aCK-1 Behaving Ourselves

Ok since silver is all pooped out here goes!

Have tver pop workboats for the towns on the west coast btw. stall that forge to pop a workboat for black dot and hell a 3 turn theatre to speed up the culture.

State property saves us so much money it's not even funny ... ok it is funny.

Anyway we can spam towns to our hearts content so I'll thumb nail how it's going.

Silver :smoke:'d hard and ignored all those galleons struick and liq built. :cry:

point and poke fun at silver.

There's 2 settlers walking towards their goals using red dot as guide hehe.
green dot across the bay north east of red dot.
teal dot east of red dot.

Have troops heading north... by foot.... to take out the barb town blocking the location of liq n lag dot. From there, have the troops collect any lost barb workers and head north to the free beer barb town... keep that one!

Remember, CR maces are GOLD, knights are expendable.

From there it's a circus so think of it as which towns would people grab first?

Starting from the north!

A non flagged town north of orange dot on that lone grass tile on the coast. This town only because we want to make sure no one gets that oil which is in the @#$@#@# desert. Has a fish to work so all good.

Following the east coast down below teal dot, pop that purplish dot that's just inland.

With the east coast secure, time to spam the two island towns.
"town" is that island just north of Vlad, to pick up the dye. the one we planned uh 4 thousand years ago?

Next is tanktimeish dot on the island east of red dot in the new lands. Is clearly marked.

So from there, the west coast!
Pony poop dot just west of black dot.
north a ways, liq n lag dot on the west coast just north of novo blue dot.n

So onto the internal lands!
Magenta dot is nice
an unmarked town north of magenta, west of the lake on the desert tile.

if we still need dots to settle then in the far far south an unmarked town SW of the iron tile. It grabs the crab(some fishie) + sheep + iron.
another town one north of the marble though it needs that barb town puncked. Easy to ship troops down there but keep that barb town up til we are ready to settle the marble area.

So about tech.

Path is Nationalism@100% in 4. Stick taj in Rostov and go go go. We have a decent chance of nailing it as baud isn't a big Wonder whore.

Then knock science down to a sane level of bleeding cash.. 80% is prolly ok. Just blitz it to democracy btw and set up the statue of liberty in some town on the main land, doubt we'll need to rush it so pushing it in a lesser town is ok.

Keep in mind btw that all of the leaders in this particular game will 100% NOT attack us at pleased. Yes even Baud will not decide to attack us at pleased. The only backstabber AI present is actually Cathy :D

Also note that even though Wang obviously was missing iron the entire game, never once did we try to sell the idea that attacking him was a good idea. Remember this kids, when you are next door to a protective civ like SALADIN or Wang, them not having metal actually makes them much more dangerous as they will spam protective longbows.

New save with the new dots labeled, old signs discarded and that bk silk trade Struick mentioned upped to 5 gpt hehe

A note about black dot... Tver is on a 4 turn workboat expressly to run to black dot and jump start that town.

An amazing town, work shop all the flat land tiles (leave that farm on the floods up till the very end) mines on the bare hills and lumber mills on the two forests. An amazing town.

In general, workshops are Superior to water mills so start nuking them around Rostov first.



  • aCK-01 AD-1515.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Eventually do we want to spam a dot 4N1W of free beer dot?

It is the only source of furs on the entire map...unless I missed one somewhere.
It would be nice to have a monopoly on a resource like that.

In a peaceful game like this thats alot of free money.

Davy Crockett Dot sounds good.
Lemme know what you think.
:smoke: Yeah, you can all point and laugh at me for the boat fiasco :crazyeye:. No idea what I was thinking there.

Ok, so Liq nicely summarized dots on the new world. Honestly, I think the AI is blind or something (i.e. Wang and his Iron city that misses crabs), as they've been spamming cities north in the islands, but no one has hit the new world yet. That's completely fine, more REX for us and potentially a whole new continent to beat.

Vlad can spit out non-stop settlers and we have more than enough boats to shuttle them to the new world.

Uh, I think we need more workers. I would have built some, but I was too lazy to head to a thesaurus to get names for them. Yeah :smoke: due to laziness!

Right now, we're at a tech bottleneck, as Nationalism and Gunpowder are the gateway techs into almost everything. We need both of them. Burger King is getting Gunpowder in 2 turns. No idea if he will trade it to us (it's 3 turns of research so not a big deal if he won't).

