Mazera Mega Story Thread

Ice clung to Jonas's hair, snow speckled the fiery red hair, and icicles dangled from the massive red main he had allowed to grow over his face as he journeyed northwards. True, he had gone against every taboo in Orcish culture, allowing any hair to grow, but it was much more practical in the North, both as a disguise and to be warm. As such, he was wearing the garb of the Northern beast men, heavy furs and a cloack. Lengdu, his Ngomele Companion was attired in much the same way, and both were indistinguishable from any of the traders on this barren path.
"How much further" he asked Lengdu, who turned and gave him a look.
"The divine say nothing of distance. I'll know when we need to leave the road. we'll know. The War Kha looked around, up at the immense white peaks that surrounded them and shivered. though this is an ungodly place. No god, save the dead one, would ever have designed a place so terrible.
Aye, that it is, but we'll go through far worse if we're to save the Angel of Fire. our stories tell that Bhall the Passionate chained her in the icy wastes to the north
Lengdu looked around again, and started. That Way he said, indicating a shear, icy cliff to the side of the snowy trail.
Jonas glared up the path, as though his will power would be enough to create a path up the mountain. Lengdu. I see something. a path, up. we can take it.


A lone figure sat, high on a ledge, watching the scaling of the cliffs. It had taken long enough, but finally, his agreement to Brigit would be fulfilled. how far they had fallen, the both of them. When Bhall had fallen, he and his fellow seraphim had been saved only by Brigit, and he truly believed that her sacrifice had been what had prevented her from saving herself.
he glanced back towards his hut, and at the prone form lying within. The Lizard had been badly frozen, but he had managed to save him, and keep him in one piece.
a frozen hand grasped at top of ledge, and Jazarel stepped over to pull up the two climbers.

Greetings, Friends of Brigit. My name is Jazarel, Once general of the seraphim Legions of Bhall the great, and now, nothing much.

Spoiler for Dean the Young and Cypher alone, please :

Dean, if you want to bring your adventurer in here, feel free.
Far away from that mountain watched a woman. She was not a particularly beautiful woman, not a young woman, but unquestionably a powerful woman. Watching the two reach the top of the cliff, she snapped close a fan she had been holding open to shield her face from the snow.

Turning around, she walked back into her shelter, a mage's tent that could be magically packed and unpacked at the practice of magic. An absent flick of the wrist lit a fire, while an exaggerated wiping motion swept all of the snow and water from her face and hair.

There was nothing she could do now to stop or assist them, one way or the other. Not in this weather. So she threw on more furs, literally took on the mask of a trader, and prepared to head to the village nearby and wait.

A group who claim to be the Nightwatch are offering secrets that they have stolen from the Elohim for a price. They are obviously not who they claim to be, but the knowledge they hold is the locations of several holy places and holy artifacts. They will trade the knowledge to any nation that gets in contact with them for 200 gold and a tribute of iron weapons. This is where the risk comes in. Accepting this offer and paying the tribute of gold and weapons will give you the ire of the Elohim and their friends, but this knowledge could be powerful if you could obtain one of the holy places. Choose wisely.

To take up this offer, write a letter (in character) to Onstad Hastil. Onstad Hastil is quick-tempered, but utterly loyal if you can prove your loyalty to him.

World events
Spoiler :
World events are something new I decided to try. These give you two or more options when it comes to an event. Say for example, a group of people were requesting some money in exchange for some service. Depending on your choice, you could give them the money and gain something from them. However, that's where the risk starts as they may go and use that money to attack another nation which would then make that nation angry with you for funding their attack. However, if you turn it down and another nation takes up the offer, you have a 1/8 chance of being the nation they decide to attack, which would then cripple your economy for a couple days. You gotta consider these options carefully. It is not mandatory for you to make a choice when a world event happens. If you choose to ignore it, you will neither be rewarded or punished, the story/game will continue as usual. This way, you can decide which offers you want to take up and how you wish to deal with them. Future world events should be more well thought out as this is my first try at this, but this one will have an affect depending on your choices. If this confuses you at all, send me a PM and I'll see if I can figure out how to explain it better. :)
Cassiel Declines

