Dominion NES

Sorry to hear that nutranurse, I hope things get better for you.

A note regarding "feeling lost": I am purposefully vague about what a magic path can do (though there's a list of effects on first page). Does anyone feel lost because of that or is it ok? I want magic research to be somewhat risky, i.e. maybe it's not what you wanted, but it is research, so you don't know what you'll get until you're at or near the goal.
If any lurker is interested in playing one of the south continent nations (C'tis - well, if you're a bit suicidal that is -, Abysia or Lanka), please say so. It's a bit too NPC-populated now with Lanka and Abysia out of players' hands.
Magic research is fine. We can always share our secrets amongst our allies if we want to know if something is worth it (and risk being lied to).
I'm starting to really like my choice of location, noone else is nearby except T_F and we both have plenty of room to expand before we turn on each other like rabid dogs.
DE, could you get yourself on MSN?
Marignon, Update VII story:
The high figure of the self-proclaimed Grand Inquisitor rose almost a foot above the crowd he was moving along in as the mass of people spilled onto the main street of the city and headed for the Palace.
The royal guards stood rank on the plaza in front of the impressive building, and the crowd came to a staggered halt as they spotted the armoured men, Knights of the Chalice. The Grand Inquisitor walked alone out in the empty part of the plaza between the two groups. The air was almost trembling with tension as the Grand Inquisitor begun to talk. His words reached everyone in the plaza. Slowly, the tension in the air died, as the armoured knights held their positions, the Inquisitor's words seeping into their ears and minds like - some might say poison, but everyone present would agree that it was the Illuminating light of Truth.
The eyes of the Inquisitor glowed as he ended his speech:
"Thus, I command Thee; Leave your old Faith behind and take up the Cross. Anyone who is found with a symbol of the Chalice by sunrise will be burnt at stake."
The words rippled outwards towards the Knights, and most of them heeded the call. The few of them who resisted were burnt along with their old emperor, on a huge pyre that burnt for the entire next day, fueled by the bodies of thousands of heathens. The Grand Inquisitor looked at it and nodded in contentment. The Marignon lands, and then the world, would be disciplined by his hand.

(OOC: I will take control of the Marignon properly a little more than a week from now. This story is supposed be the transition between NPC and Player nation, but I am just posting it now)​
I didn’t think that the dead really thought of anything. I was wrong; I know that now.

A trickle of blood winds its way through narrow channels in the stone pyramid. Near the surface of the pyramid the stone is hot, scorched by the midday sun but as the channels carve further and further into the heart of the holy structure the stone cools. The blood flows onwards. It too cools as it flows deeper and deeper.

Is blood alive? I had never considered this before but suddenly it seems much more important. I mean, the man I was, the man people called Tellajio, is obviously dead. The man I was is now a slab of meat with a sharpened copper reed piercing its heart. The man I was is baking in the hot sun: his decrepit and wrinkled body is already attracting flies. Soon they will lay their eggs in my ancient flesh and my body will be a home for maggots and larvae. My bloodless body will decompose and fall apart. But that isn’t me anymore.

Is blood alive? Obviously it thinks… I mean… I’m thinking now aren’t I? So is it alive? Am I alive? Beyond thought and a thin stream of crimson winding its way through the narrow channels of the great pyramid, what am I?

…I am feeling. I feel the warmth of my body leaving me. I feel the chill of the ancient stone. I feel the roughness of the rock as I silently slide over it.

…I am sight. Despite the perfect dark of the winding channels, I can see ahead of me. There is more and more of the narrow channels winding before me in lazy asymmetrical winding tunnels. But that is all.

…I am hearing. I can hear, high above me, the frog-like high priest chanting the last of the prayers he had uttered and whispered in his distinctive sibilant hissing voice as he sacrificed my blood for his, no our, god. It is fading though as I delve deeper and deeper. Below me I hear a faint but distinctive humming.

…I am not voice. I cannot make my thoughts heard.

…I am not action. I can no more slow my descent then I could stop the priest’s copper reed.

