• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Term 8- Ministry of Culture "Wonders, Wonders, and More Wonders"


My current user title
Oct 13, 2002
San Francisco
Hi and welcome to the Culture Department. We are nearing our domination victory, but will still need culture to pull us through.

Culture Minister: Naervod
Culture Deputy: bootstoots
Culture Chat Rep: None (maybe curufinwe)

Term 7- Plexus/None"A Wonderistical Fanatika"
Culture Deputy needed. Please post here or PM me.
People, I really need a deputy. I will be gone this weekend and also the week after next for Spring Break.
Look at it this way. "War Culture" will dominate, so I don't think you have much to worry about. Just ask domestic to rush libraries in captured cities.
I'll be Cultural Deputy if nobody else wants to be. If appointed, I'll need a crash course in the cultural department to perform effectively.
I'd also like to be Cultural Deputy. I'm sure you all know of my experience in this department. THough I must say that I won't be able to fulfill all duties in your abscence, though I most certainly would try my best.
oops, never mind that. But boots, if you need an advisor in how to run this, I'll hlep. Haha, I need to find some job.
Originally posted by curufinwe
oops, never mind that. But boots, if you need an advisor in how to run this, I'll hlep. Haha, I need to find some job.
I officially appoint you my unofficial advisor ;) . You might want to ask for an appointment as culture chat rep.
curu- Your back!!!! ;) Also, I would be happy to appoint you as chat rep. You could temporarily be moved up to deputy while I away next week in Seattle.
Or next game...
I'd be happy to accept Culture Chat Rep. That's how I started off (reminisces)
Punkbass, Cyc, Curufinwe. Those were the days. :)
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