Dominion NES

I haven't received orders from Vertinari118, so I'm NPC'ing Jotunheim this turn and will update shortly.
Note: Players will be receiving detailed stats by e-mail.

Death and birth of gods.

The recent years have been very quiet in some places. Nothing special happened in Jotunheim, except for the fact a pair of wandering Arshnoc mages crossed the country after drinking too much vodka. Lanka has been even more quiet, and it is not known what the monkeys are planning, although it's becoming clear now that monkeys aren't Lanka's real ruling class. Their nobility is made of creatures looking like men or beastmen. They don't interact much with strangers, so very little is known about them.
Things were much more busy in other parts of the world however.

In Shinuyama province of Manchuria, a series of accidents has caused many shaft mines to collapse, causing the death of several people. This series of strangely unlucky events has been traced back to an old hermit who was found guilty of cursing the miners.
After he was arrested, the accidents stopped, but the mining infrastructure of the province has been severely damaged.

In Seul, Miners have struck the mother lode, bringing extra gold to the government chests.
Arshnoc priests built a temple in Baikal. The population participated in the construction of the building, donating time and money to get the most beautiful temple ever built.
In T'ien Ch'i, several nobles who secretly supported Arshnoc regime and didn't help fight against them decided to join Arshnoc armies. They hired a fleet of ships and equipped themselves with their ancestral war chariots to help Stheran in his glorious deeds.
Meanwhile, Arshnoc armies invaded Man Ch'i. Their numeric superiority and the strength of their celestial hounds ensured victory, but the magic hounds have been seriously depleted during the battle.
Spoiler :

Celestial hounds tear down Man Ch'i soldiers

The Inquisition has decided to purge the land of all unbelievers and heretics. Although most of the purge happened in Marignon, the priestly authorities hunted heretics in the whole empire.
Many people were imprisoned, summarily judged and burnt. As a result, the population has become much more submissive to the Church for fear of punishment.
Unfortunately, as zealous inquisitors in Man were taking down a menhir where superstitious peasants were said to perform unhloy and forbidden rites, they uncovered the entry of a tunnel complex. The inquisitors who were sent there didn't come back, so the priests decided to purify the tunnels with fire. Soon, they saw smoke emerge from several places in the hills, and it was not long before huge creatures rose from these holes in the ground.
Disturbed by the smoke, these huge creatures attacked the priests and started ravaging the surface. The militia had to be called to contain them. The creatures have retreated in their underground complex but they are reported to come out by night to kill people. The population is afraid and expects the government to send troops to get rid of the troglodytes.

Vanheim armies invade Helheim. The Helhirdings had raised a small army of slaves, flanked by a few horsemen and some van infantry. Svartalfar supported them with fire flies and stone throws.
Vanir wyverns attacked the slaves from the skies and soon cave drakes and skinshifters engaged them, while hirdmen attacked Helheim van infantry.
Valkyries flanked the army and took out the svartalfar, then came back at the vanir and slaves, who were surrounded and slaughtered.
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Vanheim attacks Helheim

Valkyries fly past the main army to kill enemy wizards

In the shadow of the great monolith, an ancient beggar has been rambling about how today's smiths no longer knew how to work the black steel, and that during his young days, everything was so much better.
Nobody paid attention at first, but a blacksmith wizard decided to test the old man. He invited him to his smithy and asked him to show how he worked metals during his youth. To the smith's great surprise, the old beggar proved to surpass him. He could forge swords sharper than any other.
The smith asked the beggar to teach him his secrets, and the old man started doing so but died before all his forgotten knowledge could be passed to his pupil.
In the province of Bavaria, Ermorian cultists have risen from the population, and they started turning freshly buried corpses into ghouls to attack the local Ulmsih authorities.
Without any organised militia, the province risked getting out of control. As news of the uprising reached the ears of the army stationed in Ermor, some feudal lords decided to leave the army and move north to take care of the Bavarian problem. They moved quickly and managed to kill the cultists and most of the ghouls, but a few undead have escaped and the province remains unsafe, as many Ermor worshippers still lurked there.
One of them was captured, and he warned the Ulmish nobles:
Ermorian cultist said:
Becursed! Ermorian alchemists and necromancers are going to destroy Ulm and restore Ermor's grandeur! You shall not keep the land you stole from mighty emperor Tiberius! Ermor shall take back what's rightfully theirs, and they'll free Bavaria from your rule.
Ulm knights quickly killed the man as he kept rambling.

Meanwhile, Ulm armies joined from Ermor and Sauromatia to invade Ulm.
In slavia, the emperor had levied all troops he could muster, and freed many gladiators to fight for him.
In the back of the armies, Tiberius Drusus Nero Claudius and his thaumaturgs cast spells to reanimate undead. Ulm soldiers were afraid to realise that the Ermorians raised far more skeletons than they did in Ermor.
What's more, Ermor fielded only a few longdead horsemen on their right wing, but they also had four huge, decaying pachyderms, undead behemoths towering on their left wing.