Why had I been chosen? Amongst the hundreds of thousands of slaves why had they chosen to sacrifice my blood? Was I the first of many? Was I to be the only one? A man of almost 100 years has little to offer a war-like people like the Mictlan. A slave of that many years even less. For almost 30 years I had been kept as a pampered pet. The priests had ordered slaves to attend to me, had whispered healing prayers over me when I grew sick, had ensured that I had the best food and drink. For years I had been unsure why… why I had been kept in such a gilded cage when I was much too old to serve as a field slave ever again. Unanble to leave, to speak to others and yet favoured above all other slaves. Ultimately I had only my memories of my sweet love and our son to accompany me. At first I had feared that the imprisonment was some trick- that I was to be slaughtered or sacrificed but as the years accumulated and I grew very ancient, I grew more and more confused, confused and accepting. Ultimately I guess I had been right in my original fears. Now there is a copper reed protruting through my ribs. Its tip lies in my heart and from its open end my life’s blood, the thing that I am now has spilled. Still… why? And why me?

The channels are starting to get steeper and I am gaining momentum. I am draining into the heart of the pyramid faster now and I can no longer hear the strange hissing voice of the sea creature who pierced my heart.

If I had been chosen… who chose me? The priest who slew me? That seems unlikely. No one knew of the creature until recently and certainly he had not broken his staff, called the rains, and assumed the mantle of high priest until the last few years had arrived. So who had chosen me? Was it the chrysalis? The priests claimed they had heard its voice, that it answered their prayers. And the amphibian new-comer claimed that the 4th age was coming… that the chrysalis would soon awaken and save the world- that the first cracks would soon appear.

I do not know how much longer I have. Eventually the channels will end. Will it be the end of me too? What lies at the center of this pyramid? Where am I going?

If I have only a short time left should I not enjoy my last moments? I bring my favoured memory to mind. That smile, so long ago, in the ancient counting room when I first saw my beloved’s smile. I am blood only and have no mouth, no eyes, no dry and papery wrinkles to smile with anymore but still, somehow, I smile. Where is my beloved now? With the passing of the years she must now be dead. Am I not dead? Does that mean I will soon be with her?

The channels are almost vertical now. I am running down the vertical tubes like some crimson tsunami; I cannot be stopped now. Suddenly the channel opens and I am suspended in mid-air, coursing from a hole in the roof of some deep subterranean room in the center of the great pyramid.

Below me, of all things, lies the sacred obsidian chrysalis. My blood is falling upon it. Around it, holding candles are humans and amphibian creatures. They are robed in black and red and purple and green, They are humming a low non-harmonious drone. They appear anxious, afraid, excited and anticipatory. I have no time to wonder why.

One last second before I fall upon the chrysalis. One valuable little shard of time, the last moment of my long, strange life. My dear one. Silhouetted in a doorway. Blinking away the shadows. Her eyes fall upon me. She smiles.

My bloody existence… the last of what I am strikes the black reflective surface of the chrysalis.

… A crack appears.

… The moment has come.

… There is no more waiting.

…and deep within… a sleeping form… awakens… and smiles… a familiar smile.
Orders sent.
Orders coming late Saturday
If anyone has researched construction and can make some nice items/armour/weapons, and is willing to sell them, please send me a PM with what you can offer and what you are asking for each item.

Spoiler :
The Travels of Kyzarc cont.
Spoiler :

After recovering from the overdose of vodka Kyzarc and Aara left Bogarus and continued west, entering the fabled Jotunheim, land of giants. They crossed the border on the 12th of (month), 21 AF, only 5 years after the Jotunheim and Nieflheim were united by the greatest son of Niefel. They entered this frozen land in the hope of avoiding any of these giants and searching for Kathnesjac in peace.

“Aara, we’re starting to run low on supplies. We may have to enter one of the Vaettir villages. I don’t know how we will be received there, they may attack us on sight or they may report us to a giant, but we don’t have much choice.” Kyzarc said to Aara one night over the campfire. “In case they are hostile I have heard that they fear fire, if this proves true then I have something that might work,” and Kyzarc pulled an 8 foot length of rope from his bag, at one end there was knot.

“What’s that?” Aara asked.

“You will find out soon enough.” Kyzarc replied, Aara didn’t seem satisfied with that but she kept quiet. They slept and broke camp at dawn, getting an early start to the nearby village.

They hiked the 3 miles to the nearest village, making fast time through the new snow. Aara, in leopard form, growled at Kyzarc questioningly as they stood outside the town gate. “Yes Aara, we are going in. We have very little food left.” Kyzarc sighed, looking at the town apprehensively, “I don’t like this any more then you do.” He strode to the gate and knocked sharply on the weather-beaten wood. A croaking voice came from behind the gate; “Yes, who is it at such an unholy hour?”

