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Health Mod


C2C Modder
Feb 27, 2008
California, USA
Here are some ideas for new health related buildings. ...


Optometrist (Requires: Optics)
Health: +1

Require: Glassware and (Iron OR Steel OR Aluminum)
Obsolete: Cybernetics

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care


Field Hospital (Requires: Battlefield Medicine)
Health: +1

Obsolete: Modern Health Care

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Medicine
  • Free Medic I promotion for troops during war
  • Can only be built during war


Dentist (Requires: Medicine)
Health: +1

Require: Steel, Rubber OR Vulcanized Rubber

Obsolete: Homo Superior

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Unhealthy with Sugar


Insane Asylum (Requires: Psychology)
Happy: +1
Health: +1

Obsolete: Thought Scanning

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +20% City Maintenance
  • +1 :hammers:


Retirement Home (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Happy: +1
Health: +2

Obsolete: Homo Superior

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Health with Anti-Aging Medicine
  • +20% City Maintenance


Animal Shelter (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Health: +1

Obsolete: Artificial Evolution

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Health with Anti-Aging Medicine


Rehabilitation Center (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Health: +2

Obsolete: Thought Scanning

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Unhappy with Alcohol
  • +1 Unhappy with Tobacco
  • +1 Unhappy with Hemp


Laser Eye Surgery Clinic (Requires: Modern Healthcare, Laser)
Happy: +1

Require: Glassware

Obsolete: Cybernetics

Special Abilities
  • +1 Happy with Subsidized


Plastic Surgery Clinic (Requires: Modern Healthcare, Plastics)
Happy: +2
Culture: +2

Obsolete: Cybernetics

Special Abilities
  • +1 Happy with Mass Media
  • +1 Happy with Hit Movies

The stats can be adjusted. These are just suggestions.

Note: These stats have been a corroboration of Afforess and I.
when i read 'health mod' as a topic i though someone finally brought up some ideas to fix the health problem ROM and AND currently have. but all i see here are buildings granting +:health:. i mean what sense is there to build any of these buildings if you will already have a lot more :health: than :yuck: in all your cities - not even using the current health buildings. don't get me wrong i don't have anything against such a mod but right now the + :health: and + :) bonus just don't have any worth and thus could be replaced by 'no bonus' rendering all these buildings to be another names for 'idle production'.

honestly, did you ever see an unhealthy city in ROM or AND? did anyone?
what version of AND are you using? because I'm using beta6 and i have a lot of :yuck: problems
what version of AND are you using? because I'm using beta6 and i have a lot of :yuck: problems

i'm still stuck with beta 4 i think due to snail game speed and not so much time. do you play at deity level? because at that level you indeed will have some problems with health at the beginning of the game. but with the progress of time this issue somehow becomes less and less important.
when i read 'health mod' as a topic i though someone finally brought up some ideas to fix the health problem ROM and AND currently have. but all i see here are buildings granting +:health:. i mean what sense is there to build any of these buildings if you will already have a lot more :health: than :yuck: in all your cities - not even using the current health buildings. don't get me wrong i don't have anything against such a mod but right now the + :health: and + :) bonus just don't have any worth and thus could be replaced by 'no bonus' rendering all these buildings to be another names for 'idle production'.

honestly, did you ever see an unhealthy city in ROM or AND? did anyone?

Are we playing the same game?

I've adjusted the stat's a bit, mainly to avoid politics and make them more interesting.:

Optometrist (Requires: Optics)
Health: +1

Require: Glassware and (Iron OR Steel OR Aluminum)
Obsolete: Cybernetics

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care


Field Hospital (Requires: Battlefield Medicine)
Health: +1

Obsolete: Modern Health Care

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Medicine
  • Free Medic I promotion for troops during war
  • Can only be built during war


Dentist (Requires: Medicine)
Health: +1

Require: Steel, Rubber OR Vulcanized Rubber

Obsolete: Homo Superior

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Unhealthy with Sugar


Insane Asylum (Requires: Psychology)
Happy: +1
Health: +1

Obsolete: Thought Scanning

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +20% City Maintenance
  • +1 :hammers:

This one is just too similar to the bath house. We're starting to have a building over-flow problem. I'm not going to add duplicates.

