Dominion NES

Waiting for orders from Abysia, Vanheim, Jotunheim. Note that I won't wait for Jotunheim since Vertinari118 hasn't accessed cfc for a while so may not be able to send in orders.
I'll have mine sent in the next few minutes.
Orders Sent
I still haven't got orders from Abysia and Jotunheim.

If I haven't received them within 18 hours, I'll NPC both nations this turn again.
Expect update tomorrow.

I'm going to ask you to send orders for saturdays from now on, with the goal of having them sent by friday nights in september, so I can work on the updates during the week-ends rather than have to finish theml on sunday and monday nights.
I'm also asking you all to be as precise as possible in your orders.
Namely: If you want to move an army, don't say I move one XXX unit, but one XXX unit from province Z, unless XXX is a named character/unit like your Pretender, and even if you only have one XXX unit.
Also don't expect me to remember orders from previous turns. If you plan movements over several turns with whatever logistic they take, make sure to give all movement orders of all units which are supposed to move in your orders.
I'm also probably going to decide that wizards who haven't explicitly received an order to research, forge, preach or whatever, will play golf in their laboratory instead of doing specific work, so make sure you remember to give them orders or I will forget them too when doing the update.
Note: Players will be receiving detailed stats by e-mail.

Of monsters and fire rains

Magic research has now reached levels where the open borders agreements start leaking hints about magic (half research points scattered here and there).

Abysia and Jotunheim are quiet places for the moment, and little is known about what Sagra and Magni may be doing, although some talk of magicians researching new spells in both countries.

In Ulm southern provinces, Bavarian knights patrolled and got rid of as many cultists and Ermor worshippers as they could, thereby lowering the support and dominion of Ermor in the province. For the first time, more Bavarians worship Ulm's monolith than Ermor's emperor.

In Midgard, people celebrate the might of Thordai the thunder and many manifestations of faith are held trhoughout the country.

Tir na n'Og craftsmen are becoming extraordinarily productive thanks to the intervention of leprechauns who help them during the night. These leprechauns, known to perform some tricks in the past, are now less prone to mischief and more to productive work.

Things have been less quiet in Marignon
In Marverni, old mines have been reopened which had been abandoned. The old miners said they were no longer able to extract tin from the mines and it was closed, but the inquisitors ordered them to reopen the mines. On the first week, the miners only extracted worthless stones. On the second week, they extracted gold. On the third week, it was tin. On the fourth, it was a strange mineral that wizards called raw mana.
The mines were soon exploited again, providing both money and magic to the state.
A powerful magical ritual is taking place in the innermost chambers of the Palace of the Marignon; it is rumoured that at least two of their most powerful wizard-priests are working almost constantly.
Magical reagents and other necessities are being transported in large amounts to the palace in the capital city.
Rumour has it that the ritual is supposed to deal with a recent event that has been described as 'hindering the plans of the Grand Inquisitor'.
Most people believe this to concern the troglodyte attacks, since the Inquisitor himself is rumoured to be in Man.
Indeed, the Great Inquisitor himself moved to Man and entered the caves with pikemen and wizard priests to investigate the problems caused by the troglodytes.
It didn't take long for the exploration party to meet the troglodytes. They thought their long pikes would be enough to repel the monsters, but the troglodytes were huge and apparently mindless. Even though the first ranks were hit by the pikes, the back rows pushed them forward and they trampled Marignon infantry. Despite the Inquisitors' magic, the monsters had the advantage of seeing in darkness, and Marignon soldiers were slaughtered.
Spoiler :

Marignon soldiers are slaughtered in the caves

The wizards, seeing the fate that awaited them in the dark caves, ran for their lives.
Once outside, the Great Inquisitor ordered his knights and priests to stand ready in case the monsters would get out, and get out they did.
The knights of the Inquisition charged them, helped by fire magic, but their valiance was not enough to stand against the numerous huge monsters. Seeing the desperate fight of the knights, the friars charged the monsters, their sacrifice granting more time for the wizards to cast just enough spells to rout the monsters. As they tried to retreat into their caves, the Great Inquisitor and his mages burnt their minds and cast fire darts, managing to get rid of the troglodytes.
Spoiler :

Knights fight the troglodytes

The last knight and friars sacrifice themselves to allow wizards to cast decisive spells

The province now seems safe, but Marignon troops lost a lot in the fights.

