Mazera Mega Story Thread

Ok, I will be getting the economy notes together and PM you how much gold you have. If you've made any trades or deals with other users, please inform me of them including what the deal was for and how much you earned. If you spent any gold on a project, give a reasonable estimate and put that down. If you are a character, tell me a reasonable amount of how much you started with and if you've spent any. I'm attempting to get this all correct so it may take a week or so to get all this done. Thank you in advance.
Open letter to: Deremei Diranth of the Nortek
From: Warlord Ishlar Kafahn of the Clan of Chaos


I am Warlord Ishlar Kafahn, humble leader of the Clan of Chaos. I have heard tales of your achievements and I must admit I had my doubts. But the Gods be damned, you did it. You rallied the Goblins together and founded a nation that they can truly call home. Several of the Goblins in my nation are requesting allowance to migrate to your lands. I request that you allow them access to your lands as well as some of my Clan merchants. You may send Nortek merchants to our cities and we will welcome you with open arms. We are proud to see our smaller cousins finally proving that strength is not the ultimate factor.

Warlord Ishlar Kafahn
Spoiler The actions of a madman, pt. III :
Flauros concentrated. It was time. The guard was on his round with the bowls of food. As he stopped outside Flauros' cell and was about to throw the bowl in through the narrow space between the iron bars, Flauros spoke, his voice strangely mesmerizing. "Don't you think you should serve that food properly?"
The neighbooring cellmates went quiet. The guard was dumbstruck, his mind trying to resist the magic that directed his thoughts. Finally, he nodded slowly, found his keys and opened Flauros' cell door. Flauros immidately knocked the man unconscious, took his weapon, an iron cudgel, and beat the guard into a bloody pulp. He picked up the keys and walked out his cell. He freed those most loyal to him quickly, before escaping the dark cellar.

When his escape was discovered, he was already close to the north-western border of the Calabim lands.

Flauros escapes!
Flauros, the former ruler of the Calabim lands, have escaped his imprisonment in Prespur and is now fleeing the Calabim lands. Rumour has it that he has been insane since his sister was sacrificed to bring the demonlord Moloch into Mazera.
Lord Ilyth, the ruler of the Calabim, have placed a bounty on Flauros - alive.
Ok, I will be getting the economy notes together and PM you how much gold you have. If you've made any trades are deals with other users, please inform me of them including what the deal was for and how much you earned. If you spent any gold on a project, give a reasonable estimate and put that down. If you are a character, tell me a reasonable amount of how much you started with and if you've spent any. I'm attempting to get this all correct so it may take a week or so to get all this done. Thank you in advance.

Just reminding. This is very, very important, so if you want to have a say in how much gold your nation has, you should do as the quote says. Otherwise, it's up to me and you might get shortchanged because I don't know everything.

A new Clan of Orcs has risen near Luchuirp lands. The Smellmouth Clan, led by a troll known as Margaret Thatcher the Iron Lady, have begun raiding villages on the outskirts of Luchuirp and Hippus territory. Margaret Thatcher has made no official announcement and all attempts to speak to her have been ignored. It remains to be seen how these nations will react.​

:twitch: I suppose this means you didn't agree with her policies?
Spoiler A Desperate Struggle :
The Austrin frontline was pressed. Despite their superior armour, they had a hard time fighting off the Firebrand Moroi. The Moroi fought in a furious rage and often struck two or three times as fast as the Austrin soldiers they encountered, but still with the force and precision of well-trained soldiers.

And then there were the demons. Every now and then, the red-skinned allies of the Calabim would storm a section of the frontline. Several times, it had almost broken, and several times, the intervention of their brave and skillful general had been the only thing that prevented a defeat.

But the Austrin lines grew thin and their men grew tired, and as the demons burst towards the vanguard of the Austrin army, the soldiers in it were pressed back faster than usual. The Austrin general, Jokata, rushed with his diminished reserves to help the vanguard.

The soldiers rejoiced as the general joined them, but soon the demons had pressed them into a desperate defense again. Jokata found himself facing the huge leader of the demons, known as Lord Moloch. The demon swung its huge ax at him with imperceptible force. Jokata threw himself under the swing and swung his own weapon, dealing the demon a strike across the chest that would have killed any normal man. The demon laughed.

"A fine swing, Mortal. But not even your fine mithril blades can hurt me. I fear only the blades of the angels. And no stone wall or mithril cuirass stops me in my path!"