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Ulm armies join in the north of Slavia

Ermorian gladiators, militia and legions face the invaders, their thaumaturgs and emperor ready to cast spells

Ulm infantry advanced and met the gladiators and velites, and with the support of their crossbowmen, started hacking and piercing and killing the opponents.
But as they killed them, Ermorian thaumaturgs raised skeletons to fight with them, and the emperor used pearls of mana to heal all of his troops on the battlefield.
Ulm knights charged, and the left wing easily defeated the longdead skeletons. On the right wing, they met the huge behemoths and didn't fare that well. The huge monsters were extremely resistant and trampled the knights, sending their horses in a panic.
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Ulm and Ermor armies clash

Behemoths trample knights while the emperor heals his troops.

The behemoths routed Ulm's right wing, and then attacked the center infantry while skeletons in the rear pushed forward towards the sappers.
Ulm infantry was surrounded and slaughtered, while the remaining knights and sappers fled the battlefield.
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Behemoths defeat Ulm's right wing

Ulm infantry gets surrounded by undead forces

In the end, only one of the four monstrous behemoths remained, and the emperor and his mages had burnt much mana on the battlefield, but Ermor was victorious.
The surviving gladiators left the battlefield and Ulm surviving armies retreated into Ermor.

Merchants from Mictlan have been trading with people all over the world. They trade with each and every other known nation, and this makes Mictlan's capital the most important trade center in the world, where people from all cultures meet.
This boosts further Mictlan's capital influence, resulting in an increase of gold and stability.
In Jaguar Jungle, diseases broke out near the fever fens. As a result, many people fled the province and moved to Mictlan, hoping the place would be better for them to thrive, for particularly good omens have been reported there:
The Obsidian Mantis has broken free of its Chrysalis. Mictlan priests performed human sacrifices under the guidance of their new amphibian Rain priest, and the god awoke, impressing all the population with its might. Slightly taller than a man, the god that was born looks like a huge stone insect, whose facetted eyes glimmer with intelligence.

At the same time as the Chrysalis spawned a new god, Sagra, the ancient glyph of fire imprisoned ages ago by the Pantocrator, cames out of the huge volcano known as the Smouldercone and broke free. To the call of the glyph, Abysians regrouped all their armies in Abysia where Mictlan troops had arrived by ship some time ago, and they decided to invade C'tis.

Mictlan and Abysian armies waited for reinforcements coming by ship from Cyprus, while other Mictlan troops crossed the desert of a hundred tombs to attack C'tis from the west.
It proved to be exceedingly difficult to coordinate the movement of all these armies. Abysians realised that waiting for the ships would delay the attack for too long.
As a result, the Abysian/Mictlanese attack was badly coordinated.
In the west, armies arrived through the desert and joined other troops arriving by ship in the northwest of C'tis.
C'tisian troops, knowing an attack was coming, moved first and caught them before they could join with the main body of Abysian/Mictlanese troops.
The good thing for Mictlan and Abysia is that this allowed the slave armies from Cyprus to land on C'tisian coasts and join the main army. The bad things are that they would have to fight C'tis with diminished troops in the west, and if their western troops were defeated, the eastern army would have to wade through C'tisian bogs to reach the lizardmen army...

Thus it happened that in the west, a huge army of giant jaguar toads, ferried by slaves and eagle warriors, reached C'tis only to be met by an equally large lizardman army.
Spoiler :

Mictlan slaves attack lizardman milita

The toads charged the slingers and some of the infantry, while slaves faced animated lizard skeletons. However, four huge behemoths, like those who fought for Ermor against Ulm, faced the toads.
The jaguar toads managed to deal a lot of damage to C'tis poison slingers, who were quite ineffective against the toads.
The behemoths were vastly outnumbered by the toads, but there was no priest to bless the giant toads, and their weapons were ineffective against the giant rotting pachyderms: The undead monsters were immune to poison and the toads couldn't trample them. In fact, they were the ones being trampled. Their claws didn't prove very effective without a priest's blessing.
Mictlan slaves were hindered by Sslaah's magic, and got killed easily by C'tis living and unliving warriors. Soon, they fled, abandoning the battlefield to a few diseased eagle warriors and a horde of powerless jaguar toads.
Spoiler :

Behemoths trample giant toads

It was a butchery. The eagle warriors all died valiantly, but unable to fly they were not very effective. Slaves routed or dies, and jaguar toads were trampled, then tried fleeing but were so slow they were easily picked by the lizardmen.
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Jaguar toads can't run or hop fast enough to save their lives

Mictlan's western army was annihilated.

Sslaah, the lizard lich ruling C'tis, didn't choose to push his advantage into the desert to recover his lost lands, but ordered his army to move southeastwards to face the Abysians and protect his capital.
The first battle against Mictlan had cost him several undead warriors, some militia, and most of his poison slingers, but C'tis magic powers were intact.

As the second battle of C'tis began, Abysian demondreds shot fire bolts at the behemoths, and, along with Mictlan's wizard priests, they banished the undead as C'tisians reanimated them.
One couatl was hit by a stray sling bullet, and got enraged. He turned berserk and flew over to melee the C'tisian army. He was soon cut to pieces, but other couatls and Micltan priests kept their temper.
The eagle warriors attacked the rear of the enemy, disrupting their spellcasters rituals. Wizards and undead managed to kill them, but couldn't reanimate undead during that time.

