finally dealed with the man who had betrayed her... or so she thought.

Meanwhile, a small group of scouts sought for the barbarian chieftain they had been ordered to seek.

"No, nothing here." the leader replied. "Just remains... of a city. They are not here. It would be foolish to look for them in this part. Head east, men!"

As many, many years later the Greek scouts finally reached the other side of the continent, where they found another peninsula, this time WITH a barbarian village...

"That's him all right, but we cannot get to him let alone interrogate him. The terrain is in our way!"
"Do you think so?" a smart-ass underling replied. "HEY!!!! WINSTON!!!! WE - NEED - TO - TALK - TO - YOU!"
"No... that did not help a thing. And because of those cursed mountains and cursed ice shelves, we cannot get there!" The leader threw his axe to the ground in frustration. "Pericles is not going to be happy."

Back at home, Pericles went about business. Sparta and Corinth were founded, new troops (the infamous Greek phalanx) were trained, and new leaders were met. The first to stop by were the Russians, led by a 'man of steel' called Stalin. Neither of them liked or trusted the other, though this was mostly Stalin's doing. In fact, Pericles suspected him of paranoia, which was not entirely unfounded.

He got along better with the English, led by a woman who shared his interest in philosophy. Her name was Elizabeth.

Technological advances were made and Greece, yet Pericles could not help but ask:
'Where are the wild men who were said to come and get us?'



  • Pericles BC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Spoiler NSFP :

Eldarion watched the death of Ragnar with mild amusement. Fitting that the mortal should die, but insufficient. The god of terror, the god he had helped to create, was still out there. He would be punished, but he was beyond Eldarion's reach. NoDot had saved him, and NoDot's warrior she-prophet, Lancelot, had struck a blow for great justice. But it was not enough.

Still brooding about how he might kill a god, a cold thought struck him. It was the beast, in the end, that had given him such power. It was such an entity that had killed his father. And perhaps, only such a creature had the power to kill a god. Had this world been spawned in a like fashion? Did the beast's dark energies taint it even now, given the form of flesh and bone by some hideous magic?

The god of vengeance felt that it did. Far off, he felt rather than heard the siren call of demonic magic. Though they might bear the appearance of men, he could sense their dark presence. Were they the harbingers of a much greater entity? And did this entity hold the keys to the god of terror's undoing?

He was about to set forth toward the distant isle when he heard a familiar call.

"Winston?" Rising above the scene, Eldarion cast his eyes beyond a distant mountain to see the battered form of the fallen sea god. "Winston!" He scarcely recognized his old friend, but he did not doubt that Winston would find his own appearance most shocking. "Have we both fallen so far, we former gods? Is there nothing left to us but these empty shells?" But the blade in his hand burned with the words, and he knew that there was, as yet, one thing that might bring him fulfillment...

((It just wouldn't be DivInt without a sea god, would it?))

The lord of the sea was angry.

After the fall of the last sea god, he had been called into existence. From where, he did not know. How, he could only guess. Yet this new sea god felt anger. He paced around his chamber, attempting to recall his memories. Failing this, he looked down into the world of the mortals, his playground.

The first thing he witnessed in this new world was the god NoDot freeing a soldier named Lancelot from the underworld. As he saw the deity of shadows, his heart beat into a frenzy. His anger welled up inside him like the waters of a storm at the mere sight of this deity.

The next thing he saw was Lancelot stabbing an immortal in the chest, killing him. Killing an immortal! The chosen of the gods! How dare NoDot unleash such a force on this world! Yes, he must be punished. But the lord of the sea had business to attend to. He must decide on a name.

"Volturnus," he said to himself. The name felt powerful on his tongue. "Volturnus".

((No save edits here, but a quest: Take Lancelot to Nidaros, and sacrifice him. If you fail, you will forever have earned the spite of the sea god, but you keep your über-strong praet. Choose wisely.)
The God of Luck and Dice looked across the world and smiled. Pericles had rolled straight sixes in his war against the Vikings but the God knew, that luck could change in an instant.

Across Greece, herds and crops failed, the animals dying in their thousands, the grains attacked by a malicious rot, leaving little available to eat. The people survived however, falling back to the traditional ways of survival but forming new communities, small groups of cottages forming across the land.

Pericles' luck had changed for the worse, yet someone else's had changed for the better...

Spoiler NFPE :
Not much of a change for Greece due to only a few food resources available in the first place.

It's Russia who have had a turn for the better, with miraculous harvest of new food resources. The "Man of Steel" will have a beer-belly before Christmas


  • DivInt IV Pericles BC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave
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The rain from the heavens came.