On the Grigorian grounds that humans need not divine (or hellish) sacred artifacts to live successful or prosperous lives, Cassiel of the Grigori Empire wishes to publicly reassure his friend Enion Logos that the Grigori Empire will not take part in this theft of Elohiem secrets. Any who pass through the Grigori lands with such secrets are liable to arrest, and any who make such offers to the Grigori government are also laible for their own foolishness and attempts at bribery.
Icarus Marocho, at the Clan of Chaos - Chislev boarder

Spoiler :
Icarus grumbled to himself, he was in a dreadful mood. He trudged through the thick jungles and marsh of the Clan’s land, only to get to the thick forests and bushes of the Chislev lands. He’d been walking for days, living off the land, and was getting very tired of seeing nothing but trees for hours on end. Normally, he didn’t mind such things; in fact, he usually enjoyed the time spent with only nature and Telemachus for company. This time, however, he couldn’t help feeling the anxious; the anticipation in the air was thick, as was unease. He felt the tensions of the world straining against each other. Something had to give eventually.
Telemachus nudged his head, bringing him back to reality. They stared into each other’s eyes. Icarus felt his worries wash away. Telemachus could always put him at ease. He smiled and continued his slow trudge through the jungles on his way to the Chislev boarders. He needed to be wary or the Chislev would have him dead before he knew they were there. Though, he needn’t really worry about getting caught off-guard. Telemachus would warn him of anyone nearby. He was fairly sure he could talk his way out of any trouble if he had to, but the Chislev weren’t know for compassion and understanding. He would avoid talking as long as possible.
When the hippus forces arrived at the first true stronghold of the Clan, they finally realized the strength of the orcs. The lead parties of the Dendrinni faced Orcish warparties 10 fold their numbers. The experienced horselords sliced through the hastily organized mobs as if they were butter, although sheer numbers began to tire the veteran horselords. Many wind-companies had to retreat to rest up, and by the time reinforcements arrived, almost half of the Dendrinni wing had fled back to the main camp. Although the Svartalphar forces were largely depleted, they did spring together enough assasins to assure the safety of the main supply camp. Not that lizardmen did not attempt to breach the defenses in the droves.

Once the reinforcements arrived, the fighting seemed to ride in the hippus favor. However, the numbers of the opponents cancelled out the effectiveness of purely direct combat, of which the hippus had grown much accostomed in recent wars. This cost heavily on the morale of new recruits, who knew very little of the old ways of hippus warfare.

Luckily for the hippus, they still employed the old veterans from before the times of hippus dominance. Mal DeGrashni and Juddecca were not happy with the decision, although they atleast understood the wisdom of Tasunke's decision to not eliminate the old-guard, and simply to demote them to alternative leadership positions. A few small companies of arrogant hot-heads simply charged head on into the oncoming green tide. While they killed many, and showed off their great battle prowess, they threw their lives away in a fools errand as they were eventually outnumbered and cut down. Most of these men were too resilient to wounds to die that easily. Especially the few that were actually possesed and enhanced by demons (think a spirit form of the Goa'uld). A few actually managed to fight their way back to the lines, including most of the Demon-borne, who possesed supernatural abilities, and who now had the added wisdom of when to pick battles. For even the Demon-borne focus more importance on the lives of strong horselords higher than their own arrogance, even if demon-borne lives are seen as superior. (those possesed by demons are "reborn" with new strength, and are referred to as the demon-borne). In the end result, most of the men that charged on fools errand ended up being captured very much alive, including one demon-borne. The first demon-borne to be captured alive in battle.

While the hot-heads had their foolish fun, the rest of the hippus front ended up conceding to the tactics of the Horselords of old. The front became a fluid mosaic of interchanging soldiers, ever presented with new units. As soon as one charge was finished, another began to let the other soldiers escape behind the lines. It was an assembly line of pain, a machine of death.

