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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread

Bandwaggons? Cows on bandwagons? What the Christ?!

I've heard stranger things before, but this one takes the cake.

OOC: I don't know Diamondeye, but "cow bandwagon" just put a smile on my face :lol:.
*The noble has a strange look on his face, as if he isn't really there*

"I must agree with the chamberlain The farmer, CCRunner and Winston Hughes must receive the items.

Sad the entertainment from the jester is
perhaps someone can give me a kiss
I will vote Love
as I spotted a dove.
Nictel, Love. I was already cleared of being the night-killer, why vote for me? And poison? How could I put poison in your food? I don't have thumbs, or any other way to carry poison around. :p
Dinner Day 2​
During the late afternoon, talk of the disposition of the possessions of the dead began in earnest. It quickly became clear that the farmer, CCRunner was the overwhelming choice to receive the blue vial, although the treasurer Diamondeye wanted to give him the herbs, just to be contrary. The newly dwarven tramp laid a claim early in the morning to the herbs, and this too was generally confirmed. Perhaps as a result of this consideration of the dead, public sentiment also had turned against the guard, Love. About midway through the soup course (Tomato Basil), the treasurer stood up and said, "Well, someone's got to do it." He turned and walked over to behind the guard, and forced the guard's head down into his soup. Although Love struggled to get a breath, he was too weak, and eventually stopped struggling.

They had just reached the main course when a messenger come running in, all out of breath.
"My lords, the Lanun, they're raiding our Eastern Coast again! My commander fears this is the beginning of a more substantial invasion. I must speak with Perpentach and get his instructions!"
"He's dead." quoth the jester, unusually taciturn.

The messenger fainted. With an unusual gentleness, Giggles picked up the messenger and carried him off to recover. After they finished eating, the remaining courtiers checked Love's possessions, but nothing of note was found. Somewhat disappointed, they left for their separate rooms.

Spoiler :
Lynch Vote:
Love-4-Choxorn, Nictel, Sprig, Diamondeye
Choxorn-2-CCRunner, Love
Backwards Logic-1-Winston Hughes

Herbs Vote:
Winston Hughes-5-CCRunner, Renata, Nictel, Sprig, Winston Hughes

Blue Vial Vote:
CCRunner-4-CCRunner, Renata, Nictel, Winston Hughes

Day will break in about 48 Hours
Night Orders to me!​
GM Update I have almost everyone's night actions, and I'm likely to be on the road returning to college at my previously stated morning time, so if there are no objections, I'll end this night early, in about 12 hours. You'll then have a 72 hour day, with midday coming about 36 hours in, and then we should be back to my schedule. I'm PMing those who still have abilities left to send me to get their abilities in.
Breakfast, Day 3
Morning broke, and the courtiers slowly roused themselves from bed. All, that is, except for the farmer. He, despite his normal pattern of rising with the sun, was still in bed. After a breakfast of eggs and dog bacon, they went to his room and found CCRunner dead, smothered. A messenger arrived and informed them that Khazad scouting parties had been seen in the Western Borderlands, and asked for instructions. No one answered, as they were too busy trying to find the farmer's new blue vial, which had vanished. It was nowhere to be found, Keelyn still demanded vengeance for her father, so they left the messenger to his own devices.

Night falls in 72 hours, with Midday in 36 hours.
Lynch votes in Bold Black
Support votes in Bold Green
Lunch, Day 3
It was a very quiet morning. Shortly before lunch, Keelyn came out, over-joyed that someone had brought her evidence that her father's killer was dead. Humming a happy tune, she skipped back to her room. As a way of celebrating, the jester and the freak suggested that the remaining courtiers divide up into four groups and each group take a limb of the messenger and pull. So they did, and he came apart with a satisfying snapping sound and everyone felt much better. They ate their lunch of refried cheese and returned to the business of trying to hammer out the new government of the country, by violence if necessary. It now requires a majority of the votes cast to lynch someone.
Spoiler :
Lynch votes:

Night falls in 36 hours.
That's good. Now we just need to end the game. That involves anyone in possession of a Sword or a Helmet granting them to me so that I can kill Keelyn. She's a drag on our treasury!
The treacherous Treasurer says he wants to kill Keelyn... But why, my faithful friends, should we trust one with such murderous motives? Perhaps, once it has done its first dreadful deed, the killers' keen-edged blade will find its way to our nervous necks...

I trust not the despicable Diamondeye, with all his sneaky schemes. Join me, brave brothers and stoic sisters, and cast the virtuous vote against this emerging evil.
diamondeye, how dare you.
Haha. Am I making it too easy for you, Winston? Not long ago, you said you'd help me in achieving this goal by voting these items to me and now you're turning the situation to your own advantage by eliminating me.

I shouldn't be surprised :lol: after all, the poisoner is declared dead and I bet Winston wants my armour that protects from direct assault for himself.

I am bulletproof now and can only die from lynches!

... Obviously if a majority of people have no interests in me ending the game in this way I am prime lynch fodder. But if anyone cared about their own victory (and it doesn't include "Diamondeye dies" or "Keelyn lives") then they'd realize that I was the perfect frontfigure to end this game while paying respect to everyone's goals.

Winston seems to be uninterested in the common good.
The common good? How exactly is the common good advanced by handing a sackful of items to one person? You say that proceedings will draw to a close once your task is complete, but how are we to know that this is true? Or that this ending will allow any of the rest of us a chance at success?

And if the possession of these items will make you powerful enough to destroy Keelyn - a woman of great power, with a demonic pet at her beck and call - how can we be sure that your plan is not to destroy us all?

All we have to go on is your word, and I, for one, am not prepared to risk everything on something so unreliable as that.

(OOC: I note that we have strength ratings in this game, despite the absence of teams. Thus, it makes sense that some individual here intends to defeat the rest of us by means of strength. With this in mind, the guy who goes around trying to get hold of all the weapons and armour would seem a most serious threat.

And don't try to pull any of that "but if I was the badguy, why would I ask for the items publicly" nonsense, DE. You've more than enough experience of being a villain to make a move this brazen.)
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