Health Spa (Requires: Psychology)
Happy: +2
Health: +1

Obsolete: Thought Scanning

Special Abilities
  • +1 Healthiness from Modern Health Care
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +2 Healthiness with Socialized, Socialism
  • +1 Happy with Subsidized
  • +1 Unhappy with Socialism
  • +1 Happy with Incense
  • +1 Health with Tea
  • +1 Happy with Tourism

Why is this a building? It seems more appropriate as a random event.

Snake Oil Salesman (Requires: Medicine, Railroad)
Unhappy: +1
Unhealthy: +1

Requires: Glassware

Obsolete: Modern Healthcare

Special Abilities
  • +3% Gold with Tea
  • +3% Gold with Incense
  • +3% Gold with Spices
  • +3% Gold with Tobacco
  • +3% Gold with Hemp
  • +3% Gold with Salt

This differs from the Doctor's office, how?

Pediatrician (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Happy: +1
Health: +2

Obsolete: Homo Superior

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Heath with Gene Manipulation
  • +2 Healthiness with Socialized, Socialism
  • +1 Happy with Subsidized
  • +1 Unhappy with Socialism


Retirement Home (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Happy: +1
Health: +2

Obsolete: Homo Superior

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Health with Anti-Aging Medicine
  • + 20% City Maintenance

Isn't there already something like this?

Animal Clinic (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Happy: +1
Health: +2

Obsolete: Artificial Evolution

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine
  • +1 Health with Anti-Aging Medicine
  • +2 Healthiness with Socialized, Socialism
  • +1 Happy with Subsidized
  • +1 Unhappy with Socialism


Rehabilitation Center (Requires: Modern Healthcare)
Health: +2

Obsolete: Thought Scanning

Special Abilities
  • +1 Health with Smart Medicine

Comment: I have no idea what Laser Eye surgery has to do with health.

Laser Eye Surgery Clinic (Requires: Modern Healthcare, Laser)
Happy: +1

Require: Glassware

Obsolete: Cybernetics

Special Abilities
  • +1 Happy with Subsidized


Plastic Surgery Clinic (Requires: Modern Healthcare, Plastics)
Happy: +2
Culture: +2

Obsolete: Cybernetics

Special Abilities
  • +1 Happy with Mass Media
  • +1 Happy with Hit Movies

Oh these are nice changes! Like I said before I was just throwing out ideas. I will update my first post with these changes. I will also update or take some out. And to answer questions ...

1. Health Spa - This come later is is not dependent upon the aqueduct. Also I think a health spa is diffrent than a bath house. But I will take it out for now.

2. Snake Oil Salesman - I will redo this to make more sense. Its to represent the selling of fake tonics and medicines during the industrial revolution.

3. Animal Clinic - We do not have an animal clinic howver its been brought up before. I could always change the name to "veterinarian".

4. Pediatrician - Maybe your right.

5. Laser Eye Surgery Clinic - I was not sure where to put it so health mod seemed most appropriate.


I was hoping the the whole garbage civic, NIMBY and other changes in future mods could offset the positive health buildings.
2. Snake Oil Salesman - I will redo this to make more sense. Its to represent the selling of fake tonics and medicines during the industrial revolution.

Since the Civ4 game is played by using Leaders of History as a god of the civilization, and I see this building, why would I even want it? I like Afforess' idea better for changing that into an annoying random event where you have a chance that your doctor's office is corrupted and is destroyed. Then you have to build it again representing hiring a new doctor and hoping he/she is bona fide.

2. Snake Oil Salesman - I will redo this to make more sense. Its to represent the selling of fake tonics and medicines during the industrial revolution..

This would be much more interesting as a random event. Why don't you re-create it in the event thread?

3. Animal Clinic - We do not have an animal clinic howver its been brought up before. I could always change the name to "veterinarian".

How about "Animal Shelter"?

5. Laser Eye Surgery Clinic - I was not sure where to put it so health mod seemed most appropriate.

I know, that's why I didn't cross it off.
honestly, did you ever see an unhealthy city in ROM or AND? did anyone?

You're probably already aware but just in case you're not, the unhappy/unhealthy icons which usually show up on the city bar are currently broken, so your cities may actually be experiencing these problems without you noticing. Admittedly you still get the black/green smoke as a visual cue, but it can sometimes be easy to miss this if you're conditioned to look for the icons (like I was).

Speaking of which, is it within your power to fix this problem Aff? Your response will determine whether you receive a +1 or -1 relations hit. :D
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