At first, due to the time that had been taken re-organizing the battle groups, the hippus were still losing ground to the enemy, forcing to retreat back into the northern jungles. Even as cleared out as they were, they preferred having the advantage of control of the fields outside the city walls. Eventually however, as the death machine got started, it could not be stopped. Eventually orcs were dying faster than they could advance, and some even appeared to be retreating. The hippus had conquered over half the field again, and were advancing faster than ever. The orcs looked like, for once, they were actually starting to route. Centurion Chiefs were whipping their grunts to get them back in line. Everything was looking in hippus favor, but the usually aggressive Dendrinni were holding back for once, letting the fresh blood get a cut of the action.

Some that heard word back in the camps started toasting to Tasunke, and the camps figured after their celebration was done, the battle would already be won.

However, then the Ogres arrived. They came in the hundreds, the thousands, it was hard to say, because looking past one of the giant beasts was hard enough, much less scores of them. Those not fast enough were immediately crushed by the giant brutes. The entire hippus army was in full retreat and disappeared into the jungles. As the ogres approached the treeline, the Illusions started to appear. Originally as part of the Camp defense force, the Illusionists decided they had better usage on the frontlines, as proactive defense. Because if the Ogres took command of the camp, it was only a matter of time that the camp was over-run, and then many supplies would be lost. So the illusionists were throwing illusions at the Ogre fleet. The beasts are easily amused, and their bloodlust was occupied by dissipating the hostile illusions. While they were thusly occupied, many of the slaughtered orcish army stayed back, although a few of the more flever attack groups decided to charge into the jungle, creating a broader front in an attempt to outflank the illusionists. For the most part, the Nob-leaders were cut down by assasins and marksmen, while the remaining orcs were too scared to continue on, and ran back out of the jungles. The Svart marksmen were wise. By only shooting those that ventured into the jungle, they could create the illusion of fear, while if they shot those outside with equal prejudice, the entire orcish horde would invade in a passion. In some cases it is better to have the easily enraged brutes tricked into a foolish impassioned charge, however now was not one of those cases. However, the longer the Ogres were fighting against the Illusions, not dying, the more rallied the orcs became, and it was soon apparant that a full invasion into the jungle was imminent. Soon the Ogres proved too much for the illusions, so the Illusionists used some very tricky illusions to split the ogres up, and take them on circuitous trips though the jungle, away from the hippus camp. seeing the Ogres enter the jungle was the spark, that alit the flame of the Orcish war-cry once more. Once more they charged in full force.

At this time, the hippus had completely encircled the city, however leaving mostly Svartalphar to defend the supply camp, which was a measured risk. Before they encircled the city however, they noticed goblin wolf riders ride off with the Hippus prisoners. Headed to the Clan-leader, no doubt.

The riders fought the remaining guards in the city with arrows, while a few rode close enough to the walls to throw torches to the other side. It worked better than planned against the straw huts. Soon half the city was aflame. The city guard was now occupied with putting out the fires, and some grapplers were soon able to cross over and open the city gates. A magical demon-borne rode into the city with the flamers. They had many unlit torches on the horses, and with the demon-borne's magic they were able to light the torches and soon the entire city was aflame. Much of the city was as of yet underground, in barrows, however all the infrastructure built top-side, namely most of it, was alit. As the small group of riders exited out of the back gate, the Demon-borne's final act inside the city was to set the very walls and stockades aflame with wizards fire. Enhanced with powerful entropy magics, the fire would stick to the stone, mainly using the grout in-between, and soon the entire poorly constructed metropolis would be nothing but cinders. A good third of the Horse archer compliments sat outside the rear gate, with a hefty supply of arrows. They would see to shoot down anyone that tried to escape once the magical fire infiltrated the barrows and warrens. The Rest of the troops rode over to the battle, and struck into the backsides of the charging orcs. One by one the illusionists would drag a few ogres into the fields, and the hippus would surround the beasts and cut them down with archery and quick precise blows with melee weapons. Several hippus died while killing off the Ogres, but it was far, far less than the loss of attempting to fight such massive brutes head on.