Streaking down with terrible columns of unearthly, grey fire, the rain came to the earth, rocking the ground with such force that within miles men could not keep their footing. Breaking up over the sky, a huge meteor came in many pieces, but two were clearly the biggest.

One, the greeks saw, impacted the mountain near Winstown. There clearly could not be any mistake - it was demolished, destroyed, completely wrecked! The path was open, it would seem, but the greeks had other things on their mind.

The second piece, half of the ungodly meteor touched by Ashus, inspired a horror much greater. Many prayers were uttured, and the terror was great - he absorbed all the screams, the cries - unanswered as they were - for mercy, and the pain and suffering as the streaking iron from the sky hit Corinth dead on. Those that survived the initial blast, those that made it out alive ran screaming all the way to the other greek settlements, and Pericles himself heard the stories of ravaging unearthly black horses, Nightmares, heading straight for civilization.

It was going to be a disaster if somethign wasn't done quickly.

Spoiler NFPE :

The meteor hit as Eldarion's sword burned. He was thrown, tossed, torn apart, and reborn as the blast leveled the mountain and the surrounding areas.

It was no threat to his life - truely, he was a god once again, fueled by vengeance - but it was a statement. As he picked himself up, it was clear that another source of power would need to be found if he hoped to take on the God of Terror.


  • DivineEditTerror1.CivBeyondSwordSave
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The Fire Lord surveyed the chaos before him.

The Terror God had gone through with his threat, and humanity had paid the price. The Greeks seemed to be condemned by the Pantheon to a fate worse than death due to their support of the Immortal Pericles. The Fire Lord reserved judgment, however. Many of the beings who inhabited Corinth were added to the souls within the Elysian Fields, free to pursue their pleasure. Only a few joined the ranks of the demon hordes within Tartarus.

The impact had proved devastating not just to human construction and property, however. A hole had been nearly ripped into Erebus itself, and the Fire Lord had been forced to spend much of his low energy into sealing the rift. The patch was shaky, and could be reopened at any time if the Immortals did not do something. Sadly for the gods, it was up to humanity to resolve this crisis.
(On a side note: For the deities who do not know this yet, Pericles is only related to Pavlos in that he carries Pavlos' undying essence. Pericles has no knowledge of Pavlos or the past, and 'Pavlos' has no mind of his own and is Pericles for all it seems.)

Hubris - thinking oneself good enough without needing gods, or even placing oneself above them or challenging them. It was so easy to give into when an opportunity presented itself. And that opportunity had come - a great warrior with a strong hatred for the Vikings, and even a deity demanding his doom. And Pericles had simply not cared about the deities who cherished the Vikings.

Now, he had to reap the divine punishment. Whether a punishment was fair or not was not his call. As Pericles had well known, a great deal of divine punishment seemed way out of proportion to mortals.

He recalled the exact story he had told Leonidas about - the story of Paris, who chose the wrong goddess and in doing so doomed his city. Pericles suddenly saw a great deal of similarity between that story and his personal situation... had he too given into the easy temptation and in doing so doomed his city - or worse, his civilization?

It was too early to tell. Troy had deities on its side as well, who tried their best to keep Troy from its dreadful fate.
Spoiler NFPE :

Eldarion felt the fire in his blade long before he saw the grey blaze streaking toward the earth; he could sense his nemesis as surely as a moth senses the flame. He had only a moment to cry out a warning:

"Behold, Winston - our true enemy, our unmaker whom we ourselves helped to create! Behold the God of Terror!"

And then the grey fire struck the mountain on which he stood, shattering it into so much rubble. The god of vengeance felt his form dissolve, his blade lost as his consciousness was shredded into so many fragments. Only his hatred remained, a hatred that intensified a thousandfold as the agony of his already-ruined form was ripped apart. And it was his hatred that saved him, for it was only by clinging to his thirst for revenge that he maintained any sense of self at all.

He awoke on distant shores, thrown far from where he had encountered his former ally, but there felt as if some part of him were missing. Stripped of his blade, he felt naked, powerless... until he encountered them.

"You," one hissed. Eldarion gazed upward to see the red-rimmed eyes of a black-clad archer. Though his garments were those of a barbarian, the arrows in his quiver boiled and seared as if laced with some deadly acid, and his features were clearly ones that belonged to no creature who belonged on this earth. "The master wishes to speak with you."