In Lanka, necromancers tried to reanimate elephant corpses but didn't manage to control their creation, which got feral and turned against their creators. Lanka troops managed to kill the monster, but the wizards who created it died.
In Gath, bandar gorillas decided to join the army in celebration for the building of a new temple.
Lanka troops invaded Hinnom mountains and defeated the giants and human armies thanks to their elephants.

A ruined Arshnoc horse breeder has decided to try to make up for his losses by buying Jotunheim sheep and breeding htem himself. He's soon become successful and is now thriving, his small flock having quickly grown. Seeing this, several other Arshnoc peasants decided to raise sheep, and the province soon became able to produce its own wool and mutton.
In Baikal, a man who went fishing on the lake met a faerie woman who lived there. They fell in love but the woman wouldn't bear children. As the man despaired, the woman asked him to go into the water and bring her live fish. The man did what his wife asked, and the woman turned all the fish into young children. This miracle and others performed by the faerie considerably increase fertility in the province.
In Ural, a coal miner comes to the authorities and asks for their help: He had found some huge eggs in the mines tunnel and brought them back home, hoping he could do something with them, maybe a big omelette? But the eggs hatched, and big scaly lizards came out of them. The miner thought of killing them, but even though they were just hatched, the lizards'skins were so hard he couldn't cut them.
The mayor decided to buy the three beasts and to raise them for Arshnoc.
In Arshnoc capital, wizards built magic quills needing no ink to write, allowing them to complete magic research faster.
Arshnoc light infantry units from Man Ch'i, supported by wizard-priests, conquered Dark woods.
Spoiler :

Arshnoc troops beat Dark wood tribesmen

In Cyprus, wild minotaurs ravaged the province. They killed the slaves defending it and stopped the work on the temple. They caused a lot of damage but disappeared in the woods after pillaging all they could.

Spoiler :

Wild minotaurs slaughter slaves and ravage the country

Unfortunately, this was not the worst event that plagued Mictlan during thiese troubled years:
During a ceremony, as the holy Mantis showed its glory to the population, dark clouds gathered over the city, obscuring the sky, and flame bolts fell from the skies upon the most holy temples, like a rain of fire, in the middle of the ceremony.

Fire rains upon Mictlan

These fire bolts burnt the priests and the altar, sacrifical victims and priests alike were turned into torches, and many in the crowd were hit by the fire bolts.
The ceremony was abruptly interrupted, and Obsidian Mantis, the survivign priests and the crowd sought refuge inside the temples and the nearby houses.
As the sky calmed, Obsidian Mantis wentout of the temple and called the priests and population. It ordered them to clean the place, and the day after, the temple stood in its usual majesty, as if nothing had happened.
However, several priests had died, along with a few citizens. The people are waiting for their deity to explain that terrific event.
Did the Mantis want to punish the priests for not handling the ritual properly?
Was it a curse issued by the Pantocrator, wanting to punish Mictlan from worshipping a new god?
Or could it be something else?
In Machaka, some inhabitants decreed it was the proof that Mictlanese were cursed and impostors, and they imprisoned Mictlan priests in their houses, to which they put fire.
Most of the population was outraged by the attack on the priests and afraid of retaliation, and they managed to catch the killers and sent them to Mictlan to be sacrificed as punishment for their crime.