Svartalphar scouts sent word that a much more massive army was on its way, and it seemed as if half of the Clan nation was marching on them. To fight was to be surrounded, and the only choice was to pack up and escape. The hippus forces fanned out, to form a huge front to comb through the jungles on the way out. Some riders were slain by a crafty lizardman assasin or two, although for the most part, they were able to kill off the stragglers, military and citizen alike, that they had some-how missed along their first ride through. Some Ogres were left wandering through the jungles, wondering what exactly they were doing, since the pretty sparkles had stopped fighting them.

As for the horseArchers stationed at the rear city gates, they had special Orders. They would stay as long as they could, until the rear gate was clogged with a pile of Orcish bodies. The orks were mainly resistant to burns from mundane fire, although this special magical fire managed to kill too many of the orcs, allowing them to realize it was indeed magical fire. Once they found this out, there was a panic to escape, that flooded the city gates. By the time the main Clan army had caught up, their was a large sloping mound of Orcish bodies, penetrated by Hippus arrows. The hippus took to the wind immediately, intent on escape, while legions of wolf riders followed them. The hippus soldiers in flight focused their full attention on navigation and escaping. The horses most likely knew more about the jungles than they did, although it did not stop them from trying. A few of the hippus tripped on hidden roots along the paths, and in their rage, some of the bloodlusting goblins ended up skinning them alive. Finally the horsemen arrived outside of the jungles, and burst forth into the plains upon which they almost kissed their horses out of gratitude. meanwhile, Most of the Wolf-riders were still chasing them, quite enraged. Once they realized, however, that the entire hippus army was a few leagues in front of them, they tried to turn around and escape, but it was too late. The hippus army knew someone was going to be coming behind their lucky friends, and their timing could not of been better. As the wolf riders attempted to about face, they were riddled with arrows. The only ones that survived were small enough to be riding the smallest of wolf-lings, shielded as they were by their larger Goblin brothers. Another volley was fired, and a few of the tiny goblins and their pups were killed while scampering into the jungles. Satisfied, Tasunke ordered his men back home. For now there were more pressing matters to attend to.
Mal'deGrashni sends a letter to Onstad Hastil

Spoiler :
Glorious ally, Lord Hastil. We hear news that you would graciously offer the gift of knowledge to those that seek it. It would honor us to hear your sacred words of the knowledge of which you speak. If you could ride to the hippus southlands as fast as the comet flies, we would reward you with double the bounty you ask. However, if it indeed takes longer than three days, we will still honor your arrival with a national parade.
Open letter from: Onstad Hastil
To: Mal'deGrashni of the Hippus


Unfortunately, I cannot ride to your lands personally, but I will send one of my most trusted advisers, Nikoro, to speak with you. He will bring the knowledge along with extra men and wagons to bring the payment back to our hideout. I hope you understand that I cannot make it due to a price being on my head from the Bannor nation.

Onstad Hastil
Spoiler :
Harland screamed. And screamed and screamed and screamed. Another strip of his skin was pulled off by a cackling imp and tossed to the floor. Fresh blood poured from his new wound and was lapped up by hellhounds. His arms and legs had been dislocated and he was now hanging in the air with chains connected to his mangled limbs. His eyes had been removed and fed to demons and his hair had all but fallen out. He had been hanging there for hours. Or had it been days? He couldn't tell. All he knew was that the pain was unbearable. He couldn't die, not with the magics used by the Infernals, but he could feel the pain.
"Do you enjoy this pain, Harland? Pitiful Austrin!" The balor that spoke dug his claws into Harland's skin and laughed at his screams. The balor pulled a chunk of muscle and skin off Harland's arm, causing the screaming to intensify. "You will break. They always do. Embrace the pain, Harland, and realize what it is to be Infernal! Throw off your misguided morals and relish in the pain of the men around you!"
Harland screamed again as another strip of flesh was torn off his chest and spit at the balor. The balor looked at the man who refused to give in after days of torture and waved off the magics around him. The last of Harland's blood poured out of his body and his soul was consumed by Hyborem on its way to the afterlife.

