I think it is lost on you becouse you newer played travian. It is realy my fault on using it. In travian, the entire game is created around completely crushing the other player. So seing it as a bug would be like seeing an internal combustion engine as the bug in a car.
The same thing I think works for CIV or FFH/FF. The object of the game is to win, and win as spectaculary as possible. If that meens you have to finde holes in someones defenses, than it is called strategy and not bug obuse.
No, it really was lost on you. I'm reasonably certain the poster wasn't saying this is a bug; He was analogizing your statement to similar ones that are based on "It's in the game, therefore even if it's a bug it should stay in".
Well, if you are playing a small map, I can see the problem, but on a large map by the time someone gets to your land, you will have defenses. If you wanted to find someone specific on a huge map with no idea where to look for him and with only that 1 starting scout, you will need more than 30 turns to do so unless you have silly luck in spawning next to him.
Um, no? We were playing on Large/Continents/9 Civs, which should be more squares per civ then your suggested Huge/12 split. The exact turn my friend was wiped out on was turn 38. Optimistically, if you produced ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for all that time but Warriors, you should have about 7 or 8 of them, except you will have (And should have) produced other things, since spamming warriors won't let you scout, and will keep you from developing land.
It's also /boring/. Keep in mind that although a competitive one, it is still a /game/, and is supposed to be fun. FFH2 has enough problems with early game consisting of "Hit enter repeatedly" without adding arbitrary low-odds high-risk factors that force you to churn out 8 warriors for the first 30 minutes of play.
And rushing scouts, scouting half of the map to find an enemy city that actualy has a dungeon nearby, and than hoping that the said dungeon actualy spawns high level units is not a valid strategy?
I did not say it was a necessarily
invalid strategy. I said it was an
incredibly low risk way to potentially knock someone out. If you make it hte cornerstone of your strategy, I suppose it bears significant risk, but unlike the chariot rush, it does not require significant investment to score a rather ridiculously sized return. They are /very/ different things.
See above, there is no counter, but it is not easy to do unless you have insane luck with conditions so that everything fits into place like a milion peace puzle.
So... why are you defending it so aggressively?
The benifit is to promote agresive playing, fast expansion and most importmantly, not eliminating the barbs. If you can keep them out of your lands but on (and close to) those dungeons it adds a completely new layer of strategy.
But FFH2 has so many things specifically to discourage Rapid Expansion, up to and including Godless Killing MAchines and Ninja Spiders, as well as your only opening civic increasing maintenance costs. Is it supposed to be REX or the somewhat more sedate pace FFH2 as a whole encourages in its early game? Also, what is supposed to be the benefit of pushing the Barbarians near those dungeons? As near as I can tell, Dungeons spawn nothing except from poor results.
There is also substantial risk invaulved for the user. In order to acheave the imposible (a 30 turn takedown using this tehnique on a large or huge map) the player needs to lieraly churn out scouts and send them scouring the map hoping he can get a lucky break and find a city with a dungeon near it. If not, the entire trouble is wasted.
I'm telling you right now and with possible access to the save, it is not impossible to die on turn 38 to this. It is probably /nigh/ impossible to orchestrate, though. Your posts indicate this, as does common sense. Bear in mind that I am trying to approach this from both angles; Both that of the aggressor and the defender. As it stands, this is a fairly unsatisfying result for both. Unless I am absolutely only playing to win, this is by far the most boring way to knock someone out, because of the sheer lack of involvement by the aggressor. For the defender, it's incredibly frustrating to die with no effective chance to stop it.
Again, my bad. I used the term lair instead of dungeon in a few places.
Not really a values judgement. It's just a clarification I was making since I'm reasonably sure I've been loose with the terms as well.
@^: What a much less winded way of saying what I was thinking. Yeah, basically. Good recon is its own reward, no need to add in possible unstoppable nukes.
I don't know when it's appropriate to allow single, levelled T4 units, but Turn 40 is not that time.