Mazera Mega Story Thread

Spoiler Werewolf Warfare :
Three hours after the raiding party was supposed to be return, Katut was concerned. Primarily for his brother, who had left in it, but also for the party as a whole. Three dozen Chislev warriors were no small force to be ignored, but they were not a conquering army. As more Grigori soldiers returned home, the Chislev war parties faced more and more dangers.

This was not the Yokaido swamps or the Bannor front: the Grigori had long ago cut down their trees for the previous war effort, and had left the Chislev nowhere to hide or hole up. Using mines as safe bunders had been the great idea of some fool in the back, but the Grigori had soon learned that they only needed to collapse the exits and starve the Chsilev into surrender. Katut had been one of the few groups to be rescued after such a counter, and to this day refused to go underground. He was glad that the Chislev War Leaders had learned of the follow soon: the Grigori made no secret of their trade for elementalism with the Amurites, and it was only a matter of time before their mages simply shut mines from a distance.

No, the Chislev were where they had always been meant to be: safe in the trees and forests. It was almost criminal that those existed only at the Grigori border, though: the Grigori now controlled the open plains, and now the Chislev forces were divided between the western Yokaido swamps and the Chislev homeland.

Katut did not reflect or even care that the two were days of travel apart, and that the Chislev in their rush to attack the Grigori had left a great army isolated and stuck in the poisonous and dangerous Yokaido swamps, where no more Medicos were there to help cure them of poison snakes and Midgarsomar. Oh, there had been some sense to it: so long as that army was there, the Grigori would be unable to focus on the Chislev border. If they did, they would be raided endlessly from behind.

As it was, though, the Grigori were content to keep them divided, much as they were dividing him from his brother. And that was what worried him.

Katut's ears perked at the birdsign. At last, the band had returned! He and others scrambled to safe positions, ready to guard their comrades if pursued.

No Grigori force followed, but that didn't stop Katut's face from paleing at the sight of the returnees. They were all limping, walking unnaturally. Their faces were lowered, and but their shoulders were tense. They all, to a man, were covered in warpaint and blood.

And there were only twenty or so left.

Katut's heart lept as he recognized his brother, damaged but walking. He bounded from his battlements and ignored his chief's commands as he ran out to help his brother.

"Ca! Are you alright?" he asked, coming to the man at the front of the pack.

"Ka...tut?" his brother asked, voice mangled, still suffering from the battle-rage blood lust.

"Yes, it's me," he said, gripping his brother tightly. It didn't matter that his brother looked like something a wolf had chewed on, that his mangled hair, more than he remembered really, was course and poked him. His brother was alive, that was all that mattered, even as... even as...

Even as his brother's hand emerged from the whole in his abdomen. Katut looked up at his brother's face as he collapsed, and what he saw he did not recognize. A snout had replaced a nose, claws gripped the war club instead of hands, and the snarl that came from his mouth...

Katut lay there, on the precipice of death, as the pack of werewolves charged into the forest. The men were caught of guard, desperately fighting hand-to-hand with a foe that used clays and teeth as well. Many fell like Katut, maimed by the werewolves as blows and teeth met vital veins or fragile organs. Others simply died, and the werewolves bloodfury lessened as their claws continued to rend their remaining foes to shreds.

Katut lay there, and then the Curse gradually took effect. He wounds healed, his form shifted, and all he could focus on was the sent of blood that hung in the air. Bloodbloodbloodmustkillbloodbloodbloodmustkill...

The first thing he saw not like his own form was a a group of men striding towards them. He and the other Ferals turned and bounded as one, desperate to kill the humans.

The first to leap was pounded in the snout. The next was kicked in the teeth. The third and forth were slammed together with enough power that their magically altered bones shook and cracked before healing again. In the space of three steps, the man had turned into a werewolf himself. With a single snarl every feral bowed and simpered to the Alpha.

The Alpha told them what they needed to do. That to cure their hunger, they would have to kill the enemies of his pack. But, he said in a form that allowed no refusal, only certain humans could be killed, any any who struck at the good ones would be torn apart.