The Austrin watched, horribly awestruck, as the demon lord struck with his axe again, connecting it with Jokata with a dump sound, sweeping him off his feet and sending him flying. His flight was stopped by a wall, and his bloody, massacred corpse collapsed on the ground, its scrappy armor clanking against the wall.

The Austrin army fled.
I would like to present what I beleive to be a first in Mazera. A story written by two authors, Dean_the_young, and myself!

Spoiler :
White powder clung to the young man’s face, piled on to his shoulders, slowly driving him downwards into the soft, thick blanket of snow below him. His horse had foundered long before, killed by the cold and a denizen of the ice, a great furred beast, which he had barely killed in its lair with the Mithril sword assigned to him.

Though he knew that death likely waited for him out in the cold, he knew that certain death lurked in the corners of the monster’s cave, where the ominous howls of the wind competed with other, more sinister cries, so he had set out, carrying in his pack what he could salvage from what his horse had carried. That had been hours ago, but it felt like days. He legs shook from cold and exhaustion, his eyes darkened of their own volition. He knew that his body temperature was dropping, had dropped, and would continue to plummet until it matched with the cold embrace of death.

A gust of wind, funneled down from the high peaks of the surrounding mountains, pulled and pushed at him from an unexpected angle and he stumbled and fell face first into the snow. He struggled to lift himself up, but his energy gave out, and he collapsed back into the snow. He tried to drag himself forwards, but his gloved hands could only paw at the resisting softness around him, making shallow furrows that would doubtless soon be covered by the falling snow.

As he lay, feeling his life slowly leach into the surrounding blizzard, his eyes wavered, his vision greyed, and his mind expanded with new, faint, visions around him. He was not alone: here, there, everywhere, there were people. They paid no attention to him, or to each other. They sat, they stood, they aimlessly followed their own paths, never noticing anything or anyone outside of their own grey world. He knew they were the restless dead, making their way to the vaults of creation, though how he knew this, he could not know.

‘Again?’ Messa wondered. How long had it been since he had seen the listless procession? When he had taken some strong Lunan grog at age sixteen? When he had fallen from a staircase in the Palace and hit his head, and dear Mouar had held him while the other servants had rushed for a healer?

It had been too long. His minders had always told him to stay silent about what he had seen, and sometimes even he forgot that he was never alone.

‘Am I… dying?’ he wondered as the cold crept ever deeper. His breathing became ever shallower, his eyes unfocused, and it was a struggle to remain awake. ‘Am I going to die without having accomplished anything? Lost, alone in the Winter?’ His eyes began to shut, and he knew it would be true. “I’m… sorry, Jeon” he breathed, and his eyes closed.

And there was silence in the darkness, as we prepared to enter the Grey.

A flash, a pulse of F I R E. Burning, soothing, gentle.


You have a purpose.

Pur…pose? What was it? What was he supposed to do? Father Jeon had said he had one, but what?

You are not the ice’s to claim.

Ice? Claim?

I will not let you Fall into its embrace. Rise!

Warmth returned. Muscles loosened despite the cool, and vigor returned, with a fiery new passion.


The Heat spread, deeper into his Soul. It Resonated. Grew. He looked up and saw-


-saw the most beautiful, most unearthly woman he had ever seen. Green eyes, unyielding, were accented by red hair, and he felt a Desire more than mere lust, more than the mere embers he had felt towards Mouar, who could never be as Real as this timeless woman who outshone all the misty shadows around him, who looked at him and-

free me!​

-bid him to liberate her with all her Passion, from chains of pure fire that bound her wings and stretched to infinity. She, for some reason, had deigned to ask him to help her. How? Was that his purpose? Did she know?

And we will stand together against your, our, enemies.

She spoke riddles, this lady of fire. He knew of no enemies he held. He had fought the Yokaido, but they had not been his enemies. He was not at war with the Chislev, and they were not His enemies. But her sincerity, her intensity, made him believe. Believe that he was watched, was hunted by forces more powerful than there conflicts of petty mortals. But also believe that She would not let him be alone.

you are not alone

You will help me save my Mistress.

Save… salvation was good, wasn’t it? Who would deny it? Was there ever a time in which salvation was bad?