In Pythium, merchants are now exporting tanned lizard leather, which they use to make shoes and bags.
Dain the sage, lead researcher of Pythium, has designed a strange fire lantern which helps him in his research. Despite experiments, Pythium wizards haven't been able to duplicate the lantern. Dain says he can't be bothered to make another one now, and it might be dangerous.
Meanwhile, merchants of Pythium asked the government to build a great lighthouse that would help their ships avoid reefs and reach the harbour safely. They expect increased benefits from trade as ship travel will now be safer.
Pythium troops disembarked in Pangaea, and as they did so they were immediately harassed by flying harpies and sneaky satyr javelineers led by a huge bull-man.
The Pythian army wasn't organised and the harpies fell upon Pythian slingers and gladiators, pushing many of them back to the sea where they drowned. Wyverns fought the harpies off, and winter wolves chased the satyrs, and Pythium army could finish landing.

Spoiler :

Pythium wyverns and winter wolves repel Pangaean satyrs

Their slingers were all killed or drowned. Gladiators argued that they had fought their battle and demanded to get freed and sent back home.
The rest of the army marched into the forests, looking for clearings where they could camp without success. Progress was difficult, and they tried to put snares to trap satyrs. This didn't work very well, and most of the trap-layers never came back or were hung in their own traps.
Wyverns tried to look for enemies from above, but the only things they saw was trees, and sometimes a harpy that fled and led them far from the rest of the army.
As the army progressed, they killed all the satyrs they met, and eventually they were met by an army of a few satyrs led by a bull-man wizard and a huge minotaur. The army was mostly made of maenads, wild women gone berserk and attacking their enemis with nails as sharp as claws.
The fight was short. Maenads, satyrs and the minotaur lord were killed, but the bull-man wizard fled into the wood and managed to avoid pursuits.

Spoiler :

Pythium army defeats wild satyrs and maenads.

After this victory, Pythium managed to take control of the province, the local humans being quite happy to accept Celes's rule. However, it is likely that some satyrs remain in the woods, and all the magic of Pythium can't easily locate them when small flying harpies are used as decoys in the woods, preventing any accurate, magic or mundane, scouting.
The country is conquered, but from time to time, a woman will leave her village to join the Pans in the forest and their maenad court.

New map:
Spoiler :
OK, so next orders expected for saturday please.
Feel free to ask for clarifications if anything's not clear or your troops aren't where you expect.
Please try to reply to the update mails I send you rather than send new mails if you can, except for new orders. This makes my mailbox WAY easier to manage, thanks.
Mails with stats are being sent now.
Oh umm...btw LDi, did I write in the orders that I am trading ********to Immaculate?
Ah, Shinuyama - a weird mixture of Japanese and Irish mythology. ^_^

Ah, Shinuyama - a weird mixture of Japanese and Irish mythology. ^_^


:p :lol:

Those Leprecons...they are actually LEPrecons under my control. Be afraid. Be very afraid
Ha, you said that Pangaea was dangerous.
Yeah. I actually LOST units, and had to bring in ridiculous amount of troops. And also there is a problem of those darn dryads -_-
:p :lol:

Those Leprecons...they are actually LEPrecons under my control. Be afraid. Be very afraid

:p :p :p

then it's Shinuyama - a weird mixture of Japanese mythology and Irish mythology under the control of Greek mythology :p

Wow, sucked for you in Pangaia.

There are now 2 unclaimed territories on the map.
Hmm, you might want to change the colours of those two unclained provinces...unless the've decided to serve Thorndai, then we welcome them:p
Pretenders of the world:
The nation of Arshnoc is willing to trade a great many goods with the world. Horses, Gold, Coal, Exotic birds, Silk, Ceramics, Furs, and Sheep are all available for any and all buyers. We also special order minor magic items but be warned that there is going to be a delay for production purposes. As a special offer Arshnoc will shortly give out a free sample of 'Eyebooks' to all Pretenders, these books will allow communication between Lord Stheran and the owner of the other book.