What was left of Katut's mind could only focus on his words, and sought to do it. He and the other Ferals left to the ones their previous minds remembered, the weak supply men and cooks behind the lines. Their blood would be just as satisfying. They were joined as well by the older blooded werewolves, who shadowed them and ensured that they did not come to grief in their new forms.

The Alpha turned to one that Katut's vaguely remembered. "You seem attached to this one," the Alpha said in human tongue, which was not their tongue so he ignorred it to keep on the scent of the fresh blood.

The blooded werewolf looked at Katut with a expression he vaguely remembered as pity and compassion, not that those mattered right now. There was only bloodbloodbloodblood-

"He is, was, my brother," said the older werewolf, and the Alpha batted him on the back.

"Then look after him," he advised, "because all that we can count on is our pack and eachother. Until he regains his senses, he won't even know who you are. Now go," he commanded.

Katut didn't care about the human-words until they had finished slaughtering the rear support. Then, as the next batch of ferals left to find more blood, he stopped as his mind came to him.

He looked at the others, at himself. He was covered in blood, some his own, ever more of it his former kinsmen. Except they weren't his kinsmen, the Pack was, and the Pack was at war with everything he had ever known and loved. And yet, for all his memories and ties and affection with them, he could not bring himself to run into the woods, to shout the warnings. "We are here! We are cursed! Kill us, flee, before you are made to join us!"

He looked to his brother with despair. His life, their life, as Chislev was beyond their reach. No one would accept them as they were now.

"What have we become?" he asked.
Spoiler Takezo's Lessons With Cassiel, Pt. 1 :
Takezo had dreamt of the day he would meet Cassiel in the halls of the Grigori Palace, one held captive and the other holding Masamune. It had been rich, detailed, vivid, captivated his imagination. His visions had been of Cassiel caged, bound by a serpant that was slowly squeezing him to death. He had been weilding Masamune, ready to chop Cassiel's body apart and use to blood to revive Masamune's true form.

He had not expected to be bound to a school desk, a half dozen Serpent Slayers watching carefully, as Cassiel made a mockery of his swordstyle. Masamune hissed, raged, did everything in it's power to make Cassiel make the sligtest mistake, to make the slightest cut, and then Masamune would drink of the angel's blood.

Cassiel ignorred the swords threats and promises, and effortlessly flowed through angelic kata and forms that Takezo had never seen performed before except by the likes of his Master. Seeing the angel move only reminded those present that, for all his inaction and restraint, Cassiel was a angel of the highest orders. If he were to use his powers, he might well be the most powerful being free on Mazera. But he didn't, wouldn't, refused to. For literally Ages, he had let himself be handicapped, bringing his people to rise to their own feet. He denied his own powers, magnificent as they were.

Takezo had no doubt that had the war gone otherwise, he indeed would have struck down Cassiel without resistance.

But only because Cassiel would have let him. He knew this shame as the same he had offered to Father Jeon.

Cassiel continued to flow through the forms, talking points of philosophy all the while. Judging by how the Serpent Slayers watched, Takezo wondered just what lesson was for who. He continued to ignore them: he knew he had nothing left to go to anyway, even if the Grigori released him. All he had was Masamune, and He was beyond his reach. After his capture, Masamune had made clear that it considered him weak as well, and had tossed aside their contract as if it had been nothing else.

"It is natural to want to be strong," Cassiel continued, and Takezo only paid attention because it was what he had hungered for and he expected Cassiel's views to be fanciful and laughable. "Every major religion heralds it in some respect. Kilimorph's Thanes speak of the power to move mountains. The Order heralds its near infinite might bound by even more powerful laws. For the Ashen Veil, power is their siren's call, their basis of existing. Religions are defined by how they see power, and how it can be achieved. The Empyrean prefer to convert and redeem their foes, and bring their power to bear. The Overlords bring the mighty power of the Oceans to bear. Even shadowy Esus believes that lies and the manipulation of truth is the truest form of power over others."

"They are all wrong, because they confuse power for strength."