Perhaps she would save him, lost as he was. He Envied her. She was Strong. She was Sure. She Knew what was Righteous. And he could share in it, if he just accepted the warmth that was flowing through him…

You don't need to be saved, Boy. Get up, keep fighting.

The Warmth abated, dueling but not replacing the Cold.

And I will help you achieve your goals.

…he could not even save himself. No, not save. What he sought was not salvation. Salvation belonged to the gods. He needed… he needed…

Do not Despair. NEVER despair.

An objective. A goal. Something, anything, to work towards. But it had to be his own, and not someone else’s. He couldn’t accept others requests on faith alone. That was what Cassiel had said. Cassiel had always answered his questions with wisdom he had not been old enough to understand.

You will succeed. I will help you

You must choose on your own path.

For a moment, Messa was able to look away from the beautiful woman who, back to the Grey people who paled next to her Reality. For a moment, eclipsed in the crowd, he saw a familiar face looking at him fondly but absently. Messa opened his mouth to hail, saying “Uncle-“

But to choose, you must first Live.

“Cabal?” he finished, and his eyes focused. He was not in the snow, or even still in the grey. He could not see the invisible procession. He was in a cave, and a cloaked orc stood over him in pleased surprise.

“You aren’t my Uncle,” was the first thing that came to mind, and fell from his astonished mouth “You aren’t the Beautiful woman, either.”

The orc snorted at the first, though it was possible, but laughed at the second.

“Very observant you are,” he said. “I suppose you didn’t suffer any permanent brain damage then. Good to know.”

He looked around, and saw a Gnoll and a Lizardman in the cave as well.

“Did you save me?” he asked them, and they nodded. “Thank you.”

“It was at Our Lady’s directions that we found you prone in the snow. If we hadn’t found you, None would have ever, until the end of all times.” said the Orc.

“Then I owe her my thanks,” Messa said, not realizing that their Lady and his vision were the same.

“May you tell her soon enough. Now then,” the orc began, far more serious than before, and the Gnoll also stiffened, “perhaps you could tell us why a Grigori Adventurer is this far north?
Spoiler :
At night, there was no tent that had more customers then others. With thousands of attractions, each different from the next, why bother with a line? When the morning came, however, there was one that drew crowds like none other. The Medicos Centralized Dispensary for Resuscitation and Rejuvination, as it was officially known, offered services from a simple hangover cure and pregnancy tests to mending of broken limbs and counseling to the freshly mutated. Nearly everyone used their services, and all who did, paid. The industry of curing Man's self-inflicted ills is born, and its name is the Tent of Morning Relief.
Junon was a darker place today. Many wore dark clothes, in mourning for their city's hero. Cabal Tenhare... was dead. His body, stolen, the most disgraceful part of his murder. All that remained were the bodies of his beloved birds, slain to prevent their warning. They had been all that had been found when the the bastard Osted's letter of responsibility had come.

The ravens were all they had left of their Champion. They had been neatly, gently, buried in the Shrine beside the empty casket, the second such Shrine in too long. But the city had expected, demanded, funded the elaborate temple to a man, and she was glad they had.

Even though no body was within, the ravens somehow knew. They sat on the bird-stand crafted explicitly for them, watching over the Shrine as they had the city for so many nights.

Mouar stood, head bowed in respect, as the invocations were given. No god was mentioned, appealed to: Cabal worshiped none. But she was not there solely for ceremony: when the crowds left, she remained, visibly remembering the man who had played with the Palace children all those years ago.

"He was a good man," another person said, stepping up beside her and leaving a small signet among the wreaths and trinkets with a silent promise. Upon seeing the symbol, a mockery of Osted's own sign, Mouar looked at the man very sharply, and recognized him as an Eloheim minister associated with their spies and secret-keepers. "He didn't deserve to die," the man continued.

"No he didn't," Mouar agreed, guarding her own thoughts. But the man, Minister Wendell, saw through her facade.

"You think that we had a role in this," he divined. "That had we accepted Cassiel's request, that Osted would not have returned to tempt Cassiel. That had we not been angry, that Cassiel would not have arrested the man and turned him over to us. That if we had been less secretive about our prized knowledge, Cabal Tenhare would live now."

Mouar didn't both with insincere platitudes like 'there was nothing you could have done', or fake denials. "Yes," she accepted.

Minister Wendell looked surprised at her honesty, but then smiled sadly.