Soon Arshnoc will be hiring out soldiers and wizards as mercenaries to those who need more soldiers. If two sides both want to hire my mercenaries then those sides are warned that my soldiers will not fight each other in a battle. If the mercenaries are destroyed in a battle then the side that wasted them must pay a pension to their families and must pay for them to be replaced. Wizards can be hired for a variety of purposes, details can be negotiated with Lord Stheran. If the nation hiring the mercenaries is not on the Main Continent then that nation will have to provide ships to transport the soldiers or pay extra. Navies might become available for hiring at some point in the future.

Arshnoc is now offering political asylum to any Pretenders who have lost their country or political dissidents who have fallen out of favor on the following conditions; first that they refrain from any preaching in Arshnoc’s borders, second that they swear loyalty to Three Brothers while under thaumaturgic observation, and thirdly they must stop all attempts to regain their lost lands. Any breaching of these three conditions will nullify any protection Arshnoc offers them and will lead to imprisonment pending execution or deportation to offended country. While in Arshnoc’s borders any attempt on your life will be treated as attempted murder of an Arshnocian citizen, and as such will result in appropriate repercussions.

All trade agreements and mercenary dealings will be strictly confidential, no one but Arshnoc and the nation will know of trade agreements or any use hired soldiers or items. This applies to all uses of Arshnoc’s soldiers, including clandestine operations, and wizards, including uses of Thaumaturgic magic, construction of items and sites, and any research done by said mage. Arshnoc’s Council of Shadows strongly denies any allegations of assassins and says that any rumours that they can be hired by special request are completely false. This message has been brought to you by Arshnoc’s Council of Foreign Affairs, Council of Commerce, Council of Shadows, and Council of War. Long live the Brothers.
Arshnoc holds no responsibility for any uses of its soldiers, mages, or items. Any complaints against Arshnoc’s soldiers or mages are to be brought before the nation that hired them, not to Arshnoc’s government or any of its colonies. Arshnoc retains the right to nullify any contract. Arshnoc retains the right to refuse any contract
sorry for being so stupudly flighty, more things came up over the weekend and I have to pull out. :(
I'm sorry to here that :(
Something with immigration again?
Changes (appologies to David Bowie)

Spoiler :
The crowd Massed around the steps of the new Great Temple of Thorndai in Vanheim, pressed up close to fence, reaching trough to get as close to their god as possible. He stood on a platform built out of the stairs, clad in furs and a mail hauberk, with a war helm held under one arm, and a spear held in his hand. Strangely, the Lords guard consisted not of Vanir, as was normal, instead being made-up of Valkyrie, Skinshifter and dwarves. With the lord stood Lady Gwen Lllywhen; Altor Krell, dwarven minister of Trade and Economy; Chator, Skinshifter War Minister.
Lady Lllywhen walked to the fron of the platform, unfurling a scroll. As she cleared her voice, the crowd fell silent. The Lady was highly respected, but also feared. 43 years had paced since her emergence, yet she still looked barely over twenty. Then, she spoke.
“People of Vanheim, we are gathered here to celebrate the unification of Migdard, to celebrate the defeat of the Helheim, who practice evil magics. We thank all of our people for their faith.”
Cheers meet her announcement, and she paused.
“We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Vanir for their hard work in running this land for so many years, and to thank them, we will remove the burdens of governance from their shoulders, and to found a council rule all of Midgard. This is not a punishment, but a reward. She continued, turning to were the Vanir were massed, a look of uncertainty, or even anger on their faces.
“If any Vanir would like to talk about this, and to receive a full explanation, then please, come by Lord Thorndai’s throne room latter.” Gwen said, instantly putting an end to the angry faces. “for know, thought, the temple is reader for the first service, so let us pray, to Lord Thorndai.” The cheers were deafening.

Far away, and far below, a voice chuckled.
“So he actually did it.”
The nation of Mictlan is proud to announce that we now 'buy' people. If you have excess population and want some quick cash, we may be able to help you.

Did you like my last PM? Immac? :devil:
sounds like :smoke: more then :devil:

but yes.
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