Unfamiliar with these strange new surroundings, the god of vengeance climbed painfully to his feet, nearly collapsing in the process. It had taken much of his strength to reform himself after such a direct attack, and were it not for the strong arms of one of the hideous archers, he might well have returned to the earth. Though he should have felt revulsion at the scaly touch, he felt nothing of the kind. Leaning heavily on his newfound companions, the god of vengeance staggered toward a city that lay beneath a mighty mountain...

A city called The Gate.

Elsewhere, the sword of Eldarion plunged into the earth, causing the citizens of Winstown to start. Its dull crimson light gave off a malicious, unearthly glow.

"It is a sign from the gods," they murmured. "The chief must be informed at once!"
Spoiler :
Winston paused for a moment, trying to understand the garbled words Eldarion had spoken. And in that moment...


The mountain exploded with such ferocity that even Winston experienced a surge of genuine terror. Thankfully, this new and distictly unappealing emotion was quickly replaced by a desire to survive the flaming rocks that now rained down around him.

Diving one way, then the other, Winston managed to escape the bombardment with only a few minor scratches. But, looking around as the dust began to settle, it was clear that a great deal of damage had been suffered. Dead bodies littered the ground, and innumerable huts were now aflame. More disturbingly, the great mountain itself had been utterly levelled.

"Volcano?" thought Winston. "No, the angle's all wrong. This was some kind of missile from the heavens..."

His words were answered by a a voice as predictable as it was infuriating: "Looks like someone's got it in for you".

"Curse you, Frog! This is your doing, I swear it!!"

"I'm offended," replied the amphibian in a mocking tone. "Who gave you back your immortality? Me! Who showed you the way to this land you now call home? ME!! And who do you think erected the mountain to protect you from the outside world? That's right, it was ME, you ungrateful wretch!"

Winston eyed The Frog suspiciously.

"And still you think I would seek to wreck everything I had helped you achieve! For what possible reason?! No, I sense that this was the work of an old enemy of mine, seeking to disrupt my mission here..."

"What mission?! I'd feel more trusting if you were a bit less coy about your motives."

"As I told you last time, and the thousand times before that, you'll know when you need to know, and not before. It's safer for both of us this way. Now, stop whining and get to business. This attack was surely not the last - you must rally your men, get some walls built, and steel yourself for the battles to come!"
Every night after the rain of fire devastated his people, Pericles' dreams were haunted by warriors with hideous reptilian features and ruby eyes glowing with rage. Infinite in number, they spoke with one voice, repeating the same words over and over:

"Bring him to us."

Spoiler :
Unless you wish to defy the order, you should take Winstown within the next turnset. If successful, feel free to include a report of Pericles' capture of Winston. And if you want to raze the city, then go ahead, it won't interfere with the mission.
Changes (NFPE):
Spoiler :
Gave Winstown a wall, and gave some promotions to its defenders.


  • DivInt4 WH 1500bc.CivBeyondSwordSave
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The nightmares of Pericles returned, distorted visions of tentacles and of lightning. But the grey angel came again, and fought the beasts and the storms off, shielding Pericles' huddled form from the rain, the battering rain and the wind as she spoke.

"Pericles! Great Ashus speaks, and he roars, but I will protect you from him!" yelled the angel, as Pericles opened his eyes, seeing himself no longer tormented by the visions. The angel retracted her wings, standing and looking down on him with caring eyes.

"You have a demon in your midst, Pericles. The Lady Lancelot and her troops are almost unearthly in combat, are they not? I know that Ashus is a terrible sight to behold, but unlike the petty overlords that will plea and ask for your attention, you must recognize that he does not seek your approval, or even demand action from you."

The angel smiled, stroking Pericles's cheek. "You ought not to listen to such voices spurred by revenge and thoughtless audacity. If I may offer once piece of advice...," she said straying away from the Greek leader, "Lord Ashus cares nothing of these vikings that you have rightfully eliminated. What you ought to do is accept a gift from those who offer it - and when in conflict, look for the power. Do you think that this Lady Lancelot's Lord is more powerful than Ashus? Search out the ruins of Corinth when you doubt it."

The angel smiled. "Exile this Lancelot - do not kill her, for she is a worthy woman - and place her second in command in charge. His name is Lucern."


[Quest: Rename Lancelot's Praets to Lucern, the Phage.]
Spoiler NFPE :

Eldarion found himself led deeper and deeper into the heart of the city, which opened itself still deeper into some underground abyss. He heard the screams and wails of the damned, but he felt no fear... indeed, it felt almost as if he were at one with them, so great had his hatred become. Their primal rage and frustration was his own... their never-ending quest for solace spoke to his own immortal soul.