"There is truth to your words," he admitted. "Enion Logos said much the same to me himself. He feels responsible, even if he would not have changed his answer if he had known. And that is why," and he whispered closely into Mouar's ears after looking around, "we wish to share the prisoner's secrets with you."

Mouar whirled, surprised, and then quickly guided him into a private room of the temple. "You broke him?" she hissed, still whispering so that no passerbyers might hear. "We sent him to you because we felt you were above torture!"

Wendell smiled, pleased at her faith in the Eloheim.

"We would not have survived and prospered as a nation had we not learned to both keep and discover secrets," he counseled her. "There was a time when we did such barbarism in the name of survival: limited, rare, but we practiced it."

"And then we discovered that physical tortures are far inferior to other means that never touch or harm the body, and since then we have never felt compelled to torture the body. We did not find everything, or as much as we wished, from the thief before he was freed, but we pried more than he expected, or will remember admitting."

"Tell me, Prime Minister's Daughter: have you ever tried to lie, to deceive, when staring down the light worthy of Lugus, the Sun? Have you ever tried to maintain a cause as your Spirit wavers high and low between instants, while the presence of Law stands ever large in your mind? Could you maintain defiance, secrets, through all that, while your Mind is ever quickened or slowed, and even wiped to make you forget any admissions?"

"Perhaps you should come study those gentle methods with us," he suggested. "Your nation could benefit from such lessons as well, and then we would both be better prepared to find such a fiend."

Mouar's eyes widened, remembering the inverted seal of Osted. "Are you suggesting you teach us-"

Wendell raised a hand, silencing her. "An Elohiem Order of Monks will arrive in Midgard in three days time," he said. "They will seek for some Medicos from your conflict be sent to the Deadlands, to heal and protect our forces from disease and the plague, which promises to harm us far more than the Sheaim's undead armies. They will not, can not, offer the magical knowledge you seek."

"But if you interested, accept them. We will establish a Medicos Citadel in our lands. And then we can see about sharing our secrets of Divination, and our knowledge of Osted."
Spoiler :
At night, there was no tent that had more customers then others. With thousands of attractions, each different from the next, why bother with a line? When the morning came, however, there was one that drew crowds like none other. The Medicos Centralized Dispensary for Resuscitation and Rejuvination, as it was officially known, offered services from a simple hangover cure and pregnancy tests to mending of broken limbs and counseling to the freshly mutated. Nearly everyone used their services, and all who did, paid. The industry of curing Man's self-inflicted ills is born, and its name is the Tent of Morning Relief.
Medicos Cathedral of the Balseraphs confirmed: the Tent of Morning Relief.

Balseraphs now have the right to request additional Medicos support in case of emergencies (price dependent on overall Medicos demand), and Medicos can be asked to heal wounded behind the lines of the Balseraph-Dural front.

Base relations with Medicos are Good. Base relations with Grigori are favorable. Cassiel is open to non-strategic trade with any side of most any conflict.
This story pretty much completely breaks the laws of Erebus, but oh well.

Spoiler :
Chiro strode down the musty hallway with the body of Cabal Tenhare thrown over his shoulder. He had carried many bodies down this disgusting pit, but none of them had been as famous as this one. He turned the corner and pulled open a heavy wooden door. Inside the room were piles and piles of dead bodies of all species. These were the bodies of those the died of the plague and this is where they were stored.
The Ordine Medicos had announced the plague lives as long as the infected lives. If the host dies, the virus living inside them dies as well, making it safe to store the bodies here until they had a place to bury them. Chiro strode into the room and looked at the many faces on the many bodies around him. He had known some these people, but they were dead now. Chiro sighed and tosses Cabal's body on top of one the smaller piles. "Sweet dreams."
As the door closed, darkness descended on the room. Miles away, a spirit felt a strong tug of emotion. He couldn't explain it, but he followed it in the direction he wished to go. He passed many marvels, the Standing Stones, Yggdrasil, and a spirit node close to his final destination. The spirit suddenly realized he was trapped within his former body, except it was now dead and he had no way of leaving.
The finger of Cabal Tenhare began to glow a bright white, chasing away the shadows in the room of the dead. The light jumped to the finger of the body next to Tenhare's before slowly fading away. The body twitched slightly then turned over onto its side. Open his eyes, he saw nothing. Nothing at all. Cabal reached up to this new face and discovered his eyes had been removed. Cabal was tempted to scream, but bit down on the sleeve of his shirt before he did so.
Tenhare felt about for his former body and collected his tools. He even felt a rag on one of the other bodies which would be useful in the coming days, as Auric's plan to bring the Wintering grew closer to fruition every day. Stuffing the rag into his pocket, he felt his way towards a window. He felt down and picked up one of the several dead bodies. He smashed its head into the window, making a small crack that got bigger everytime the skull collided with the glass. Soon, the window broke, the body was discarded, and Cabal Tenhare was nowhere to be found.
Ok, a few things before the updates.

