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Feature descriptions / Komponentenbeschreibungen

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Thomas SG

Aug 10, 2007
Descriptions of some CCV mods


While the Community Civ V became a very complex project it seems to be absolutly necessary to have a library where you can find information about the different mod components. That's especially urgent needed because a lot of components have never been released as standalone mods so that they are almost unknown in the community. This thread should be developed to exactly this library but that will take some time.

NOTE: There are much more mods in CCV than described here! Here are only descriptions of mods that I have done myself and of mods that where significantly changed for CCV.
Red Cross Healthcare
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

The Red Cross is a team project that gives all units of the team the MEDIC I promotion for free if they can acquire this promotion. It is given to all units - existing once and new once!


National Nuclear Weapon Project
basic mod / inspiration: Dale (Dales Combat Mod)
modification / update: Thomas SG

The Nuclear Weapon Project is now a team project that gives all members of the team the capability to build nuclear armed units like strategic bombers or missiles.


Three Roads
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

There are three different types of roads in CCV. The AI can handle the new types and even "knows" that it is not always so urgent to update old road types.


Unsurfaced Road:
Requires Wheel
Travel Costs 1/2 Movement Point

Surfaced Road:
Requires Construction
Travel Costs 1/3 Movement Point

Asphalt Road:
Requires Automobiles
All Units Can Move 10 Tiles/Turn

Requires Railroad
Requires Coal or Oil
All Units Can Move 15 Tiles/Turn

Note: The roads won't auto-update in own territory anymore as in older CCV versions!

Axe and Fire
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

There are two ways in CCV to remove forest and jungle. You can burn them down or you can chop them down. If the needed tech to chop them is available your workers will do so because if you chop them you get a bonus of :hammers: for jungle as well as for forests. Your people can burn down trees after the discover of agriculture. To chop a forest they require the knowledge of iron working and to chop jungle they require the knowledge of replaceable parts. The button and help will tell you what methode will be used.

Here a screen:




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Forest Protection
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

There are only a few improvements that remove forest and jungle in CCV completely. Most improvements can coexist with those features. But in coexistance there is no production benefit from the feature. And the effect on health/unhealthiness is reduced as well. But if the improvement is removed/destroyed the feature will immediately get the territory back and act as a normal forest/jungle again.

Just the area intensive improvements

- farm
- plantation
- pasture
- winery
- well
- airbase
- town

destroy forest and jungle completely.

As a result the CCV world stays typically green until the end of the game.

Note: There is the capability to replant forests with the technology paper in CCV.

Natural and Artificial Irrigation
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

The irrigation concept of CCV is very different from BTS. The main change is the natural irrigation. That means that their is enough rain except in desert and plains. Just in those terrain you will need an artificial irrigation. You need no special technology to do so but water! So you must have a river or sea nearby because the irrigation won't be spread in CCV. The only other way is to get enough water from the ground. But that is only available with good water wells that require an engine. So you need steam power for artificial irrigation with ground water.

Dynamic Polarcaps
basic mod / inspiration: Optimizer (The IceBreaker Mod)
modification / update: Thomas SG

The icecaps of the map are now dynamic. Ships that get captured by ice will be destroyed (at the moment)! Submarines that can move under ice like nuclear submarines are an exception.

Barbarian World
basic mod / inspiration: Kael (made for RevDCM)
modification / update: -

The barbarians start with a free city for each civilization in the game.

Settler Religion
basic mod / inspiration: Bhruic (Settler Religion Mod)
modification / update: Thomas SG

Settler Religion causes all settlers created to have religions based on the religions present in their creating city. All present religions of the city are given to the settler except the nation is running under theocracy. If there is a state religion and the empire is operating under the theocracy civic a settler can only have the state religion. If the city does not have the state religion (even if it has other religions) the settler will have no religion!

Once the settler forms a city that city will automatically get the religions of the settler. The religions of a settler can be seen in the unit help.

Settlers gained from goody huts or created in cities with no religions will not have religions and neither will the cities they create.

City Radius by Technology
basic mod / inspiration: Mylon (Larger City Radius and Open Borders Tech Trading)
modification / update: Thomas SG

The cityradius is no more static and starts with a radius of 1. It will grow with technology. Cityradius 2 will become available soon with wheel or animal husbandry. Cityradius 3 is available with automobiles. But radius 3 is not near by the city and so there is no related positive or negative influence on health from features or improvements.
Dirty Improvements
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Improvements will now influence the health of cities. Some improvements influence all nearby cities (radius 2) just by existence while others influence especially/only the working city.