Miles away, in a bed made of Dural cloths and silks, Votakara's eyes shot open and a tear flowed down his cheek. It was the last tear he ever cried.

No, Votakara isn't dead. He's just crushed emotionally.
Tarkar Merek
Spoiler :
Journal of Tarkar Merek
Age of Rebirth
Year unknown

A lot has happened since I last wrote in this journal. High Chief Votakara of the Austrin has been struck ill and has been staying in Brookden. I've been assisting the Grigori Medicos, Pakun, but I fear it may not be enough for him. I have studied extensively under the guidance of Pakun and have learned much regarding medicine and healing magic. Alas, that is not the only thing that has happened.
The Balseraphs declared war on us and have been assaulting our borders for weeks now. I have learned the art of the spear and have decided to join the Dural army, to help against the Balseraphs and put my healing skills to work. Dannmos has assured me that I would be mainly a medic in battle, so I would stay behind our lines. He has requested I study the way the Balseraphs attack and send my studies to him. I don't know what he has planned, but I hope it will be enough to push the Balseraphs away.
And so, journal, this is the last entry I'll be able to write for some time. I must carry only the essentials into battle. Wish me luck.

Tarkar Merek is now a Dural national hero. He is a cleric skilled in combat with the spear, has powerful healing magics, and rudimentary knowledge of offensive and defensive magics.

Also, expect some small world updates and a big world update tonight. They will affect mostly all of the nations.
Trade Offer

The Clan of Chaos currently has an overflow of Gretchin. Due to this, they are unable to feed the entire nation. They are offering to sell these Gretchins at one gold for 20 Gretchin. The Gretchin have agreed to this as they live to serve. Simply write Ishlar Kafahn a letter with your order if you wish to take up this offer. Again, it is not mandatory that you answer.

Also, the knowledge Onstad Hastil holds is maps with the locations of all the unique features, including Yggdrasil, Pool of Tears, Aifon Isle, and Odio's Prison.
Trade Offer

The Clan of Chaos currently has an overflow of Gretchin. Due to this, they are unable to feed the entire nation. They are offering to sell these Gretchins at one gold for 20 Gretchin. The Gretchin have agreed to this as they live to serve. Simply write Ishlar Kafahn a letter with your order if you wish to take up this offer. Again, it is not mandatory that you answer.

Also, the knowledge Onstad Hastil holds is maps with the locations of all the unique features, including Yggdrasil, Pool of Tears, Aifon Isle, and Odio's Prison.
I'd buy some, but economics have been vague to date. I'm treating the Ordine Medicos as a money-making guild in it's own right, though, and the Farmer's Market should also be considered.


To the Respected Ishiar Kafahn,

The Grigori Empire, on the cusp of significant peaceful expansion to our east and south, would be amiable to hiring a number of Gretchin as free laborers in our Empire. We can, of course, pay with gold, but we are also uniquely placed to provide you with food at fair and favorable prices though the productive boon of our Farmers Guild.

If such a deal might interest you, let us know so that we might dicker and agree to a deal.

-Cassiel, Ruler of the Grigori Empire
To the Respected Ishiar Kafahn,

The Grigori Empire, on the cusp of significant peaceful expansion to our east and south, would be amiable to hiring a number of Gretchin as free laborers in our Empire. We can, of course, pay with gold, but we are also uniquely placed to provide you with food at fair and favorable prices though the productive boon of our Farmers Guild.

If such a deal might interest you, let us know so that we might dicker and agree to a deal.

-Cassiel, Ruler of the Grigori Empire


Simply name how many you would like to hire and we can do the transaction. The food notion does interest me, though. My lands yield us many amazing gems and we would gladly trade you gems for pigs. I hope this offer satisfies you.

Ishlar Kafahn
My Lord, I have seen the Vision. Not, as our ancestors did, of the far and future End that draws ever nearer, but of the means to that end that walk and crawl and all manner of movements today, and of the hope to overcome them.