1. I still need some of the users to send me their economic stuff.

2. If you ever want to talk to me and the other users that "play" this "game", you can usually find me here answering OOC questions about Mazera and sometimes dispensing information from my notes and telling the stories I had originally given some of the characters I have introduced. Please use your forum name so it doesn't confuse the Hell out of me. Now onto the news.

Open letter from: Onstad Hastil
To: All the nations


You may know me as I am Onstad Hastil, wanted criminal of the Grigori. Despite that I harbor only well wishes for the Grigori and all nations. The slate has been wiped clean and the crime has been punished with the death of Cabal, a sacrifice I was unhappy to hear about, but it is hard to control Nikoro. Cassiel should expect a gift within the next few days as an apology. Unfortunately, I can't do much else due to that pesky bounty you put on me. Now, the reason I have sent you all this letter is that I have two important pieces of news. First, a gate called the Mercurian Gate is being constructed somewhere on Mazera. I don't know which nation is building it, but it could bode horribly for the nations following the Ashen Veil.
The second piece of news is that someone is secret supplying the Infernals with gold and ships to reach the mainland. They have already set up camp on the coasts of the mainland and are looking to extend their corruption. I did some personal digging and can effectively rule out the Archos, Sheaim, Lanun, and Austrin. I hope you all can use this information.

Onstad Hastil
breaks the laws of erebus?
breaks the laws of erebus?

Well, I don't know if its possible for a soul to wander around for a bit then their former body is dumped in close proximity to a spirit mana node which draws the soul to the body which is then able to jump to another body and live again.
Fort Ironhope
Spoiler :
The Austrin had constructed Fort Ironhope at the top of a hill, giving them the advantage if an enemy ever attempted to invade. Invade they did, as Calabim Moroi soon charged towards the hill, screaming like mad men. Behind them was a Moroi wearing the clothing of a Master Sergeant. This was Sigillum, watching his Moroi revel in their drug-induced bloodlust. General Terber stared astonished at the incoming wave of Moroi. "Rally the men! Archers on the wall, arrows ready! Boulder squads, roll those things into position and be ready to release them on my command!"
The Austrin archers quickly ascended the stairs to the top of the palisades, readying their arrows to rain down on the incoming Moroi. General Terber raised his sword, then brought it down in a sweeping motion. "Fire!" This single word caused dozens of arrows to go flying towards the bloodthirsty Moroi. Several were downed, tripping Moroi behind them causing collateral deaths and injuries. The boulder squads had rolled giant boulders into position at the edge of the hill. The commander looked at General Terber who gave the signal to release.
Austrin highlanders pushed the large boulders down the slope of the hill towards the charging Moroi, crushing many. Some Moroi merely stopped the boulder and began carrying it with them up the hill. The Austrin were shocked at this and began to target the Moroi carrying the boulders. Several of them were downed quickly, some being shot in the head, some several times in the chest, and a few even ended up with arrows in their legs, causing them to roll down the hill along with a boulder crashing along behind them.
The Moroi that made it to the palisades with their rocks soon were throwing them at the hastily-constructed palisades. Several holes were opened, allowing the crazed Moroi to pour through and leave nothing but death in their wake. Sigillum drew his sword and ran to the action, eager to claim his own prizes. Austrin highlanders swung their blades at the charging Master Sergeant, but were quickly cut down in his bloodhaze.
"No retreat! No surrender, men! Show these dogs-" General Terber was unable to finish his rally cry as a blade was driven through his windpipe. The Moroi pulled the blade out of the lifeless Terber and entered into a fray with another desperate Austrin force. Sigillum looked across the battle field and spotted his apprentice, Balmius, driving his sword in Austrin citizens attempting to escape. The boy would grow to be a good soldier, merciless and skilled. Over the next few hours, Austrin citizens were enslaved or killed and Fort Ironhope was now nothing but smoke and ashes.
Grigori, Balseraphs, announce major trade deal

Expanding upon the founding of the Tent of Morning Relief, the Grigori and Balseraphs have made a number of major breakthroughs in their trade relations, which to date had been little.