"Eldarion," spoke a deep voice, seeming to surround him all at once. "Eldarion, god of vengeance. You have been unmade, it seems, by a greater god than you."

"No god is invincible," Eldarion snarled. "The god of terror is no different from any other. Should he face me in battle..."

"...you would be destroyed. You are a fallen god, Eldarion." The voice paused, and with only a mighty exertion of his will did Eldarion manage not to decry the voice's accusation. "Fallen, but not without power. I, too, am one who has been unmade by another god... but together, perhaps we can be more."

"Who are you? And what do you ask?"

"I ask that you help to free me and my followers," the voice continued, ignoring the first question. "Your powers, though diminished from what they once were, are yet significant. See, my people starve in the overworld, a land of desert and sage! They have nothing with which to feed themselves, no means of even mounting a defense against invaders. It is an outrage!"

"I once meddled in the affairs of mortals. It is this folly that was my unmaking."

"You sought to ascend a mortal to the ranks of a god. I ask nothing of the kind - I ask only that you help to free those who should rightly walk upon the earth among the immortals, scouring the land of the wretched mortals who multiply like rats." The voice spoke with hatred that exceeded even Eldarion's own. "Join me, god of vengeance, and let us both take revenge on those who have wronged us!"

In some far corner of Eldarion's mind, a warning bell sounded. It was summarily dismissed.

"You have a deal, great one."

At that, one of the ones who had carried him took an arrow from his quiver and stabbed the god in the shoulder. Eldarion screamed, and in that scream, land rose up from the depths, fortifying the gate on a massive hill. The hellion wasted no time in sprinkling the divine blood upon the desert landscape, and where Eldarion's blood fell, new life sprung where none had been...

((Made some dramatic changes to the isle of demons. Re-created the gate, added river, grassland, wheat, corn, pigs, horses, iron, and copper, as well as a couple of hills. Also added two warriors, two archers, two workers, and one axeman, each with two promos. I'd sort of like to treat The Gate as a mini-civilization; I'll be focusing my changes on that little area for now, though I may try to extend it in the future... but I think that's more than sufficient at present.))


  • Pericles Eld BC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave
    143.9 KB · Views: 108
Spoiler :
You know Barbs only keep 2 defenders, and send the rest at a random civ, right?Even if you put in the city defense code. Unless it's an island. In that case, my bad.
Pericles had a lot on his mind. His people had adequate land that supported them, but it did not seem to be enough. It seemed that his people had the growing concern of finding enough food. In the past years it had not been a problem, but now there never seemed to be bountiful harvests like there had been years ago.

While surveying his lands, Pericles heard a voice he had not heard in a long while.

"Pericles, it is me, Mantis. I see that we have a mutual problem."

"How can mere insects help my people? Our harvests have not been as great as they once were and now some go hungry! You make the problem worse by eating our harvests!", Pericles responded, angrily.

"Do you not know? Do you not sssee? Insectz although sssmall, are quite powerful. We control the cropsss."


"Through the processs of pollination we decide ..."

"Wait a minute, Polly-what nation? What are you talking about?" Pericles asked dumbfounded.

"When a bee vizits a flower, it doesz not just take nectar. It leaves behind something for the flower in return. After a vizit, the flower will grow more vigorouzly and produce much ssseed. Alssso the bee decidez which flowerz to vizit, making only the bessst grow.", Mantis explained. "Therefore I control the beez, ssso, I control the flowerz and the harvest!"

"So help my people!", Pericles pleaded.

"You mussst do something for me in return. I sssaid we had a mutual problem. My insectz require a place to live, full of plantz and life... a garden! The civilizzzation that builds thiz 'Hanging Gardens' will be rewarded with my blesssing, and a gift."

"My people will give it their best.", Pericles responded.

"There iz sssomething elze.", Mantis continued, "You have not used the full bounty of the silk that I provided your capital accesss to many years ago. Why not?"

"Our people do not know when to plant these mulberry bushes that the silkworms require, and some do not grow at the right time for the caterpillars to feed upon." Pericles explained.

"Then perhaps you should discover how to measure time. If you discover how to do this before we speak again, then you will be further rewarded.", Mantis answered.

"We will get started as soon as we can, Mantis." Pericles answered. "Mantis? Mantis?"

Only silence answered.

Quests: 1) Build the Hanging Gardens and you will be rewarded and receive my blessing.
2) Discover Calender before the next 50 turns and receive another reward.

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