"Power is the ability to affect others, but strength is the ability to affect one's self. It might sound easier, but it is far, far more elusive to the untrained. All beings have concerns, fears, insecurities, that strength can overcome, but power is the mirage that distracts one from his true self. Though strength can often lead to power, it is rare when it happens in reverse."

Takezo snorted in disbelief, and Cassiel took note. It had been his first response through these lessons.

"You do not believe me," Cassiel gathered, "but can you disprove it? Tell me, Takezo: who is stronger and freer in the relationship of a slave and his master? Who has more freedom of action?"

"The master, of course," Takezo answered, but Cassiel shook his head.

"The slave," he contested. "Though the slave is restricted in body and actions to the limit of his overseers, his mind is his own. He can rebel, he can submit, he can tolerate. All these can change at his discretion, and his acceptence varies with his desire to change. He is shackled with irons, but his mind is free. He knows that his place is secure so long as he is useful, and can always make that choice as he decides it worth it or not. But the slaver?" Cassiel shook his head in pity.

"The slaver is bound far more tightly by his trade than the slave ever can be, not by iron or chains but by the glossomar strands of his own creation. The slaver must constantly prove his dominance over the slaves, or he worries he will descend to their level. He has to tighten their shackles, spend more time watching and punishing them for the smallest infraction. He lives a life torn between reassuring himself of his dominance and impressing himself over his property, and can never put hid doubts to rest, promting ever more stern cycles of oppression. In that self-reinforcing cycle of fear and superiority, he loses all his means to change his own nature. He fears, is consumed by the fear, that if he stops, he will perish at the hands of those he dealt with. Whereas the slave can accept his lot or not, change himself or not, and can accept change from the outside, the slave trader has bound himself to his current state, forever dependent on the status quo. In my mind, there is no doubt that slavery binds the Master just as much as the slave, only by ties of his own mind."

"So what?" asked Takezo. "What is your point?"

"That those with power are never necessarily strong. The gods are powerful. The gods are mighty. The gods are weaker than most humans, unable to challenge or change their own precepts. Mammon especially: though his means are different and far more invasive than many of his fellow gods, they flow from the same sort of weakness. You have read of the Fall of Mammon: Mammon fell because he feared losing what he had. He became the god of greed, and now everything he does shows that he remains bound by that fear. Mammon gives only to claim more, and desires everything. And why does he desire everything? Because he's afraid of losing anything. It galls him. It angers him. And, deep down, it frightens him to his core, to think that he might lose anything. And so he desires everything even more."

"These are not traits of the strong. These are the facets of the weak. Bound by fear, by anger, by any impetus that alone would drive you. The weak can not avoid it, and when handed power they only act to cover their own insecurities."

"Then what is strength?" asked Takezo. "Why can strength lead to power?"

"Strength is the power to change, to overcome weakness. Strength is the power to break the bonds that shackle your soul and to use power seperately for a distinct purpose, not as compensation for perceived weaknesses. It is not that those who are strong are powerful, but that they are better equiped to use what power they have freely and to better effect."

"Consider this sword," Cassiel said, and displayed Masamune to him. It looked much as it always had: black, beautiful, deadly.

"I do not like swords," Cassiel admitted. "They are weak. They are the only bladed instrument to have only purpose, and that is to kill. An axe can chop and divide, a dagger and pick and chisle, a hammer can break and build, but a sword's only purpose is to kill. And the moment it is outside of it's sheath, it is at it's most fragile, most vulnerable."

"I pity swords," Cassiel said, looking meaningfully at Masamune in his hands. "They are weak. They have power, but only when reflecting that of their weilder. But in the hands of someone who has forsaken power..." he leaned forward and grabbed a blank piece of paper. Tossing it in the air, he let it flutter to arm level before sending a tremendous swing with a full mortal's strength into it.

"It is worthless," he finished, as the Masamune, the blade which had felled hundreds of foes, had struck fear into the hearts of armies, failed to even dent the paper.

Cassiel's lecture ended soon after, and Takezo was escorted out. As he left, he gave another look to the unmarred sheet of paper still on the floor.

"He is strong, isn't he?" he asked his guard, probably the first question he had addressed to them since his captivity.

