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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

Check the social group, I posted.
Do you mind me taking Enclave, if it is playable as you said? I promise to make it worth your while.
Do you mind me taking Enclave, if it is playable as you said? I promise to make it worth your while.

Fine by me :)
I call dibs on the UP of michigan, if I can.
Sure. From here on out, so as not to spam the thread, if you want dibs on a certain area send me a PM, please.
Well, I think I might give another crack at a GodNes. However, I need to kinda figure out how to make sure players aren't totally all powerful. Because eventually a "I hit you" "no you didn't I dodged it" argument is going to come up or some complicated crap. I can make a backstory myself so that no conflicts arise about that, but I'll need an effective way to limit players from running rampant. Here is what I'm leaning towards:

-Make the players more demigod-like, roaming existence with very strong magical abilities, but not truly being omnipotent. Their powers would still be great. They could alter their surroundings with great effort and create minions and stuff. Also, no teleporting. That makes crap way too complicated.

Thoughts and/or suggestions?
You can look at Dominions NES to see how that would be like.

Basically it was a NES where you were Pretender Gods controlling a nation. The goals of every Pretender God was to eliminate all other Pretender Gods and become the One True God.
Well, I've played the actual Dominions game, so yeah, that's kinda like what I want it to be like. But players will have far more freedom than just killing one another and having set units and junk. Players could simply create forests and live in peace, or wage unending war against all life. Or build a fortress of shoes....
I'd be up for that... though I had lots of fun playing as the personification, or lack thereof, of entropy.
I had an idea for a PokeNES. Me and Amon have been working on some rules etc for it. Here's a basic concept I have for the Pokemon Trainers.

Each player can choose to be a trainer and there may be the potential to be something else although that's undecided so far.

There are potentially 2 maps. One with pokemon population density and another with Pokemon types (lightning, fire etc). Players start out with a certain amount of money and at the start can purchase from a pre determined pool of pokemon (Mostly common low level Pokemon at the start). Pokemon can be purchased throughout the whole game although it's unlikely anything rare/great will be there. Unlike the PG13 versions of the game or the cartoon series Pokemon can die by combat or old age(so don't throw all of your eggs in one basket). Like the game trainers can only hold 6 pokemon at a time although can store an infinite number pokemon which can be switched in and out each turn. Unlike the game each pokemon costs money to maintain (food, healing etc). This would be something generic like $10 a turn. This and Pokemon dieing is to hopefully ensure that trainers not amass huge numbers of low level pokemon.

Pokemon trainers can earn money in many ways such as selling Pokemon, fighting other trainers(NPC or PC) being hired by trainers and/or maybe some sort of vendor to capture certain types of Pokemon etc. Money is spent on maintaining Pokemon, buying Pokeballs to capture new Pokemon(something like $10-$50 each), buying new Pokemon etc(it may be possible to purchase upgrades for Pokemon like enhanced fire resistance or fire attack but this is only a maybe at this stage. Might get to complicated.) Purchasing is done at the start of each turn and does not take action points.

Each turn every player has 5 actions he can perform such as training, competing against other trainers, moving(maybe) and capturing pokemon. On the population density map there will be 4 levels. White will imply no Pokemon(mostly around cities), pink small numbers of pokemon, light red moderate numbers of pokemon and dark red large numbers of pokemon. These levels determine the amount of exp gained and likelyhood of capturing pokemon both rare and common. With training players gain 1 exp point in the pink area, 2 exp points in light red and 3 exp points in dark red if they are able to survive in the area. Exp points can then be spent on leveling up Pokemon depending on the type of Pokemon. The different stages of evolution require certain amounts of exp points(E.G the Charmander family. Charmander will require 1 exp point for each level. At level 18 it can be evolved(but it doesn't have to be) to Charmeleon for 1 exp point and the Charmeleon will remain level 18. Charmeleon will then cost 2 exp points per level but since it is stronger also has a better chance at surviving in the more densly populated pokemon areas so earning more exp etc. Charizard would cost 3 exp per turn.) When competing against other trainers exp may be gained as well although not sure yet on the number gained. With 2 PC trainers they will determine the amount being fought for and if possible battles will be run through AIM, MSN or GTalk.

To allow some sort of goal there might also be the 8 Gyms leaders to compete against as well as an elite four, blue and red as the ultimate competition. The Gym competitions are unlike the game in that the player chooses how many pokemon to compete with so against the Water Gym member the player may choose 4 Pokemon for both competitors. Against trainers rules similar to that can be organized or not. Gym/ Elite Trainer victories provide large sums of money and all 8 badges are required to unlock the elite four.

Here are the rough sample stats.

Trainer/Player: Red/Justo
Money: 1000 (-30)
Experience Points: 5
Badges: None
Rank: Has yet to compete
Pokemon: Charmander lvl 5
Ratatta lvl 3
Spoiler :
Stored: Pidgey lvl 2

The (-30) next to money represents maintenance costs.

Anyway if anyone has any thoughts or ideas let me know. This is still in the rough draft stage. ;)
Not too complicated, I like it. Will the pokemon become unruly if you don't get badges like in the game, or could I have no badges and a team of charizards?
It has come to Paradise.
I'd be up for that... though I had lots of fun playing as the personification, or lack thereof, of entropy.

Well, if this next one works out well, I might return to the old one and modify the rules to make it a little more manageable and junk. But yeah, who all else is interested in a GodNES? If we have enough interest, I could probably start one up this week.
Well, if this next one works out well, I might return to the old one and modify the rules to make it a little more manageable and junk. But yeah, who all else is interested in a GodNES? If we have enough interest, I could probably start one up this week.

I want Naihana back!
Interested. Let the world tremble from the wrath of the gods
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