Role Play Challenge, TNG: Nikola Tesla, Mad Scientist or Supergenius: You Decide

Pyramids? You don't need this thing. You need settlers, workers and military right now.

You don't understand. I don't need it, but TESLA NEEDS IT. Doubling the beaker output of each scientist, THAT is something Nikola MUST have!!!!!
Looks like a good game. Lots of cottageable lands. Sarajevo looks like a decent early game unit pump.

Secure what you can in the south early, and then build tons of workers to chop the jungles and settle in that land, cottaging up as you go. You'll have to think if it's worth it to take out Toku. Sharing a hemisphere with only 1 other AI could mean they don't trade with you pretty much ever (maybe at friendly).

Well, I guess you can worry about that later. REX first, then either take out Toku with catapults/swords or maybe trebs/macemen.
Looks like a good game. Lots of cottageable lands. Sarajevo looks like a decent early game unit pump.

Secure what you can in the south early, and then build tons of workers to chop the jungles and settle in that land, cottaging up as you go. You'll have to think if it's worth it to take out Toku. Sharing a hemisphere with only 1 other AI could mean they don't trade with you pretty much ever (maybe at friendly).

Well, I guess you can worry about that later. REX first, then either take out Toku with catapults/swords or maybe trebs/macemen.

And remember the Hwachi UU which is a nice counter to Toku's agressive Melee units.

By the way, cna anyone get me a good list of former Yugoslavic city names???? I can pull out my atlas but I figured someone would suggest better names. Right now I have Zagreb next which is the Croatian capital.
Great idea, I am following all of yours RPC!

One note, he was not Croation, he was born in Gospic (today in Croatia) from Serbian family, was Orthodox, and claimed himself as Serbian.

Yes, he was a Serb born in Croatia. His sentence is still well known: 'jednako se ponosim svojim srpskim rodom i hrvatskom domovinom' (I'm equally proud of my Serbian heritage and my Croatian country)

^you could also add Beograd (Belgrade) to that list, Serbian capital city. :)

EDIT : I see you already did. Go Tesla, go!
Well, Iron working should help with the expansion plans. At least you'll know if you need rearrange your dot map. It's also going to be critical to get the economy up and running, as will a poop-load of workers. You might need to chop a couple of them out to really make a dent in that jungle.

There is so little food down by those resources towards the grumpy Khmer that it seems like you'll almost be forced to settle on the coast just to get at the fish.
Well, actually. If you're east of east - then east becomes west! But only Tesla understands that. ;)
Well, actually. If you're east of east - then east becomes west! But only Tesla understands that. ;)

What are you talking about. West is west, east is east, and any misconception that the direction of west was in fact called east has been readdressed to be properly called west.

Now anymore questions, Tesla is a very Important and busy man!
Mad. Before you go to sleep tonight, repeat,

Nikola Tesla: The Great Wonder

So we continue our tale about our OBSESSED Genius (or is it Madman).

Nikola start by building 2 settlers with escourts in his capital, while proceeding down the techpath

writing/IronWorking/fishing/sailing/math/Construction/Currency start Calendar.

We then meet another leader

Napolean of the Zulu. Now ain't that just a fine combination! Tesla does not trust this Zulu who looks a little too proud and arrogance. Arrogance is a good thing mind you, but it has to be for the right reason!

The next Cromerican envoy is sent south towards the copper only to find

For the first time Tesla is angry and his eyes blaze red! "I miscalculated here, but we shall readjust!"

Nikola settles just south of the sheep

Zagreb is born! While not a steller looking city, it serves an early pupose. Enough commerce, perhaps a pair of scientists, some hammer, and we shall save the forrests for the National Park. Yes Tesla has a plan for that city!.

Soon Nikola finishes Iron Working and he quickly listens to his scouts to see what the results are

Excellent! Iron in the BFC.

And the first great Person is born in Belgrade!

Disappointing! But still, a person with talents to help Cromerica. We settle him a start directing all eps towards the Khmer.

The fourth city goes on the coast to claims some spices and stone. To our benefit we also found to fish there!

And finally, all of Tesla's hard work and engineering has produced

And we quickly changed civics

Double beaker output for our scientists!

At this point more things went against Tesla.

Nikola's temper is seething now and he orders a massive military upgrade, "The idiot Khmer will not even trade with us, he is useless." But even though enraged, Tesla bides his time, waiting to contrust a proper army.

Meanwhile, Cromerica's superior minds have discovered a new source of whales in the ocean amongst the Ljubljanaian fish

Good, things are working for the better. But we still need an advantage over this Khmer.

The early Cromerica army captured a northern BArbarian city, bringing it into empire

Rice and horses with plenty of open grasslands. Nikola ponders ways to keep the near volcano from erupting.

Soon, news spread that the next Great Person has arrived!

Tesla sighs and settles him. Still, every Great Person has their uses.

After we finish Construction we decide to save.

A look at our techs

Remembering the rules, we cannot trade Construction while we monopolize it. Also Tesla's respect for Tokugawa is completely gone as the fool researched Horse Back riding without having access to horses or elephants!