"Yes," the Serpent Slayer agreed.
Varn Gossam Stuck in Hippus!

In a strike of bad timing, Varn Gossam was unable to accomplish his task of teaching the Hippus of the Empyrean Way before the plague caused King Alexander to close the border to all trade and passage except incoming Ordine Medicos, who are also not allowed to leave. It is unlikely that the restrictions will be dropped anytime soon, and so Varn has little choice but to busy himself with his teachings. Not that he has ever been hesitant or disinclined to do that.

In his absence, after long-distance consultations with Varn by messenger hawk, Grigori Prime Minister Esirce has indicated his intention to appoint a replacement to lead their vassal-ally until such time as Varn is both free and desires to return.

The pending Vice-Governor of Malakim Province has not yet been named, but it is suspected that the Grigori Progress is looking for someone both with strong ties to the Grigori, and who is interested in pushing for Grigori-advocated reforms.
Varn Gossam Stuck in Hippus!

In a strike of bad timing, Varn Gossam was unable to accomplish his task of teaching the Hippus of the Empyrean Way before the plague caused King Alexander to close the border to all trade and passage except incoming Ordine Medicos, who are also not allowed to leave. It is unlikely that the restrictions will be dropped anytime soon, and so Varn has little choice but to busy himself with his teachings. Not that he has ever been hesitant or disinclined to do that.

In his absence, after long-distance consultations with Varn by messenger hawk, Grigori Prime Minister Esirce has indicated his intention to appoint a replacement to lead their vassal-ally until such time as Varn is both free and desires to return.

The pending Vice-Governor of Malakim Province has not yet been named, but it is suspected that the Grigori Progress is looking for someone both with strong ties to the Grigori, and who is interested in pushing for Grigori-advocated reforms.

Oh, you creative little bastard. Luckily for the Malakim, I have just the man in mind. Let me get his notes together and write an introductory story for Governor Erlan Haldir, Governor of Lodente.
Haldir's First Day
Spoiler :
Governor Erlan Haldir had always been important to the Malakim government. When he was young, he entered the military and rapidly rose through the ranks. He was from a corporal all the way to a master sergeant in less than two months. He led his army to recapture Timberling from the Goblin clan known as the Scorpion Clan, a clan of Goblins that still exists today and still believes the deserts belong to them.
After the recapture of Timberling, he led his armies to the Scorpion Clan encampment of Lodente. The Goblins were quickly subdued with blinding light from the mages and the radiant guard quickly took the encampment. The Goblins were all executed and the walls of the encampment were torn down to allow for future construction. Malakim citizens began to migrate to this new city with unspoiled land around it.
By this point, Erlan Haldir had reached his late 30s and it was becoming harder to dodge enemy strikes, so he retired from the military and entered politics. He was voted in a landslide as the Governor of Lodente. When the Sidar demanded they move, Haldir led the citizens of Lodente to the north with the rest of the Malakim. They settled in a grassy plain and named their city Lodente after the city that had lost.
He ordered the construction of homes to house all the citizens and had wells dug up to supply fresh water to his people. They cultivated the land around them to bring them wheat from the farms and meat from the pastures. Stores were allowed to open shop and had to give a mere 5% of their earnings to the government which was then shipped to the capital.
But now, Erlan Haldir had been summoned to the palace to serve as the leader of the Malakim until Varn Gosam could return. Erlan had never had this much responsibility, but was used to pressure after his service in the army. He was 43 now, middle-aged. He had been shown around his new throne room and had been seated on the throne until a young girl with child came to him. "Lord Haldir, I have come to ask your favor. I am with child and I fear for its life as I do not have enough food to eat, much less to feed it once it is born. I know not what you can do for me, but I beseech you to please help me."
As she finished she burst into tears, falling to her knees in front of Erland. Erland wasn't used to this, as he had never been called "lord" nor had he ever had a pregnant woman come to HIM for help. He turned to one of the advisers that stood nearby. "How big is this palace?" The adviser was confused, but answered. "It's quite big, sir. We have the throne room, which takes up the center of the palace. We have the east wing which is business related and we have the west wing which is where the servant's quarters are. Your quarters are right behind the throne. Why?"
Haldir scratched his chin in thought and looked back at the adviser. "How many rooms are actually being used by the servants?" The adviser was baffled by these questions and picked up a parchment. "Well, sir..We have 32 rooms for 32 servants and they're all occupied." Haldir scratched his chin again. "Can you bring the servants to me? I wish to speak with them." The advisers nodded and headed off to round up the servants.
Haldir looked at the young woman. "So, tell me your name. You haven't told me your name and I am about to do something I've never heard done before." The young woman nodded. "Yes, yes. I'm sorry. I am Miona Leudane of the Leudane family. I have not much coin and even less food. I-" Haldir held up his hand. "Yes, I understand. I don't mean to be rude, I just see the servants coming." Miona looked to her left and there the 32 servants were approaching the throne.
"You called for us, your highness?" Haldir nodded at the cook that asked the question. "Yes, and please don't call me "your highness" it makes me feel uncomfortable. Now, I have a problem before me. This young woman, Miona Leudane, is pregnant with child and has no food in which to feed herself and keep her baby alive. I asked you here to ask if you wouldn't mind doubling up in the quarters, freeing up half the rooms in case something like this happens again. I would be glad to double your salaries while this is ongoing if you wish to accept." The servants were stunned and looked at each other. They turned and started whispering for a few moments. Haldir simply sat there and watched them discuss it. One of the servants, a butler, turned and approached Haldir.
"Sir, we would be glad to sacrifice some of our comfort for the good of our nation's people. We will take the double in salary and will help the people who come to us to the best of our abilities." Miona began crying again, not in sorrow, but in joy. Haldir nodded and requested his servants begin moving furniture to accommodate everyone. He turned to his adviser and asked that he take Miona to her room. As he watched her leave, he couldn't help thinking that he can probably get through this. Haldir's smile vanished as another person began walking in. Such is the way of the leader.

