Ok, since Barnaxus is not a hero, he has to go out and gain experience.
Well, since 90% in combat sometimes doesn't cut it, he'll die.
When I first built him, he was built in a city with Pallens Engine and Blasting Workshop, so he got Fireball and Perfect Sight.
I rebuilt him in a city with a Blasting Workshop.
Reborn, he had neither Fireball nor Perfect Sight.
1. It sucks that he's not a hero. Since the whole strategy for Golems requires him, in a game against humans, he's going to die when you attack that AI skeleton with a 90% chance, and you aren't reloading the game.
2. Reborn, he doesn't have his original promotions based on buildings (Fireball and Perfect Sight)
3. Reborn, you have to start over promoting him up with combat 1, 2, 3, etc. Why not have him work like immortals do? Keeping his previous promotions.
4. Ok, so maybe its a new build, so the new city is what matters. In that case, he should have at least get the Fireball ability from the Blasting workshop in the new city.
Presumably this is an issue with vanilla BTS? Lucian deciding to attack by crossing a river as per Raider, rather than attack directly.
Bizarrely even by using 2 on the numberpad he took the highlighted route!
...sorry - screenshot is after Lucian made the same move, this is of a Son of Asena that took the same route
Ok, since Barnaxus is not a hero, he has to go out and gain experience.
Well, since 90% in combat sometimes doesn't cut it, he'll die.
When I first built him, he was built in a city with Pallens Engine and Blasting Workshop, so he got Fireball and Perfect Sight.
I rebuilt him in a city with a Blasting Workshop.
Reborn, he had neither Fireball nor Perfect Sight.
1. It sucks that he's not a hero. Since the whole strategy for Golems requires him, in a game against humans, he's going to die when you attack that AI skeleton with a 90% chance, and you aren't reloading the game.
2. Reborn, he doesn't have his original promotions based on buildings (Fireball and Perfect Sight)
3. Reborn, you have to start over promoting him up with combat 1, 2, 3, etc. Why not have him work like immortals do? Keeping his previous promotions.
4. Ok, so maybe its a new build, so the new city is what matters. In that case, he should have at least get the Fireball ability from the Blasting workshop in the new city.
I think if you gave Barnaxus the full free experience of a hero the Luchuirp (sp?) would be badly overpowered. Since he gives his promotions to all of the golems, in no time EVERY GOLEM would have pretty much all of the promotions of a hero; that is, all of the Luchuirp units would be like mini-heroes! If you can get Barnaxus up, I find them to be a powerhouse civilization.
I usually find that you need to give Barnaxus the 'easy kills' from a stack to get his initial strength up. Lucian for the Doviello is also a hero without the hero promotion.
Best wishes,
Also Playing current game as Hippus with patch V and it does not reconize my two incense resources though I have plantations built with roads, I can trade for incense from Van Gosam but does not reconize myself as having any. Not sure if this is because I am continuing game that started as patch T and is now V since it has never been an issue before.
Also if on a second computer I have ffh 2 still with patch M if I upgrade to V I am assuming all previous patches are included or do I need to do each one individually.
I captured Acheron by attacking him with a unit wearing the Crown of Command, but unfortunately before that happened I had worn him down using Diseased Corpses and he was diseased. When I went to heal him of his disease the spell was unavailable, as if the caster logic didn't detect that a diseased unit was in the same tile.
Needless to say, the awesomeness of having Acheron was greatly mitigated by having him have to rest 10+ turns after every battle to use him again. I also tested the same thing using the Black Dragon of the Sheiam and I couldn't heal it of a disease either (I declared war on my buddy Hyborem and sought out Diseased Corpses to eat).
This was on patch "t" and I haven't tried it on "v" yet.
This is because the unit has magic immunity, which makes it immune to healing spells.
Your best bet would be to take him to the pool of tears if it's on the map.