With Power numbers getting close between Khmer and Cromerica, Tesla has his army ready.

Whiel we have plenty of time to discuss matters, I see a vicious strike into the heart of khmer lands where we expect his capital to be, and then cleanup his outside cities at our leasure.

The northern lands

Show two khmer cities.

The south still shows one city

Which of course has copper which Tesla will need for his great projects in the future!

And finally, Cromerica's cities

One excellent science city, 2 decent hammer cities.

So here we have Nikola Tesla who is now OBSESSED over getting the khmer lands. I tell you friends, I fear Tesla is fixated on removing Khmer from the world. I fear the MADMAN is about to be unleashed. I warn you all, it may not be pretty, nor fast, and those of you with weak constitutions should avert your eyes!
What is the optimal path of growth for the great experiment?

Let A be the vector of Khmerian sphere of spatial flux;
Let B be the need for money to fund research, integrated over time.
C is the the post-war scenario weighed against the 5 normative factors of CE-economic revival boost mechanisms.

Remember the Triple Rules

A · (B x C) = B · (C x A) = C · (A x B)

A x (B x C) = B(A · C) - C(A · B)

It follows trivially that the Khmer must be destroyed.

^Tesla would surely use rot and div in the equation and some partial derivatives, you better recheck that. ;)

Could Tesla help the poor Japanese with Construction and then trade away? Knowledge to the masses. After all, he wasn't interested in profit...
Boy, what a difficult segment for Tesla. Next segment is finished and I will be posting the game later.

Tough rules!
Nikola Tesla: WAR!

Tesla has become OBSESSED with controlling his continent! The khmer are contaminating the research potential here and their presence can no longer be tolerated!

We start by researching a novel tech Calendar, and making a trade

Currency was no longer a monopoly!

And once we get Alphabet, we can leverage the abilities of our 2 settled Great Spies

The next Great Person is a more useful one to settle.

And after sending out a few spies

We see that the Khmer have 4 cities in the south.

We then send out the war machine

And after causing city revolts with spies, followed by the use of the UU

We are now at a point where we need to decide what techpath

As you can see Tesla has finished Metal Casting. But what to research next

Compass and Machinery are the options. Wow! CoL has to wait!

We get our first Great General which we settle in our military city.

And soon we have the Khmer capital

Which has a pleasent surprise for Tesla

The Hanging Gardens!

Terrific because at the same time

In the capital. Unfortunately GPs are not exactly flowing because we are stuck at polytheism/meditation because of the RPC rules! Cannot even backfill because of the monopoly tech thing!

we send a small army to capture a more northernly Khmer city.

And bring Toku in for a little needed peace

HBR was just too tempting.

So after Machiney.

Not exactly much to do here. So we start researching Compass.

Tesla waits 10 turns, sends out a few more spies, and

Time to clear out the southern area from Khmers.

However, we notice to our north

To Be Continued..................
Nikola Tesla: WAR continued!

We try to demand 10 gold to force a 10 turn peace treaty as that fleet of 5 Galleys are probably not stopping by to simply admire Tesla's discoveries.

And Sure enough

Folks, our economy is tanked, we lost all foreign trade routes (which cannot be re-established as per RPC rules), and we are in high danger of losing Skopie.

See what I mean! Now Napolean brought only HAs and catapults, so perhaps we can repel this fairly easily.

This however did not stop Tesla's OBSESSION with claiming the southern part of the continent.

One city on the land mass left, but Tesla has issues to the North and we have one Khmer city protected only by a spear with Toku's axes wanding around, so

We pop another GP

One that we certainly can use to settle!

We should note that even with our slider nearing 0% beakers often we are getting quite a decent tech rate from the SE game.

After Compass we research Optics, and after

Now this is an issue because

Astronomy is the only unknown tech here! Nevertheless, Tesla is obsessive Compulsive and we ignore useful things like CoL for Astronomy!

Meanwhile Napolean continues to cause havok

Tesla decides to get serious and starts sending his forces north.

So we recapture the city that we captured from Toku. The residents are a bit dizzy right now.

But things are not a dreary as it seams, as we got off a caravel to find.

Gandhi of Arabia! we imediately see what trades we can make

OK, nothing specatular but if we can get polytheism and open up Literature we can at least get the national Epic in our capital!

We finally got around to recapturing Skopie.

And we see if Napolean wants peace. Unfortunately he wants a city back, which is unacceptible.

Fortunately, this randonm event popped up

So we took peace, and saved here.

Let's see the continent

So we have a fwe cities to capture here.


Are very ODD! I think we need to finish Astronomy and send caravels to explore and find the remaining 2 AIs.

And finally Demographics


So we need to figure out how to backfill these techs. We cannot research them if we have the option to go after a novel tech, yet we cannot backfill a monopoly tech. A conumdrum here for Nikola Tesla to figure out.

Oh yes, and remember. We cannot ever trade with Napolean and must destroy him by the end of the game.

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