There are several pieces of information in here. If you guys can spot them, good job. If not, I'll probably point them all out within a few hours.
Oh, you creative little bastard. Luckily for the Malakim, I have just the man in mind. Let me get his notes together and write an introductory story for Governor Erlan Haldir, Governor of Lodente.
Luckily for the Malakim? Why cypher, of course what's good for Grigori is good for the Malakim. Did not Cassiel vow to protect the Malakim? Does the Girgori philosophy and reforms not further the cause of the salvation and enpowerment of mortal's souls?

What is good for the Grigori will of course be good for the Malakim people, if not their archaic traditions. :p
Unseen Character
Onstad Hastil

Onstad Hastil is a being (as I don't know what he is yet) that I'm using to try to balance out the game for other users. The way I'm using him is that he'll have a piece of knowledge that's important a nation and is willing to sell it. Say someone tells me something involving their future plans. If I feel a nation near him is slipping, and it is user-controlled, I'll PM them and offer them a chance to buy a piece of information. This is where the risk comes in. By buying the information that could possibly save your nation, Onstad Hastil has his own agenda, but what it is is yet to be revealed. Buying this information will give him some more funds to carry out his plans. You'll have to decide if you're willing to sacrifice a riot in a neighbor country or a murder in exchange for valuable information. Who knows, it could even benefit you, but it will never be negative to you. On the other hand, you can turn down his offer politely and he will go about his business as if nothing happened. No repercussions and no future danger. However, if you arrest his messengers, kill them, or speak to him in disrespect, he does have connections and can punish you accordingly. It will never be anything crippling, but you have to consider this stuff. Onstad Hastil will be utterly loyal to you if you are a regular customer of his and will even offer to do a job for you if he feels close enough to you. It's another aspect of this story/game that should add some diplomacy to it. This is another danger in the world, so watch your neighbor and watch PM inbox as well. You never know what might come in.​
So the moral is, don't tell you anything we intend? (Kidding, kidding, but I'm not going to tell you anything about the Black Medicos now, even if you ask. :D)

The Black Medicos are something similar to Osted, but they are a conspiracy under my own control. They are not known to the Grigori, who they will never approach lest they open themselves and their agents/means to discovery by the Ordine. They will make offers, sometimes through Caqui, sometimes through PM. Their offers often come at desperate times, but always command a price. It may seem steep, or pitifully cheap. Their offers may well harm you through open risk, or they might benefit you greatly.