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Abysian demonbreds shoot fire bolts at the behemoths

Eagle warriors attack C'tis wizards

The rest of the battle was a vast melee, with C'tisian soldiers and Mictlan slaves falling by the hundreds. Many jaguar warriors and humanbred died in the fight too, while abysian heavy infantry cut through their opponents with little losses.

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Abysian and Mictlan troops are grinding down the enemy

Sslaah keeps fighting to the death

In the end, C'tis army was routed, and Sslaah was slain by a jaguar warrior. Mictlan and Abysian soldiers had won the battle.

However, when the victorious army reached Sslaah's palace, they saw the saurolich had miraculously resurrected, and the C'tisian god led his last wizards and priests in a last fight, surrounding himself in a shield of fire and hardening his skin to the likeness of stone, Sslaah fought once more.
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Sslaah's last stand

Once again, the superior numbers of Micltan and Abysian allies defeated the lizardmen, and Sslaah was killed again.
The province is now controlled by the Abysians, while the Mictlanese lick their wounds. All signs of the worship of Slaah have been removed, and the priests burnt by the abysians.
As the lizard god's power wanes, the stinking marshes are slowly becoming saner, and the miasma that caused so many diseases among the invading troops are vanishing.

New map:
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I like the icon for the Ermor emperor. I never noticed it before. He looks lazy.
I'll try to get orders in asap, but don't expect them until saturday. I'm sending some vague outlinings now, since I'm leaving for Brussels for 4 days.
Can you empower multiple levels (from earth 1 to earth 2 to earth 3) in one turn if you have the mana?

Can you empower multiple levels (from earth 1 to earth 2 to earth 3) in one turn if you have the mana?

No. One level per turn.
I'd like to stress out again that empowering is the least efficient way of increasing magic levels. It's the only way to get from 0 to 1, and it's also the only way to gain many (up to 5) levels. However, researching Construction would let you forge boosters that grant 1 additional level for much much cheaper, and you can probably boost up to 2 levels using magic items which will cost less in terms of gems and can be switched from one mage to another.
I'm mostly interested in getting a guy who can search for sites i can't already search for which means getting access to new magic paths.

Well huzzah. I was able to deal with immigration faster than I had expected I could. I can play again if you will have me.
Well huzzah. I was able to deal with immigration faster than I had expected I could. I can play again if you will have me.

Of course, you're welcome. I was feeling the south continent lacked human players. I'm not sure I sent you the last stats. I'll do this later.

To all, I'd like to get orders for sunday (saturday's even better but don't rush).
Glad to see you back Nutranurse- this makes my next course of action much easier to decide.

What happened with immigration anyway?

I'll send you an e-mail.
Well apparently I had sent off my stuff months before (MONTHS before), but they lost it and were about to deny me from getting my citizenship for another few years. But they found all the stuff and I got to heckle them a bit.
for which country? and where are you from?

America and I am from Jamaica.
i'm moving to USA too... august 10th.

Orders shall ascend to heaven soon.
Here are some clarifications about the effects of magic.
Wizards everywhere in the world have started unearthing the secrets of magic long held only by the now dead Pantocrator and his minions.

First level magic (not all listed here is available to everybody, some is only available if you have air mages, some to water mages etc. but the knowledge is now quite widespread):

Conjuration: this allows summoning of beings like wyverns (winged lizards/small dragons) or drakes (huge lizards or small land dragons) of various kinds (breathing fire, water or just being thick as rock).

Alteration: Allows air shields to protect from arrows, better aiming, personal luck or resistance of wizard to elements.

Evocation: Flame bolts, lightning bolts, vine arrows cast on the battlefield

Construction: Magic items, bringing luck or increasing defense or some minor research boosters.

Enchantment: Reanimating undead on the battlefield or before battle (like summons). Apparently higher levels of Enchantment allow reanimating them in greater numbers, and the behemoths used by C'tis and Ermor are likely Enchantment 2 death rituals. Personal magic resistance, minor healing magic.

Thaumaturgy: Mind magic, causing fear or extreme bravery (berserk) in small groups, or burning mind of an enemy with astral magic on the battlefield. Also very useful for reliably finding magic sites from afar. Some mages have started emitting theories that magic sites are equally widespread all over the world, contradicting the evidence offered by manual site searches.

Finally, there is evidence that Alchemy is possible: Using magic to transform base metals into gold. This would require the knowledge of Construction or Enchantment magic, and some additional research.

Finally to make it very clear, all these effects are on the battlefield, except for magic items and summons (and even then, enchantment reanimation is mostly a battlefield thing).
Rituals targetting other provinces haven't yet been researched. Although you can always try, and may stumble upon some such spells at levels 2 to 4, typically Evocation 5 is required if you want to burn down your opponents' armies in a far-away province from your home province.
Orders sent.
Orders sent.
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