The Balserapahs, masters of comfortable, colorful, and sometimes edible costumes, have agreed to trade cotton, dyes, and bananas in exchange for Grigori/Malakim gold, ivory, and incense. The Grigori hope the cotton and dyes will make their domestic garmet industry much better, while bananas promise to be a welcome addition to their stable foods. For their part, the Balseraphs promise to use the gold and ivory for even more gaudy effects, and incense to help cover the smells.

In addition, the Balseraphs' own Venenos guild has entered into a novel partnership with the Ordine Medicos. The Venenos, the Balseraph druggist guild, has much experience in blending mind and chaos magics into their concoctions, a field of combined magic-herbal knowledge that the Ordine Medicos has begun to invest great hopes in.

The Venenos have a great deal of drugs at their disposal, a generous supply of which they have agreed to gift to the Ordine/Grigori for study (and consumption) as part of this partnership. The Ordine has already begun to go through the entire confusing catalog, picking out the ones with the most medical use and identifying the ones little more than hallucinogenics or recreation drugs. Some Venenos drugs promise powerful utilization in the fields of mental damage recovery.

As part of the arrangement between the two guilds, the Ordine Medicos hereby supports the expansion of the Venenos and their approved drugs into other nations for sale as medicines and remedies. Safe, useful drugs will get the Medicos Seal, allowing them as valid tools for common or prescribed use by the Ordine and Ordine-approved doctors. Unsafe drugs will not, but the Ordine does not claim any right to restrict distribution of the Venenos wares and the Ordine will post warnings of the effects of dangerous drugs.

Venenos guild leaders, for their part, have promised only to mark harmless and Medicos-approved drugs for open sale, but insist on doing it with one hand behind their back.


Final Days of the Grigori Guild Contest Approach!

Cassiel's great contest for influence over the future school of thought for Grigori forges approaches. Many great and novel schools have appeared, and many more have failed.

As expected, the Fabricaforma and Stonefire Guild both made strong showings, but others remain in high regard. Watchers say an upset is far from impossible.

Who will it be? Stand by and find out.

(OOC: Didn't someone post a piece in regards to this? Can't seem to find it...)


Malakim Officially Drop State Religion

Malakim Province, moving closer in spirit with Grigori ways, has at last formally dropped the role of the Empyrean as the State Church. Already much diluted and farther from power after the vassalization, Varn Gossam's absence has left the Church without it's strongest advocate and left many rising figures of other religions (and non-religions) to push for the abdication of the formal role.

Governor Erlan Haldir, while a practicing Empyrean himself, has accepted the Church's departure in good faith. He, and many other nobles, continue to attend services regularly, but have properly ceased most references to religion in their government work. Reaction in the lower classes is mixed, though: many are devoted followers who want their faith reflected in the government, while a sizable, vocal, and influential number of non-believers are pleased with the formal change of what had already been a de-facto separation.

One important, and possibly unsettling, turn is the split between Varn Gossam and Governor Haldir. Varn Gossam held the dual titles of leader of the Malakim Province AND head of the Empyrean Church. Now that the split has occurred, he will be required to drop one or the other before returning to power in Malakim. If he abdicates his position as Leader of the Malakim People in favor of remaining head of the Empyrean Religion, Governor Haldir will retain the throne in his own right.

The Grigori have not indicated a position in this matter, and have only applauded the Malakim's steps away from dependence on the gods for guidance. They are pleased. And on a related subject to being pleased, Grigori councilmen are also pleased to be able to approve the proposed Malakim development contracts.
Ok, with the building of the economy, I'm introducing the Black Market. No user will have a character in it, as it will be run exclusively by me. Onstad Hastil controls 75% of the Black Market, so they get good stuff. However, most of what the Black Market sells is illegal. Some of the officials in your nations will have be part of this Black Market and will sometimes come to you with some of the gold received from a sale in the Black Market. This is designed to force you to decide whether you want to allow the Black Market to stay, raising the crime rate by 5% and, if a coastal city, a pirate port will be built or to outlaw the Black Market from your lands and miss out on the bonus to the economy. The risks are great if a nation is caught being part of the Black Market by a nation that isn't, such as the Elohim, Bannor, Austrin, and Dural, just to name a few. Your choice.