And they always, always, risk the anger of the Ordine Medicos and, by extension, the displeasure of the Grigori. An angry Ordine will not help you at all for some time unless you make significant compensation. If you do own a citadel, then that Citadel alone will help you, but will recieve not exceptional or external support from the Ordine as a whole until you provide compensation.
Ordine Medicos, Grigori, Seek Knowledge of Divination, Life Mana

In times of plague, every nation needs as much health as it can. Even with the Chislev war demanding more and varied types of mana, the Grigori and Ordine Medicos seek life mana, both sources and the knowledge of how to produce it. Mind and Spirit magics could also boost survival rates by strengthening wills and means to combat the plague, but Life Magic will easily be king of this contest.

If you or anyone you know has the knowledge of Divination necessary, Cassiel and the Ordine would welcome negotiations. Payment, trade of knowledge or resources, or even medicos to help your lands, the Grigori are willing to work with you for what you need. Even up for grabs is generous shipments of raw iron ore, a resource useful for anything from military to hardy construction.



You Poor, poor, fallen Creature.

I know you. She made us both.

You are not this.

Your fires quenched by the pressures of the deep.

She Made you to RULE.

Not to be RULED by that which is Anathema too you.

I pity you.

You bit her hand. You forsaked us all.

and she fell

But still, we are cousins.

we are siblings.

I am in you, and you are in me.

Do not forget we are family.

This is not you, you were

The Cleansing power of fire incarnate.​

You Fell, yes, long BEFORE our LADY.

But, Like her, you can be redeemed...

For that is what our Passion is.

Asleep on his mound of Gold, on far away Rinwell Island, The Dragon Acheron stirred and scratched at his chest, as if to sooth a faint itch.

Os-Gabella of the Sheaim has assigned the former Governor of Tongurstad, Casinai, as the new resource adviser. Casinai has a long history with the Sheaim, bring Tongurstad to prominence before it was conquered and razed by the Mazatl. Casinai brought her apprentice, a Sheaim warrior named Kelstath that helped secret her and several other nobles out of Tongurstad before it was razed. All trade requests now go to Adviser Casinai, as she now handles all resources and trades in the Sheaim nation.​

Basically, if you want to trade with the Sheaim, send your letters to Adviser Casinai.