I saw, My Lord, the Grigori Mountains, and the Grigori swamps, and the entirety of the battlefield between them and the Yokaido. I saw the Yokaido pull into their final defense, arrive at the pass that would mark their last stand before the Grigori armies swarm over the mountains and into the Yokaido plains, where they would slice through the barely defended cities much as a scythe cuts through wheat.

But I also saw the Yokaido's darkest hope, My Lord. Those Beasts, these Serpents of Agares. Fueled to monstrous sizes by blood rites most foul, and sent to crush the enemies of their ashen masters.

One was sent to the frontier, crushing the goblins and ogres before it. Though the raiders are too many, too dispersed to crush in one blow, their gains and threat has all but vanished from the Yokaido's minds.

One was sent to the southern front, where Grigori armies towing siege equipment pass to avoid the treacherous mountains. Let me say there is hope: no matter how dangerous or rampant it appeared, the wise Grigori quickly turned their catapults and their trebuchets and other siege weapons against the Midgarsomar, and fall to them it did. Though many trebuchets and machines were damaged or destroyed, they are but machines, able to be repaired and rebuilt at a far greater pace than the Beasts of Agares

The last and most fearsome was sent to the mountain passes, a struggle to reach in it's own right. But once it reached there, it seemed as if none could pass it. Slithering through the passes as if they were it's own burrow, the serpent prevented any from approaching.

It looked as if the might of the Grigori army might have been stopped there. They had no catapults that could pass through those mountains, no mages of the caliber to stop it in it's scales, no priests to pray for divine intervention.

The Grigori, as I'm sure my Lord is familiar, have never claimed for any need for divine intervention.

A man, aged and well versed in the sword, opposed the serpent. He was not alone, backed by a legion of Serpentine Slayers and their young commander, but he was the bait, the challenger.

My Lord, I would admit to fear if we should ever be forced to fight such a Grigori as he. His mithril blade danced, his blows lept and climbed across the serpent, blinding it, distracting it, infuriating it ever more, all so that his companions could hack and dismember it by pieces. When at last it fell, it's brain pierced by his own blade, all knew who had one that contest. The Grigori continue to advance now, to a final showdown with the last formidable armies of the Yokaido.

My Lord, I have seen the works of Evil, I have seen their great and terrible power, and I have seen them fall by mortal hands and mortal means. We can succeed in our mission to prevent the end, I have no doubt. By the Wyrvn, I know we can.

-An Anonymous Seer of the Mazatl, in a letter to his ruler.

Simply name how many you would like to hire and we can do the transaction. The food notion does interest me, though. My lands yield us many amazing gems and we would gladly trade you gems for pigs. I hope this offer satisfies you.

Ishlar Kafahn
Ishlar the Generous,

Five teams of forty seems an appropriate number for our needs, and a trade for our excess of pigs for gems and diamonds strikes us as fair as well.

With warm regards,

Minister Koun, Chief Advisor to Cassiel

p.s.: Have you given any thought to our proposal of a Ordine Citadel in your lands?
The next part of my merchant story.

Spoiler The Cold Merchant II :
The caravan, guarded sparesly by a few mercenary javelin throwers Maaerun had hired in Garduk, had entered Doviello lands. Maaerun smiled as he spotted several Doviello axemen heading towards them. He had been hoping to run into some Doviello warriors. Hopefully, he could pay them to guard him as they travelled on the edge of Luchuirp territory.

The leader of the Doviello barked, "Halt! Identify yourselves!" Maeerun came forward to meet the leader, identifying himself as a merchant from the Illian Empire. He noticed the Doviello's faces took on a hungry look when they heard the word "merchant".

"Perhaps we could come to an arrangement? I have many fine furs that I am bringing to and through our Hippus allies' lands," said Maaerun. He smiled then. "I imagine that when we trade your leaders fur, not too much ends up with guards and patrols like yours? I offer a fairly simple trade. You guard me as we pass through Luchuirp territory, and then I give you fur coats for your warriors," he said. The Doviello warrior looked interested and suspicious that a merchant, even an Illian one, was heading to a battlefield. Maaerun guessed the warrior was thinking he might be a spy.

