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Civ 5 SCENARIOS!!!!!!

colonization scenario. I really liked the civ3 one. Although it was a bit limited, and I'd eliminate the treasure unit concept.

I'd actually like to see it go into the 18th or 19th century. It could involve city-states on the native lands, creating vassals/colonies. I think it would be interesting.
What if there was a "all-covering" scenario(s)? like, there is a map for certain areas ( Europe and the Med., Central Asia, East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, The Americas) each with a starting date (4000 B.C. , 1 A.D., 500 A.D., 1000 A.D., 1500 A.D., 2000 A.D.) each with specific Civs (Byzantium, Sassanid Persia, Alemanni, Ostrogoths, Huns, Visigoths in Europe in 500 A.D), and things play out historically before you on later starts. It would probably take a whole expansion, but it would be awesome.
I would also like:
Scenario "Crusades" durig middle ages,
"Colonial wars" - african people gain independence from europe (Europe armys have better weapons, but african have more people .., maybe they are supported by states whisch have already gained independence)
my personal hope would be for the Peloponnesian Wars (A good showcase for city states and diplomacy), the Conquest of Alexander(strategery), or even the Punic wars (all of der above).
It seems that many people want a Napoleonic Wars scenario. I say, we should make it! I would love for that to be in the game. I also would love to see something of WW1 and something Greco-Roman (conquests of Greece or Rome, probably). The mod Charlemagne was awesome, but was too easy and wasn't that big or long. I would like to see something in the Orient, as well... Perhaps the rise of China, as someone had suggested, or the rise of Japan (perhaps in WW2). RFC is also a must have for Civ5... the game would feel empty and would totally suck without it.
I love CIII Napolleon scenario. It was so fun to expand so quickly.
I am worried because it keeps getting thrown around that there will be no senarios in vanilla ciV is this true if it is please state source
^ so we can declare this thread useless and start a new one about wha you want to mod into ciV?
What about a scenario about the Cold War? That will put a heavy focus on diplomacy.
Dale has some time ago already created a thread for this ;).

Yes I have already. :D

I'm designing a mod to blend my four favourite games: Civilisation, Colonisation, Imperialism II & Panzer General. :)
Yes I have already. :D

I'm designing a mod to blend my four favourite games: Civilisation, Colonisation, Imperialism II & Panzer General. :)

Consider that sneaky advertisement for WPC successful. I'm joining. :cool:

Love the name you've given to the mod by the way. :lol:
Exactly. I cut the scenarios from Star Trek 3.0 (and a couple other features as well) so I could get it out sooner.

Civ4 vanilla didn't have many scenarios either. Just American Revolution (a proof of concept scenario) and Desert War. Greek World was patched in as I recall, and Battle for East Asia and World War I were released as downloads here.

Greek World was in 1.00. I recall playing that shortly after Civ5 came out, before I had quarterway decent Internet to download other mods, and well prior to joining CFC. I had 1.00 for the better part of a year :cry:! I didn't find it to be superior to C3C's Rise of Rome mod, though. Neither was a great mod, though. I suspect the Civ3 CFC Rome mods blow away both, although I haven't had the time to play them since discovering them. Probably the Civ4 ones, too, though I haven't even looked into those.

Significant mods in the original release have been rare. Civ3 Vanilla only had Earth (Standard).biq and Earth (Huge).bic - maps really, not mods. And the scenario editor was very much unfinished. And I got version 1.07 (1.06 of the editor), not 1.00!
I am still sadly awaiting the remake of the "after the apocalypse" scenario from civ2

I know the adavanced graphics makes such endeavour harder the in civ2 (in which there was also put a lot of work to remake all units", but maybe thats not neccesary, the idea itself is great

the other one I would like to see is an alternatove history "ww 79" or red alert, where soviet union attacks the rest of the world.

another scenario i really liked was aliens

all of these from civ2
In response to ZachScape: I hope all of those are true!! A civ 5 RFC must be made! Please Rhye!
Also: "Whelp..." ?

Personally, I hope thay have minimal sceanrios for vanilla civ 5, so that they get it out early and don't have eto dealy at all.
My civ scenario wishlist would include:

(1) WWII-europe: I still remember the awesome civII take on that. Hours of fun!). Pretty self-explanatory: two fronts, three major powers to choose from and lots of unpredictable outcomes for a good historical 'what if' game.

(2) 'Mongolian Expansion' in the age of Ogedei Khan: probably only interestingif played from the mongol side (rather than sitting around persia, waiting for the hordes to arrive) but good fun to be had in commanding a fast-paced force across eurasia either east- or west-ward, taking on snooty shahs and emperors. Another good 'what if' scenario

(3) Peloponesion War: A classic, and a good test of land and naval strategies across an interesting terrain. A good one for diplomacy too, if the new 'city states' options we've heard so much about are implemented well, as mentioned above.

(4)Europe in the Age of Charlemagne: Lots of campaigns to be had, lots of directions to go, lots of chances to use knights before they get outdated....

Scenarios I don't think would be fun at all:

(1) WWI: somehow the idea of thrusting wave after wave of infantry at machine guns on a barely-moving front, culminating in the near starvation of one side, would be too entertaining.

(2) Cold War: Although it has been mentioned here, I don't know how much diplomacy would actually work out in a cold war scenario. I imagine most of this game would be spent watching "Khrushchev refuses to talk!" stare back at you from your diplmacy screen, while you build another ICBM. Until a thermonuclear war breaks out, which in civ as well as real life, is rarely fun.

(3) American colonisation: It seems to be a favourite choice here, but personally I never found colonisation that fun, perhaps because I like my scenarios to be conquest contests, rather than just building ...but having said that I'd probably still give it a try...
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