The Kahdi, a magical neighbor of the Amurites, has officially declared war on the Legion of D'Tesh. Kahdi thades have been seen blinking in and out of existence over the D'Tesh borders, enveloping the undead soldiers and crushing them with ethereal force. The D'Teshi soldiers quickly rallied and established a defense zone in a pass that leads to the D'Teshi city of Voidyss.​
Forging of an Empire
Spoiler :
Deremei Diranth smiled as his Goblins went to work, removing the dead and the debris from the fort. This fort had belonged to a nearby clan called the Metalthief Clan, led by the headstrong Gmek Metalthief. This fort was now his to play with and he decided it would be the foundation of his palace. He ordered his Goblins and Frostlings to set up their tents outside the fort and the Gretchins got to work on building a roof on the fort.
Deremei was in his tent outside the fort with the rest of the Goblins when Marcold, a Frostling wolf rider, approached him. He had arrived three days ago with a message from Onstad Hastil. He had offered Marcold's assistance in exchange for 150 gold and they had plenty from the raids. The Frostlings were an important part of the conquering of this fort. "Greetings, Marcold. Is there something you need?" Marcold took a seat next to Deremei.
"Indeed. What is your plan for this fort? You have Gretchins building a roof on the fort and I can see Goblins laying foundations for housing. I'm guessing you're settling down for good?" Deremei nodded and turned to his new friend. "Yes. The Diranth Clan will settle down in this valley. The name of our nation shall be Nortek, in honor of the last memory of my father. We shall become more civilized than the Muris Clan and we will crush this pathetic Metalthief Clan before they become too much of a threat. I suppose Mr. Hastil would like to get in on this?"
Marcold let out a chuckle, or a Frostling version which is kind of a chittering sound. "I am sure he will. Hastil is looking to expand his coffers to lead towards his future plans and he has many plans. Yes, my lord has creepers in many places. The Undercouncil, the Overcouncil, the Temple of Kilmorph, the Guild of the Nine, the Lanun is infested with his agents, and that's just some of what he has on his side. DId you hear about Mother Enningas's murder?"
Deremei thought back. "Yes, I do. There was a knife that had Onstad's sigil on it. I'm guessing one of Onstad Hastil's plans involved her assassination and that he was using the sale of the Elohim map to fund the assassination. Clever little bastard. When do I get to meet this guy anyway?" Marcold looked at Deremei for a minute then looked out over the valley. The Gretchins worked quickly so there was already a well and several of the houses were under construction. "Onstad Hastil does not meet with anyone. Only those closest to him are allowed to meet him. The only ones he sees are me and his Ogre bodyguard Hache-Anin."
Deremei nodded. A recluse, seemed appropriate considering he could become every nations' worst enemy and he probably has a bounty on his head somewhere. "Does anyone even know where he is? A location?" Marcold nodded and pulled out a map. "Yes. He is in hiding right here." Marcold pointed to a point on the map that won't be described because I want you guys to be all pissy about it and be all "Damnit, I want a clue to where he is!", but you're not getting it so all you get is this. "We've had him hidden there for years and no one's ever found him. Three layers of protection. He's been operating out of there for as long as I can remember. He was there when he recruited my tribe of Frostlings, anyway."
"He recruited Frostlings, too? That was the first thing I tried to do. I knew I'd need their strength too if I was going to do any damage to the Yokaido. I'm rather glad they decided to join. We had much plunder and loot. We even got a few mithril weapons which have already been handed to our elite troops. Come, let us go to my tent and we'll speak of this in private. I have other things I must speak to you about, mostly about the nation of Nortek. Please, come." Deremei beckoned Marcold to a large tent and held the flap up. Marcold entered the tent, Deremei looked around a bit, then entered the tent as well.
Popular song spreads unrest in Calabim lands
The song known as "The Gardens of Prespur", a sad elegy of the time before Lord Ilyth's rule, has become wildly popular among the lower classes of the Calabim, and has inspired several small and unorganized riots.
It is rumoured that the song is written by Flauros himself, from his prison cell.

Spoiler The Gardens of Prespur :

The gardens of Prespur,
once blooming behind fences,
More enchanting than all of Amure,
Made even golems lose their senses.

Seducing roses the colour of blood,
violets the hue of morning skies,
never once trampled underfoot,
now lost in demon fires.

The gardens of Prespur,
now in colours so deadlike and pale,
are screaming for to be cured,
from the shades of the Ashen Veil.

The gardens of Prespur,
now lingering only in my dreams,
The lost beauty so pure,
is gone forever, it seems.​
Spoiler The actions of a madman, pt. 1 :

Flauros sighed as the bowl of food was thrown into his cell. He looked at it suspiciously for a moment before quickly devouring its contents. He threw the bowl out between the iron bars of the prison door.

A small sound from behind him caught his attention. His eyes widened. "Is that you, Sis?"
He turned around. A rat sat in his window. Tears appeared in his eyes as the rodent crawled to the floor. "Why does she never visit me?", he asked the rat.

The rodent ignored his question and slowly made its way towards the darkest corner of the cell. Flauros frowned for a second before recalling something important. "Oh, no, you don't!" He chased the rat away, and fumbled for something in the deepest corner of the cell. His hands closed around a small book. He looked at the dusty title as he had done many times before:

"A treatise on Mind Magic"
Translated from the Balseraph title "Half the fun is ruining the food" by a skilled Calabim writer. He found the page he had left when the guard begun his round with the food. "Chapter IV: Dominating the minds of others." He begun reading. Perhaps he was traumatised, but you had to insane to stay here waiting to die. He had to do something...
To: Deremei Diranth, Chief of the Nortek

From Cassiel, Elder Statesman of the Grigori Progress

Greetings, my once and future friend.