“My name is Zenar, we’re travelers hoping to resupply before continuing on our way.” Kyzarc replied. A wooden slat was pulled aside at stomach height and an eye appeared. Kyzarc looked down and kneeled so he was level with the eye. “Where are the rest of you? You said we. And it is five coppers to enter. Each.” The voice said warily. “I said we? Sorry, I lost my brother recently and we were traveling together…” Kyzarc began to sound choked up. He then went on “Five you said? Here” and Kyzarc pulled out a small purse and took five small coins out, dropping through a small slot. The gate slowly creaked open. “Thank you and enjoy your stay here in Niefelbjorn.” the voice said dryly. Kyzarc turned to the voice and saw an elderly vaetti. Kyzarc nodded to Aara and they walked through. The watchman looked in alarm at the 300 pound snow leopard walking calmly through the gate “What! You didn’t mention a… a… a whatever that thing is! You can’t bring that into the village! What if it attacks someone?” the vaetti stuttered angrily, edging away from Aara. Kyzarc turned to her and said “Really? Aara, would you be so kind as to stay outside? You seem to frighten them.” Aara turned and walked out haughtily. “Is that better?” Kyzarc asked. The vaetti continued staring at Aara as she padded to a snow bank and lay down “Hm? Oh, yes. You can enter” and he turned to the gate mechanism. Kyzarc walked into the waking town and headed to a general store. He knocked on the door as nearby houses started to light up.

Ten minutes later:

Kyzarc backed into the middle of the road, facing an angry mob of vaettir. “Okay, you all seem very upset, but how was I to know that it wasn’t supposed to bend that way?” The vaettir ignored his protestations and a few drew weapons. “Let’s not get hasty here, I just wanted supplies, I have them now, I’m leaving. No need to viciously rip me apart in a fit of rage.” Kyzarc started backing down the street, turned, and saw more vaetti between him and the gate. They had swords and clubs drawn, one of the vaetti broke off and ran towards the castle. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this.” Kyzarc reached into his pack and pulled out the rope. He spoke a quick word and the hard ball of cloth lit on fire, causing the vaettir to stop for a moment. “One last time, before someone gets hurt; will you let me go?” The vaettir started to advance on him, surrounding him on all sides. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you” and Kyzarc began spinning the rope around him, the flaming ball moving slowly, then faster, then faster. A vaetti leaped at him from behind and got hit in the face by the ball. The flame was on his face and he ran away screaming. Two more jumped and they were both wrapped in the rope for a brief second and set alight. Kyzarc started to swing it at unbelievably high speeds, the flaming ball a mere blur. Kyzarc’s body ducked and weaved, always in motion but always in one spot. The vaettir began to back off, fear of the flame filling their eyes. Kyzarc danced his way towards the vaettir between him and the gate. The vaettir fell back from the streaking fire, the slower ones getting hit and set on fire. Kyzarc had a clear path between him and the gate when a roar boomed out from the town’s castle; the giant jarl was awake. The rope somehow managed to speed up. It flicked out momentarily and wrapped around a lever near the gate, pulling it. The gate swung ponderously open as massive footsteps thundered towards Kyzarc. Kyzarc stopped dancing and sprinted through the gate yelling for Aara, “Aara, we’ve got to leave! Now!”

Aara looked up briefly; saw Kyzarc running, a horde of vaettir, and a massive giant. She started padding off to their camp. Kyzarc sprinted past her and yelled “FASTER!” as he ran towards the nearby hills. The giant ran after them, battleaxe drawn. Kyzarc began chanting under his breath nervously and eldritch flames appeared around his body. He stopped chanting, turned around, and tossed the fire towards the giant. The fire hit the ground and spread into an almost imperceptible layer across the sparse vegetation, the giant continued running and as he passed over this ground his feet slipped out from under him, sending him to the ground. Aara turned into a human, placed her hands onto the ground and also began chanting. Light poured from her hands into the ground and spread into the earth, the rays snaking across the ground. The beams slowly coalesced into one massive, blinding beam of light that shot across the surface of the ground straight towards the prone giant. The giant started to pull himself to his feet when the beam struck him. He collapsed heavily, head crashing to the ground, his eyes closed. Massive snores erupted from his mouth, shaking nearby trees. They breathed heavily for a few minutes, the Vaettir who were following stopped on the other side of the giant and stared at them in fear and wonder.

