Round 1
I proceeded as planned in Round 0 with the builds and research. Meanwhile, I focused my exploration along the river which is quite long but it's not the greenest land I've seen.
You'll also notice the area is mountain heavy, which may well play into our favor.
On turn 7, I meet Wang Kon from the north. Good, this gives me a little breathing room, he's not too much in my face.
Here's an early look at the explored area to give you an idea of what I mean.
Next turn I follow again the river and notice Wang's Culture border.
Okay, so he isn't that far but it's still far enough. The good thing is that's his capital meaning his second settler didn't settle completely towards us.
I get confirmation a few turns later that I can more or less seal off Wang from my area.
On t13 I meet with the founder on Hinduism.
And on t22, one of the Ceasars shows up. The good one...
My brave scout died unfortunately to a barbarian warrior as I was getting him ready to spawn bust for a few thousand years, to the west of Nidaros. R.I.P.
Up to now I've been thinking to myself I should seal up Wang from my area until I make this discovery:
Once Nidaros hit size 4 and after churning out 3 warriors, I started on a settler which completed on t36. I think settling the gold will be th first priority here as there is at least 1 city in that area.
That'll take about 6~7 turns (depending on the time it takes to avoid barbs en route). During that time I can either build another settler(6 turns) to seal up the choke or a worker (4 turns) or a few warriors(first is 1 turn, second 2 turns, third 1 turn) to help against barbs.
2 or 3 warriors would make the surroundings much safer and would take 3 or 4 turns to complete.
A tentative dotmap.
It's still early to confirm some of those spots but I expect my cities will be in that general area.
An interesting to do here would be Oracle->Monarchy to get an early bonus at working those wineries. I don't think this is very likely [too many techs needed] though as there are good opportunities to expand and I should probably take advantage of that.
I'm pretty certain Saladin is to the north. The wildcard is Augustus I think. He could also be in the north but there is the possibility that he is due east and that I just failed to meet him earlier (I did not explore too much in that direction, instead started fogbusting close to the capital).
If the east is ours, then I'd say the odds of winning this one aren't bad at all. Otherwise, I may have to contend for that land with AC.
I'd say 1 warrior and then a second settler might be a good way to proceed although delaying a second worker isn't good with all those trees to chop.
Next tech is Agriculture I think, to start improving tiles along the river. After maybe The Wheel to hook up the gold and start moving on Pottery... but I'm getting too far ahead already. I still need a way to pop borders somewhere.