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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread

Winston seems to desire to ruin all of us

Not wanting to see you elected is not the same as wanting to ruin everyone else. But I can see why you'd say that - it's obvious that you want me dead because I'll never vote for you. That - and possibly BL's desire to have me killed to complete his own objective - is the only reason for attacking me. Your vote is as predictable as it is unhelpful to anyone but you.

Personally, I'd like to see the Priest give some account of himself. Word has it that there is a Bannor agent here amongst us. Now, I'm not so uncharitable as to assume Civgeneral must be that agent, but I've talked to everyone else here, and none has given me reason to think them a traitor. But being as he's only person who has declined to talk with me thus far, I'm somewhat suspicious of the Priest. Can we get a clear denial, please Civgeneral?
Who ever said I need you dead as part pf my objective? Just because I voted for you doesn't mean I need you dead. In fact, I probably voted for you since your behavior in the thread yesterday indicated you were okay with DE getting the helmet and onto certain victory. We couldn't have that, now could we?
Lunch, Day 5
It had been a quiet morning. The priest had been accused of being a Bannor agent, but otherwise, there was nothing new under the sun. They settled down for a lunch of stir-fried maccaroni. Midway through it, two new notes arrived, with messengers who ran right back out as soon as they'd delivered their messages.
The first said "Lanun warships have been sighted off the coast. This is no mere raiding party, this is an invasion."
The second said "Khazad slingers have been roaming the countryside, serving as skirmishers for a larger dwarven army. They move slowly on their short little legs, fearing a trap of the Momus. Request instructions immediately."

Night falls in 24 hours
I AGREE. But there's no need for suspected Bannor agents like Civgeneral to survive to see the new regime.

Priests! In THIS place? It can't be borne.
Dinner, Night 5
It had been a quiet day, A few people wanted to kill the priest, either as a Bannor spy or just as a priest. However, on balance, the courtiers seemed to care more about their dinner of waffles and jam and how to catch those obnoxious messengers. After dinner, they adjourned to their rooms and went to sleep.
Spoiler :
Vote Count:
Civgeneral-2-Renata, Winston Hughes
Winston Hughes-1-Methos

Morning comes in 24 hours
Please send me your night actions​
I guess we´ve gotten rid of all the killers, now it´s just a matter of who comes into power and who fails in their objective. So why not vote for CivGeneral I guess he´s as good as any other, especcially if he really is a spy...
I guess that explains why it´s so quiet. My bad I thought it was the midday update...
Morning Day 6
Day dawned, and with it came more messengers, warning of Infernal advances and the Bannor invading. Never ones to make the same mistake twice, the courtiers were waiting and barred the doors as soon as the messengers entered. The maneuvering for power and bloodlust towards each other continued, but they also could discuss what to do with the messengers.

Lynch votes in Bold
Recommendations for what to do with the Messengers in Dark Orange (Warning, this has no effect on game play)

Night will fall in 48 hours.
I vote we light the messengers on fire and fling them in catapults at our enemies. After all, everything is better with fire.
Good point. We'll do that for the Bannors. For the Infernals, we'll throw large chunks of ice at them.
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