It has been many seasons, years even, since you first showed on our borders and raided us. Though I was disappointed, I do not remain angry: it was your provocations that had led us to send our forces east, and it may well have been that alone which saved the Grigori from extinction. Though we met as foes, the Yokaido made us friends.

I am hopeful at hearing you and your people have settled down and hope to fund a new nation. I wish you a prosperous (and peaceful) existence, and hope trade might tie us together, but mostly I hope for the best for you.

As proof of my sincerity, along with this letter arrives with a caravan of Supplies: they will allow you to quickly advance your outpost with the means to grow and strengthen.

Best of luck, my Friend. May our ties become ever tighter. Let me know if you need protection from hostile outsiders.



This letter and a caravan of supplies were carried in by a team of Grigori orcs and goblins, some of who asked to stay and work with the new tribe.

Though a generous extending of the hand of friendship and peace, there is an ominous underside to it. Deremei Diranth has not yet seen fit to announce his presence or location to the world, and yet this letter was delivered in person. How then did Cassiel and the Grigori know where to send, even sending a supply caravan at risk for plundering if left to wander the wilderness?
Oops. Better?
I do always love your posts, Thomas. Mine may be longer, but yours have an energy and precision that I can rarely create. (Sometimes I do, and they're good even by my standards, but...)

A few non-strategic (pretty much) updates, mostly dealing with my dealings with the Malakim.

The Marble Road Completed

After many delays, dangers from the Yokaido, and difficulty in moving supplies, an impressive (if simple) road paved with marble between the Grigori Republic and Malakim Province has been completed. The road, which actually swings south around the former Yokaido lands entirely due to the timing of it's construction, replaces the dirt tracks and muddy and sandy paths that traders had previously been forced to take between the two lands. Commerce is expected to enhance as trade can flow faster, and not be encumbered by the threat of Yokaido raiders.

It will allow rapid travel along it's length, and in all weathers as well. Already Inns and Grigori Taverns have begun to pop up at regular intervals along the road to cater to travelers and merchants, and one day the road may be a nexus for settlement.

Currently, the road goes well south of the former Yokaido lands. Already work has begun to make a short route through the occupied lands, which could both enrich the war-torn area and shorten the time to the Grigori capital as well, but the southern route promises to be useful in furthering planned southern expansion. Regardless of future development, though, the paved road, the longest single paved road on Mazera, promises to be the heart of a major trade route linking East Mazera with West, especially if continued through Malakim province to the Amurites and Khadi lands.

It's military applications, for moving great numbers of troops quickly between Malakim province and the Grigori Republic, is a much-less emphasized part of the road's usefulness.

(Edit: The Marble Road is not being treated as a wonder. Just an impressive stone (marble) road. Think of it as building a road from your empire to the next one some distance over, rather than letting the roads meet at the border. I just an making it a landmark of Mazera.)


Grigori Developers Offer Lucrative Development Deals To Malakim

With the completion of the Marble Road, the Grigori workers now at Malakim Province have little else to do unless they choose to return home. To capitalize on their presence, Grigori buisness owners are offering valuable development work for the Malakim, which has been struggling to redevelop the land around them.

Though the Malakim have stabilized their hunger, herding pigs and sheep and growing wheat, their lands have far more promise than they can access. The hills show promise of precious and valuable metals like gold and copper. Elephant ivory, already a major export, could be expanded. And incense would be a valuable commodity indeed, in much demand in religious shrines across Mazera.

But the Grigori government, which has supported these merchants and their offers, has highest hopes for the Malakim horse herds. The Grigori's own acquired herd is still small, but the Malakim would have more than enough to spare to bring the Grigori herd to usable proportions.

These development projects would greatly boost the Malakim economy and production abilities over time, and are highly attractive indeed. But there is quiet pressure from the Grigori oversight committe that approval and commencement of these contracts may depend on movement towards further separation of the state church from the secular government.

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