They stumbled back to camp exhausted, barely managing to cover their trail. For the next week they stayed in camp, too tired to do anything but eat and sleep. They then headed south.

Travels of Kyzarc part 3
Spoiler :

27 AF, 23rd of (month), Agartha

After leaving Jotunheim relatively unharmed, Kyzarc and Aara traveled south to the land of Ulm, passing through Agartha and meeting some of the surviving Pale Ones.

“Honored one.” Kyzarc bowed deeply to the giant in front of him. He hissed at Aara; “Bow!” The Pale One smiled as Aara bowed, “It’s not often that we see the respect we once held. I remember, a thousand years ago, my father sitting me on his knee and telling me of the days when we ruled this world… Now look at us; forced into either bowing to these cursed frost giant upstarts or hiding in our few remaining caves…” He said sadly, then he shook his head to clear such thoughts “But you did not come to here me speak of my people’s woes, what did you wish to know?”

“Honored one, before the frost giants conquered your peaceful land did a traveler pass through these lands?” Kyzarc asked, sitting cross legged on the ground. “He would have been about my height and weight, probably looking like he was running from something and not staying here for long.”

The Pale One laughed, “You ask about a traveler? Do you know how many refugees have entered our lands to escape the wars to the south and west? Thousands, many thousands, and most of them keep on running.” Kyzarc looked disappointed and stood up to leave. “I am greatly sorry to have wasted your time Honored One.”

The giant raised a hand and said “I never said I didn’t see him, he came before me in much the same manner as you and asked me a question.” Kyzarc sat down again, “What did he ask?” he asked excitedly. “‘What is wrong with my brother?’ I didn’t know the answer and told him so. He got up to leave just like you and I stopped him before he left. I told him that he would find an answer in Ulm, it wouldn’t be the final answer but it would be the next step. If you wish to find your traveler you should go to Ulm, Lord Kyzarc. You may leave.” The ancient Pale One motioned for Kyzarc to leave.

While they were leaving Aara asked Kyzarc “How did he know your name?” and Kyzarc replied “The Pale Ones know many things, I suspect that they have limited presience but I’ve never met one before now and don’t know.”

28 AF, 31st of (month), Ulm

Kyzarc sat on a fence, watching a smith beat out a glowing piece of metal. Aara came up “Don’t you think we should be leaving soon? We don’t want to loose the trail again.” Kyzarc continued at the smith, watching as the hammer went up and streaking down to hit the steel. “Hypnotic isn’t it? I’ve never seen the idea of using solid sheets of metal as armor before; I wonder how they make joints work?” He shook himself and turned to Aara. “You think we should leave? I doubt we’ll lose the trail; he’s not exactly trying to cover it very well. Besides, the beer is good. I’d say we’re about three months behind him now.” He turned back to the forge. “And the question he asked the Pale One probably means he’s searching for an herbalist or a magician. I can’t think of many magicians from Ulm and only one herbalist.” He started speaking almost to himself, “It’s strange, I’ve encountered magic most of my life and the places we’ve traveled to have been full of it; Caelum’s birdmen, Bogarus’ wizards, Jotunheim’s giants, but I’ve never met a place so, so lacking in it. I would’ve thought that life would be difficult without it, but the people seem to prosper…” He snapped out of it “But you’re right, times a wastin, we should continue. Onwards and westwards we go, to the capital!” He jumped off the wall, grabbed his pack and started down the road.

28 AF, 9th of (month), Ulm

They wandered Ulm for several months, every time they reached a new town they would be told that Kathnesjac was long gone, but each time they were slightly closer. Soon they were only a month behind, then a week, then a day. They wind up in a port city near the Man border.

“What do you mean ‘gone’? When did he leave?” Kyzarc said, almost shouting at the bemused clerk. “H-he just left, on a b-boat this morning at…” the clerk stammered and he looked through a logbook, “5:00. He left on a visiting Marignon ship, the Vasco. He paid in cash, these strange blank golden discs. Please, that’s all I know!” The clerk started pleading. Kyzarc started to settle down, “Where is it going and what the next ship that goes there?” Kyzarc said sharply. “The Dallbat is leaving in ten minutes; you might catch it if you hurry!” The clerk pointed at the door nervously. Kyzarc walked out the door angrily, Aara dropped a coin on the counter then followed.

