Dominion NES

Kathnesjac stops juggling wine bottles for a moment, a feeling of pure coldness washing over him. He chalked it up to drinking too much wine the night before and returned to juggling the mysteriously empty bottles.
ooc: Why do all the nes's I watch seem to lose players like flies?
NPC me.

This will be the last time I'm on the forums for a good long while, mates. Long story, and one I'm not terribly inclined to share. Sorry. Anyway, it's been fun, and perhaps I will return some day.

Love and chocolate chip cookies,
Sorry to see you go :(

And since you are going anyways, I will just tell you.

I didn't do it!!!!!
Sheesh, Immaculate... That was a low blow.

Ah well. Time to show the Mictlanese what flaggellants are there for.

And LDI, I can't understand crap of the spreadsheet. I would like my stats as previous turns, or I'll be unable to do anything. Yes, I am using Excel 07. It doesn't help.
We'll miss you, Orange!
Well diamondeye,

You throw rocks at a hornet's nest for long enough and eventually they will come and sting you.

Anyway, yes, we'll see you on the battlefield.

I must say, I'm impressed though. I've been outknifed, for once...

I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one behind the Ermor thing to have Orange attack me aswell. You were really convincing.

Now, I'll get back to you as soon as I have my stats in a readable format.
Thank you for the compliment.

I should say that i, in the grand majority of cases, do not engage directly in the subterfuge and underhanded saboutage of nations that is common in NESes. This is simply because 1) i don't think i am very good at it, and 2) generally i want to establish a reputation of trustworthiness. Which brings me to the issue of the espionage used to manipulate Ulm's enemies; simply put, i had no part in this process, nor knowledge thereof. I have my own suspicions but because i want to maintain good relations with the (in my mind) guilty party, i have not voiced these suspicions to anyone either privately or publicly.

Lastly, i would NEVER have attacked you if you had not attacked me first. And so your fate was written by you yourself.

EDIT: And now, let us sink 1000s of man-power turns and gold into a useless struggle for provinces that will change hands time and time again over the next half-dozen turns before we finally, exhausted and depleted, sign an agreement to respect our original borders....
NPC me.

This will be the last time I'm on the forums for a good long while, mates. Long story, and one I'm not terribly inclined to share. Sorry. Anyway, it's been fun, and perhaps I will return some day.

Love and chocolate chip cookies,

I hope things get better for you. Good winds to you.
ooc: The npc's seem to be doing well for themselves; Lanka has taken back most of its territory from Shinuyama, Jotunheim has an invulnerable giant which can repel any of my armies, and Ermor is conquering Ulm.
So as of now there are two interesting areas; Jotunheim/arshnoc/vanheim and marignon/mictlan. Orange, seon, and Abysia need to step it up.
To be complete, Ermor has been funded by players, Ulm staled and didn't defend its province, Abysia is kind of stagnating, and C'tis is long dead.
The following is a public service announcement from the Dwarven Council of Mechanists and Engineers of Midgard:
Spoiler :
Greetings, lesser races! We, the DwCoMaEoM, would like to announce the completion of our ultimate weapons, the Giant Mechanical Miniature Battle Schnauzer, as well as the Giant Mechanical Battle Walrus! The Skin of both machines are forged from pure Unubtanium, they are powered by Nonsensium, their bones are made from Inpossibilium, and their brains from Yeah-Rightium!
Both have the power to destroy Continents, nay, WORLDS!!!!! These devises will make Vanheim Feared throughout the 42 worlds, and, once the CARVIS (Chronology and Relative Vector in Space) is completed, throughout TIME IT SELF!!!!
Tremble, Lesser Races, and Fear!!!!!
Go to our cell on the World Wide Fishing Spider Net to sign our petition to change our name to the DwCoMaEoMftDDaDoLR (Dwarven Council of Mechanists and Engineers of Midgard for the Doom Destruction and Devistation of Lesser Races)!

A message from the Dwarven Council of Mechanists and Engineers of Midgard.

The following is a public service announcement from the Midgard Broadcast Standards Council:
Spoiler :
We at the MBST are dedicated to maintaining the standards of Broadcasts in Midgard. As such, we would like to state that the previous broadcast should not be taken seriously, and was only broadcast because the DwCoMaEoM is a government council.
If you have any comments or concerns, please write to us at MBST, Vanheim, Box 404...

“Windle shook his head. Multiple Exclamation marks, a sure sign of a diseased mind.”
“Dunno about no CARVIS, last I saw, they was working on somit called a TARDIS, some sort of bag of holdin stuff”
(Lets see who's Canadian enought to reconize the second Broadcast;))

Don't mess with us!

Now you all have been warmed!
Also, we would like to notify the public that a Dangerious indevigual named "Orders" has escaped for from Vanheim athorities. His destination is unknown.
Meirei wa, okutta no desu.

I have sent orders.
This is a full system alert; base security has been breached. Operation "Orders" has been compromised and we warn you to keep clear. Any non-authorized personal are to keep clear. We repeat, the "Orders" is now in affect and any damage to yourself or your property is a regrettable sacrifice. Good night and good luck. :end transmission:
You received myaddendium, LDi?
I look forward to updates on weeks when there are wars much more then during peace.

Hopefully we will have an interesting update with lots of humourous hand-drawn 'paint' pictures too!

Good luck to everyone (even my enemy the Marrignon).
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