Varn Gosam, bound by his faith in the Empyrean, has stepped down as the leader of the Malakim to be the religious adviser to the new leader, Erlan Haldir. Erlan Haldir is a former Governor and was only meant to stay in power as long as Varn Gosam was unable to reenter the country. Varn Gosam is still stuck in Grigori lands due to the plague, however he is still writing frequent letters to the new leader of the Malakim. Attempts to get comments from Haldir were met by a firmly locked door and complete silence from Erlan Haldir.​

Varn Gosam, bound by his faith in the Empyrean, has stepped down as the leader of the Malakim to be the religious adviser to the new leader, Erlan Haldir. Erlan Haldir is a former Governor and was only meant to stay in power as long as Varn Gosam was unable to reenter the country. Varn Gosam has returned to Malakim lands and has been counseling Haldir on how to run a country. Attempts to get comments were met by a firmly locked door and complete silence from Erlan Haldir.​
So long as the plague remains, Varn is still stuck in Hippus lands, teaching them. Varn can abdicate, and remains head of the highly influential Empyrean Church, but he's still where he is. The Medicos don't have the manpower/time to set up a transit way-station to let him out, what with all the other Medicos commitments/expansions to see to. Such as...


Medicos Cathedral Confirmed in Elohim

An impressive citadel, in the most literal sense of the word, has been granted to the Ordine Medicos. Built into a mountain, the new Ordine Cathedral, the Mercy Mountain, is a very beautiful, serene, and secure fortress with high spiritual and natural beauty. A mountain spring feeds into the abbey, and a pure garden already growing with many herbs of healing properties sits atop the mountain in solitude. A single major road leads into and out of the citadel, and sheer cliffs guard from the sides. It is a near impenetrable fortress for healing.

The Eloheim have turned over the former Monk stronghold so that the Medicos have a serene and peaceful presence in the Eloheim lands, able to descend from the mountains and walk to any edge of the nation to spread their healing skills.

The gift comes with a price, however. The Elohim have already claimed right of Medicos deployment, and the Grigori have accepted for a pittance of. Medicos now leave by ship for the Deadlands, where the Plague has smited Good and Evil alike, but the Good most of all.
Onstad's Quote of the Day
"What I'm saying is how important it is to bring about in the conscious mind the radical revolution. The crisis, and there is always crisis in the world, especially now it seems to me, is a crisis in contrasts. A crisis that cannot anymore accept the old norms. The old patterns. The ancient traditions. A particular way of life, whether it is the Hippus way or the Ngomele way or the Clan way. And considering what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression, and so on, man and beast are still as they were. They are still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive. And they have built a society along these lines." - High Chief Votakara

These are letters he sends to every leader. It's one of his mind games.
Spoiler The Actions of a Madman, pt IV :
Flauros trodded slowly through the desert sands. In the conscious part of his mind, he went over the details of the letter he had found that morning, next to his head. But in the strong sun and the continued, entrancing monotony of walking through the deserts, his unconscious thoughts - or perhaps dreams? - invaded his mind.

He was standing in an oasis, where a tall man clad in druid clothing stood opposed to him. The man didn't look hostile, in fact, his face was filled with a compassion towards Flauros that he couldn't remember anyone else had ever showed him. The eyes of the druid were shining white.

Suddenly, Flauros could see the body of his sister Alexis, lying in the sand between them. He knelt down, tears in his eyes, and tried to look into the closed eyes of his sister. He felt a hand on his shoulder as the druid knelt next to him. "I can help you."

The voice was filled with even more compassion, and tears were now streaming down Flauros' cheeks. "But you need to free her Soul. You need to slay the Demon Lord Moloch."

Flauros hesitated. "But... How?"

Succellus, for the druid was actually the God of Life, looked sincerely at him. "I have nothing to do with weapons. But perhaps the enemies of your people have something that can do."
Flauros nodded. The Austrin might be willing to help.
"Or else, your father could help. I am sure he would understand you. But you must also find me. Find me."

Flauros stumbled and woke up as he landed with his face in the water of a small oasis. He quickly got up and looked around in time to see a figure disappear in front of him. Or had it been his imagination?

In the horizon, a small Grigori village. He was on the right way. He staggered towards the small group of huts.
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