Nationalism gives us an open shot to Democracy, and we can pick up military tradition and easily build Taj before anyone else due to our suddenly skyrocketing production. So the idea now would be to expand while choosing a tech path. Nationalism is needed for Military Tradition, so it is a given either way. What remains to be seen is if we want to go for Constitution->Democracy for more butter (SoL, Spy Huts, etc...) or get Gunpowder and tech rifling for a smackdown with Cossacks.

goblinmarine is up now, so he gets the fun Golden Age.
As ridiculous as it sounds we could almost win a peaceful domination victory here.

I'd trademark it but not likely to happen again.

Unfortunately I think we would fall short in the land area % but we could come pretty darn close if we capture all the New World. And that seems possible with how the AI is spamming cities like Silver mentioned. Proving my wishywashyness once again...I say we go the butter route and try for a peaceful domination victory!
Techwise I think Nat>Const>Demo>Gunpowder(whether via trade or on our own)>Rifling

The SoL just powns and we can build a massive EP advantage with all the spy buildings.
Then we maintain our power rating with newly built rifles for defense.
Black dot is a monster waiting to happen. That place is just so many hammers it's sickening so get it on it's feet fast by maybe farming another flood for the extra growth speed and mining the rest of the hills + work shopping everything. All that place needs to do is grow into it's tiles and have mass workers shipped out to it hehe.

Vlad is almost on it's feet.. Let it finish it's forge and tack on a light house by which time it'll have grown large enough to work a ton of hammers.Getting Vlad on a barracks and spitting out massed garrison is a good idea so the old lands can concentrate on building spy huts and shizzle!

Novo is going well too, it can already push a 6 turn worker out so it's almost able to hammer those out once it's granary finishes. It has two workers on it so it's flood needs farming and the plains north of the corn as well in order to irrigate it.

Core buildings for this edition of Settlers on the Rampage are....
Workboat (For places like orange and red dots, who are on the wrong side of vlad)
Lighthouse (for peeps with fishies)

Sadly looks like each town in the first wave is going to have to build their own worker as there's just no time to waste building them in the old world hehe. The marginal towns won;t have enough food to push their own workers so places like red orange blue and green will need to help them out.

Don't bother with courthouses early on btw as city costs are a joke and the EP's aren't required what with the spy supermarkets cookin!

Techwise I think Nat>Const>Demo>Gunpowder(whether via trade or on our own)>Rifling

The SoL just powns and we can build a massive EP advantage with all the spy buildings.
Then we maintain our power rating with newly built rifles for defense.

Amen! Might as well burn some of the gold we have and stay 100% science all Golden Age.

Once BK gets Gunpowder troll him and baud for it via education.. no rush on that trade btw but snap it up if you see it as bk is super backwards.

ok, see it, got it.
so far it's nat-const-demo
will try and trade for gunpowder when burger king gets it.
gonna get that work boat and some workers all over that workshop town.
will play tonight or tomorrow morning.
for spy huts, pop the one from demo in all the border towns first, otherwise get jails and the the spy supermarket (from commie) up first as they multiply total ep's

Ok! another fun walk through seeing as it's never to late to lecture on various random tools!

This edition is on the amazingly sweet Civ4 PDF Reference...

Remember when Liq mentioned that the only AI that would decide to declare war on you (note: The point when they go "We have too much on our hands" not the actual DOW) was our Beloved Cathy? How does Liq know this?

Various tools out there but nothing beats the Reference from Anion in terms of purty!

This puppy is really what the Civ4 Manual should have been in the first place but alas, it would never have gotten updated!

Though spread sheets do a better job of figuring out costs of items ( slot in game speed difficulty etc) where this Reference really shines is in it's leader info.

Lets take a look at Wang:

This info is actually on two pages but I condensed it to make it a bit more wieldy.

What do all these numbers mean?
Teal Area is about how the AI acts
Gold is how the AI Treats other AI's
Red area is general War info and the all important "Will they attack at pleased?"
Blue are the basic Diplomacy Modifier Thresholds
Yellow are the basic Diplomacy Trade Thresholds

These entries are how the AI generally behaves and is rather straightforward. In wang's case, 'Gold' under "Favors" explains why Wang has been sitting on several thousand gold for most of the game. The one area of Note is Tech trading that states Moderate, 20% in Wang's case. Roughly 20% means the % of Known Civ's to have a tech before it's ready to be traded... obviously this isn;t a hard fast rule and Wang has always been one of the looser tech trade partners. The Poster Child for Tech Whores is Mansa, who is 0% here :)

Relation Factor ranges from 1-10 where 1 is a warmonger like Monty and 10 is peaceful like The Mahatma Man. AI Leaders of similar relations get an innate bonus dip modifier while those of very different relations numbers will get an innate negative dip modifiers. This only effects AI's
Warmonger Respect ranges from 0-2. Basically take each AI and match this value up take the lesser of the two values as the innate dip bonus between those two values.