The clerk shuddered in relief as they walked out the door and turned back to his account books. A few minutes later another figure entered and the clerk looked up, any relief he felt from Kyzarc leaving quickly drained away. “You did what I said?” The clerk nodded slowly. “Good, I’ve got what I need from here. Tell me, what is the next ship that goes to Mictlan?”

Spoiler :

34 AF, 18th of (month)

Qui Jan, a Mage of the Blackened Star, is currently teaching a small group of students at the Well of White Water and wasn’t enjoying the experience. “For the last time Kym, magic is not a toy so stop with the silly tricks and concentrate!” he spoke loudly, the student identified as Kym nodded meekly and dispelled a minor illusion he was showing a friend.

Jan glared at the rest of the assembled students and continued “Good. As I was saying; the reason I brought you here was to show you the proper method of channeling raw mana. Now watch closely.” He walked to the edge of the glowing pool and spread his arms wide. He began chanting and as he did so glowing essence left the pool and started to form vague shapes around his head, shapes that twisted and turned through the air. Feelings of ecstatic power ripped through his mind and grounded themselves onto various amulets he wore. He felt his body shaking, power ripping through it and his senses became hyper sensitive, seeing individual pores on Kym’s cheek, hearing the individual ripples as they distorted the water. He slowly shut off the torrent of magical energy entering his form and concentrated it into a single milky crystal not much larger than a watermelon and forcing it down even more, so it became the size of a large diamond about an inch across.

As he finished he heard gasps of amazement from the students. “And that’s how you channel magic, remember that it requires extreme…” He stopped when he realized that noone was listening. “What? Is there something behind m-” He glanced down and saw thirty feet of blank space under him. “What the hell?” There was a stunned silence for several minutes. Kane l“Noone move, I’m going to inform Stheran” and he made a few passes through the air, resulting in a small image appearing, annoyed voices came through. He called through it, “Milord, is this a bad time? I wouldn’t normally call you like this but there is something you should see. As you know, we’ve been trying to achieve flight for quite some time now. I think we might have the answer. It would be easier if you just saw” and he rotated the image so it looked downwards. There was highly excited shouting from the other end “I know milord. Yes milord. No milord. I’m not sure milord, I was channeling mana to show the students and it happened. The main thing is now we have proof that it is possible. I’ll return immediately milord.”

He dismissed the image and turned to the students, “Okay, now for some practical magic. You are all to return to the academy as fast as possible, using any means necessary, magic or mundane. The first one there will be rewarded suitably; all others will be graded according to how much longer it takes you to get there. Go.” The students looked at each other confusedly and scattered, various spells being cast as they went. Jan sneered at them as they left, “Students… Immature brats that don't know life isn't fun and games...” He made another pass through the air and sped straight towards the palace, seriously confusing some birds. A single word trailed out behind him, “Weeeeeeeee!!!”

Of Monks and Men
Spoiler :

37 AF, 6th of Guavens
Stheran trudged up the hill, silently cursing Jan. Why could Jan fly but he couldn’t? Soon though it won’t matter, Jan’s experience at the Well led them far closer to the answer than they had been. Then they all would be able to, the wizards promised only a few more months and the millions of gold pieces that he’s spent on this would pay off… But in the meantime he was stuck going to the monastery on foot. It’s been over 40 years since he and his brothers had last been here, 40 long years… But now with the expansion of the empire running smoothly, the wizards that he had to personally train training their own apprentices, and foreign affairs all in order he finally was able to sneak away from his nonstop guards and endless meetings long enough to come here. Here being the monastery where Kyzarc had trained for half his life whilst Stheran and Kathnesjac were learning magic and philosophy in universities. What good is that training doing him? For 35 years he’s been searching for Kath and he’s not gotten any closer. Useless… Ah, good, the top. Finally.
Stheran walked to the front gate of the monastery, a giant teak door twenty feet tall, and knocked. “Honored Monks? It is I, Stheran, and I come to you humbly.” The door creaked open and a monk wearing simple robes greeted him, “Honored lord, it is us who are humbled. We weren’t expecting you.” Stheran smiled, “Why should I come when I am expected? If I did that then I would never made it as far as we have. Could I please meet with the Master of this academy?”
The monk led him to a small courtyard where an elderly monk was teaching some young neophytes. The neophytes were kicking up into the air and spinning with incredible speed. The monk who guided Stheran spoke quickly and quietly to the elderly monk. The older monk looked at Stheran with a critical eye and stood up. “That is the conclusion of this lesson, you are to now go to brother Lal, he will continue your training.” And he motioned the younger monk to leave.
“My name is Sheng Ji Yang. Lord Stheran, why is it you come alone? I’ve not seen your brother since we trained him here and wish to talk with him.” He saw a look of sorrow pass Stheran’s face, “He’s currently… Unable to come, I’ve sent him on an errand and I’m expecting him back soon. He told me to send his regards and that the skills he was taught here have helped him in his current quest. But I came here to discuss something entirely different. As you know, right now the world is plunged in chaos. Many different people have risen and conquered huge areas outside their homelands. It is only a matter of time before this chaos spreads to our lands, lands that brave men died to free from tyrants. We have a great deal of raw military strength but we need finesse if we are to stay free and protect our borders from foreign invasion. I propose that you send several of your great monks and teachers to help train our men. There won’t be many at first but they can train others in this and eventually dozens will become hundreds which will become thousands. This force will save thousands of lives by stopping battles from occurring. They will take out key members of the enemy military hierarchy and paralyze enemy regiments.”
Yang thought about this in silence for several minutes. Eventually he responded with one word; “Yes”.
Crap. That'll teach me to forget about scouting orders. Öü.