Forest Preserve
+ 0.25 :health: in nearby cities

+ 0.25 :yuck: in the working city

Lumbermill / Watermill / Windmill
+ 0.25 :yuck: in the working city

+ 0.25 :yuck: in nearby cities
+ 0.25 :yuck: in the working city

Mine / Quarry
+ 0.50 :yuck: in the working city

Well / Offshore Platform
+ 0.25 :yuck: in nearby cities

+ 0.25 :yuck: in nearby cities

+ 0.50 :yuck: in nearby cities

+ 1.00 :yuck: in nearby cities
Village Protection
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Villages and Towns can't be removed anymore for other improvements. The only legal cause to destroy a village is the exploit of resources. Towns don't need to be removed for resources because they will exploit them for you.
Feature and Terrain Damage
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Outside of cities, forts and airbases ice, jungle, desert and tundra (former snow) will do now damage in the relation to the current :strength: to your units if they stay in that terrain. Animals and barbarians won’t suffer from that damage! And of course submarines that can move through unpassable terrain won’t get damage from ice.

For all other units if using - Terrain Tactics - a promotion with damage protection will help to avoid the damage.




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    Terrain Damage.JPG
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Terrain Tactics
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Specializes units with reference to their origin and combat experience. Terrain Tactic promotions, City Attack (City Raider) – City Defense (City Garrison) – Forest Combat (Woodsman) – Jungle Combat (Tarzan) – Hill Combat (Guerilla) – Desert Combat (Bedouin) – Snow Combat (Eskimo) are only available to units that are made up of people with terrain experience or a successful fight in the terrain. A unit is made up of people with terrain experience if a fitting terrain can be found in the owned city radius of the creating city. Especially the first Terrain Tactic promotions are very interesting if playing with - Feature and Terrain Damage - because they give units a protection against the feature or terrain damage.

The AI also knows if it makes sense to promote with a terrain tactic promotion! Especially it knows the benefit of the damage protection.




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    Terrain Tactics.JPG
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Firststrike Attack
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

The Firststrike Attack is a type of Range Bombardment. It's a combination of the firststrike concept, archer bombardment and real range bombardment. Units with firststrike capability can try to attack the best enemy defender with surplus firststrikes from a distant position. So there is no risk of a counter strike for the unit. Just for helicopters there is the risk of interception! The attack gives one 1 XP and allows to do collateral damage.

Some modern units are also able to attack cargo units instead of the best defender immediatly! But this option is only available to invisible units, heavy / missile armed units or gunships.

Here a screen with a heavy armed dreadnought and its firststrike capability of range 1:


Cargo Damage
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Allows to do damage or even kill loaded units by attacking the transporter.
Advanced Invisibility
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Allows to see several invisibility types and to define a visibility chance for each type. Furthermore units can become absolutly invisible with a defined chance per turn for all other units. All information are given in the unit help and pedia.

CCV uses the new concepts for:

- conventional submarines (submarine)
- silent submarines (attack submarine, missile submarine, stealth submarine)
- stealth ships (stealth destroyer)




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Advanced (Missile) Interception
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

optional part:
Older interception systems become useless against modern aircrafts. For example anti-aircraft artillery or fighters are useless against highaltitude longrangebombers or modern jet fighters.

non optional part:
The interception concept of missiles has been changed in CCV. SDI will help to intercept all missiles with a ballistic trajectory. So SDI has a chance to intercept conventional ballistic missiles, tactical missiles, strategic missiles and ICBMs. But SDI is useless against guided missiles!
Furthermore all anti aircraft units have a chance to intercept all non nuclear missiles! So an anti-aircraft artillery or a fighter may be able to intercept a conventional ballistic missile or a guided missile.





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    Advanced Interception.JPG
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Advanced Cargo
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Units can have several separated cargo rooms that can be exactly defined. So it is for example possible to use a cargo room just for guided missiles or rockets. But of course it is also possible to make a cargo room carry guided missiles and rockets! So this new concept is important for all modern ship types. And especially for the missile submarine in CCV. But this new concept is also very important to make a difference between older and modern carrier types. While older carriers can only carry fighters, jump jets and helicopters but no jet fighters or supersonic fighters, modern super carriers can instead carry all aircrafts except heavy bombers.

Here two screens that show the new possibilities:





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    Advanced Cargo.JPG
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