Thank you for the compliment.
I should say that i, in the grand majority of cases, do not engage directly in the subterfuge and underhanded saboutage of nations that is common in NESes. This is simply because 1) i don't think i am very good at it, and 2) generally i want to establish a reputation of trustworthiness. Which brings me to the issue of the espionage used to manipulate Ulm's enemies; simply put, i had no part in this process, nor knowledge thereof. I have my own suspicions but because i want to maintain good relations with the (in my mind) guilty party, i have not voiced these suspicions to anyone either privately or publicly.
Lastly, i would NEVER have attacked you if you had not attacked me first. And so your fate was written by you yourself.
EDIT: And now, let us sink 1000s of man-power turns and gold into a useless struggle for provinces that will change hands time and time again over the next half-dozen turns before we finally, exhausted and depleted, sign an agreement to respect our original borders....