Evening, Day 2
As the march wore on, DArtagnan59 got a new lease on life as the suddenly silent Icekommander received a large number of votes, just enough to prevent an outright execution. Once again, the men bound him to another large rock, hoping this time he wouldnt magically escape again. The other matter that needed tending to was the Rifle vote. By a slim margin, thomas.berubeg came out the winner despite a late charge by Big Tom Renata. Satisfied by the days end, the soldiers retreated to their tents, looking forward to another fun day tomorrow of marching and accusations. If they would even live to see it
CCRunner DArtagnan59 Renata
Niklas Icekommander
Tasslehoff DArtagnan59
ZPV thomas.berubeg
Love DArtagnan59
J-man Renata
Renata DArtagnan59 Renata
Ekolite Icekommander Renata
reverend oats DArtagnan59
merciary Icekommander
Methos Icekommander
Izipo DArtagnan59 thomas.berubeg
Lightfang DArtagnan59 Renata
Stuck in Pi Icekommander thomas.berubeg
rhawn DArtagnan59 rhawn
Nahkarma DArtagnan59 thomas.berubeg
thomas.berubeg DArtagnan59 thomas.berubeg
Chandrasekhar Icekommander thomas.berubeg
Charles Li
Bigfoot 3814
Frozen In Ice DArtagnan59
D'Artagnan59 Icekommander
Secret Votes: DArtagnan59, DArtagnan59, Icekommander
DArtagnan59: 11
Icekommander: 8
Renata: 1
Rifle Vote:
thomas.berubeg: 6
Renata: 4
rhawn: 1
Side Note: Izipos most recent vote change does not count as it occurred after the deadline.
It is now night! Night people pm me with your orders. Posting is currently closed.
Another Side Note: I know you aren't going to want to hear this, but I have finally landed a job in real-life that starts tomorrow. The good news it is only for one day a week for the moment, so only Wednesdays will be impacted. Therefore, all updates that ordinary would fall on a Wednesday are now being pushed to Thursday, which means every other night will be 48 hours long as opposed to 24 hours. I know this is an inconvenience, but this is the break I have been hoping/waiting for, and I have to put real-life first. Thanks for your understanding.