Tomorrow the march issue of the german "Computer Bild Spiele" will be released, which said in the news about the anouncement of Civ5, that they'll have an report with european wide exlusive details....
I'm not sure what they mean by "Art Deco Line". Can anyone enlighten me?
Lo and behold the queen of the British EmpireSchalke 04 said:- All leaders played by AI shall orientate on their historical examples, eg Elisabeth II tries to rule the sea
Lo and behold the queen of the British Empire
OK, I moved my ass out of bed to get me a copy of the latest "Computer Bild Spiele".
Here is a short summary of all infos, however there will be some redundant information:
- one new leader is known, "Wu Zeitan" probably for China
- All leaders played by AI shall orientate on their historical examples, eg Elisabeth II tries to rule the sea
- Wonders of the world will be in Civ V as well, eg hanging gardens which make your people happy (so obviously there will be a happiness system)
- just one unit per hex! (the magazine makes no distinction between military and non military units)
- it is very important to use combined armies.
- terrain becomes more important: hills increase sight for normal units and strength for artillery units
- main goal is to make fights more interesting and to keep them away from the cities. Frontlines will be the new kind of fighting. If you breach a frontline you can go for the cities
- old military units will be converted into new ones, depending on your technology. The article implies that this could happen automatically, however: it may very well be, that the article is just written poorly.
- no religion. Lead Designer John Shafer thinks that religion in Civ led to a situation where civs where diplomatically divided by religion. He wants to have alliances having a bigger influence than religions.
- cities can grow bigger and have influence on 3 hexes instead of 2 tiles in any direction
- culture is responsible for the growth of your boundaries. The "fat cross" of a city remains the same if you capture it. So no need for a new culture expansion when you conquer a city
- allied Civs help you with your science, even if they research another tech
- having a one city Civ as your ally shall provide more benefits than to conquer it
- diplomacy shall give you more benefits, than just to conquer
- there will be no tech trading at all! Reason for this is to prevent backward civs to become militarily very strong over night (or over one turn )
- there could be a new trait, probably "traditional" Wrong info: "traditional" is not a new trait, it is one of the branches you can choose in the social policies
- a whole new concept: "social policies". this comes directly from John Shafer:
You can "plan" your Civ now. Similar to the tech tree (i guess) there will be a "Civilization tree". You can choose which part you want to go and get several bonusses by this. You can either go deep into one branch of the tree or you follow several branches.
No tech trading is good also.
Lead Designer John Shafer thinks that religion in Civ led to a situation where civs where diplomatically divided by religion
Well *duh*, that's exactly why I *loved* religions-(a) it was historically accurate & (b) from a game-play perspective it allowed you to get a better handle on who you could trust! It was such a huge step up from the situation where civs just ganged up on you because you were in the lead-i.e. it made diplomacy seem more *REAL*. If this is his reason for canning Religions, then my opinion of John Shafer just dropped quite considerably!!!!
Another thing-I don't want AI civs to align to what they were historically. I want to *rewrite* history, not merely replay it!
Seriously, my attitude towards Civ V has rapidly gone from excitement to dread-might just end up sticking with Civ IV instead!
I am afraid that could apply to me too. No Religions? No TechTrading? All this did become *essential* to my Civ builder experience. So how much Civ will be left in Civ5 for me? I will give Civ5 a fair chance, but I have the sad feeling, that in the end I may long for a gameplay-rich Civ4 with the graphics of Civ5.Seriously, my attitude towards Civ V has rapidly gone from excitement to dread-might just end up sticking with Civ IV instead!
Hmmm, hundreds of year's trouble in Palestine, all the Holy Wars Europe vs. Arabia of the past, all these tales about people fleeing from Europe to build the USA in religious freedom, Muslims crashing the Twin Towers, the current Christian vs. Muslim wars in Afghanistan, all such things did have too little influence on history for Jon Shafer? Hmmm, perhaps Firaxis should hire him to Obama to solve Afghanistan conflict with supreme diplomacy - instead of dropping rich features from Civ.Schalke 04 said:No religion. Lead Designer John Shafer thinks that diplomacy had more influence on history than religion and wants to reflect this in the game.