"Why are you heading through Luchuirp territory?" he asked. Maaerun smiled then.

"I have been assigned a trading and 'exploration' mission by Lord Auric Ulvin. He has ordered me to stop first in Hippus territory, and then trade with coastal lands," Maaerun replied. He noticed the Doviello's face go pale at the mention of Mulcarn Reborn. The warrior was nodding.

"Excellent! We will join together. My warriors will fight dwarves with or without fur coats, but once we have victory, you will honor your bargain!" Maaerun smiled again and nodded. With a small band of Doviello now amongst the party, the caravan continued for Luchuirp territory.
The Inhabitants of the small Amure town of Korrigan were prospering from the war with the Illians. Small, out of the way, far from the minds of the leaders of both sides of the war, the locals were make a nice trade exchanging local commodities with Illian goods, smuggled in by entrepreneurs on the other side of the border, despite the near constant Blizzard. As such, it was the perfect place for a rest before an eventual journey Northwards to the place where the lights were born.
Ericai led his two companions, the Orc and the Gnoll, into the local inn, and they sat in the back, far from any casual glance. Though Jonas Endain could easily pass as an Amurite man, though much burlier than the average, Lengdu and Ericai would find it much harder, and the locals weren’t used to seeing any race but humans, and the occasional Beastmen of the north.
They sat idly, drinking the mugs of Hot Screech, a domestic alcohol so strong it was said that it could be used to melt paint from the walls. At last, Endain turned to Ericai. “Who are you. I’ve been willing to trust you thus far, for you were in the angel of Fire’s home with him, and legend states that he does not easily abide by those untrustworthy, but I want answers.”
Ericai gazed Idly at the bar in the front of the room, looking at the patrons, your local bevy of Brutish peasants and, oddly enough, what appeared to be a female Illian fur merchant, before turning his eyes back towards the other two.
“I was an archeologist. I worked in Lost Khazak, before the Austrin took over. They meant well, and I gave them all my discoveries, but it wasn’t the same after that, working there. There were always two or three others archeologists working any site. So I left. I have a good idea what happened to the Khazad, anyway.”
Lengdu looked up, interested at this.
“As far as I can tell, it had something to do with Mammon, as that was the sign inscribed everywhere. However, it’s really not the style of that one to completely destroy a people, so I did some more searching, and I found records that are consistent with that of other odd occurrences around Mazera. The Gate Keeps that day record only one visitor: a tall man, with reddish hair, who gave as his reason to be in Khazak that he had heard that Dwarvish incense was among the best in the world, and the he was interested in buying some… this Man has appeared repeatedly before various odd events. Anyway, I had enough working there and being bothered by other archeologists, and I had been dreaming of the north, and of a bound angel. So I traveled north. What of you two?”
“Dreams.” Jonas answered. “Dreams for a fallen people. I was once Jonas Endain, high priest of Bhall. Brigit showed me what our people could be. So, I serve her. From what Lengdu’s said, she spoke to him in his dreams too.” He looked around the Inn “We should hire someone to guide us north.”
My Lord, I have seen the works of Evil, I have seen their great and terrible power, and I have seen them fall by mortal hands and mortal means. We can succeed in our mission to prevent the end, I have no doubt. By the Wyrvn, I know we can.

-An Anonymous Seer of the Cualli, in a letter to his ruler.

Just wanted to point this out. The Cualli are the lizards that are evil and like slaves. The Mazatl are the ones that are attempting to prevent the end. Just thought I'd clarify.


Open letter from: Warlord Ishlar Kafahn of the Clan of Chaos
To: Cassiel of the Grigori


Five teams of forty comes out to 200 Gretchin, making the price 20 gold. I will send the teams to your lands under protection of one of my greatest warriors, Vorug Tombslay. They will bring with them the first shipment of gems. Vorug will then protect your traders coming to our lands. I hope this pleases you, friend.

Ishlar Kafahn
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