In ack, warmonger respect falls out like this..
De Gaul:2
Baud and BK :1
Rest: 0
This means that Baud BK and France all have an invisible +1 relations (the lesser of the two mods) with each other.

These two modifiers is why when you have Shaka and Rags next door to you, they always dog pile on YOU and not each other. +2 from warmonger and another +1ish from same relations mod.

By far the most interesting entry in this area is "Peace Probability (%)"which needs some explaining to understand. Every turn the AI "rolls the dice" to see if they are going to go to war with someone. The numbers on deciding to Do_War are ugly and convoluted but the saving grace is that after all is said and done, this "Peace Probability (%)" is a flat % based on relations that says the decision To DOW is ignored.

"Peace Probability (%) W/X/Y/Z"
W = Annoyed
X = Cautious
Y = Pleased
Z = Friendly (always 100% peace for ALL civs)

Keep in mind at Furious, peace override is 0% for everyone and Friendly is peace 100%. Yup even Monty behaves at friendly.

Lets look at Wang who has the same numbers as Gandhi btw:
20% override at Annoyed
70% override at Cautious
100% override at Pleased
No point listing Friendly as it always 100%

Now the key numbers here are at Cautious and Pleased with pleased being the most important by far as anyone annoyed isn;t going to be too bothered about attacking you.

Wang, and everyone else in ack01, are all 100% Peace Probability at pleased, even Baudica! This means that so long as baud was pleased before she suddenly went into we have too much mode, there's 0% she's going to attack us. Very important numbers as pleased is very easy to achieve.

Cathy btw is 0/20/80/100 as the AI. Yes she's likely to attack at cautious and will even decide to go to war with you at pleased. The Biggest Back Stabbers in the game are the player Civs, as they have no dip code limitations at all!

The rest of red is pretty self explanatory where Attack Courage is when Monty rushes jags headlong into your walled longbows while Darius is more prone to say "never mind" and pillage everything with his immortals instead.

Basic diplomacy ceilings from various aspects:
The fastest path to Wang's heart is to adopt caste civic as he's not too big into same religion. Worse/Better refers to score.... he likes you better for having more points than you, something that's very nice to have as a neighbor at higher difficulties. keep in mind these numbers aren't absolute in the case of religion, I *think* favorite creed adds some oomph to the mods. Not sure there.

Diplomatic relationship at or below which trades will be refused. Lets take some random entries from Wang to explain.
Technology:Annoyed -> need only be at cautious to trade techs with Wang
Health Bonus:Furious -> can trade for rice from Wang even at Annoyed!
Vassal State:Cautious -> only applies to peaceful acceptance of becoming a vassal which requires pleased. During war, Capitulation isn't bound by this entry.

One of the more interesting Trade Relations of any leader is that Toku is "Map: Friendly" which means Toku will NEVER trade maps EVER. :crazyeye:

The reference is an amazing tool, highly recommended.

ok... so my computer crashed on the last turn of my set. this is the third time it does it. so i'll need a skip till i figure out what's going on with it.
Excellent info in your post Liq...downloading the PDF now...can't wait to check it out.

Sorry to hear that Goblin....does that make DE next?

I'm all mixed up when it comes to the roster now.
That sucks man. You run a spy ware program like malwarebytes? or does your PC take 5 years to boot up meaning it's clogged with programs which start up on power up?

ok well Can you grab the game anytime in the next day or so DE or do we just skip you for Struick?

Today doesn't really work for me as my wifey is under the weather today so I'll be busy with that most likely.

Goblin are you able to post an autosave maybe or is that an SG faux with no report and all.
Well the Petey set took way longer than any 8 turn set should have.

Silver I envy your warmongering skills even more after today.

Since DE has had a couple of tomorrows to work with I will take the game tomorrow unless I hear otherwise.

We will unstall this game!
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