Oh, and BTW, I'm BACK! (Back from the nerdliest location possible - the National Junior Classical League convention. I did awesome. [/brag]).
I need orders for Shinuyama and Jotunheim.
For Shinuyama, I'd like to get at least preliminary orders (movements and fights - spending requires less time to do) soon so I could post the update on monday or tuesday at worst.
A reminder about navies movements:
Since several players have asked me to do things impossible with their navies, I'd like to repeat the movement rules:
Navies move 3 provinces and can carry 8 units (more with better tech).
Picking up armies from one or more land province around their current naval province counts as 1 move (so picking from 2 provinces is jsut 1 move).
Moving is 1 move.
Disembarking is 1 move.
So embarking, moving, disembarking is 1 move.
Land units need 1 move to embark, 1 to disembark.
So except for cavalry which have 3 moves, your average infantry cannot move to a harbour province, embark and disembark in one turn, nor can they embark, disembark and move to another province.
Otherwise said, although navies allow to move quite fast, naval expeditions (invasions) require your troops to be at the harbour where you want them to embark on the turn you want to make your move.
Orders partially sent.

(AFAICT there's nothing wrong with my naval movements based on that last post, am I right?)
Orders, part 2, sent.
The magics known by the pretender and the effect of his dominion will have an impact on the abilities of some of your elite, "sacred", troops. For instance a god skilled in Fire magic will bless his holiest warriors with greater attack skill and maybe even flaming weapons.

Pretender Magic Bless
If your pretender has strong magic paths, you will get extra effects on your sacred troops if they are blessed by priests.
The effects are gained with level 2 of magic, and get stronger with higher levels. An extra effect happens at level 4 (only inside your dominion) or 5 (everywhere).
Fire: 2+ bonus to attack skill. 4/5: Flaming weapons.
Air: 2+ protection from missiles. 4/5: Partial protection from lightning.
Water: 2+ bonus to defense (dodge). 4/5: Extra speed (boosts attack and defense, move faster, tire faster)
Earth: 2+ reinvigoration (tires less). 4/5: Boost to existing armor.
Nature: 2+ regeneration. 4/5: Berserk.
Death: 2+ cause more afflictions (nasty wounds) 4/5: Death weapons (a bit like flaming weapons but magic and can be resisted if strong magic resistance)
Astral: 2+ extra magic resistance. 4/5: Twist fate (negates first hit suffered in combat)
Blood: 2+ extra strength. 4/5: Death curse (Slain blessed units curse their killer)

Cost in gems to increase one mage's level in one path (empowerment) is:
From level 0 to 1: Costs 25 mana. 1 to 2: 20 mana. 2 to 3: 30 mana. 3 to 4: 40 mana. 4 to 5: 50 mana.
Empowerment takes one full turn (no moving, searching or hatever-else-ing for that mage except defending against attacks during that update).

Can we empower pretenders so that they get new magic blesses?
No. Empowerment doesn't grant extra bless powers.
(Otherwise, picking good scales and empowering as time passes would have been the only viable strategy)
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